He’s not listening to you because he’s smarter than you and knows what’s best for you, so you really should just sit back and enjoy it.
Here in Tx, we have the honor (/s) of reflecting back on former candidate for governor, Clayton Williams who’s famously quoted as saying “it’s kinda like rape….you can’t do anything about it, so you might as well lay back and enjoy it.” I had no idea that would be the mantra of the 0bama White House.
“Hey! I said I won. Get over it and just swallow this load of crap I’m shovelling you. After all, I know what is best for you in every aspect of your lives!”
That is what I hear everytime he speaks on this……I mean, ANY issue.
14 years ago
Actually, if he shoves it through congress we get to re-take both houses of congress in 2010 then we can repeal it.
There, a win-win for the Republicans.
Let him pass it. It would be the death of the Dems.
That doesn’t make sense. Since when does one law need a super majority in the Senate to repeal a law?
Yes, I was correct:
There’s just not much precedent for changes in partisan power ending in the repeal of large pieces of recently passed legislation. In part, that’s due to the nature of the Senate: Repeal requires 60 votes as surely as passage. Undoing health-care reform will be about as hard as doing health-care reform.
Ivan was drinking vodka when he should have been in paying attention in social studies. Little dog was probably sniffing glue, hence his WRONG answer.
So here’s how it works — the bill is actually a series of changes to existing statutes and new statutes, too. Let’s say God hates America so much that he lets the GOP win the House and the Senate. A Senate bill would have to have 60 votes to pass a filibuster. And what are you cons going to be overturning . . . the part that permits 30 million people to get health insurance? Gonna get rid of the preexisting conditions part? Yeah, I can see you rustling up the votes on that . . . NOT! But let’s say you got it through somehow. Then someone would have to get Obama to sign it. Not gonna happen, son. That’s the thing about reconciliation — it only works if the president likes the final product. If he doesn’t, there is not reason to bother.
Now let’s talk about “not funding” the health insurance parts. Since when has the GOP ever taken a stand on spending ANYTHING? And what makes you think they would start with a program that provides health insurance? Are you trying to destroy the GOP forever? Then try to do a zero budget on Obamacare. . . he would veto the bill and send it back to you. Similar to what Clinton did during the 1994 showdown with Newt the Philanderer.
Little dog — if you think Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is going to have 60 votes against repeal, especially after the Pentagon asks for the repeal, you are in need of an intervention.
Let’s say God hates America so much that he lets the GOP win the House and the Senate. A Senate bill would have to have 60 votes to pass a filibuster.
You just aren’t very good at this now are you?
Little dog — if you think Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is going to have 60 votes against repeal, especially after the Pentagon asks for the repeal, you are in need of an intervention.
Hey Mr. ParaLegal Man….Just to clarify your WRONG answer, it isn’t the opposition to repeal that needs 60 votes…it’s those in favor.
He’s not listening to you because he’s smarter than you and knows what’s best for you, so you really should just sit back and enjoy it.
Here in Tx, we have the honor (/s) of reflecting back on former candidate for governor, Clayton Williams who’s famously quoted as saying “it’s kinda like rape….you can’t do anything about it, so you might as well lay back and enjoy it.” I had no idea that would be the mantra of the 0bama White House.
“Hey! I said I won. Get over it and just swallow this load of crap I’m shovelling you. After all, I know what is best for you in every aspect of your lives!”
That is what I hear everytime he speaks on this……I mean, ANY issue.
Actually, if he shoves it through congress we get to re-take both houses of congress in 2010 then we can repeal it.
There, a win-win for the Republicans.
Let him pass it. It would be the death of the Dems.
If I recall correctly it will take a super majority to repeal it ie 60 votes (too lazy to look it up at the moment)…see the legislative language.
Takes 2/3 (67 votes) to overcome veto which will be an issue since Obie is there until 2012.
Repealing the legislation will be virtually impossible because once the spores are spilled and the mold begins to grow everything will be infected.
That doesn’t make sense. Since when does one law need a super majority in the Senate to repeal a law?
Also, the “new” Republican Senate and House could just not-fund the program.
Yeah, the more I think of it, you don’t need super-majorities to change laws.
If I’m wrong, would someone kindly bring that to my attention?
Yes, I was correct:
The repeal of DADT is facing the same 60 vote hurdle unless they piggyback it onto another piece of legislation which only carries a 51 vote burden.
Ivan was drinking vodka when he should have been in paying attention in social studies. Little dog was probably sniffing glue, hence his WRONG answer.
So here’s how it works — the bill is actually a series of changes to existing statutes and new statutes, too. Let’s say God hates America so much that he lets the GOP win the House and the Senate. A Senate bill would have to have 60 votes to pass a filibuster. And what are you cons going to be overturning . . . the part that permits 30 million people to get health insurance? Gonna get rid of the preexisting conditions part? Yeah, I can see you rustling up the votes on that . . . NOT! But let’s say you got it through somehow. Then someone would have to get Obama to sign it. Not gonna happen, son. That’s the thing about reconciliation — it only works if the president likes the final product. If he doesn’t, there is not reason to bother.
Now let’s talk about “not funding” the health insurance parts. Since when has the GOP ever taken a stand on spending ANYTHING? And what makes you think they would start with a program that provides health insurance? Are you trying to destroy the GOP forever? Then try to do a zero budget on Obamacare. . . he would veto the bill and send it back to you. Similar to what Clinton did during the 1994 showdown with Newt the Philanderer.
Little dog — if you think Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is going to have 60 votes against repeal, especially after the Pentagon asks for the repeal, you are in need of an intervention.
You know it’s funny to listen to you say that I have the “WRONG answer” and then go on to repeat my exact point.
Here’s what I said:
Here’s what you said:
You just aren’t very good at this now are you?
Hey Mr. ParaLegal Man….Just to clarify your WRONG answer, it isn’t the opposition to repeal that needs 60 votes…it’s those in favor.
Just reporting the facts:
Also, I didn’t express an opinion one way or the other as to the likelihood of it being repealed.
So, what was your point again?
Ivan was drinking vodka when he should have been in paying attention in social studies. Little dog was probably sniffing glue, hence his WRONG answer.
I asked kindly, Mr. Smart Ass, if someone could bring it to my attention if I was wrong.
Now yes, some Dem may filibuster, but there is nowhere in the constitution saying repeal of a law requires 60 votes.
Thus, unless someone can prove me to be wrong on this, I’m correct.
And if you can only give a smart-ass answer, keep it to yourself.
There is no provision in the Enumerated Powers allowing Congress to dabble in health care either, but here we are.
Re-bar Brob,
“Ivan was drinking vodka”
Yes, classy and smart, quick with labels and that oh so sincere caring for the weak and downtrodden.