Tea Party Candidate May Ensure A Harry Reid Win; Update – Tea Party Name Hijacked?; Update & Bumped: More Research On The Party; Update: A Front For Paulbots? Harry Reid Minions? Or Both?


This is just beyond asinine. (h/t doubleplusundead)

Sun columnist Jon Ralston is reporting that the Tea Party has qualified as a third party in Nevada and will have a candidate in the Senate race to battle for the seat held by Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The party has filed a Certificate of Existence but needs to get 1 percent of the electorate to vote for its candidate in November to permanently qualify, according to the report.

Ralston reported that Jon Ashjian will be the Tea Party’s U.S. Senate candidate on the November ballot. Ashjian still must declare his candidacy.

Awesome…..this goes a long way towards ensuring Harry Reid stays the Senator of that State.

Look, I’m all for the tea party being a force behind conservatives and agree with much that they stand for but dammit….making a third party is just a recipe for disaster. A complete and utter disaster.


Many thanks to the Freepers who have investigated this Tea Party of Nevada group:

Dr. Sid James, Chairman
Curtis Atwood, Vice Chairman (Atwood Building & Development (LV), contractor)
Eric Scholer, Second Vice Chairman (Scholer Steele & Associates (LV), insurance)
Barry Levinson, Secretary (Personal injury/bankruptcy attorney and former attorney for John Wayne Bobbitt)
Daniel Hayden, Treasurer
Kiana Hayden, At Large Member
Romy Ashjian, At Large Member
Keith Ozawa, At Large Member (President of American Leak Detection, Las Vegas, Nevada)
Jim Ebel, At Large Member
Larry Lathum, At Large Member

More on this Keith Ozawa:

Leland Keith Ozawa, Jr. (CRD #2119830, Registered Representative, Las Vegas, Nevada) submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent in which he was fined $5,000 and suspended from association with any NASD member in any capacity for two months. Without admitting or denying the allegations, Ozawa consented to the described sanctions and to the entry of findings that he participated in private securities transactions without providing prior written notice to, and receiving written approval from, his member firm.

Ozawa’s suspension began October 21, 2002, and will conclude at the close of business December 20, 2002. (NASD Case #C02020046)

A bit more:

Looks like Scholer and the Haydens are related:


Kiana Hayden: http://kianaonp90x.blogspot.com/

“Dr.” Sid James (that kind of waving of useless credentials screams third party jerk to me) doesn’t have much of a web footprint.

Bottom line: They seem to all be related or connected via real estate in Las Vegas (except maybe the lawyer). There’s virtually nothing that can be found about them, including activity in the Tea Party itself.

Thanks to Freepers Amishdude and Pan_Yan for their excellent research

Just based on the limited research from the Freepers it’s looking more and more like this “candidate” and his group are hijacking the Tea Party name.


Mata looked into the group herself and came up with a few more interesting facts on the ambulance chaser. Looks like he also enjoys suing the LVPD:

Guy with broken neck due to arrest “abuse” and a chopped video tape.. where they settled


Here’s another in 2002 that he sued the police on behalf of a guy who’s DNA got mixed up with his cellmates (note, he was already serving a sentence when the cellmate accused Levinson’s plaintiff of rape, and they obtained both their DNA samples). Then the alleged raper got nailed for a year’s sentence based on the DNA later….

This chairman, Dr. Sid James, is pretty much invisible on the net. So is pretty much every person in the group. No political papertrail to follow.

This is some group that has used the tea party name for their own benefit.


Now we are starting to get an idea about whose benefit they are working for…..why, the Paulbots. The Neveda News Bureau has done an excellent job of culling together bits and pieces:

Here are some snippets from my research so far:

Barry Levinson was part of the “Bush Lied, People Died” cabal (very strange creds for a Tea Party guy). 

Not really core to the story but one of the principals, Larry Lathum, appears to be a 9/11 Truther.


And from another (Nevada) source:

“The party’s candidate Jon Scott Ashjian has connections with Brittain Ashjian; both are listed on each others LLC’s docs with the state.  (Go to http://nvsos.gov/sosentitysearch/CorpSearch.aspx and do an office search on Ashjian).  A lot of the officers and resident agents for Ashjian are also “officers” for the Party.  This just smells…

The Ashjian’s have listings for over 10 LLC’s including the following names:

Bada-Bling, LLC
W.I.T. Bro, LLC AKA AA Paving.
24/Construction, LLC
Two Amigos, LLC
Cajun Express, LLC
Squidman, LLC
The 1720, LLC
TNT Energy Products, LLC
RNC Properties, LLC

Almost all of the LLC’s have various registered agents or officers with address of 4485 N. RAINBOW, Las Vegas.


A search of the Contractor’s Board website rendered these results re: a complaint and pending hearing & action re: Tea Party of Nevada candidate Jon Ashjian:

License Number: 0038420

Current Date: 02/15/2010 04:36 PM(mm/dd/yyyy)

Business Primary Name: JON SCOTT ASHJIAN DBA

License Monetary Limit: $250,000.00

Fictitious Business Name: A & A ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY

Business Address: 4485 N RAINBOW BLVD,  LAS VEGAS, NV 89108

Phone Number: (702)891-9111

Status: Summary Suspension

Status Date: 02/03/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Origin Date: 11/02/1994 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Expiration Date: 11/30/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Business Type: Individual




Principal Name Relation Description:  ASHJIAN, JON SCOTT Owner Qualified Individual


Bond Type: Surety Bond

Bond Number: FS7782036



Bond Amount: $15,000.00

Effective Date: 09/15/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Cancellation Date: 03/28/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Disciplinary Actions

Date: 12/29/2009 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Discipline Type:

Discipline document:   Pending – Disciplinary action is pending against this licensee in the form of a Disciplinary Hearing.

Number Of Complaints: 1 complaint is associated with this action.

Notice: The pending action alleges the following violations. Upon final adjudication some violations or cases may be found to be without merit.

Violation(s): NRS 624.3013(3) Failure to establish financial responsibility, NRS 624.3016(1) Fraudulent or deceitful act

Action(s): Pending Adjudication.

The information contained on these pages are provided as a courtesy and may not reflect recent changes or updates. Neither the completeness nor accuracy is guaranteed. The Nevada State Contractors Board shall have no liability or responsibility for loss and damages arising from the information provided or retrieved from these pages.

No telling if this is legit or not until the Board makes their final call.  Will keep an eye on it and keep you posted.


As reported by Ralston over the weekend and as shown in that list of LLCs above, there is also a Jon Ashjian listed as the resident agent of TNT Energy Products, LLC.  The address for that entity is the same as for A&A Asphalt Paving Company.  Which is the same as the address for the office of Barry Levinson.

Go to the website for more including a statement from Barry Levinson.

Either way, the Bush Lied People Died and 911 Twoofer kinda of people scream, absolutely SCREAM Paulbot to me.

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Mike, what in the world is wrong with Socialism? Socialism has done well for Western Europe for several generations, and even in the USA, a hybrid capitalist/socialist system has done us pretty well since FDR.

Oh, and BTW, Obama is not a socialist…far from it. I would describe him as the savior of capitalism…which probably explains why he has so much corporate support, and why the stock market is doing so well. Capitalism never had a friend so true as President Obama.

MataHarley: I’m curious, what percentage of your income do you pay in income taxes?

Mike: Hitler was an extreme rightwinger. Obama is center left. I’m not sure how you equate the two. Can you explain?

MataHarley: I’ve not asked you to chastise Mike. Why would I do that? I wouldn’t do that. I’m simply hoping that there is at least one teabagger out there that can carry on a decent conversation about politics/policy without resorting to school yard insults as their primary means of communication.

Keith: I wouldn’t do that. I’m simply hoping that there is at least one teabagger out there that can carry on a decent conversation about politics/policy without resorting to school yard insults as their primary means of communication.

Then perhaps you should have started without the teabagger, racist, facist screed.

I pay 39-40% of income, not including state of another 8-9%. How much do you pay at Keith A. Grimes & Associates?

ilovebeeswarzone: KEITH you said thank GOD…AMERICA but you almost do and you seems to like it ,by

How so?

Curt: You take the term teabagger to be an insult?

Why then do I see so many rightwingers sporting tea bags on Fox News? What is meant by the tea bags hanging from hats, etc.”

MataHarley: 49% is too much…by far. You pay more than double the average American. I recommend you visit a tax professional. BTW, most large corporations in the USA pay 0%.

KAG & Associates is a LLC. LLC’s in the USA pay no taxes.

I’m not getting your objection to the term teabagger. I see tea bags all over Fox News.

I also see teabaggers holding racist signs.

I also see teabaggers supporting the corporate takeover of our democracy. Fascism and corporatism are one and the same.

Can you explain why these terms are offenseive to you given the facts of the matter? And, I pose this question in all sincerity.

Keith I have a CPA who is a former IRS guy. What you don’t factor in is another 10% on self-employment status.

Curt: How would you describe the extreme right that makes up the movement symbolized by tea bags? They certainly don’t subscribe to the beliefs of the original tea party movement (anti-corporate, not anti-government). So, its difficult to equate them with that historical movement. They are just the opposite, really. Would simply using the term “rightwinger” be better?

As for my answering every attack…I’m one against a half dozen or so. I’m typing as fast as I can…which is pretty fast…but I might have missed an attack or two. Do you REALLY want me to go back and respond to each and every attack?

MataHarley: The self-employment tax is actually 15.3% and it equates to the tax that employed people pay for social security and medicare. Are you including that tax in the amount you claim to pay for income taxes? Even so, 35% seems a little high.

Maybe we can agree on this…middle class people pay far and away the heaviest tax burden in the USA. It sounds like that would be you and me. I think the tax burden is too high. I think it could be cut by well over 50%…perhaps even more. And when you consider that the huge bulk of our taxes go to support the bloated military/weapons/police/prison complex in our country, it seems that cuts in those areas would make a far better target than the people that the Tea Party Party targets (ie, sick people, old people, minorities, immigrants, etc.).

I don’t think the middle class has the “heaviest” tax burden, unless you want to consider it in the amount of zeros after the first number. Me personally, don’t have a problem with weath, nor the ability and opportunity to create wealth. It’s what this country’s all about. And considering it’s a very small percentage of taxpayers that pay 90% of the revenue, I find no common ground with you there.

But I do find tax burdens across the board are absurd. This has more to do with a different argument… Congressional spending. But we also find no common ground there with your suggested 75% cuts in military and defense, when the bulk fo spending is already HHS and welfare programs. The only Constitutional programs, IMHO, are military, control of currency and int’/intrastate commerce. After that, it’s all gravy that decades of citizens have been coerced into by Congress.

INRE the teabagger comment you addressed to Curt. I’m not going to answer for him, but I will answer for myself as to why it’s offensive.

The “tea bags” are a tribute to the Boston tea party. Teabagger is a LGBT term for a sexual act. That you pick up on this offensive term, knowingly or not, is offensive and a slap to the original movement this was based on. For some reason I’m not under the impression you are so isolated from news… even if not the specifics… to know of it’s secondary offensive terminology. That you persist in using it, after being told here (and most likely hearing it elsewhere), is the same reason I deliberately called it Democrat party (small “p”) simply to grate on your nerves.

What you deliver is what you receive.

Curt, the original tea party movement attacked corporatism, (the Dutch East India Company). The original tea party movement was pro-American government in its orientation. The modern Tea Party movement is just the opposite

The original tea party movement protested a foreign government, not the American government. The original tea party movement protested Britain’s favorable treatment of the Dutch East India Company.

The modern tea party movement protests the USA government. The modern tea party movement favors corporate entities over our democracy.

The original tea party movement would not countenance the modern movement at all.

I am not anti-corporate. I make my living assisting small businesses (corporation). I don’t put Corporate America in the same category as small business America. They are two different things. The USA government funneling huge amounts of tax dollars to the large banks, insurance companies, auto manufacturers, etc. at the expense of the middle class and small businesses (which pay the most taxes, by far) ought to be your gripe. Going out to protest in favor of the very large corporations who are raping American and its people makes no sense to me.

Why do Tea Party Party people work so hard against their own interests?

Curt: I’m doing the best I can to answer all of your posts. If I miss one or two, I’ll ask your forgiveness.

Curt: You got one thing right…protesting the payment of taxes to support unending foreign wars is an abomination. I’m with you on that one.

KEITH you have a good sense of humour bye

Curt: American patriots did not consider it “our government.” The Whigs (forerunners of modern day Republicans) did. They attacked that ship because of favorable (tax) treatment by the British government toward the East India Company.

I doubt that I will ever see a Tea Party Pary member attack favorable treatment by the USA government to Corporate America.

The difference in political philosophy between the Boston Tea Party and the modern Tea Party movement is astounding.

Curt: Are you really protesting “taxation without representation?”

ilovebeeswarzone: Thanks a million!

CURT i love your car

MataHarley: I don’t have a problem with wealth either. It is the extreme concentration of wealth that is problematic.

I don’t agree that a small percentage of taxpayers pay 90% of the taxes. When compared to assets (which admittedly generates income), the very wealthy pay a very, very small percentage of the taxes.

The vast majority of government spending in the USA is for defense, aggressive wars, military pensions, the VA, weapons, prisons, police, etc….something like 75%. Corporate and farm welfare also gets a huge percentage. Social spending accounts for a very small percentage.

If the term teabagger offends you, I’ll cease using it. What is a more appropriate term? Will Tea Party Party Member do?

In my opinion, the primary constitutional role of the government is to provide for the general welfare of the people, to provide for defense (not aggressive wars), to provide domestic security and ensure liberty, and to enforce justice. So, I guess we differ on the plain reading of the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Grimy: Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist party. The Nazis controlled the private sector in a way similar to what Obama is doing now with the banks, insurance, car companies and Wall Street.

@Keith A. Grimes:” I doubt that I will ever see a Tea Party Pary member attack favorable treatment by the USA government to Corporate America.”

Either you are lying, or you are stupid or you are a stupid liar.

If you haven’t noticed the outrage by the Tea Parties (about time you got the name right) towards big governement bailouts of corporate American and Wall Street it’s because you haven’t been paying attention.

It’s Obama who is putting the government in bed with the largest corporations.

@Curt: There is very little similarity between Grimy and Larry W. Agree with Larry or not, he was always a gentleman and we treated him as such.

Goodnight, Mike. I’m sorry you are so unhappy.

@Keith A. Grimes said: “The vast majority of government spending in the USA is for defense, aggressive wars, military pensions, the VA, weapons, prisons, police, etc….something like 75%. ”



And I will rest easier once Obamaism is relegated to the ash heap of history!

Mike: Nazism was a Fascist movement. In Nazi Germany, the corporate sector controlled the government…similar to the direction that the “conservative movement” hopes to take the USA.

If the Tea Party Party movement really opposes the giveaway of our democracy to the corporate elite, then sign me up.

But, please, you’ve got to get your ideologies straight. Nazism was and is a rightwing, Fascist movement. Obama is neither a Fascist nor a socialist. He has done more to save capitalism from itself than any modern president. Had he simply allowed the banks to take over the Treasury, he would have been a Facist/Nazi. He didn’t do that. Instead of bailing out the banks, he should have nationalized them. He didn’t do that either. Instead, he continued Bush’s policy of giving them tax money. Had he nationalized the banks, you would have been justified in calling him a socialist. And, had he done that, I would have supported him and his socialist agenda.

Mike, your chart excludes such things as the Iraq and Afghan wars.

Truth is, at least 70% of spending, excluding social security and medicate, go to the military, prisons, and police.

Question: Do you favor abolishing Social Security and Medicare?

@Keith A. Grimes: Wrong again…. Nazism was not right wing.

Obviously whatever public school you attended has the same deficiencies which are all too common among lowest common denominator educational systems.

Try reading a book that wasn’t recommended by Mother Jones Magazine.

And don’t blame Obama’s takeover of the auto companies on Bush. It was all Obama 100% just as it was all Obama to forgive the big bonuses paid to his campaign contributor buddies on Wall Street.

You live in a fantasy bubble world.

@Keith A. Grimes: Mike, your chart excludes such things as the Iraq and Afghan wars. Truth is, at least 70% of spending, excluding social security and medicate, go to the military, prisons, and police.

So now 75% becomes 70%?

Go look up the real figure then come back with your apology.

I gave you the U.S. budget for 2010 Fiscal Year which started October 1, 2009. Funding for Iraq and Afghanistan ARE included.

Stop getting your numbers from Mother Jones Magazine and you might have some credibility.

Keith, INRE comments:

The difference in political philosophy between the Boston Tea Party and the modern Tea Party movement is astounding.

The difference in ideology when it comes to government interference with the commoners ability to make a living is not that far apart at all. Nor is it meant to be an absolute parallel in apples to apples ideology, but a similar response of disgust to the events. The Boston Tea Party was an extreme measure by a fledgling nation’s citizenry. It is the same today. Or you would prefer people take up arms??

But no.. true to an Alinsky student of organization for a cause, you instead demean those with petty insults, then claim innocence.

Now on to the more civil tone you’ve adopted, and is far more appreciated.

If the term teabagger offends you, I’ll cease using it. What is a more appropriate term? Will Tea Party Party Member do?

No… and now we come back.. finally.. to the subject of the original post. The tea party movement is a grassroots movement comprised of all different types of people and political beliefs. It is what makes the movement unique. There are Democrats and liberals, Republicans and conservatives, libertarians, and yes… some fringe extreme that you prefer to focus on via an NTSC video screen. What all have in common is our unmitigated gall at the irresponsible spending of Congress, and their penchant to simply ignore what the constituency wants. Not to mention we could find zoo monkeys that could construct better language for laws.

The tea party grassroots movement has no desire to form a “party”. They are from all voter registrations and, depending upon the candidate, will split their own way. But just about every bit of it revolves around *spending*.

So do not capitalize Tea Party, or you misconstrue not only the movement’s purpose and population, but you confuse it with a deliberate attempt by some to hijack that movement’s energy with a play on names… simply because it was legal to record it as theirs. I’m quite sure, with your business, you understand this. I do as well.

“tea party movement” or “tea partiers” will do just fine. In return I’ll make sure to add the “ic” and capitalize the “p”. Kapish?

In my opinion, the primary constitutional role of the government is to provide for the general welfare of the people, to provide for defense (not aggressive wars), to provide domestic security and ensure liberty, and to enforce justice. So, I guess we differ on the plain reading of the Constitution:

I have to laugh when someone wants to quote the Preamble to me. It’s actually an personal annual ritual that I recite this every July 4th, and has remained embedded in my memory since grade school. And if a senior moment occurs, a mini copy of the Constitution lives on my workspace desk as a reminder of all that is great in this nation. But I’m glad you thought about it.

Now let’s get to the flaws in your paragraph that paraphrases the text, and what I see in your presentation as reasonable. In fact, let’s start with the biggest one…

I don’t have a problem with wealth either. It is the extreme concentration of wealth that is problematic.

I see. You, personally, don’t have a problem with wealth as long as you, personally, agree with how much it is and who gets it. This doesn’t even cross your mind??

“In my opinion, the primary Constitutional role of the government is to provide for the general welfare….”

That would all depend upon first, the interpretation of the “general welfare”… a legal battle that has been fought in the high courts for centuries. But leaving that aside, my objection is that you place what is “general welfare” in the hands of government… and that can be anything they choose. The US Constitution and founders/ framers are very clear. It’s not a template they can build on. The federal government powers are limited *only to* very specific areas. And I, for one, do not trust what elected Congress defines as “general welfare”. And neither does the SCOTUS.

“…to provide for defense (not aggressive wars)…

Again you place caveats outside your powers. The “defense” of the nation, and whether you deem it aggressive, isn’t the choice of the citizenry, but the commander in chief. I never want a CiC who responds to our national defense based on polls. We are not in possession of the intel they are.

And oh, BTW… is there a “passive” war? Or are you merely playing with the “pre’emptive” theory? In which case it’s not much different than waging a war with absurd ROEs.

Wars have served their purpose…. Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI and II, and yes, both Iraq’s and Afghanistan. Sometimes you respond… sometimes you instigate the fight. When we are responding, we are already behind the eight ball, and have ignored all the warnings that have lead up to the need to respond. There is no magic rule… they are all a one on one assessment.

“… and to enforce justice

Now we have to get to some federal v state’s rights issues. Because law enforcement on a local level, and the federal government’s right to create laws and their law enforcement jurisdiction are world’s apart.

Congress has, IMHO, overstepped their bounds in many arenas for national “enforcement” laws…. and all done under the guise of “commerce”. Not okay. Lousy precedent that leads to more bad juju.

But then, when you consider “enforcement” alone on the federal level, that’s the executive branch. The Execs can only “enforce” what Congress has passed, and both of those are subject to scrutiny by the judicial branch by anyone with the funds to get it to the high courts. On the small stuff… this works. When you get to the bigger stuff, the amount of money it takes to wind thru the appellate system is beyond any commoner. And this, because of another segment of your business, you know well.

But the reality is, bad laws can be passed, bad enforcement performed, and the only remedy is the courts long after the fact. Yes, we live with it. But there are times there is a lot of bad stuff that transpires inbetween. You will think of your own examples, that no doubt focus around Bush. I can think of even more of the same from decades before, and now under this POTUS.

You and I will find little to agree upon unless we both enjoy a particular food or bottle of wine, Keith. Your idea that Euro-socialism is a success is a slap in the face when you consider their economic inferiority.. and their fiscal troubles. If it’s mediocrity you seek for a nation’s citizens, Euro-socialism is the way to go. We, with the right paths and growths, can recover from our fiscal mess (hopefully… if they stop and reverse this outrageous spending…). They can only hope to stay afloat… and depend upon both the US economy and the US military for the big stuff.

And you want us to emulate them? It would just be easier if you move, guy. If that’s the form of goverment you prefer… it’s there for the taking by you. Attempt to change us to suit your personal desires, and expect a battle to the death.

Mike: Obama didn’t “take over” the auto companies. Not by a long shot. He and Congress bailed them out with our money and left them to run themselves. As a Leftist, I certainly did, and do, oppose the funneling of taxpayer money to Corporate America. It would have been better had the gov’t simply seized the auto companies and turned them over to the workers who build the cars in the first place.

Nazism was primarily an extreme rightwing ideology…most would call it a form of Fascism. Many of the ideas promoted by Republicans would fit right into what the Nazis preached.


Word to the wise, Keith A…. use Wikipedia as a definitive or credible source at FA at your own risk.

Suggest you reload your magazine with your blanks… now…..

My point was this: Without most of the population participating in Medicare, and without Medicare being the primary payer for services, virtually no one could afford health insurance after age 65. The healthcare costs for older people as a group predictably rise to the point where losses are guaranteed, unless premiums become prohibatively high at precisely the point where a person’s income producing abilities predictably fall.

The only way to beat that would be to mandate that private insurers spread the cost evenly across policy holders of all ages, and mandate that they sell their insurance coverage without any consideration of an individual’s age or risk factors. Taking that approach would be doing little more than “privatizing” a social welfare program. Instead of paying Medicare taxes we would simply be paying higher premiums.

I tend to trust the government more on the matter of honoring inter-generational contracts than private industry. Thusfar Social Security has made good on it’s retirement and healthcare promises. That’s been consistently true for several generations. How many private concerns have defaulted on their pension and healthcare promises, abandoning dedicated employees who trusted them for years, in the wake of corporate bankruptcies, take-overs, downsizings, or restructurings? During the booming decades of the recent past, that sort of thing became routine. More often than not, the costs of attendant damages get dumped on the taxpayers. Private interests profit from the winning bets, while we get tapped to cover their losses under the threat of even greater damages if we don’t.

I’m of the opinion that people should be demanding fiscal responsibility of their government. But demands for fiscal responsibility are sometimes a cover for real intentions to dismantle necessary and effective programs, pushed by special interests having no real interest in the common good.

MataHarley: Thank you for post #194. It deserves a more thoughtful response than I can give it tonight. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.

@Keith A. Grimes:”Obama didn’t “take over” the auto companies. Not by a long shot. He and Congress bailed them out with our money and left them to run themselves.”


Where’d you read that?

You’re so WRONG, so OFTEN it’s silly!

The decision by President Barack Obama’s auto task force to replace most GM directors came amid some pressure by company bondholders and other industry experts who had advised the task force in recent weeks

Mike…here is the fine print from the article from which you lifted your pie chart:

“The Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan are not included in the regular budget. Instead they are funded through special appropriations.”


Also, read my posts a little more carefully when criticizing my percentage estimates. While corporate welfare doesn’t even come close to approximating the amount of money we spend on the police state, it is a significant amount and it can change the percentages substantially.

What’s with your obsession with Mother Jones Magazine?

Mike, by your own post President Obama was pressured to make the changes by bondholders and industry experts. Hardly a “takeover by the government” if you ask me. Unless, you equate “corporate America” with “government.”

MataHarley: I didn’t mean to imply that Wikipedia is a definitive or credible source. It is easy, that’s all. Fact is, any credible political scientist would not describe Nazism as a leftist movement. It was a rightwing movement, and I’m somewhat ashamed that I have even agreed to enter into a debate about something so basic as that.

Beware of “easy”… it is the kiss of death for factual debate.

Fact is, Keith… extreme left and extreme right are not all that far apart. Fact is, there are only minute differences between a “benevolent” totalitarian state, and one that isn’t considered “benevolent”. And on who’s definition is “benevolent” based???

When you think of it, the meaning of “benevolent” all depends on who holds the seat of power, does it not?

Let’s assume you aren’t a Chavez progressive… yet is the result of his Venezuelan power and control any different than Mussollini’s or Hitler’s? If you have reading time, you should pick up Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Facism”, which does some tracing… or would that be erasing?… of the lines between the extreme factions.

INRE allocation of federal goverment spending, and where I feel they are far outside of their boundaries….

Detailed data at US Government Spending.

Now… you said want to cut defense spending that’s 14% of the total spending 75% annually….

Pray tell, who will protect your ass on that pittance? Or, for that matter, mine?

My suggestions would be a HUGE investigation into the “other” costs (which include unbelievably escalates omibus bills), a serious knock down in controlling the costs of medical to the end user that result in lower costs in private insurance premiums, government union pensions are brought into current reality, and education waste is seriously investigated.

But I will point out that the ONLY Constitutional item on this pie chart is defense….

@Keith A. Grimes: STILL WRONG!

Defense spending, including wars in FY 2009:


When you start criticizing my facts, you better have something to back up your wild assertions.

Thus far, you’re batting ZERO!

@Keith A. Grimes: You keep moving the goal posts as your misinformation is disclosed. First it was Obama doesn’t run the car companies and now he does…

Again, you are so WRONG so OFTEN it’s not funny.

Mike, I really don’t understand why you find it so necessary to be so insulting.

Your charts are apples and oranges from differing sources covering different budgets compiled by different authors. Fact is, the military/industrial/police/prison complex consumes the vast majority of the federal budget. Throwing in state spending to make your point without acknowledging that you have done so is intellectually dishonest.

@Keith A. Grimes: “Any credible political scientist would not describe Nazism as a leftist movement. It was a rightwing movement.”

I don’t know what your degree was in, but mine is political science and I don’t recall ever hearing a credible political scientist sugggest NAZISM is right wing.

You’ll notice I never referred to NAZISM as right or left. It is SOCIALIST! But it does have more similarity with the left.

Overall, your point is irrelevant. The Tea Parties are opposed to big government bailouts and corporations being in bed with the government.

Like so many of your assertions, you are WRONG AGAIN!

@Keith A. Grimes: The fact is that you are wrong about federal spending. I have proved it five ways and you have offered nothing to support your false claim.

A man would apologize for being badly informed and making false assertions.

We don’t live in a police state (unless Obama has his way). We live in a socialist welfare state. That’s why social spending dwarfs defense.

Go look up the info for yourself on a non partisan site and drop the lefty sites which are clearly lying to you.

Mike, if my memory is correct, it was the National Socialist German Workers Party, later shortened to the National Socialists. I refrain from using the term Nazi, a nickname that was used as a term of derision by Hitler’s enemies. I much prefer the formal name, National Socialist German Workers Party, it really makes the Socialists uncomfortable, and it is more accurate.

@Greg: My point was this: Without most of the population participating in Medicare, and without Medicare being the primary payer for services, virtually no one could afford health insurance after age 65.

I see you have been raised and bred on the Ponzi Scheme mentality, Greg. Let’s assume I averaged $450 per week, paying 3% Medicare taxes. Let’s also assume I’m 60 years old and have 44 years into paying Medicare taxes.

I’ve paid in $30,888, using that formula. Relatively non-ambitious career growth.

Now let’s assume a reasonable facsimile of a health care system. I was a young, healthy whippersnapper, like most, who only had a few broken bones over time and wasn’t a drain on the health system. What if I had put that $30.8K into an interest bearing medical account, and never drawn on it over this time except for a few broken bones? Would I be able to afford health coverage?

Your problem is you think of today’s status without altering yesterday’s realities. Thus the reason I say you can not discard what all of us have contributed to both social security… which Congress has spent and replaced with IOUs… and Medicare, then say “aren’t you lucky?”???

Give me my money back… I assure you, had I had even that nonimal cash over time, I could make better use of it than Congress did on my “behalf”.

The only way to beat that would be to mandate that private insurers spread the cost evenly across policy holders of all ages, and mandate that they sell their insurance coverage without any consideration of an individual’s age or risk factors.

You just now getting there? Well, I welcome you to the PERPETUATION of the ponzi scheme. And how old are you? Are your ensuing generations going to be prolific enough to support you?

Also, welcome to the reality of insurers and the reason for GROUP INSURANCE to avoid pre’existing conditions. Individuals, no. Group insurance? They cannot deny you coverage for more than a 12 month exemption period by federal law.

Create more groups…… have more groups offered…… competition for the healthy brings prices down.

I tend to trust the government more on the matter of honoring inter-generational contracts than private industry. Thusfar Social Security has made good on it’s retirement and healthcare promises.

sigh… never more ignorant words spoken. You are aware that there is no “social security money” in the “trust fund”, and it’s a box of Congressional IOU’s? Why where do you get off saying they’ve made “good” on these debts but to rob Peter to pay Paul?

And your “thusfar”… official as of a couple of weeks ago… is history. Gee…. that was fun. Let’s do it again and rape another generation that isn’t born yet!

One last truth for you to ponder, Greg. A governments “honor” is broken by the whim of the seated Congress and their fiscal desires. A private company’s “honor” is broken only by breach of contract, litigated in the courts or bankruptcy also litigated in the courts.

Who do you trust?

Mike and Missy check this out. It confirms our feelings.


You are aware that there is no “social security money” in the “trust fund”, and it’s a box of Congressional IOU’s?

Every bit as much as I’m aware that a hundred dollar bill is nothing more than a piece of paper with designs printed on it, or that large concerns people trust with their investments are counting purely imaginary derivative instruments as having actual value, when their trade is unregulated and there’s not even a government promise behind them.

Greg, currency is based on a relative value… however vague since we moved from the gold standard.

So do you have a point, or is this simply a diversion from the subject you, yourself brought up?

@Skookum: Link didn’t work. What was it?

So do you have a point, or is this simply a diversion from the subject…

Not a diversion, really. I was just making the point that people place their trust in a lot things that can fail if belief in them fails widely enough. Which isn’t to suggest that belief in something that doesn’t pass the common-sense test to begin with is enough to make it work.

I haven’t invested in gold, for example, because I believe there’s a bubble. This is based on my observation that many companies are advertising their willingness to exchange their gold for my dollars. To my mind, there’s something about that level of enthusiasm for the trade that casts doubt on their assertions that the value of the dollar is headed for the toilet.

On the other hand I save every US nickel coin that comes into my hand, knowing that the metal content is actually worth nearly 5 cents. I’ve also considered stocking up on junk silver coins, since they are legal tender, and since they’re small enough units of intrinsic value to be easily used in daily trade. (They can also be melted down into silver bullets to fight off vampires–another plus.)

Go figure. Maybe I’m developing a split personality. Given the state of the world, crazy may soon be the norm.

silver bullets… LOL! Very funny, Greg. Agreed about coins. Even copper pennies should be collectable, with the price of copper nowadays.

If these are PaulBots they certainly don’t follow the logic of Dr Paul who said it was absolutely stupid to try to succeed as a third party. Also, some of his supporters just didn’t GET Ron Paul and they were the ones who gave people the wrong impression of what his positions were, very hard to work with.

I once gave a ride to a young Paul supporter to an event. Once in the car he was telling me how he wanted to move to Austin Texas. When I asked why Austin he said ‘Because they are more progressive there’. I nearly ran the car off the road. I said, you do realize I am driving you to a Ron Paul rally? You know, Ron Paul, who is about as ANTI-progressive to the max as they come????!

I don’t think these are Paul-bots I think they are liberals hijacking the movement so Harry Reid can win. They want to make the tea party look like nutjobs.

Most tea parties I know are in agreement — NO signing up as a party – no endorsing candidates even!

Most seem to ‘get it’.

I hope real tea partiers in Nevada will not be fooled.

PS – to Keith Grimes… we love our country too much to let it be ruined anymore by progressives like Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

And 75% do not want universal payer….. that’s a fact.

I was actively involved in the Ron Paul volunteer group in Nevada. I attended hundreds of events including the infamous State Convention.

I do not recognize a single name on this list.

It’s definitely liberals. “Paulbots” would never throw the election to Harry Reid.
I hope the author of this piece will remove that derogatory reference.
They invented the tea parties and have been rallying right along with the rest of the people.

I’d say there should be a massive PR campaign to let folks know this group is bogus.

Tea parties do not endorse candidates and they definitely do not form third parties!!!!!!!!

Ron Paul was adamant about that… he is a Republican and ran as one and even he knows 3rd parties just help the opposition.