This is just beyond asinine. (h/t doubleplusundead)
Sun columnist Jon Ralston is reporting that the Tea Party has qualified as a third party in Nevada and will have a candidate in the Senate race to battle for the seat held by Majority Leader Harry Reid.
The party has filed a Certificate of Existence but needs to get 1 percent of the electorate to vote for its candidate in November to permanently qualify, according to the report.
Ralston reported that Jon Ashjian will be the Tea Party’s U.S. Senate candidate on the November ballot. Ashjian still must declare his candidacy.
Awesome…..this goes a long way towards ensuring Harry Reid stays the Senator of that State.
Look, I’m all for the tea party being a force behind conservatives and agree with much that they stand for but dammit….making a third party is just a recipe for disaster. A complete and utter disaster.
Many thanks to the Freepers who have investigated this Tea Party of Nevada group:
Dr. Sid James, Chairman
Curtis Atwood, Vice Chairman (Atwood Building & Development (LV), contractor)
Eric Scholer, Second Vice Chairman (Scholer Steele & Associates (LV), insurance)
Barry Levinson, Secretary (Personal injury/bankruptcy attorney and former attorney for John Wayne Bobbitt)
Daniel Hayden, Treasurer
Kiana Hayden, At Large Member
Romy Ashjian, At Large Member
Keith Ozawa, At Large Member (President of American Leak Detection, Las Vegas, Nevada)
Jim Ebel, At Large Member
Larry Lathum, At Large Member
More on this Keith Ozawa:
Leland Keith Ozawa, Jr. (CRD #2119830, Registered Representative, Las Vegas, Nevada) submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent in which he was fined $5,000 and suspended from association with any NASD member in any capacity for two months. Without admitting or denying the allegations, Ozawa consented to the described sanctions and to the entry of findings that he participated in private securities transactions without providing prior written notice to, and receiving written approval from, his member firm.
Ozawa’s suspension began October 21, 2002, and will conclude at the close of business December 20, 2002. (NASD Case #C02020046)
A bit more:
Looks like Scholer and the Haydens are related:
Kiana Hayden:
“Dr.” Sid James (that kind of waving of useless credentials screams third party jerk to me) doesn’t have much of a web footprint.
Bottom line: They seem to all be related or connected via real estate in Las Vegas (except maybe the lawyer). There’s virtually nothing that can be found about them, including activity in the Tea Party itself.
Thanks to Freepers Amishdude and Pan_Yan for their excellent research
Just based on the limited research from the Freepers it’s looking more and more like this “candidate” and his group are hijacking the Tea Party name.
Mata looked into the group herself and came up with a few more interesting facts on the ambulance chaser. Looks like he also enjoys suing the LVPD:
Guy with broken neck due to arrest “abuse” and a chopped video tape.. where they settled
Here’s another in 2002 that he sued the police on behalf of a guy who’s DNA got mixed up with his cellmates (note, he was already serving a sentence when the cellmate accused Levinson’s plaintiff of rape, and they obtained both their DNA samples). Then the alleged raper got nailed for a year’s sentence based on the DNA later….
This chairman, Dr. Sid James, is pretty much invisible on the net. So is pretty much every person in the group. No political papertrail to follow.
This is some group that has used the tea party name for their own benefit.
Now we are starting to get an idea about whose benefit they are working for…..why, the Paulbots. The Neveda News Bureau has done an excellent job of culling together bits and pieces:
Here are some snippets from my research so far:
Barry Levinson was part of the “Bush Lied, People Died” cabal (very strange creds for a Tea Party guy).
Not really core to the story but one of the principals, Larry Lathum, appears to be a 9/11 Truther.
~~~And from another (Nevada) source:
“The party’s candidate Jon Scott Ashjian has connections with Brittain Ashjian; both are listed on each others LLC’s docs with the state. (Go to and do an office search on Ashjian). A lot of the officers and resident agents for Ashjian are also “officers” for the Party. This just smells…
The Ashjian’s have listings for over 10 LLC’s including the following names:
Bada-Bling, LLC
W.I.T. Bro, LLC AKA AA Paving.
24/Construction, LLC
Two Amigos, LLC
Cajun Express, LLC
Squidman, LLC
The 1720, LLC
TNT Energy Products, LLC
RNC Properties, LLCAlmost all of the LLC’s have various registered agents or officers with address of 4485 N. RAINBOW, Las Vegas.
~~~A search of the Contractor’s Board website rendered these results re: a complaint and pending hearing & action re: Tea Party of Nevada candidate Jon Ashjian:
License Number: 0038420
Current Date: 02/15/2010 04:36 PM(mm/dd/yyyy)
Business Primary Name: JON SCOTT ASHJIAN DBA
License Monetary Limit: $250,000.00
Fictitious Business Name: A & A ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY
Business Address: 4485 N RAINBOW BLVD, LAS VEGAS, NV 89108
Phone Number: (702)891-9111
Status: Summary Suspension
Status Date: 02/03/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Origin Date: 11/02/1994 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Expiration Date: 11/30/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Business Type: Individual
Principal Name Relation Description: ASHJIAN, JON SCOTT Owner Qualified Individual
Bond Type: Surety Bond
Bond Number: FS7782036
Bond Amount: $15,000.00
Effective Date: 09/15/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Cancellation Date: 03/28/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Disciplinary Actions
Date: 12/29/2009 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Discipline Type:
Discipline document: Pending – Disciplinary action is pending against this licensee in the form of a Disciplinary Hearing.
Number Of Complaints: 1 complaint is associated with this action.
Notice: The pending action alleges the following violations. Upon final adjudication some violations or cases may be found to be without merit.
Violation(s): NRS 624.3013(3) Failure to establish financial responsibility, NRS 624.3016(1) Fraudulent or deceitful act
Action(s): Pending Adjudication.
The information contained on these pages are provided as a courtesy and may not reflect recent changes or updates. Neither the completeness nor accuracy is guaranteed. The Nevada State Contractors Board shall have no liability or responsibility for loss and damages arising from the information provided or retrieved from these pages.
No telling if this is legit or not until the Board makes their final call. Will keep an eye on it and keep you posted.
~~~As reported by Ralston over the weekend and as shown in that list of LLCs above, there is also a Jon Ashjian listed as the resident agent of TNT Energy Products, LLC. The address for that entity is the same as for A&A Asphalt Paving Company. Which is the same as the address for the office of Barry Levinson.
Go to the website for more including a statement from Barry Levinson.
Either way, the Bush Lied People Died and 911 Twoofer kinda of people scream, absolutely SCREAM Paulbot to me.
See author page
This thread still going on?
@Wordsmith superficial interventionist comment #114:
Forgot to include the cutesy term, “Paulistinians”.
Sorry to interrupt the serious stuff in this thread. Just remembered this term and my earlier entry.
Carry on…
Thanks to Ron Paul, people understand the folly of our monetary system… so not sure why you would denigrate them.
NH, RP isn’t responsible for what you say.
People are learning what happens when government interferes in the economy for political/corrupt purposes. That is not the fault of the monetary system.
As for RP, most people barely know who he is.
Mike as to your post that stated,
You are too late. It seem some lefties have decided to create their own version of the Tea Party and given themselves the name…….Brownbaggers. Just a hint, it’s NOT a reference to having your lunch in a paper bag. It’s a cousin to the “Teabagging” slur.
Are you serious? Only someone living in a cave doesn’t know who Ron Paul is! LOL He raised the most money in one day than any candidate in history.
As for our monetary system, it is corrupt from the get-go. It is supposed to be that only Congress can direct the minting of our money, NOT some private bankers who hold sway over inflation, the stock market and our presidential picks who then send $500 in kickbacks to them using our tax dollars.
I never said RP was responsible for what I say. I am not going to say who I am, only that I am very familiar with his positions.
Further I don’t understand why anyone calling themself a ‘conservative’ would attack someone who is the epitome of conservatism….
– anti abortion
– anti-illegal immigration
– pro-defense
– anti-tax
– pro-constitution
RP is NOT the epitome of anything but insanity and you sound like you’ve fallen for his BS. Pro defense? Nope. Heck, he doesn’t even like our military. Constitution? Only HIS interpretation of it. Fiscal Conservative? Not even close.
As for people not knowing who he is, there was poll where 40% or more of the respondents had not heard of the Tea Party. It’s safe to say that the TP gets far more coverage and is far more mainstream than loony Ron.
Ask someone who follows things like we do and they will know him. The average person? Nope.
I didn’t come here to argue about RP, but obviously you’ve been listening to the moronic left wing media and their smears to get your information… which is mostly wrong.
He doesn’t ‘hate’ the military but feels we are severely shortchanged for our own defense here… because as the founders warned, we are too involved in ‘nation building’ elsewhere… a valid concern of W’s… He has full support of the veterans in his district which is why he gets re-elected with 70% of the vote, has for 20 years… ‘Splain that one…
You didn’t specify what it is about the Constitution he has misinterpreted…
Anyone who would like to audit the Fed (and possibly fire them) and the IRS is not a fiscal conservative? Joke? Troll?
You are at the very least, very ill-informed.
Say you hate him if you want, but please stop lying about facts that are easily checked and at least cite some reasons that are factual.
I suppose he’s not a doctor who delivered 4,000 babies? Or an Air Force Vet? Or a ranking member of the finance committee because he is a financial wiz who never even took a loan to send his 5 kids to school, 3 of whom are also DOCTORS?
Once again, frivolous smears against a solid conservative Rep and decent family man who is most likely the most honest man in Congress today only makes you look small.
The only one ill informed is you, paulistinian.
I’ve seen the little game he plays with earmarks. Funny how you fail to mention that. It’s in his voting record. You know, the one you deliberately ignore to maintain your RP is a Conservative fantasy. I’ve watched him badmouth the U.S. and it’s military. I have seen what his position on israel is, and he’s definitely an anti-semite. Pro-defense? Again, you must be delusional.
Just because YOU THINK he is anti-abortion and anti-Fed, you feel that makes him a “true” Conservative? You need to loosen your tinfoil hat.
BTW, I didn’t listen to anyone else BUT RP to come to my conclusions. Unlike you, I’m sane and can face reality, especially so when it comes to loony Ron.
Here’s some more info you will ignore. :
2x’s RP voted FOR allowing MINORS to get Abortions WITHOUT Parental NOTIFICATION, let alone permission!
2x’s RP voted FOR allowing MINORS to CROSS STATE LINES to GET Abortions WITHOUT Parental NOTIFICATION!
2x’s RP voted AGAINST charging a person for KILLING the Unborn while COMMITTING ANOTHER CRIME!
RP has APPROVAL Ratings of:
67% from THE ACLU!
39% from THE NAACP!
ONLY 46% from the US COC!
60% from CURE!
o% from CAF showing OPPOSITION TO energy INDEPENDENCE!
A/100% from VOTE-HEMP & “+30” from NORML showing he’s PRO-DOPE!
67% form THE NEA!
I don’t have time to argue with idiots but…
Earmarks: Paul votes to get rid of them every time. And each time it fails to make it. So, he just does what everone else does and takes back money for his district.
You’ve watched him badmouth the U.S. and it’s military? This is amazing since he’s a vet himself. Can you even cite one example? Nope, didn’t think so.
He’s definitely an anti-semite? Wow, if that’s all the proof you need for that I guess everyone who doesn’t feel like we have to shovel money to every foreign country is an ‘anti-anything’ who live in that country? Stupid. I’m against it too and I’m Jewish you moron.
I don’t THINK he is anti-abortion I know it. He has never performed an abortion and has delivered over 4,000 babies in his career. But you forgot about that.
You are young enough to be my granchild.. please grow up OK?
2x’s RP voted FOR allowing MINORS to get Abortions WITHOUT Parental NOTIFICATION, let alone permission!
2x’s RP voted FOR allowing MINORS to CROSS STATE LINES to GET Abortions WITHOUT Parental NOTIFICATION!
2x’s RP voted AGAINST charging a person for KILLING the Unborn while COMMITTING ANOTHER CRIME!
As for these three above, why no links? I can’t find where he did that…
RP has APPROVAL Ratings of:
67% from THE ACLU! <– this is not a measure of anything. The ACLU is all over the map.
39% from THE NAACP! <– but yet you say he's an anti-semite, LOL so you contradict yourself
ONLY 46% from the US COC! <– who the hell is that?
60% from CURE! <– ditto?
o% from CAF showing OPPOSITION TO energy INDEPENDENCE! <— he's for drill here drill now.
A/100% from VOTE-HEMP & “+30″ from NORML showing he’s PRO-DOPE! <– hemp is not dope, but it might be to dopes like you. Hemp is ROPE you moron!!!!!!!!! It has absolutely NO qualities about it that can get you high.
67% form THE NEA! <— I doubt this very much. He is for school choice.
Once again no proof, and WAY off on simple things like Hemp being a drug! LOL
By the way, the above person is a koolaid drinking Obamabot.. just to let you know.
Ummm…a quick Google search for “Ron Paul””Parental Notification” produced this:
I’m an obamabot? You are an RP moron. Everyone here knows my credentials. Yours? Not so much….until now. You claim he’s a fiscal Conservative, but excuse his abuse of earmarks with the claim everyone does it! You’re as big a hypocrite as him. Not to mention you used his very excuse (almost to the word) for lying about his fiscal Conservatism.
Love your pathetic attempts to spin his ratings. The ACLU is “all over the map”? Ummmm riiiiiiiight. They are just so right wing sometimes, eh?
He’s pro pot, but you want to pretend he isn’t. I know you know who NORML is.
I’ll give you proof, knowing full well you’ll ignore it because you are too mentally ill to accept the truth about your RP messiah.
“…members of Congress have been “intimidated by the influence of AIPAC”
“the assumption is that AIPAC is in control of things, and they control the votes, and they get everybody to vote against anything that would diminish the [Iraq] war”.
Google the above quotes, they can be found everywhere…including white supremacist websites. Coincidence huh? Nope. There’s more.
So tell me NH, who is WE according to RP? Our soldiers, that’s who.
Self defense? We were attacked by terrorists/OBL and the Taliban refused to turn him over. I’d say attacking Afghanistan to get the terrorists was self defense. RP? Nope.
Let’s not forget how he wants to run and hide under the bed on foreign policy. Withdrawing from the world will not protect us.
Oh almost forgot this NH. Neocon, is the code word for JOOOOOOOOOS among RP fans. Go to the RP websites and the white supremacist sites that support him, and you’ll see it too.
“Neocon issues in public policy are not exactly dead these days…”
Whiny Ron Paul Blames America Again
Paul, know for blaming America for the terrorist attacks against our country during those debates, continues blaming America for the latest but thwarted attack on Christmas Day.
These people all have businesses in Las Vegas it appears. I say lets get the word out on the business names and locations and boycott them. Maybe even protest their hijacking of the Tea Party name. Clearly these people are not interested in curbing government spending as ‘stimulus money would benefit paving companies etc…’ and they don’t care that the country will suffer for it as long as it lines their pockets.
After I retire from the White House in 2049 I will dedicate a wing of the Barack Obama Bin Hussein Library to the “Tea Party of Nevada”. They are true American Conservatives in the vein of Ronald Reagan and Leonard Peltier. Their efforts to re-elect a patriot like Harry “The War is Lost” Reid must be rewarded. I say more stimulus funds for my loyal conservative allies.
And hands off of the peoples’ Ron Paul. He only wants the truth about what happened to Van Jones and the editors of “RonPaulian Encounters Magazine”.
@Hard Right:
Notice how the Paulian vamoosed once the facts started rolling out?
Amusing really.
Aye Chihuahua,
Yes, that’s what happens when people like Hard Right bully others into submission with foul language and petty insults. But then again that is the modus operandi of the Neoconservative movement, and why the Republican Party is shrinking every day.
Limited government, fiscal responsibility, state and locally-controlled government etc…these are traditional conservative principles…principles which Ron Paul espouses. Traditional Republican Party principles.
American empire, offensive war, huge debt…these are principles of the Neoconservative movement, less government (except when my friend’s business needs a handout). These are radical political positions pushed by Bush/Cheney that are not traditional Republican Party principles.
@Paul Fan:
Did any of the ’08 GOP candidates not espouse much the same?
Rhetoric is easy. Actually governing is another beast, altogether. Obama’s found that out. Previous politicians have found this out. What makes Ron Paul any different that he’d be able to achieve his ideological agenda, short of filibuster-proof majorities in Congress?
This is where Ron Paul and his bearers really lose me.
@Paul Fan said: “the Republican Party is shrinking every day. ”
What a load of crap.
Have you seen the latest generic ballot numbers?
You’re not exactly making a case for the RP movement with your distortions.
I was predisposed to forgive you Grim Reapers but you are making it extremely difficult.
How old are you anyway?
@Paul Fan:
Actually, that’s what happens when a Paulian wanders in here spouting falsehoods and is promptly and mercilessly smacked down.
Hard Right stated what the truth was and NH foolishly chose to challenge him.
NH was subsequently mercilessly squashed under a ton of factual info much to our amusement.
So, if you have no refutation of what got NH into trouble….then you’re adding nothing more than bit and byte splatter to our windshield.
Mike’s America,
I will not discuss anything with you if you cannot refrain from ad hominem attacks. I encourage you to drop the insults.
I am not opposed to waging war. I would just prefer that we do it in a constitutional manner. For example, prior to one American soldier setting foot in a foreign country we have the U.S. Congress actually declare the war…as outlined in the constitution. Furthermore, we confine our attacks to groups and countries that actually wage war on us such as the Taliban in Afghanistan and al-Qaeda.
And does my age really matter? Does any information about me really matter? If I was young you’d use that in another ad hominem attack, calling me inexperienced or what have you. If I was old you’d call me senile.
I forgive you. I know you are constantly bombarded with propaganda. It’s hard to see through all the misinformation.
Have you seen the latest Party identification numbers? I believe that the generic ballot numbers reflect anti-incumbent sentiment moreso than Party identification.
Seriously, I feel like I’m watching a WWF wrestling match when I read some of the things you and Hard Right write. It’s just silly and unproductive. It’s psychological masturbation. I refuse to participate.
The problem that you guys have is that you cannot look beyond the mold that people like Hannity and Limbaugh create for you. You think there is only one type of “Conservative”. The major thing with Ron Paul that I love is that he keeps trying to return to a more traditional approach of operating Government. Most of his votes stem directly from the view that we should be returning to locally-controlled and state-run government as opposed to relying on Federally-intrusive laws and regulations. So a state like Idaho or Florida will decide for itself whether it wants to legalize or criminalize abortion. This is a traditional conservative view.
This is the modern Republican Party:
This is American Empire. This is offensive war. This is the template upon which the Bush/Cheney regime launched their administration.
You’ve been hoodwinked.
@Paul Fan: Yes, your age does matter.
And if you are going to keep up with the snarky, insulting replies then I’ll have compunction about returning the favor.
You seem to be especially prickly when it comes to insults but you apparently feel rather free to fling them about.
The fact that you do so to people who may quite possibly be your betters in a great many ways is rather stupid on your part.
OK, thus far you haven’t given me a full and complete answer on ANYTHING I have asked.
So much for being honest about yourself or the RP movement.
If you are unable to do more than cut and paste talking points without demonstrating any serious attempt at an honest discussion then I’ll stop treating you like an adult.
So again, how old are you and does RP really want to pull U.S. forces out of overseas bases?
@Paul Fan:
What you consider silly and unproductive others consider to be both valuable and educational. The confrontation of falsity, mistruth, myth, and blatant lies can often be an unpleasant task. Sometimes there is a cyber bloodbath.
It just depends on how thick the skull in question is.
Based on your “contributions” here so far, your refusal to participate with the grownups is both wise and well considered.
When you have nothing at all to offer then it’s best to stay on the sidelines.
Until these last two posts, nothing I wrote on this thread was addressed toward you, yet you chose to kick dust on my shoes anyway.
So, in essence, you did choose to participate.
Thanks for proving yourself the proud owner of a word/deed mismatch.
I beg your pardon.
Can you tell me the last time I watched/listened to either Hannity or Limbaugh if ever?
Can you?
No, you can’t, because that’s just a presumptuous assumption on your part.
You’re spouting all this Paulian nonsense which is fine, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that the rest of us have the low mental acuity necessary to blindly buy into what you’re selling.
I’m an independent thinker. I don’t need or allow anyone to tell me the direction I should go.
I engage in the relentless, unapologetic, aggressive pursuit of the truth.
I don’t make apologies for what I believe, nor what I write.
If you can find grounds to challenge me based on the facts I’ve posted here, please do. Outside of that, you’re wasting your time.
@Aye Chihuahua: Well said!
As I said earlier, I was prepared to forgive the RPr’s for some of their exuberance and excessive zeal in 2008. Paul Fan is making me rethink that.
He fails to realize how his behavior damages the message.
Either that or he’s just here to start a food fight.
In either case he lost.
@Paul Fan:
When has this ever been the case? It’s been an American tradition since the beginning to engage in small wars, undeclared by Congress.
Between 1800 and 1934, U.S. Marines staged 180 landings abroad with the army and navy adding a few other small-scale engagements of their own.
The belief that we were ever an isolationist/non-interventionist nation is a myth. The belief that it is our military interventionism abroad that is a source of hatred and “blowback” is misguided. We would be far less safe, and the world far more dangerous, if America did not exercise its influence and flex its military muscle, where appropriate. What Paulistinians advocate is to do nothing until the moment before a trigger is pulled. It’s like the difference between preventive medicine and treatment.
Extrapolated from one of my brilliant posts:
The Taliban didn’t attack us. The war we are in isn’t just al-Qaeda. It’s a whole Islamic terror network.
It’s seductive, because it is a romanticized belief in a past that never existed. It’s a great gimmick, with obvious appeal. Basically claiming to be channeling the will of the Founding Fathers.
Again, the biggest issue I have with wRong Paul is on foreign policy. His nutty notions are as naive as that of peaceniks.
Um….no. This is conspiratorial blather, akin to the scares about the North American Union (why do you think so many Ronulans are 9/11 Truthers?). Why am I not surprised you just brought up the Project for a New American Century?
You’ve been hoodwinked.
@Wordsmith: We should have saved an extra copy from our book raffle for Paul Fan:
What he fails to realize is that a number of us have been studying these issues in depth for years.
That arrogant tone he uses smacks of someone who is a rather recent product of American academia.
Oh, Paul Fan would LOVE that book! He should purchase it. Yoo could use the love and support. And he could use the edumcashion.
Mike, to be fair to the kid, I think he got haruumphity and umbragy when you “condescendingly” asked him his age. Sooo….you started it first! 😉
@Mike’s America:
OMG! Another good book, by Thomas Sowell: Intellectuals and Society!
Sowell has hoodwinked you. Karl Marx was not even a Socialist. This is a lie of the Hard Right, who bombards us with propaganda from racists like Limbaugh and Hannity.
God d*mn NeoCons!!! The chickens are coming home to roost…
This one came to roost in the Cuckoo’s nest!
OBH you did not get it?MARXIST and SOCIALIST both are dangerous,bad mix too,bye
@Obama Bin Hussein:
Ummmm….don’t look now, but I think your sarcasm tag is missing.
AYE CHIHUAHUA was it about a flower on his back coat tail for me ? bye
AYE CHIHUAHA i repeat forgot to send previous comment,,is that tag about a flower on his back coat tail?,bye
I dont need no stinkin’ sarcasm badges!!!
Karl Marx was just a regular guy from the neighborhood…
Obama Bin Hussein, how about the Groucho Marx Award!
Great! Another Groucho Marxist troll… when are you going to accept real Socialism as your Lord and Savior?
Ummm… oops I mean that guy, umm… whats his name? Jimmy Chris? ahhh… Jesus Martinez. You see I really didnt pay attention to what my preacher said in church!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go back to Scholer. His son Robert Noa Scholeris a drug dealer, addict, convicted felon, on the run from the law in South Carolina, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Cleveland, Florida and Georgia – please, these people have NO credibility, especially Eric Scholer….total and utter crook!
can you believe this; MARCH 31 ON 2012 from THE CAVUTO