Tea Party Candidate May Ensure A Harry Reid Win; Update – Tea Party Name Hijacked?; Update & Bumped: More Research On The Party; Update: A Front For Paulbots? Harry Reid Minions? Or Both?


This is just beyond asinine. (h/t doubleplusundead)

Sun columnist Jon Ralston is reporting that the Tea Party has qualified as a third party in Nevada and will have a candidate in the Senate race to battle for the seat held by Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The party has filed a Certificate of Existence but needs to get 1 percent of the electorate to vote for its candidate in November to permanently qualify, according to the report.

Ralston reported that Jon Ashjian will be the Tea Party’s U.S. Senate candidate on the November ballot. Ashjian still must declare his candidacy.

Awesome…..this goes a long way towards ensuring Harry Reid stays the Senator of that State.

Look, I’m all for the tea party being a force behind conservatives and agree with much that they stand for but dammit….making a third party is just a recipe for disaster. A complete and utter disaster.


Many thanks to the Freepers who have investigated this Tea Party of Nevada group:

Dr. Sid James, Chairman
Curtis Atwood, Vice Chairman (Atwood Building & Development (LV), contractor)
Eric Scholer, Second Vice Chairman (Scholer Steele & Associates (LV), insurance)
Barry Levinson, Secretary (Personal injury/bankruptcy attorney and former attorney for John Wayne Bobbitt)
Daniel Hayden, Treasurer
Kiana Hayden, At Large Member
Romy Ashjian, At Large Member
Keith Ozawa, At Large Member (President of American Leak Detection, Las Vegas, Nevada)
Jim Ebel, At Large Member
Larry Lathum, At Large Member

More on this Keith Ozawa:

Leland Keith Ozawa, Jr. (CRD #2119830, Registered Representative, Las Vegas, Nevada) submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent in which he was fined $5,000 and suspended from association with any NASD member in any capacity for two months. Without admitting or denying the allegations, Ozawa consented to the described sanctions and to the entry of findings that he participated in private securities transactions without providing prior written notice to, and receiving written approval from, his member firm.

Ozawa’s suspension began October 21, 2002, and will conclude at the close of business December 20, 2002. (NASD Case #C02020046)

A bit more:

Looks like Scholer and the Haydens are related:


Kiana Hayden: http://kianaonp90x.blogspot.com/

“Dr.” Sid James (that kind of waving of useless credentials screams third party jerk to me) doesn’t have much of a web footprint.

Bottom line: They seem to all be related or connected via real estate in Las Vegas (except maybe the lawyer). There’s virtually nothing that can be found about them, including activity in the Tea Party itself.

Thanks to Freepers Amishdude and Pan_Yan for their excellent research

Just based on the limited research from the Freepers it’s looking more and more like this “candidate” and his group are hijacking the Tea Party name.


Mata looked into the group herself and came up with a few more interesting facts on the ambulance chaser. Looks like he also enjoys suing the LVPD:

Guy with broken neck due to arrest “abuse” and a chopped video tape.. where they settled


Here’s another in 2002 that he sued the police on behalf of a guy who’s DNA got mixed up with his cellmates (note, he was already serving a sentence when the cellmate accused Levinson’s plaintiff of rape, and they obtained both their DNA samples). Then the alleged raper got nailed for a year’s sentence based on the DNA later….

This chairman, Dr. Sid James, is pretty much invisible on the net. So is pretty much every person in the group. No political papertrail to follow.

This is some group that has used the tea party name for their own benefit.


Now we are starting to get an idea about whose benefit they are working for…..why, the Paulbots. The Neveda News Bureau has done an excellent job of culling together bits and pieces:

Here are some snippets from my research so far:

Barry Levinson was part of the “Bush Lied, People Died” cabal (very strange creds for a Tea Party guy). 

Not really core to the story but one of the principals, Larry Lathum, appears to be a 9/11 Truther.


And from another (Nevada) source:

“The party’s candidate Jon Scott Ashjian has connections with Brittain Ashjian; both are listed on each others LLC’s docs with the state.  (Go to http://nvsos.gov/sosentitysearch/CorpSearch.aspx and do an office search on Ashjian).  A lot of the officers and resident agents for Ashjian are also “officers” for the Party.  This just smells…

The Ashjian’s have listings for over 10 LLC’s including the following names:

Bada-Bling, LLC
W.I.T. Bro, LLC AKA AA Paving.
24/Construction, LLC
Two Amigos, LLC
Cajun Express, LLC
Squidman, LLC
The 1720, LLC
TNT Energy Products, LLC
RNC Properties, LLC

Almost all of the LLC’s have various registered agents or officers with address of 4485 N. RAINBOW, Las Vegas.


A search of the Contractor’s Board website rendered these results re: a complaint and pending hearing & action re: Tea Party of Nevada candidate Jon Ashjian:

License Number: 0038420

Current Date: 02/15/2010 04:36 PM(mm/dd/yyyy)

Business Primary Name: JON SCOTT ASHJIAN DBA

License Monetary Limit: $250,000.00

Fictitious Business Name: A & A ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY

Business Address: 4485 N RAINBOW BLVD,  LAS VEGAS, NV 89108

Phone Number: (702)891-9111

Status: Summary Suspension

Status Date: 02/03/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Origin Date: 11/02/1994 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Expiration Date: 11/30/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Business Type: Individual




Principal Name Relation Description:  ASHJIAN, JON SCOTT Owner Qualified Individual


Bond Type: Surety Bond

Bond Number: FS7782036



Bond Amount: $15,000.00

Effective Date: 09/15/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Cancellation Date: 03/28/2010 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Disciplinary Actions

Date: 12/29/2009 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Discipline Type:

Discipline document:   Pending – Disciplinary action is pending against this licensee in the form of a Disciplinary Hearing.

Number Of Complaints: 1 complaint is associated with this action.

Notice: The pending action alleges the following violations. Upon final adjudication some violations or cases may be found to be without merit.

Violation(s): NRS 624.3013(3) Failure to establish financial responsibility, NRS 624.3016(1) Fraudulent or deceitful act

Action(s): Pending Adjudication.

The information contained on these pages are provided as a courtesy and may not reflect recent changes or updates. Neither the completeness nor accuracy is guaranteed. The Nevada State Contractors Board shall have no liability or responsibility for loss and damages arising from the information provided or retrieved from these pages.

No telling if this is legit or not until the Board makes their final call.  Will keep an eye on it and keep you posted.


As reported by Ralston over the weekend and as shown in that list of LLCs above, there is also a Jon Ashjian listed as the resident agent of TNT Energy Products, LLC.  The address for that entity is the same as for A&A Asphalt Paving Company.  Which is the same as the address for the office of Barry Levinson.

Go to the website for more including a statement from Barry Levinson.

Either way, the Bush Lied People Died and 911 Twoofer kinda of people scream, absolutely SCREAM Paulbot to me.

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I couldn’t agree more. No one I know wants a 3rd party at this time. We have to take back the country through an established channel first. If Reid wins because of this siphoning off of votes from other conservatives it will not bode well for the movement…and if a Tea Party candidate is beaten by another Republican conservative it will weaken the movement as well…making it look irrelevant. Are we sure he’s not a stealth candidate set up by the Dims just for this purpose…or to confuse? I put nothing past them. Freaking criminals.

Thanks for getting the word out – let’s make encouraging phone calls to all those involved here. Encourage them to run a Tea Party candidate of their choice in the Republican primary.

Harry is probably funding the guy

You beat me too it Jane, run the candidate in the primary’s, but for the love of all things conservative, back whoever wins the primary. Running as a third party, does nothing but ensure failure, and keeping a socialist in power. I thought the TEA party was to take over the GOP from the grass roots?


Thank Glenn Beck..

I like the Idea I think we need major change and not from a politician

This is why the Tea Party should stay as an advocate and grass roots group.

There are going to be 9 people running for that seat. There is going to be a Republican, a Democrat, somebody from the tea party and 6 independents. It’s just not going to be three people running. Also there is no real Tea Party. There is no leadership. Any independent can walk in as say they are filing as part of the Tea Party.

My first instinct was to agree with you. But upon reflection I’m not so sure.

The whole idea of the Tea Party movement is to give a wake up call to our politicians – most especially the Republican Party which has become almost as progressive as the Democrats in recent years.

The Republican Party has still not embraced fully the platform of the Tea Party. They have given some lip service, but little else. If the Tea Party automatically rolls over and endorses GOP candidates at this point, we will continue to get RINOs.

The GOP needs to adopt a new Contract With America approach, with a one-page platform promising to actually reduce government intrusion, to tell the people the truth, that government is not there to take care of you, and if you think that you can retire only on Social Security and Medicare, you’re delusional.

The Tea Party needs to take this right up to the election. By October, the GOP leadership, seeing the right split and handing a victory to the Dems, should realize that we (the Tea Party movement) are fu&%ing serious, and make the changes that need to be made. The we can endorse them.

Until then, I have stopped all my family’s donations to the GOP.

@Dreadnought: Which is why you support the conservative candidate of your choice in primaries; after primaries, you go with the candidate who majority of fellow conservatives have decided is the best choice for winning in the general election.

@Dreadnought: So you are going to punish the GOP by re-electing Harry Reid?

Do you really think the entire country should be punished along with the GOP?

Perhaps you need to reflect again.

Yes, it would be very fool hardy to let Sen. Reid remain in his ivory tower because of a snafu like this. As with what Wordsmith said hopefully we will get the best conservative candidate and all the sane people of Nevada will back him or her and we can rid ourselves of this travesty of our current senator.


That’s exactly the point. The GOP should be treating this as a warning shot – that they had better choose a conservative candidate in the primaries, or else the party will be split.

If the primaries produce conservative candidates (and I am talking about fiscal conservative constitutionalists – the Tea Party doesn’t give a crap about abortion, gay marriage, etc), then the Tea Party candidates will bow out of the race, giving their full endorsement to the GOP.

The Tea Party needs to keep the pressure up – otherwise we will continue to get progressive RINOs.

Mike’s America:
The Arlen Specter for Senate campaign can be found online. Tell ol’ Arlen that you’re on his side…
…and when you’re through, there’s Charlie Crist who can use some encouragement (Obama didn’t want to hug him anymore), Oympia Snowe is feeling down, them ol’ bigots just won’t shut up and Lindsay Graham could use a pat on the back, and-of course- there’s the man who gave us President Barack Obama: John McCain.

They’ll all be glad to get your support, now that the peasants are restless… they need as much support as they can get to retain their rightful place among the elites. Go and offer your support.

If the GOP doesn’t want to put up candidates the voters want to vote for, it’s not the voters’ fault.

The Tea Party movement, or candidates professing to be part of it, are not to blame if Reid wins again.
Far to often politicians on both sides of the aisle put all of their effort into one thing, getting re-elected and the Repubilcans are just as guilty about this as the Democrats.
Careerism at the state and federal level is killing this country so I think the real blame needs to be put where it belongs, the self serving two party system.

I voted for Ron Paul for President because I felt he was one of the only decent constitutionalists running for office and I get to listen to lots of people saying you Ron Paul voters gave Obama the election. Horse Hockey!
Don’t give me a conservative candidate to vote for whose day in the sun has long since come and gone and expect me to just vote party lines…
If I see a thrid party candidate out there as the best person for the job, don’t blame me when I vote for them. That blame belongs with the two party system that has abandoned the American people…

I agree whole heartedly with you, if the Teaparty gets itself into the political game of running contestants it will defeat itself. I believe in the Teaparty and we should be backing conserative candidates not letting politicians corrupt it, and that will happen.

Overall, I agree about no 3rd party in America until I realize that, if we don’t have a 3rd party then the Republicans will continue as they are….i.e. big govt./foreign wars/excess taxes. NY might have the first Teaparty going to DC next week.

The Republican party will not come back to us unless a TeaParty group forces them to return to their party platform & represetn you & me. Right now, there are no major difference between the Democrats or Republicans. It’s business as usual, big govt., lost of rights & more bureaucrats.

I suggest that everyone read that new book just out about a small town in America that does stand up to federal tyranny (corrupt pol. parties & politicians) & ends up starting the
2nd American Revolution.

It’s a must read for 2010 & what coming.

DaveP #14, agreed.

Others: I will support fiscal, defense, borders conservatives when and if the GOP runs them, they haven’t in a very long time and seem resistant to still. And yes, I would rather see Harry Reid showing himself to be an idiot than a RINO pushing the same or slightly watered down agenda. I can not concious voting for the lessor of two evils anymore, it may be best for the GOP but it is not best for the nation, it only serves to push the political spectrum further and further toward “evil”. This isn’t a football game where winning is the only thing that’s important.

I am persoanally grateful the BHO beat McCain, at least we don’t have a RINO trying to erase the borders as POTUS. As it is BHO is a wake up call which along with the TEA movement might, just might, force the GOP to give us a true conservative. If McCain had been elected do you really think the Democrats would have given us one????

No sir, rewarding the GOP for being “not quiet as liberal” as the Democrats is bull, the RINOs either need to adapt or go extinct. If they want to keep the TEA Part candidate from being a facator let them run a candidate who is MORE CONSERVATIVE than the Tea Party candidate.

Mike said….

@Dreadnought: So you are going to punish the GOP by re-electing Harry Reid?

Do you really think the entire country should be punished along with the GOP?

Perhaps you need to reflect again.

And if Palin should prove me wrong, not be an establishment hack, and run as a third-party cadidate? What would you do then if it spelled doom for the GOP in 2012?

Would you vote for Palin (TP) over say Romney (R)?

Frankly, the nation needs a real mix-up like that, but it would ensure a Democratic majority in both chambers and the White House for a very long time.

We don’t need socialist control of our nation.

pure and simple, get the dimocrats out of power. i don’t want arguments about pure republican and all that. neither do the americans who are angry. they want people to step up to the plate and if the dimocrats are running straw pols then let’s find them and make sure not to vote for them. the mass election set the standard for us.

It seems as though many Conservatives are happiest when proving their moral superiority teaching the GOP a lesson by handing elections to liberals. Why not:
1) Target your donations
2) Work for your candidate during the primary
3) Support the GOP candidate that wins the primary

Obama will have at least 2 Supreme Court appointments. How can any conservative be happy Obama beat McCain? Any one who thinks Obama was better for the country than McCain – for whatever reason – should never again complain about Supreme Court decisions.
Can’t we just agree to concentrate on defeating Reid, Bayh, etc , whatever it takes?

Obama will have at least 2 Supreme Court appointments. How can any conservative be happy Obama beat McCain? Any one who thinks Obama was better for the country than McCain – for whatever reason – should never again complain about Supreme Court decisions.
Can’t we just agree to concentrate on defeating Reid, Bayh, etc , whatever it takes?

No one is happy Obama beat McCain. It’s like having the Communist or the Socialist running your life. Either one is bad, but one is worse than the other.

I’m sick of voting for the lesser of two evils.

Well Skat, what difference does it make if the liberal elected is a democrat or republican? Bush 41 appointed Sotomyer to the federal bench in the first place. And don’t forget Souter who ended his career decidedly on the left.

I say again, if the GOP wants conservative support they should run conservative candidates, if they don’t someone else will.

It appears to me that it is the GOP faithful who want to punish conservatives and the nation at large for not abandoning their principles like the GOP has.

Nice shoot’n JustAl.

Fire for effect, fire for effect.

JustAl and Ivan
Following your logic the US would have been better off if Al Gore had beaten GW. Of course, Kerry would really have been a wonderful president, a much better choice than GW.

Yeah, Souter, also O’Connor, was a real disappointment caused by trying to sneak someone thru confirmation.

Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts vs Ginsberg and Sotomayer – gee, I’ll take the Republican’s appointments any day.

Don’t forget we have Clinton to thank, with help from Ross Perot, to thank for partial-birth abortion.

Conservatives continue to insist on the perfect, pure candidate or else. Once the policy results of giving control to liberals begin, conservatives moan about the country going to the dogs. Conservatives also begin to demand the few Republicans left in the House and Senate do the impossible – block the liberal agenda.

If anyone can prove this strategy actually works for America, let alone conservatives, I’ll support it. Otherwise, I’ll support the conservative in the primary, then work for the winner of the primary. There is too much at stake and, in my opinion, the price is too high to keep people like Reid in office. Dems are running scared! Why give them election victories by splitting the conservative or Republican vote?


Wrong. Conservatives just want someone who is about 60-80% in agreement with their principles. More would be better, but most of us are realists.

For example, I’d rather see a conservative Democrat in Arlen Specter’s seat in PA than a Republican Arlen Specter (Yes, I know he’s changed parties).

Fortunately, using Al’s and my logic, Specter changed parties and now a good conservative will take his seat! If Specter hadn’t changed parties we’d be stuck with a hyper-liberal in that seat.

See, by your logic any Republican is better than any Democrat.


As bad as Gov. Richardson (D) of New Mexico is, he’s far, far better than Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) of California. Richardson cut taxes, Arnold raised them. Richardson dramatically expanded concealed carry (introduced it in fact) while Arnold signed gun bans (.50 cals).

“Blue Dog Democrats” in the house or senate – do they vote with conservatives or the Democrats?
Arlen switched because he knew he would lose the Republican primary.

Governorships are an entirely different matter. You are talking about individual states suffering the consequences of their own elections. State governors aren’t going to be appointing or confirming US Supreme Court justices.

Napalitano vs Matt Salmon came down to Joe Arpaio endorsing Napalitano (Dem) instead of Salmon(Rep, Conservative). Arizonans were told that Janet was a “conservative Democrat”, Sheriff Joe’s endorsement really sealed Janet’s election. Guess what? Janet wasn’t a conservative Democrat – going to be on strong illegal immigration, ha – or if she was a “conservative Democrat” that doesn’t translate to a definition of “conservative” any of us would be happy with.

Just a few lessons taught to Republicans for the good of the country:

Santorum with Casey
Coleman with Franken
DeWine with Brown
McCain with Obama

Do you honestly believe we wouldn’t be better off with these Republicans vs these Democrats?

Obviously, we can’t vote out Supreme Court Justices so we’re stuck with what we get as the result of Presidential, Senatorial elections. Surely you agree that the Republican appointments are much better overall than the Democratic appointments?

National defense? Illegal immigration? National debt? National healthcare? The non-existent “conservative Democrats” are going to toe the Democrat party line on these issues. I’m with you, get conservative Republicans. In my opinion, we have a better chance of stopping these liberal agendas, more chance of influencing outcomes, with Republicans.

Another thing, you can’t compare Richardson to Schwarengger – they weren’t running against each other.

Richardson’s Republican opponent was John Sanchez – a self-made, small business success story. Sanchez was for cutting taxes, etc – a real conservative. Richardson doesn’t seem like the better choice when compared with his actual opponent.

Arnold replaced Gray Davis. Arnold defeated the Democrat Cruz Bustamente, a Democrat to the left of Arnold. Would you support Davis or Bustamente over Arnold?

If Arnold and Riechardson ever run against each other you’ll have a valid comparison.

If Gore being elected had awakened the conservative base as Obama’s did, then yes, we would have been better off. The sooner people wake up and take the country back from the WWF of politics where they put on a show of opposing each other during the day and toast the ignorance of the masses at happy hour, the sooner we can put the country back on track.

Did either Bush try, even try to protect our borders? No. Did either Bush try, even try to decrease the size of government and defecits? No. Gore has proven himself to be a complete and public fool, just how much of his program do you think he could have implemented? What a noble campaign that was, both of them trying to outbid the other in how many drugs they could get to the old folks. How about, a candidate that says, “you know, it isn’t the government’s job to supply you with drugs.”? Na, that would be too “third party.”

Know this; many of us are tired of the media picking the candidates for both parites and arbitrairly labeling the Republican candidate as “conservative” and Democrat candidate as “centrist”, that goes for the GOP establishment as well.

Bush 41 lost to Clinton because he betrayed conservative values, “read my lips” and oh well, let’s just take our foot off Saddam’s neck and let a future generation handle it. The situation then is just like the situation now. If the GOP had provided a suitable candidate Ross Perot would not have run, the GOP can either learn history or repeat it.

We the people are the “customer” the political party is the “supplier” if we don’t buy their product the fault is not, can not be ours. The genie is out of the bottle and we will not sit down, shut up, and toe the party line any more.


Given that I knew Arnold was a fraud (I gave $$$ to McClintock), I advised my Republican friends to either vote for McClintock or Bustamante.

Having Arnold win was the WORST outcome for the California Republican Party. As the state fell into bankruptcy, something McClintock continually warned us about, the Republicans wouldn’t be able to lay the blame at the feet of the Democrats-as we can now do at the Federal level. The Dems own the mess in DC and the Republicans will benefit tremendously by that fact.

But no. If Gray had remained in office, or Cruz had won, the Republicans could have blamed it all on the Dems.

And thus as California sits in it’s own crap the Republicans can’t blame the Democrats in California.

Arnold has been just as bad as Gray, if not worse, w/r/t spending.

Know this; many of us are tired of the media picking the candidates for both parites and arbitrairly labeling the Republican candidate as “conservative” and Democrat candidate as “centrist”, that goes for the GOP establishment as well.

Agreed Al. Right now no decent, pro-American candidate can rise to the top in the Republican Party.

The media is right now picking Palin as they know she’ll boost their ratings.

She’ll lose horribly mind you, the left-wing Democratic press will destroy her like Couric did in her interviews (even Palin admits she did horribly) and Obama will coast to victory.

Ivan & Al,
Obviously, we aren’t going to change each other’s minds, but the country would have been much worse off if Gore had won.

1) Gore wasn’t a screaming, global warming, nut job when he ran for President – he was considered a “conservative Democrat”. So how much of his legislative agenda do I think he would have gotten through Congress? A lot – he was respected as a moderate.

2) September 11 with Gore as President.

3) Gore would have accomplished his agenda with Supreme Court justice appointments.

4) We wouldn’t have gotten Roberts or Alito.

I certainly don’t agree with a lot of GW’s “accomplishments”. GW was very good on terrorism, the war, pro-life, etc ,most importantly, his Supreme Court choices. GW deserves credit for the things he did right, not just criticism for his failings.

Frustration is understandable! If anyone is telling you to sit down and shut up – don’t listen. Historically the Supreme Court appointments are a real legacy of a president. I’m thankful we got GW’s Roberts and Alito instead of Gore’s justices.

Suggesting that our country would have been better off if Gore had been elected instead of Bush is like saying we would have been better off if the September 11th attack had been repeated three more times.

Anyone who suggests that is F’ing nuts!


It’s the angry-as-hell-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore-hand-sitting conservative movement purist mentality that has the twisted logic of losing elections in order to teach lessons. In that mythology, Carter gave us Reagan. Today, Reagan would not be Reagan enough for some of these idealogues. We’re still paying the price of a Carter presidency, including the fall of the Shah of Iran and the rise of Islamic militancy. Anyone a fan of the Department of Education? Try reversing the decision to create that monstrosity, after the deed’s been done. If Obama-Reid-and-Nancy style healthcare reform gets passed, would it have been worth it just to “teach the GOP a lesson”? Once created, how do you reverse the course? By fantasizing about some uber-conservative once-and-future candidate in a future election?


For example, I’d rather see a conservative Democrat in Arlen Specter’s seat in PA than a Republican Arlen Specter (Yes, I know he’s changed parties).

Fortunately, using Al’s and my logic, Specter changed parties and now a good conservative will take his seat! If Specter hadn’t changed parties we’d be stuck with a hyper-liberal in that seat.

Specter drove all of us crazy. RINO he is, but “hyper liberal”? Do you know why he changed parties? Because we successfully drove him out. He knew his chances of winning re-election was grim, so he left (like we wanted him to). How’d that work out for us? During a time when our entire healthcare system is threatened by a progressive-liberal makeover? With Al Franken set to be declared winner of Minnesota, Specter was slated to be the 60th vote for the Democrats. But that would have been great to allow the Democrats’ healthcare “reform” to pass because it would have taught the GOP a lesson and wake Americans up! Who cares if Dems get a filibuster-proof majority? In fact, we should just roll over and allow the Dems to destroy the country. Invite another 9/11 on our soil just so we can declare, “See? That’s what happens when we put Democrats (and RINOs) in power! There, America: Learned your lesson yet?”

Every single Republican in both houses of Congress voted against President Obama’s budget.

Every single Republican except the two Senators from Maine voted against the stimulus package.

Every Republican in the House of Representatives opposes Obamacare.

Yet it’s fashionable to stereotype the GOP as the party of RINO.

Maybe they should just stand aside, instead? Let the Dems in power wreck the country to “teach lessons”?

@Ivan #23:

No one is happy Obama beat McCain.

@JustAl #18 begs to differ:

I am persoanally grateful the BHO beat McCain, at least we don’t have a RINO trying to erase the borders as POTUS.


McCain was for “erasing the borders”? Really?! Was he as far to the right of the issue as we wish our candidates to be? No. Was Bush? No. Was….*gasp* Reagan? Nope. But by some conservative standards, we should just reject ’em all because they aren’t sufficiently pure on the issue as we demand. Forget the fact that they must appeal to the votes of the American people- not just conservative ideologues. Activists on either side of the aisle are just baffled that more people don’t think like they do. They believe that the way to win elections and push their agenda into policy is by shrinking the party. Brilliant!

JustAl #30:

Did either Bush try, even try to protect our borders? No. Did either Bush try, even try to decrease the size of government and defecits? No.

More hyperventilating hyperbolic anger…

Presidents have a Congress that holds the purse strings, you know. Bush 43 brought down the deficit from 412 billion dollars in 2004 to 162 billion dollars in 2007.

Reagan is responsible for true amnesty for illegals. Does he get a pass? There are complexities to all these policy issues, you know. Or will you be consistent in your criticism and label him a RINO and Dem-lite, as well?

Ivan #27:


Wrong. Conservatives just want someone who is about 60-80% in agreement with their principles. More would be better, but most of us are realists.

It sounds more like some of you are looking for the one who is in 100% agreement with your positions. And if you don’t get the candidate of your choice in the primary, then there are threats of sitting on your hands, withholding GOP contributions, grumblings about “the lesser of two evils”, etc.

If this is the recipe for pushing the country further to the right, then good luck with that.


It sounds more like some of you are looking for the one who is in 100% agreement with your positions. And if you don’t get the candidate of your choice in the primary, then there are threats of sitting on your hands, withholding GOP contributions, grumblings about “the lesser of two evils”, etc.

Hey pal, I voted for the McCain/Palin ticket because John showed good sense and selected, what I thought at the time, was a true conservative. Her decision to let her down-syndrome child live was made me make my biggest political donation of my life.

So no, you’re WRONG. McCain wasn’t anywhere near 100% agreement so don’t think you speak for me, or for the grassroots-common man. You don’t.

Guys like you, Mike, that testosterone-challenged poster, etc., are tone-deaf to the anger which is boiling up in this nation. You guys just sit around in your little echo-chamber slapping each other on the back while the real Americans want to puke when we see you ivor-tower types (Mike) say Palin didn’t make a mistake in endorsing McCain for Senate weeks ago.

I’d write more, but it would just go over your head and that of the intellectual runt of the litter Mike.


@Wordsmith: The mistake you make is considering people like “Ivan” to be conservative.

He’s proved he’s nothing more than a reactionary MORON.

As always, I admire your effort to demonstrate considered logic as a counter to such clowns but as usual, the effort was wasted on Ivan.

The question now becomes, how much more of his drivel do we intend to tolerate?

He�s proved he�s nothing more than a reactionary MORON.

As always, I admire your effort to demonstrate considered logic as a counter to such clowns but as usual, the effort was wasted on Ivan.

The question now becomes, how much more of his drivel do we intend to tolerate?

Sad, someone disagrees with you about Palin and now you resort to nothing less than insulting them. Well I guess it’s the best you can do given you can’t refute my comments about the pro-illegal alien fertility goddess you worship.

When you say “tolerate” do you mean kick out of here? That would really show how intellectually bankrupt you are and that floppingaces.com is nothing more than another PALIN4PRESIDENT forum.

You can’t refute my points so you just censor me. That’s really adult of you.

But I’m certain it will come. Dissension cannot be tolerated when it comes to the sycophants of the fertility goddess.

The Liberals socialists will remain in power and be a threat to this country as long as we have so called conservatives wanting to cast their vote in protest of not conservative enough candidates. Those who do not meet their strict definition of what a conservative looks like. Have you forgot how well your protest vote for Ross Perot worked out? How about your non participation for McCain? You voter for a non winner, Ron Paul. How is Obama working out for you? The liberal left never and I mean never protest with their votes. That is why they always rally and come back. Do you not get it? They own the White House, Congress, and the Senate. They are on their way to owing the Supreme court. Wake up.

BB wrote:

The Liberals socialists will remain in power and be a threat to this country as long as we have so called conservatives wanting to cast their vote in protest of not conservative enough candidates.

No, the socialists will continue to remain in power as long as the GOP continues to run and elect people who are hell-bent on furthering the socialist agenda.

I like, Bob, how your first inclination is to blame us, the conservatives, who do show up for each and every election holding our nose and pulling the lever.

The same cannot be said for the milk-toast country-club Republicans who are really the ones who are helping to destroy America.

You make my point. The liberals/progressive/socialists/communists vote in a block.
Ivan says “The same cannot be said for the milk-toast (code for white people) country club republicans who are helping to destroy America. Don’t you realize that the liberals will vote for a box of rocks as long as it runs as a democrat? If you vote for the Republican candidate as you say, good for you. The worst Republican is better than the best Liberal Democratic. A third party candidate would kill the conservative movement.

The worst Republican is better than the best Liberal Democratic. A third party candidate would kill the conservative movement.

I disagree, but not in total.

For example, it would have been better for the Cal. Republican GOP if Bustamante had won the recall in 2003 instead of Arnold.

Liberal GOP candidates and like infiltrators, like Arnold was and is. They are a cancer.

The knife in the front is preferable to the knife in the back Bob.

Take care, we agree on most things buddy.

I do believe the message here is… just how many of you are sure this is a “Tea Party party” made up of those who share the same fiscal control ideals? Anyone ever heard of these guys in the year of tea party organizations? Zip on the Internet if they were leaders or organizers.

How about their candidate… same last name as one one of the Exec Committee members? Can you find one thing about this guy on the Internet?

How about a Dr. Sid James?

Another thing… neither Levinson nor James show up on OpenSecrets as political supporters of one candidate or another. Nada, nyet, nary a shadow cast in the politically outspoken world. No political blogs, no opinions.

If this is what my gut tells me, it’s the slickest political scam pulled since Obama’s campaign. Rather like a Hell’s Angels chapter officially calling themselves the Boy Scouts. I’d say @Steve In Tulsa has it right…. very likely a backroom creation by Harry himself.

One item should not be forgotten. The tea party movement is not GOP/DNC it is grassroots take back the country. Locally, Huron County, Ohio, the movement has candidates in both parties for all seats up for election.

DO you think ARNOLD would ever try to become president?

DO you think ARNOLD would ever try to become president?

Constitutionaly ineligible. Thus, irrelevant to the discussion.

Marco Rubio is proving what Reagan has already proven, run as an insurgent Conservative in the Republican Party and you will win by landslides.

Why bother building another third party when it is easier and far more effective to simply run insurgent Conservatives in the Republican Party.

PS: Arnold Schwarzenegger was always Social Liberal which by default negates Fiscal Conservatism.

Californians voted Arnold into office based primary upon his Hollywoodland ‘big-screen Terminator’ illusion.

Face it Californians, you were suckered into voting for Hollywoodland’s ‘Fake Greek Column’ as much as you were suckered into voting for ‘Big-Screen Terminator’.

Perhaps pulling your collective California head out from Hollywoodland Bill Maher’s Comedy Cavity will help clear California’s Collective head for a change.

California voters, take some responsibility for the disaster you created in your state and perhaps you will not continue repeating your same mistakes.

Liberals are hoping for third party Tea candidates. Third parties ensure a Democrat win. Democrats aren’t stupid at election time.

Not trying to enrage the “true conservatives”, but they might as well be lefty liberals since, in reality, the “true conservatives” keep getting lefty liberals elected. Whatever the “true conservatives” goals are, the outcome is always the same – lefty, liberal Democrats in power.

Mata I agree. I’ve been hammering this point on a few comment sections the last few weeks, and even back into the presidential election. There are so many groups and individuals that are using deception for many reasons.

One is the martyr for the cause, and I, perhaps the sign of craziness, but I don’t care, believe that Ron Paul and his CORE supporters were working for the express benefit of the Democrat party. I also believe that John McCain was also working for the express benefit of the Democrat party, and his only purpose was to lose the election as the Republican nominee. I believe that Ashley Todd, the woman who carved a ‘B’ in her face and then fessed up the next day wasn’t a real McCain supporter, and she did what she did, days before the election, in order to influence the election by painting Republicans and McCain supporters as racists. Not only all that, but I believe that it’s all tied together, somehow. I’m not claiming to know any of this based on anything I can link to, it’s just what I perceive.

Now we are living in times of even greater deception, and I will bet my bottom dollar that in the next two elections, the midterms and the 2012 Presidential, there will be running as Republicans and Tea Party candidates both types of infiltrator/deceivers. There will be Tea Party candidates who are real-life Mobys (if you don’t know what a Moby is, search it on Urban Dictionary), whose purpose is to martyr themselves politically in order to paint the Tea Party, conservatives, and anyone else in the Lib Enemies List as crazy racists and worse. The other sort will also be candidates running as Republicans and Tea Partiers, and their purpose will be, seeing that the pendulum is swinging back to the right, to (ENTRYISM) enter the party(ies) and use them in order to advance the same socialism and marxism that they have been advancing through the Dem party.

Every other site I comment at is downright loaded with Mobys, folks you pretty much just know are posting wildly over-the-top racist and inflammitory comments just so they can take screenshots of the “racist” commenters at fillintheblank dot com, and use this as evidence to both sway public opinion and EVEN TO GET THE SITES SHUT DOWN. This is how the left works now. “Deceive” is their number one tactic. And it’s going to get a whole lot worse.

Breitbart’s “big” sites are swarming with mobys, that is, lefties pretending to be insane racist righties. Lefties CONSTANTLY trying to, (while pretending to be righties), prod righties into writing damning things. (e.g. ConservoTX writes: so who thinks we should take this revolution up a step or two huh?)

They do this all day, every day, and there appear to be maybe one or two people that notice, but the site mods don’t even give a hoot that their site is being used like this. It’s like Malkin’s site. No moderation whatsoever. It’d be like me renting a house for people to hang out at, no rules, and never appearing. Never once seen a comment by MM at her own site. So the Moby comments stand, deceiving even the conservatives.

So yeah. The Tea Party is being hijacked. The R party will also be hijacked. And we all know who know the truth that even Christ’s church will be hijacked. All by the same sons of the devil that are doing the rest of the deceiving.

Eyes open, and if you pray, pray for some seriously powerful Discernment.

Note: Ashley Todd was a devoted Paulian just prior to “becoming” a McCain “supporter”.

When control over the internet is stepped up “because of all the rampant racism and worse on the blogs and in their comments”, you can be damn sure that 90% of the “racism” cited was dropped at these sites by a Leftist, FOR THAT END.

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