Obama’s “nook u’lar” moment….


This would be downright hilarious, were it not this putz is the Commander in Chief and that highly touted Harvard grad brain trust.

But geeez….. pronouncing “Naval corpsman” … “corpse man”? Not once, but twice??

H/T to Brian at Freedom’s Lighthouse

Embarrassing… makes you long for the more simple and common verbal faux pas, like Bush, Carter and Eisenhower’s more endearing, tongue rolling versions of “nuclear”.

BTW.. while we’re clearing up a few misconceptions about the brillance of the one hanging out in the Oval Office, TOTUS has cleared up that mystery of the mayoral bow that Mike’s A reported on a few days ago. He’s merely trying to do his part in balancing the budget, and hunting for revenue…

It’s not like Big Guy isn’t aware of the fiscal mess we are in. People have been noticing how he has been bowing when he meets even U.S. officials, like mayors or governors. But he’s not bowing. That’s just the way he walks so that he gets first dibs on dropped change.

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MeChelle is that you?

LMFAO, thanks so much. Today I am in need of laughter. Keep ’em coming.

You did spell her name wrong. It is MeeShell, I think.


You did spell her name wrong.

Tis my own special spelling of her name.

Actually I’m not unaware of that (that Carter and others also mispronounced the word). And if this were the only bit of idiocy from Bush, it would be small criticism indeed. However, it doesn’t even rank in the top, oh, let’s say the top 50. And of course, in terms of consequences, it’s completely innocuous.

Quote: “Keep in mind, Obama didn’t even know how to salute when he became president. This tells me he knows NOTHING about the military.”

Oh come on. Nobody is born saluting. Everyone who does it has to practice it.

I’m an Army brat — so, although my dad (a West Pointer) was certainly saluting well before I arrived on the scene, I know for a fact he “practiced” it.

And hey, at least Obama didn’t try saluting with a Scottie dog in his arms.

Quote: “Obama’s Harvard status brilliance is manufactured by the O’faithful and his dutiful media puppets.”

Would you like some Hostess cupcakes with your anti-Obama koolaid? 😀


Obama’s verbal gaffes might be enough for a preface.

It’s only been a year; I’d say he’s ahead of schedule….like spending in his first year compared to Bush in 8.

Do you people know how childish you sound?

Grow up.

Your side started it, so nyaah!

@Lynn Dee: I have never belonged to a political party and I never will. I don’t have to defend any of them. I vote for the person and the issue.

I asked earlier that if Obama watched war movies I was curious which side he was rooting for. If you watch ANY war movies you AUTOMATICALLY know how to salute. You learned it as a kid if you saw war movies.

On the other side of the coin, I agree that Clinton never should have been impeached. One conservative radio talk show host read the part of the Constitution that applied to impeachment and it basically said there would have to be treason involved. Fooling around with Monica and lying to Congress isn’t treason.

We should all be careful of what we say. If the tables were turned, and the other side were in office, but the event was the same, them we should say the same things as we did to the other side. That is one thing I noticed the democrats can’t do as much as the republicans do.

Another thing I have noticed is that if a democrat disagrees with someone it seems that most of the time they are so hateful and argumentative about it and have to use that liberal dirty language. How do you get someone to see your side of an issue if you argue with them and cuss them out with gutter language?

@Smorgasbord: I’m with you on most of this, but I do see ad hominem attacks pretty equally from both sides.

Also, I think Obama mispronouncing this word is a major gaffe, but I think it’s going way to far to suggest that it was some deliberate insult to our troops. It was a stupid mistake that hopefully won’t be repeated, nothing more.

Quote: “I asked earlier that if Obama watched war movies I was curious which side he was rooting for. If you watch ANY war movies you AUTOMATICALLY know how to salute. You learned it as a kid if you saw war movies.”

No, watching war movies isn’t enough. You still have to practice. In front of a mirror. You may observe in war movies the straight line from elbow to fingertips. But to do it requires practice in front of a mirror. Otherwise, as sure as God made little green apples, you will bend your wrist.

BTW, the crack about “which side he was rooting for”? Disgusting. You guys can’t help yourselves, can you?

Quote: “Another thing I have noticed is that if a democrat disagrees with someone it seems that most of the time they are so hateful and argumentative about it and have to use that liberal dirty language.”

This absolutely goes both ways. Did you hear Sister Sarah tonight? Nothing but snark. If her base gets any more consolidated, it will be a black hole.

One day, though, she might want to cast her net a bit wider. Unless of course her aspirations extend no further than riding the tea party gravy train as far as it goes.

@Lynn Dee: Take a look at the salute when he was a senator:


His hand is open and facing outward. As far as practicing in front of a mirror, some of us don’t like what we see when we look in a mirror, so we practice without it. It can be done. I did it.

I agree this is a little thing that I can pass on, but I can’t pass on what he is doing to destroy the country. With all of the jobs being lost, why is almost all of the stimulus money that Obama borrowed unspent. I forget what percentage has been spent, but it was in the teens. Almost all of it was spent in areas that donated to Obama. The rest is just sitting someplace not being used.

He now wants to barrow billions more for another stimulus, but they haven’t spent the money for the first stimulus. If the first stimulus didn’t work, how will the second one?

We are paying interest on loans we aren’t using. That would be like you getting a loan for a house, and then START looking at houses.

Let’s look at it this way. If you are in debt and your car and house payments are coming up, do you (1) Cut back on expenses (2) Apply for another credit card?

Every time taxes were cut the economy did better. Every time they were raised the economy did worse. What the propaganda media didn’t tell you is that after the tax cuts George Bush got, the Federal government was taking in more money than they were BEFORE the tax cuts. You have to let people and businesses have money left over to spend before they can spend it on extra stuff they don’t have to have. When the government takes it off the top they have less to spend.

Lynn Dee…”I’m an Army brat — so, although my dad (a West Pointer) was certainly saluting well before I arrived on the scene, I know for a fact he “practiced” it.”

Well, Ma’am, I was a mustang, an OCS Commission with Three Years Enlisted Service, so I knew how to salute from rendering it out of respect. After I was Commissioned, I still render it with respect and No, I did not practice that at the “Coed School on the Hudson”. I learned it at Harmony Church at Ft. Benning, Ft. Bragg and a few other places where respect and courtesy meant something. My Daughter was an Army Dependent and is now a Cadet at The US Air Force Academy and never was anyone’s “brat”.

I do not expect any Career Politician to salute. At times I do salute Rank and return salutes with respect. I’m just an old recalled from retirement 0-6 with a “by name” assignment where saluting just might tag a fella as a target so we go light on it “in these here parts”. This my third war and it is not a Hollywood production. I am Combat Arms but a Grad of the War College and the school of hard knocks.

I hold no Political Party Membership, nor do wish to. I don’t have any guilt by association issues. Both Parties have mismanaged Foreign and Domestic policy for decades, bankrupted the Treasury and failed at fiscal prudence beyond my wildest dreams. The leadership of neither parties have nothing to crow about. We are involved in a War that we never asked for but could have been decided years ago if War had been declared and pursued with more focus. The US Economy is as crapped up now as during the FDR Administration. Better than 16 to 18% Unemployment in some major cities back home and throwing more borrowed cash at it has not helped. “Shovel Ready” WPA projects have not brought any results. Fannie, Freddie, Medicare and Social Security are broke so both Parties can hold the bag on that mess.

Anyway, welcome to FA and expect civility from those that receive it from you. It’s 37F and raining in Helmand Province right now and 10:42 hrs. I was promised a hot meal today so it is my lucky day By God! And no Kool Aid on the menu here…

And you know that’s a salute because…? Truth to tell, I’m not even sure Senators salute. Exactly where do you picture them fitting into the chain of command?

Oh you can pass on the salute now? Brave man!

As for destroying the country, at least you’ve located what is perhaps our most significant area of disagreement.

I understand the right wing thinks he’s destroying the country. I completely disagree. He has pulled us back from the brink that that idiot Bush had us teetering on.

That was a nice comment you made about the mirror. Not sure what you meant by it, but it struck me as an unexpected show of vulnerability.

Quote: “Well, Ma’am, I was a mustang, an OCS Commission with Three Years Enlisted Service, so I knew how to salute from rendering it out of respect. ”

Oh give me a freaking break. Respect welled up in you, and the next thing you knew, you where snapping off perfect salutes??!!

I laugh at your bullshit! 😆

@Cary: I posted earlier that I am guessing that Obama doesn’t even see the speech ahead of time. As I mentioned then, when the teleprompter breaks down he has nothing to say. If he had rehearsed the speech he would at least be able to talk about some of the rest of it.

One person posted that the ones who write the speech should spell the words the way they sound to make it easier to pronounce them.

That reminded me that there has been a drive to do this with the English language to make it easier to learn and speak. I go along with that idea. The names of people and places would stay the same, but wherever else words could be changed to how they sound would make it a lot easier for all of us.

@Old Trooper 2: Focusing just on the salute, I have always tried to salute any service member I see, but then they feel required to salute back. Is there a military sign that you all used that meant “Thank you,” or “Job well done” that we can give you when we see you?

If not, I think present and past military personnel should get together and come up with one so we can give you the “Thank you” you all deserve. I have suggested this idea to different milblogs and hope something comes of it. If you like the idea, please pass it on.

Lynn Dee, I reckon you do have some civility issues and appear to still be a brat. Good Luck with that.

Quote: “No, I did not practice that at the “Coed School on the Hudson”. I learned it at Harmony Church at Ft. Benning, Ft. Bragg and a few other places where respect and courtesy meant something.”

Did I strike a nerve? How do you reconcile the “coed school on the Hudson” crack with your daughter attending the Air Force Academy? Or do you figure, “Oh well, the air force. Might as well have women attend their little Christian school in Colorado. But the Army? Huh! Huh!”

And are you telling me you never practiced saluting? If you are, I don’t believe you. 😀

BTW, having grown up with the term “army brat,” it’s just a term to me. I could say dependent — and did when filling out forms for ID cards — but “brat” is shorter, and I never had a problem with it.

And save the lecture on respect. Save it at least until you can deliver it without the rigidity of a rooster who’s just had his feathers ruffled.

@Lynn Dee:

I believe he indicated that we was in a war zone. If you’ve been watching your war movies, you’ll know that any gesture that indicates rank makes one a target for snipers, etc… So yeah, I think he can pass.

Quote: “Lynn Dee, I reckon you do have some civility issues and appear to still be a brat. Good Luck with that.”

Right back atcha, OT. Good luck to you too.

OT, Hand Salute! With Respect, Sir.

@Old Trooper 2: After I posted my last comment I got on the Department Of Defense web sight and suggested they come up with a sign we can give all of you to say “Thank you” and not make you feel obligated to return in kind.

Quote: “It’s 37F and raining in Helmand Province right now and 10:42 hrs. I was promised a hot meal today so it is my lucky day By God! And no Kool Aid on the menu here…”

BTW, what exactly is it you’re doing in Helmand Province that you have time to post on the internet? Also, when did the military start writing 1042 hours as 10:42 hours?

Never mind. No need to answer. I think I can figure it out.

@Old Trooper 2: I see you are getting some of the usual negative liberal comments that usually include cuss words. It doesn’t do any good to respond to them because that is what they want.

It reminds me of the jerks on the CB radio who liked to start arguments. I would usually tell the one that was drawn into an argument that if he argues with the jerk, the jerk wins. The best thing to do is just ignore them.

I finally came up with a statement I would make that after I made it the jerk usually never came back on the CB. I would tell the guy who was drawn into the argument, “I used to think there was no use for jerks like him on this planet. Then I realized that if we didn’t have jerks like him on this planet we wouldn’t appreciate the really nice people as much as we should. So, thanks to this jerk, the next time I meet a nice person I will appreciate them much more. So this jerk DOES have a useful purpose on this planet after all, and he is serving it quite well.” I usually never heard from them again.

Oh now, smorgasbord, I think if you look over the exchange here, you’ll see everyone has given as good as they got.

When were you at Carlisle, OT? Were you at Leavenworth as well?

Hey, mata. You’re kinda stepping on smorgasbord’s line about how negative libs are compared to the ever respectful conservatives.


Meanwhile, I’m very much looking forward to hearing from OT about Carlisle Barracks and Leavenworth.

@Lynn Dee: I don’t know what you mean by “When were you at Carlisle, OT? Were you at Leavenworth as well?” I am not military, but I know without them I would be speaking some other language.

@MataHarley: As I posted earlier to Old Trooper 2, Lynn Dee reminds me of the jerks on the CB radio who liked to start arguments. I would usually tell the one that was drawn into an argument that if he argues with the jerk, the jerk wins. The best thing to do is just ignore them.

I finally came up with a statement I would make that after I made it the jerk usually never came back on the CB. I would tell the guy who was drawn into the argument, “I used to think there was no use for jerks like him on this planet. Then I realized that if we didn’t have jerks like him on this planet we wouldn’t appreciate the really nice people as much as we should. So, thanks to this jerk, the next time I meet a nice person I will appreciate them much more. So this jerk DOES have a useful purpose on this planet after all, and he is serving it quite well.” I usually never heard from them again.

Quote: “I am not military, but I know without them I would be speaking some other language.”


“I usually never heard from them again.”

This is hilarious, especially since you’ve posted it twice and here I still am.


But may I suggest, smorgasbord and mata, that if you find yourselves musing aloud to each other about how rude libs are, you’ve kinda hit a dead end?

: I suspect this is the brat’s way of suggesting OT is a fraud and/or she has no respect for our military. She uses the handle “Lynn Dee” — a reference to “Lynndie England” and Abu Ghraib perhaps?

Lynn Duh, calling OT a liar? You really aren’t very bright, which is typical of libs.
I’m betting you won’t last long here since you are obviously trolling.

Quote: “Lynn Duh, calling OT a liar?”


Quote: “I suspect this is the brat’s way of suggesting OT is a fraud and/or she has no respect for our military. She uses the handle “Lynn Dee” — a reference to “Lynndie England” and Abu Ghraib perhaps?’

Wow. Desperate much?

BTW, I was looking around your site a little bit and discovered your very own Wordsmith refers to himself as military brat.

Interesting, huh? 😀

Is this thing on? Well, you’re a great looking audience, I’m here all week.


lynn dee represent the democrat party?

Lynn Dee vs. the F.A conservs. Great stuff. Maybe some Bushisms after church and the S.B. That’s some real entertainment.Enjoy the day. Go Saints

@Lynn Dee: Do you have a point or are you playing the last word game? I have a rule: it’s the Conservatives’ blog – they win that one.


lynn dee represent the democrat party?


@rich wheeler: Saints have done well and should be proud, but Manning’s taking the Colts all the way! Have fun.

The “Democrat Party”?? Hee hee. Conservatives are nothing if not utterly predictable.

Cary, I’m well aware that this is a conservative blog and that, in their own minds, they’ve won this one. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb here and bet that, in their minds, they win them all.

But I do believe I’ve made my point which is, until such time that conservatives can come up with substantive criticisms of Obama, I guess he’s doing okay. 😉

Oh which reminds me: I assume we’re all aware that Sister Sarah, who joined y’all in laughing at Obama’s use of the teleprompter, actually had her talking points inked onto the palm of her hand at the bagger convention, and that she had to consult her palm to ensure that her amazing word salad bore some tangential connection to said talking points?!

Hilarious! Well, take heart. At least she didn’t have to scribble “you betcha!” on her palm.


Who dat!

Outstanding rundown of the palm notes by Warner Todd Huston

…Let’s say that anyone that has to have notes for every single appearance is an idiot that cannot remember to draw a breath unless he has a note to remind him to do it.

If that is a solid point to make, we have but one word that can put little Steffie in his place, make Sarah seem like a genius, and diss his messiah all at once. That word…


That’s right folks, if Sarah is an idiot for having four or five words scribbled on her palm to remind her of the order in which she wants to address the issues, then what is president Obama that has to set teleprompters up in a sixth grade class room to talk to the folks there? What is Obama that has to set up a teleprompter bank in a meeting with one of his own committees (one with about 10 people in attendance)? What is a president that we wouldn’t be surprised to find out can’t even say good morning to his wife at breakfast with out a teleprompter bank set up to guide him through the salutation!!

Barack Obama, the “great orator,” needs teleprompters for every lame utterance, every speech, every policy announcement, every single public syllable, yet this shameless moonbat on Huff-n-Puff is crazed that Palin has five words scribble on her palm?

If Sarah can do a whole speech with but five or six tiny words to guide her, doesn’t that make her a genius compared to the guy that has to have hundreds of words fed to him via technology every time he opens his mouth?

At least with Sarah having written the words on her open hand we know that she is herself the source of her words. With the king of teleprompters up there we can’t be sure who is pulling HIS strings!

See what I mean about liberals? They have no sense of shame, no sense of proportion, not a single firing synapse to guide them. It truly is a mental disorder.

Quote: “Lynn Dee, please don’t assume you rate more than a nanosecond of thought in a given moment with me here.”

Really? Then you must be the fastest poster this side of the Pecos, ma’am. 😀

But let me put your mind at rest, mata: I assume very little when I post at conservative sites, other than the fact I will be treated to the usual litany of right wing talking points.


@Lynn Dee:

Cary, I’m well aware that this is a conservative blog and that, in their own minds, they’ve won this one. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb here and bet that, in their minds, they win them all.

The game I’m referring to is The Last Word game, not about issues. That’s the one you’re playing. You’re just trying to get the last word, even after you’ve made your point. They’re entitled to disagree with you, and to say so. Typing your opinion AGAIN and ad hominem attacks don’t strengthen your argument, they make you look desperate. If you can’t state what you think and let it sit, how firm are you in your opinions?

If you’ll look a bit more carefully, Cary, you’ll see I’m not making any ad hominem attacks. Certainly not against any of the posters here.

As for wanting to get the last word in, please. Either this is an exchange or it’s not. If it’s an exchange, then who’s to say if anyone’s trying to get the last word in? Maybe we’re just talking.

Finally, as regards substance, the lead post was about Obama’s mispronunciation of the word “corpsman” and the various conclusions drawn therefrom. So there wasn’t a whole lot of substance to begin with. But, to the extent there was any, that is exactly where I initially weighed in.

This thread will die out in its time, which I assume will be soon. After all, there’s guacamole to be made!

Go Saints! 😀

@Lynn Dee:

But I do believe I’ve made my point which is, until such time that conservatives can come up with substantive criticisms of Obama, I guess he’s doing okay.

Well now.

Since you, Lynn Dee, strike me as a person who does better with facts and figures reflected through pictures and graphs I’ll oblige the intellectual level upon which you reside.

You want substantive criticisms of Obama?


OK. We’ll begin here:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

And before you start the inevitable whining about Bush, carefully study over this one:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Weren’t we told repeatedly that unemployment would not go above 8% if the $787 billion stimulus bill was passed?

How did that work out?

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Not too good……

And then there’s unemployment and housing starts:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Doesn’t look like things are getting better, eh?

How this unemployment cycle compares with those of the past:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Yeah, Obama has certainly done something…but pulling us back from the brink isn’t it.

I’ll leave you, and your fellow O’bots, with this final thought regarding your “brilliant” Precedent:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

@Lynn Dee:

If you’ll look a bit more carefully, Cary, you’ll see I’m not making any ad hominem attacks. Certainly not against any of the posters here.

Okay, I’ll look more closely….

Starting with a definition:

Definitions of ad hominem on the Web:

* appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason); “ad hominem arguments”

* An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: “argument to the man”, “argument against the man”) consists of replying to an …

* In an argument, this is an attack on the person rather than on the opponent’s ideas. It comes from the Latin meaning “against the man.”

* (Latin) literally “to the man”; if two political candidates come together to debate an issue, but one of the two attacks his opponent instead …

* A fallacy that attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute.

* appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect

With this in mind, I’ll refer you to the following comments:

#45 “…anyone the sorry GOP has to offer (not to mention the absurd tea party)…” (note the words “sorry” and “absurd”

#56 “Would you like some Hostess cupcakes with your anti-Obama koolaid?” (how is that NOT ad hominem?)

#64 “Oh you can pass on the salute now? Brave man!”

#65 “Oh give me a freaking break. Respect welled up in you, and the next thing you knew, you where snapping off perfect salutes??!! I laugh at your bullshit!” (seriously not ad hominem?)

# 69 “Did I strike a nerve? How do you reconcile the “coed school on the Hudson” crack with your daughter attending the Air Force Academy? Or do you figure, “Oh well, the air force. Might as well have women attend their little Christian school in Colorado. But the Army? Huh! Huh!”

And are you telling me you never practiced saluting? If you are, I don’t believe you. 😀

….. And save the lecture on respect. Save it at least until you can deliver it without the rigidity of a rooster who’s just had his feathers ruffled.”

#74 “BTW, what exactly is it you’re doing in Helmand Province that you have time to post on the internet? Also, when did the military start writing 1042 hours as 10:42 hours?

Never mind. No need to answer. I think I can figure it out.”

I think that’s close enough.

Maybe we’re just talking.

No, you’re trying to get the last word, in a place where neither you nor I have the home team advantage. Trust me, it’s a losing battle. You’re outnumbered. Start your own blog, it’s easy.

Finally, as regards substance, the lead post was about Obama’s mispronunciation of the word “corpsman” and the various conclusions drawn therefrom. So there wasn’t a whole lot of substance to begin with. But, to the extent there was any, that is exactly where I initially weighed in.

I agree with you that it’s petty. But it’s our guy’s goof, so he deserves to be called on it. Again, it’s their blog, they can bring up what they want and they can have the last word, and we can’t expect to suddenly changes everyones’ minds.

This thread will die out in its time, which I assume will be soon.

How about we do our part to make sure it does? That means letting a Conservative have the last word, no matter what they say. I believe you can do it!

Go Saints!

Go Colts!

Let’s look at jobs, shall we? And pay attention, newly minted Senator Brown — since you seem to think the stimulus hasn’t created a single job:


I’m curious, Aye chihuahua — do you actually believe that the job loss graph you posted is dispositive as to Obama’s performance in office (and, I would assume, the success of the stimulus package)? Or do you just see a pretty graph and say: “Me like” and then post it?

Well, that’s only about half of what I typed. Don’t know what happened. Not spending anymore time on this.

Cary, I think it was your links so I instead attached the links to each bullet point and it worked. Not sure why it wouldn’t take it with your links below each bullet point…thinking maybe because there was no http:// or www in front of them but thats just a guess. Either way, its fixed.