Obama’s “nook u’lar” moment….


This would be downright hilarious, were it not this putz is the Commander in Chief and that highly touted Harvard grad brain trust.

But geeez….. pronouncing “Naval corpsman” … “corpse man”? Not once, but twice??

H/T to Brian at Freedom’s Lighthouse

Embarrassing… makes you long for the more simple and common verbal faux pas, like Bush, Carter and Eisenhower’s more endearing, tongue rolling versions of “nuclear”.

BTW.. while we’re clearing up a few misconceptions about the brillance of the one hanging out in the Oval Office, TOTUS has cleared up that mystery of the mayoral bow that Mike’s A reported on a few days ago. He’s merely trying to do his part in balancing the budget, and hunting for revenue…

It’s not like Big Guy isn’t aware of the fiscal mess we are in. People have been noticing how he has been bowing when he meets even U.S. officials, like mayors or governors. But he’s not bowing. That’s just the way he walks so that he gets first dibs on dropped change.

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What a stupid idiot. Doesn’t he have anyone in his circle who can explain to him the importance of pronouncing words correctly? Heaven help us all.

Can’t fix stupid …

So impressive. Not real sure why everyone continues to be impressed by him. A co-worker of mine was raving about his State of the Union address the other day because of his talk of working with Republicans and working on the budget deficit. Come on man, actions speak louder than words. He campaigned on working with Republicans too, but he has completely shut them out for a year. Then he releases a budget with a 1.6 TRILLION deficit right after. I’m not impressed.

oooh, that is embarrassing….

What a effing disgrace…

Does anyone still wonder why Obama woon’t release his school records?

Is this a new MOS? Do these guys usually take care of bodies? Poor Bees, this will be a stumbler for him! And probably many others besides WW (Witless Wonder).

Now, now.

I cannot believe that everyone here is missing the obvious.

In the minds of many, if not most, on the left members of the US military are murderers. They’re rapists. They’re cold blooded killers. They terrorize….

They supposedly prey on innocent people in a manner reminiscent of Genghis Khan….

So if you weave together their logic and their words, including the words of our Precedent, you would have to conclude that the person that Obie is referring to here is indeed a “corpse man” and the female members of the military are “corpse women” cuz they love to kill people and such thus specializing in corpses.

Glad I could clear all that up for you.

Thanks AC, I will sleep much more soundly tonight after reading that post, especially if I have another glass of Cabernet.

And he said it with such emotion in those big puppy dog eyes.

As one who studied French in college, I was wondering about Obie’s pronunciation of the United States as “Intanzini” in Creole. According to the online Haitian Creole Dictionary — http://www.kreyol.com/dictionary/Uu.html — United States is “Zetazini”. “Zetazini” makes more sense when you consider that the French for United States is “Etats-Unis” (pronounced “Ehtahzuni”), and Creole is a form of French. I guess proper pronunciation of any language is just not considered important to The Won.

@Aye Chihuahua:

Didn’t watch the video, did he by any chance scratch his cheek with his middle finger as he pronounced the word improperly, imho, on purpose?


I didn’t watch the vid either, so I don’t know.

He did, however, scratch is face with that finger twice when addressing the GOP reps last week.

Skookum? number 7 i am trying to figure what i said to get your input i might have had one glass of your cabernet too much bye

@Skookum… I think there’s already an MOS for “Corpse Man”.. I believe it is prevalent in Graves Registration units. They always creeped me out. Their unit was situated right next to ours when I was stationed in South East Asia.

I wonder if The One thinks we have a Marine Corpse?

hi TOOTH FAIRY you are right with the french pronunciation it is in writing,,LES ETATS UNIS d’Amerique… realy translate to…THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…bye


Ivy League graduate? Ha! Editor of the Harvard Law Review? This is the idiot they’re protecting by keeping his records sealed. Why would anyone spend all that money sending their kids to these schools? They have become a laughing stock.

Aye, your #8 post may be more accurate than you know.

Andrew Sullivan, stalker of Sara Palin’s uterus, has claimed that American soldiers are murdering terrorists at GITMO and staging it to look like a suicide.

Feel that love they have for our military?

No Bees, don’t blame the cabernet, its just that you often need a little extra explanation because of the intricate nature of the English Language that most of us ‘natives’ take for granted. Corpse and Corps are two words that are easily confused, of course highly celebrated graduates of Ivy League colleges used to be held to a higher standard, especially those who were editors of the Harvard Law Review.

There are many former Marines, who are a little touchy about this situation because of the self-less and heroic attitude of the Naval Corpsman and his devotion to duty that has earned a place of deep respect and reverence in the hearts of millions of Teuffel Hunden. For a President to make this grievous error is a slap in the face of those Corpsmen who served and to many who gave the last measure of devotion to save those who had fallen.

No Bees, it is not you, you we hold in high regard, your questions show an inquisitive nature and a love of Freedom; you are an example of a Patriot who yearns to learn more. You are to be commended. It is I who has a sadistic streak of sometimes ill-humor.

While you ask in humility and stand your ground as to principal- our president, like Leftist Leaders of history, has no principals nor humility. A man of your stature would stand in front of the American people, admit your mistake and apologize to the many Corpsmen living and dead for that error of speech for which there is no excuse.

Of course we all know, there will be a blizzard in Hell before this self-absorbed narcissist apologizes to a bunch of lowly enlisted Corpsmen.

Maybe we’re all being to rough on the guy. Lighten up. How proficient should we expect an Indonesian to be in his second language. As Bob Hope once said, “East is east and West is west”
and the wrong one Barky done chose.”

…and he probably didn’t get too much sympathy from Meeshell. I can just see her glowering at him as he came in the door. Those Ivy Leaguers, so competitive. BTW does anyone know if she’s still proud of her country.

I had to listen to the video and actually hear that dweeb we have as president mis[pronounce Corpsman, not once but TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!! I was an Air Force Medic during the Vietman era and I have nothing but the highest regard for the Navy Corpsman. I know a former Corpsman who won a Bronze Star AND a Silver Star for his actions in Vietnam! For that dumb-a** to mis-pronounce that word is disgraceful!

MEDIC you deserve the admiration you get from evryone you are one of the best ….SKOOKUM thank you that is why i come here to visit i like this place and i find so much intelligence and knowledge how was your beans by the way? i dont think i would try the jalapeno on mine bye

ATTI you mention BOB HOPE and you put a bug in my mind ,wath was the part of the song he identified with? i am trying to find it but it is to deep in my memory bye

If you thought “Paleface”, you bee right. The song is “Button and Bows”. I love this song and that movie.


I saw this movie in ’48. I was 12. Remember the day well. Hope was our kind of guy. If he were alive today, Odumbo would be hash.


that is why i come here to visit i like this place

I enjoy your visits, thanks for posting with us!

Bees, the beans were great, I wish I could have shared them with you.

Now let me send a bean recipe. Cut 3 or 4 strips of bacon in 2 inch pieces, put in a skillet with a low heat. Grind coarse black pepper over the pieces. Cut a Jalapeno lengthwise so that it is in quadrants, cut to within a quarter inch of the stem for handling. Cut into small pieces, by starting at the tip, use about 1/2 of the pepper. Cut 1/2 of an onion into coarse pieces. Add the pepper and and onion to the bacon, use a glass lid for the bacon to keep it from shriveling. Cook it until it is half way cooked and take the bacon, peppers and onion out of th skillet and place on paper towels.

In the mean time, cook 3/4 cup of black beans until they are 3/4 done and add the bacon, onion, and peppers. Add salt, pepper and Pico de Gallo to taste, cook until the beans are beginning to break down and are soft, using a low heat. Sprinkle grated Colby over the beans just before they are done and let cool a little before eating.

I am getting hungry, I think I will make something to eat

than you ATTI that’s the one …MISSY i like reading you thank you.

SKOOKUM i’ll write your recipy and make it when i get all the ingredients thank you

Ok–I have to stick up for the “nu-Que-lure” pronouncers. Yes, we all know how its spelled and we all know how to pronounce it. HOWEVER, some southern boys have a problem with the word. I think they are physically unable to say “nu-clee-ar”. Jimmy Carter couldn’t say it and he was a “nu-que-lure” engineer in the USN. Must be something in the water. Has nothing to do with intelligence. Now that “corpse man” thing is beyond stupid.

W’s verbal gaffes before SCOTUS appointed him president could have filled a book. The subsequent 8 years could have filled out a trilogy.

Obama’s verbal gaffes might be enough for a preface.

Do you people know how childish you sound?

Grow up.

Gaffes or not, SCOTUS did not appoint him President. They simply ruled (7 to2, BTW) that, if the Democrats wanted to continue recounts in Florida, they would have to count all the ballots in all the counties, using the same method in all of them. At this, the Democrats called off additional recounts. Then, in the weeks after the inauguration, reporters for CNN and the New York Times went to Florida and counted all the ballots, statewide, and announced, very quietly, that Bush had, indeed, carried Florida. Remember, at no time in all the recounts was Gore ever ahead. The only time he was “ahead” was in the exit polls, earlier on election day, which prompted NBC to proclaim him the winner before the voting had finished in Western Florida. In spite of that, Bush did actually carry the Sunshine State.

When I was a Democrat, I was election judge in my precinct, and learned a great deal about the mechanics of elections. The only way to get large numbers of dimpled chads is to try to stack up a lot of punch cards and quickly punch them all at once. This blatant attempt at election fraud shocked me and my wife out of the Democrat Party, and, eventually, into the Republican fold.


So, are you the pot or the kettle?

Blame it on the teleprompter. All the gaffs as he reads the TOTUS tells me he doesn’t rehearse the speeches ahead of time or the one or ones listening would have caught them.

He obviously goes before the TOTUS and reads the text for the first time. This explains why, when the TOTUS quits working, he has nothing to say. He doesn’t know what comes next because he hasn’t read it.

Keep in mind, Obama didn’t even know how to salute when he became president. This tells me he knows NOTHING about the military.

I am guess Obama has seen few or no war movies. He must hate the military so much he doesn’t watch them. How many times do you hear someone holler “Corpsman” in battle scenes? If he has watch war movies, I wonder which side he was rooting for.

Have you all noticed how Obama’s tone never changes? He keeps talking like he has a computer voice. I can understand this if he hasn’t rehearsed his speech. He doesn’t know ahead of time if he should put strong emphasis on what he is about to READ.

ATTI i saw BOB HOPE again with pleasure he said once that his manager is getting 90 % of his revenues and he became super rich with the balance just to say how powerfull is the gift of selling thank you for the video.

“Sources” have just leaked a picture of the Corpse Man Obama was referring to!!!


I actually liked W’s verbal gaffes.

Obama’s, however, is particularly appalling, since he is just a learned man. – just kidding.

Personally I could care less if either one slips, but that stupid arrogant look on Mr. O mug has got to go.

#16: Thanks for the support, Bees!

@Michael #33: Thank you for explaining the chads fiasco.

Why does he look like he’s going to cry?

Read an essay a while back about W struggling with words, but it was about that he might choose the right words rightly and wisely.

W grew up in West Texas (with Northeastern/Yankee parents) and, not that I would ever criticize a fellow Texan for a gaffe, as our very own Tenglish (Texas-English) is gaffe ridden.

What, in your language may SOUND like a gaffe to you, may not sound like a gaffe to a fellow Texan (we/I may know exactly what he means). And its not really a gaffe sometimes ya know. My South Texas ear hears something completely different than a West Texas (Midland ear). Your Yankee ear hears something completely different than mine.

W was much better than O at conveying true words. W chose his words wisely and thoughtfully, whereas O reads from TOTUS and script. If W had read from TOTUS and/or script–he would have been torn apart by the MSM.


No, no,…that’s how they pronounce it in Pok -ee- ston.

@tfhr: LOL!

For sure I NEVER heard anyone in Texas say Pok -ee- ston

Obama is brilliant. Heads and shoulders above anyone the sorry GOP has to offer (not to mention the absurd tea party). He does, however, obviously need to learn how to pronounce corpsman. Bet he heard about it as soon as he gave this speech and never mispronounces it again.

That’s more than you can say for the former pres. who — even if he did hear about it — continued to say “nook-you-ler.”

So, are you the pot or the kettle?

I like that Missy.

The Tea Party absurd. I suppose Brown taking drunken fat-arsed Kennedy’s seat was too. Hmm, you be an Obot?

ATTI hi how about THANK’s for the memory it was from BOB HOPE? bye

Obama is brilliant. Heads and shoulders above anyone the sorry GOP has to offer…

MeChelle is that you?

ATTI hi how about THANK’s for the memory it was from BOB HOPE? bye

Hey, beezy, yeah! Great song. His personal theme song. I remembe as a 12 year old I spent a year in Phoenix living with my sickened sister, I spent too much time in the arcade playing pinball.
That song was always playing. When I hear it today, it brings me back there. Thx.

ATTI now you’r tought ?there is not a tear in your eyes? bye

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