Extraordinary US military central to Haitian relief efforts


In a single instant of Mother Nature’s fury, the island nation of Haiti was transported into the worst nightmare of 3rd world conditions. Considering that Haiti wasn’t a booming economic scene to begin, it’s amazing to see that there is always a lower depth in a crevice in which to sink.

As we’ve been watching the heart wretching visuals of people in dire need, there has been no delay in a world community willing to step up to the plate with assistance. But even a multinational rescue effect of willing workers and supplies cannot overcome the logistics of an area suffering from almost total inaccessiblity.

Without fanfare, and expecting none, my heart swells with pride as I watch our US military pave the path for relief efforts to flow. For without their central organization – allowing for the distribution of supplies from water, food and medicine to heavy moving equipment – all is for naught.

Within 24 hours, plans of action were underway. The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson steamed towards Haiti, slated to arrive on Thursday, to facilitate airlift support. Forsakening it’s usual cache of fighter jets, the supercarrier was laden with 19 helicopters to dispatch supplies to more remote regions, inaccessible by potentially damaged roads. The carrier is also outfitted with water-purification equipment that can produce 1.8 million litres of drinking water a day, as well as hospital beds.

Other Defense Department ships and Coast Guard vessels – from small ships to destroyers to cutters – were underway with some limited humanitarian supplies to start, and helicopters.

Since information was preliminary, conditions on the ground were as yet unclear. So SOUTHCOM first dispatched a 30 man team of U.S. military engineers, operational planners, a command-and-control group and communication specialists. Ferried by two Puerto Rican Air National Guard C-130 Hercules aircraft, the team assessed the location that would be at the heart of relief efforts – the airport – was a major problem. With shallow waters and a damaged port, rapid repair and use of the airport was integral for aid to arrive. The air control tower was inoperable, and communications between ground and air impossible to coordinate.

Chaos reigned at Haiti’s Port-au-Prince airport, delaying planeloads of desperately needed supplies.

The situation forced delays for arriving aircraft Thursday. At one point, Nelson said, there were 44 planes parked at the airport, but only two fuel trucks to refuel the planes and two tow carts for moving the planes.

One very large plane was on the tarmac in need of more fuel and it took more than six hours to get that plane out of the way.


The Federal Aviation Administration imposed a “ground stop” for most of Thursday for aid aircraft heading to Haiti, because the crowding preventing new planes from arriving until existing planes departed.

The agency later canceled the stop, opening the gates for U.S. planes bound for Haiti with relief workers and supplies. But the FAA cautioned that some planes were kept flying in holding patterns off Haiti “in excess of three hours,” before they were cleared to land. The FAA said holding delays could continue for the next several days.

An airport that normally handled 25 flights daily in an undamaged state now had to rapidly be transformed into a facility that could handle twice that load at minimum. That task fell to some of the first US military responders on the ground – the 1st Special Operations Wing out of Hurlburt Field in Florida.

Tuesday night, the 1st SOW put aircrew members into crew rest. They received the official tasking to support relief efforts early Wednesday morning. Their mission was to set the stage for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other humanitarian assistance groups by clearing runways, establishing air traffic control operations and rendering medical aid as appropriate.

“The 1st SOW is postured to respond to worldwide contingencies at a moment’s notice,” said Col. Greg Lengyel, 1st SOW commander. “Southern Command tasked us to be among the first military units on the ground because they knew we could.”

Twenty-six hours after the earthquake occurred, a 1st SOW MC-130H Combat Talon II arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, with a Special Tactics Team from Air Force Special Operation Command’s 720th Special Tactic Group, a security team and planners, and a small satellite communications package that provided rapid-response communications capabilities.

Twenty-eight minutes later, combat controllers with the Special Tactics team took control of the airfield.

Since then, MC-130H Combat Talon II’s, MC-130PCombat Shadows and C-130E’s from the 1st SOW have continued to deliver equipment to Haiti, such as generators, vehicles, fuel, food and water, and communications packages, as well as specialty teams like Special Operations Medical units and Special Tactics Teams.

Twenty eight minutes… amazing. But the Air Force isn’t stopping there. Reviews on how to further increase traffic at the main airport – including using aluminum ground matting as an option to increase ramp and runway capacity – as well as open other damaged airports, should be completed today.

Supplies by seaport were another problem. A joint US assessment team was assessing ways to repair and expand the heavily damaged port’s capacity.

Port cranes were submerged in the water, cargo containers were thrown in the water or tossed on their sides, and an oil spill — possibly caused by a broken pipeline — fouled the harbor’s waters, the Coast Guard said.

“The main thing is there is significant damage to the pier where ships would normally moor up,” after Tuesday’s earthquake, Coast Guard Lt. Commander Matt Moorlag said. “It’s impossible to moor up there right now.”

One nearby landing option for small boats, Moorlag said, is the Haitian Coast Guard base at Killick, but that would only accommodate vessels of about 40 feet. Another port at Gonaives, Haiti, could potentially take larger vessels. “They believe the highway to Port-au-Prince from Gonaives seems to be intact,” he said.

Crowley Maritime out of Florida’s Port Everglades has 420 containers of food for USAID from Texas… but the question remains, how to deliver it? From yesterday’s WSJ…

Maersk Line operates a small ship that unloads containers from larger vessels and then brings them to the port. That vessel is currently anchored off the coast of Port-au-Prince, as the company tries to determine how it can be put to use.

Shipping companies are now examining other areas in the vicinity to see if they can find a place that could serve as a makeshift unloading area for ships.

“What we are doing and what others are doing with various agencies is to see if there is a suitable, workable location anywhere around the harbor where we could get a vessel,” said Mr. Miller.

However, any new location must first undergo a survey to determine whether the earthquake tremors have changed water depths or dumped debris that could cause vessels to run aground.

Even if they are able to create a new area where ships can dock, it would likely be heavily constrained and unable to handle high volumes, say people in the industry. One of the biggest problems is the lack of any stationery crane to unload shipping containers.


According to Reuters today, thousands of US troops have been mobilized for relief assistance in building housing camps, debris removal, rescue operations, supply distribution, and security.

The Coast Guard has deployed four ships as well as air support for evacuation efforts. The Navy destroyer USS Higgins, with about 320 sailors on board, arrived on Thursday.


* An amphibious readiness group with three ships — the USS Bataan, the USS Fort McHenry and USS Carter Hall — will take the Marines to Haiti. This group can produce its own purified water.

* A U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, with a crew of between 4,000-5,000 sailors on board, is on the way and will arrive in the area by Friday, with 19 helicopters on board. It has three operating rooms, several dozen hospital beds and can produce fresh water.

* The much-anticipated hospital ship, the USNS Comfort, will not arrive until around Jan. 22. It has 12 operating rooms and 250 hospital beds. The Pentagon says the Comfort is a slow-moving vessel and will need a week to arrive in Haiti.

* Two additional ships, the USS Underwood and the USS Normandy, with 400 and 250 personnel, are expected to arrive on Jan 16.

Despite the Herculean efforts of the US military, the going is still slow. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. But it is nothing short of miraculous technology and the sheer talent of the US military that access to Haiti can be improved so rapidly.

It does seem that an impatient media, as they did during Katrina, highlights what has not yet been accomplished without paying due attention to what *has* been accomplished in what is a daunting task at best. Fox News reports the “calm and dignity” of Haitians is near a “breaking point”. Defense Secretary Gate ruled out air drops in order to minimize the possibility of riots, comprised of those desperate for supplies, or black market profiteers. But thus far, the Haitians and world relief workers appear to be tackling the devastation with admirable spirit and aplomb.

I, for one, could not be prouder of our US forces. Too many view our military as just a war machine, filled with young men and women they believe to be anxious for the taste of blood. It is instances like this that should shake the very foundations of their perspectives. Were it not for their readiness for battlegrounds… possessing the talent for building communications stations and emergency facilities where there is nothing… any relief effort by the world would merely result in inefficient chaos, despite all good intent.

It’s a great day to be an American.

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Huge mistake. The Pretender needs to install Jimmy Carter as the Ruler In Exile of that tropical paradise, send shovels, body bags, no aid whatsoever and air drop crows and buzzards to assist in the cleanup. Haiti has made no useful contribution to civilization, is a huge sinkhole for cash, has no resources or local industry besides poverty, ignorance and violence and is host to more numerous diseases than I care to get into here.

It does not serve any nation’s interests to continue to throw tax dollars at that place, police their streets, feed their starving masses perpetually and provide the UN with another place to practice their unique brand of corruption. It is “oil for food” without the oil folks. I have been there and it is as close to hell as I care to get. These are folks that hated Us then and will continue to hate Us regardless of how many resources we pour onto that patch of ground.

Right now charity should begin at home. Not a single US Taxpayer dime should be wasted on that place. If this sounds harsh, go visit the place but your personal safety is not guaranteed and get inoculations for a multitude of ailments. Bring your own food and water and a personal bodyguard.

There is zero Law & Order and the Government is about as stable as a leaf in the wind. Having been there I can speak from personal experience,. It was just another deployment that I would rather forget during the Clinton Era. Six very miserable months that made the Balkans, Iraq and AFPAK feel like a cake walk.

It may not be hell but you can see and smell it from there. Let the rock throwing begin but speak from the experience of having been there and not from some ideology that you picked up in College or Sunday School. It is quite frankly Somalia in the Caribbean.

Why is it such a miserable place? Because they want it that way and We enable it. It is like curing Cancer with iodine and a box of bandaids.

Obama was hesitant on Troop Deployments to AFPAK where We have a War going on and resources are sorely needed but the Finest Military in the World is called out like errand boys and funding is wasted on a “crisis” that suits his fancy. Relocate UN Headquarters there and let them live with it. No 5 star hotels but a nightlife that can be both breathtaking and hazardous to your health.

Every day is a Great day to be an American but doing good deeds and redistributing wealth that should not be spent is very foolish. They will still hate Us regardless of what We do.

Mata, every day I see hospitals that are in poor repair and needing equipment, schools in poor shape and dire poverty in Afghanistan. They have sanitation and housing issues, roads that are not in usable condition and regardless of how much aid Haiti receives it will remain pretty much a hellhole.

I deployed there during the Clinton years with Med Teams, huge quantities of food, water, med supplies, several Civil Affairs teams as well as troops to maintain order. A six month tour that was basically wasted because as soon as we left, the place returned to the status quo, was no safer, still had bad water and the locals were no better off than we arrived. You can call it training but it detracted from Our Training to successfully Defend America, Our Allies and had zip to do with our National Security interests or primary mission. The place really left a bad taste in my mouth. Instead of raising food, they still lined up for it and rioted, stole food from one another and nothing changed.

We deploy where We are sent and do missions that we are capable of performing as always.
Did We make a difference there? Quite frankly No.

It’s good to provide humanitarian relief. However, Obama has announced Haitians here in the US illegally won’t be deported, and others will be granted “special status” to stay here.

Will the military be used to evacuate or relocate Haitians here? That’d be a lot of new Democratic voters.

I am also proud of what our troops are able and ready to do, but now we are having to reassure the Haitians that we are not there to take over the country. Instead of welcoming the desperatly needed relief efforts for the victims of this tragedy, their government is already playing games.

Raymond Alcide Joseph, Haiti’s ambassador to the U.S., told CNN that Clinton’s visit would help alleviate “friction” that has developed in recent days. He did not elaborate on what tensions had arisen.

But as U.S. military assets and personnel began arriving en masse in Port-au-Prince on Friday, administration officials were just as eager to deliver another message — America has not taken over Haiti.

Joseph insisted that Haiti’s 10,000-member police force can take the lead in maintaining law and order as the humanitarian situation becomes more desperate. The U.S. army’s 82nd Airborne and a Marine expeditionary unit “can be there to support security” as “backups,” Joseph said.

U.S. officials described the Haitian police force’s capability as “limited.”

I’m relieved we have also sent security forces, to protect our own.

Now, Aristide is also wanting to come back.


I have many enlisted friends, and have spoken with three of them since the tragedy….they all would prefer to be doing this kind of work to the work that is being done in the middle-east. If people like Trooper want to complain that domestic situations take precedent that is their right, but as far as foreign aid and military involvement, this is commendable work, and I applaud the men and women who are seeing it though.

Mata and OT,

Some fresh Lt. Col. Alan West News:


Since gangs are still roaming the streets, who is guarding the UN weapons after the people in the U.N. were believed killed? Who is guarding the weapons of the Hatian government. Remember the last time gangs got a gob of military grade weapons in Iraq. They started to shoot at U.S. forces. i wouldn’t be surprised if we see RPG attacks and IED attacks in the next two weeks if those ammo dumps aren’t guarded.

MataHarley, When I deployed there We were prepared to drop bundles and jump or land at the airfield. There were gangs roaming the streets, armed with what have you but no RPGs or AKs. They had handguns that were stolen from Police.

We have grand capabilities, the best personnel and assets and resources that are world class, bar none. My point being trying to do too many things in too many places and straining the balance on current commitments. Mr. Obama saw fit to cut Defense spending then had to go to the well again for additional funds for current operations that are “right now”. But this is a worthy mission and a crisis. So will the Spring Offensive be here with everything arriving by air, no ports and no surface transport. My perspective is on My Mission, My People and the people of Afghanistan. If this Humanitarian Mission saps away resources for My Mission, and it will, I am critical. I have responsibilities here that are a prior commitment and NATO furnishes begrudging support at times.

Regarding what Missions you would rather do, your skill set is going to be matched to a Mission and you are assigned. That’s the Army Mr. Jones. I have among other things an MA in International Relations and realize the value of Relief or Disaster Operations. Having done IFOR and KFOR Missions, deployments to Somalia, Macedonia and the Sinai, in peacekeeping roles it is a Mission. My skill set is not recommended or desirable for Floods, Tsunamis or Earthquakes.

I am not an Engineer, a Medical type or Logistics Branch. My primary Missions are in the nature of eliminating very bad people and breaking their toys. Hostage rescue also falls under that umbrella as does taking back an Embassy if required. Thugs with machetes just end up being shot if the threat factor is present. We took out those committing genocide in the Balkans before infrastructure, order, medical care, potable water and food distribution could be restored.

You go where DOD sends you. Depending on the Mission you can be anywhere in 18 hours with support on the way if an airfield can be cleared and secured.

Haiti is not a forced entry mission.
It is entry with permission of the Host Nation and a huge undertaking because the infrastructure
is destroyed. Tough job in a very bad environment. However my focus is on My Tasking with meager resources.

Trooper, Have you been to the Dominican Republic? Somehow, with the odds against them as well, Dominicans have been able to attrack enough investors in tourism in the last 10 years and they are doing OK. Haiti has tourism and a fantastic African culture and the ability to exploit all the natural resources…You just cannot help to feel so sorry for them! In Spanish they usually say “algunos nacen con estrellas y otros estrellados” Poor Haitians..

Meantime, as Rahm says ” Don’t let a crisis go wasted”, Obama is going to capitalise on this tragic event for political reasons.

MataHarley, in hindsight, it was a top priority of Iraqi militias to gain weapons from the old Iraqi government which were used later to kill allied troops. I say hindsight because troops guarding the weapon dumps let people steal the weapons rather than kill the civilians that were stealing the weapons. There has been a long time civil war in Haiti and any group that saw an opertunity to get themselves into power would take it by any means as they have before. That’s why a UN force of 9,000 troops and police under the program called MINUSTAH. That 9,000 didn’t make a dent in gang activity even though they were roaming the country with firearms. I don’t know what the Hatian government and the UN used as ammo dumps. My guess is that the ammo and weapons were housed in wooden buildings or in quonset huts which gangs could easily enter without proper guards.

Well said, Mata. I’m always proud and awed when our armed forces move in to provide help in situations like this. People who want to somehow balance the budget by slashing our military should take a real hard look at the value we’re getting for the money spent, as opposed to the utter waste in things like the stimulus packages. I’ll pray for the people of Haiti.

Even though I COMPLETELY understand the depths and abilities of our military, either through humanitarian aid or killing bad people and busting up crap, they still and always will take my breath away.

The United States military … You’re either running from them or running towards them.

What is happening in Haiti goes beyond dollars and cents. Yes, it is a very corrupt and disfunctional country but what kind of country would we be to allow that type of suffering to take place and do nothing about it. It’s not in America’s DNA to do nothing in a situation like this.

I knew from the start that Americans would rise to the challenge and give. I knew the military would get there and perform brilliantly. It’s who we are.

Old Trooper, I ask you this. If a homeless drunk were to get hit by a car, would you leave him in the streets to die with no medical attention? After all, it’s a sure bet he has no insurance and outside of pissing on the corner, he hasn’t contributed anything positive to the betterment of society. My guess is that you would run to his aid. And if you were in Haiti now, you’d do everything you could to help. You would do it because there is a point where the value of life becomes immeasurable in economic terms. We’re going to spend a lot of money in Haiti. And we’ll do the same thing with the next natural disaster – even if the disaster is exacerbated due to man-made incompetence like what we have now.

May God help them. . .

Our US Envoy to Haiti, Bubba Clinton, refocused on Massachusetts Senate race and even had time for at least one interview with National Review Online. Headline for the interview recount is Bill

‘Clinton tells National Review Online electing Coakley means ‘good governance’ that benefits Haiti’

Nothing like politicizing this horrible disaster. . .disgusting.


This post has been linked for the HOT5 Daily 1/16/2010, at The Unreligious Right

The US military: Is there anything it can’t do?

Seriously, for a bunch of people the Left think are either brainless rape-killers or pathetic victims, the American armed forces sure are adept at being awesome at nearly every task they’re given.

Dankery said; “I have many enlisted friends, and have spoken with three of them since the tragedy….they all would prefer to be doing this kind of work to the work that is being done in the middle-east.”

Fair enough, but I don’t see your point in saying this. My friend just got back from Iraq about six months ago. I asked him if he’s alright and if he wanted to talk about anything because I’m more than willing to listen to whatever he wanted to get off of his chest. Plus, I was very concerned about if he would show any signs of post traumatic stress since that could lead to more permanent psychological health issues or what not.

He said that, “everywhere we go, my men do the right thing by lending a hand to those who need it whether it be; humanitarian aid, teaching them how to stand their ground in a fire fight, fire service techniques (all navy personnel need to know fire fighting basics well enough to teach it and he’s in the navy), and catching or killing people responsible for acts of terror.” He also said that, “part of his heart still resides back in Iraq.” Anyway, it doesn’t really matter. All people in the military have different views on their service and the places they get sent to.

Neither military service in the Middle East or in Haiti turns up more preferably than the other. To think so wouldn’t make any sense since the military has done an honorable service in both, and any point being made in an attempt to undermine either would be a straw man argument. We can both agree to disagree on military presence in the Middle East, but I am glad both of us can certainly agree that what the military is doing in Haiti is deserving of respect.

King Shamus! Amen to that brother. Amen.

@Old Trooper

It is nice to know that we can always count on you to voice your opinion. Whether the general public wants to hear it or not, I’m glad you are posting the truth of the situation. On the other hand, we will as we have always done, come to the aid of those in need, it is who we are and no matter how corrupt a government is we always look past that to see the needs of individuals in a desparate situation.

Sometimes our wish to be helpful is in the long run detrimental. We feed the starving in various african nations during times of famine and the result is more breeding, more babies and more need for aid the next time food sources become scarce.

We allow immigration from areas of economic deprivation where corruption is rampant, claiming that it’s the humanitarian thing to do. In the end we only cause a brain drain and a depleting of the human resources that might be able to ultimately rectify the situation.

Just as we demand that the federal government quit being our nanny and allow us to succeed or fail on our own merit we must at some point apply this philosophy on a global basis. We must recognize that for real change to come in many of these third world nations we must allow indigenous populations to succeed or fail based on their own efforts and self interest.

With that said, I have succumbed to the desire to help and made my contribution to the relief effort. But I do realize that ultimately this will only be a stop gap to alleviate some of the immediate need but will do nothing for lasting and meaningful change.

Perhaps we should just take over the country, designate it the 51st state and impose change. Obama would then be just 6 shy of his 57 states.

Old Trooper, regardless whether a nation has made any contributions to the advancement of the human race or not doesn’t alter the priceless value of life. Besides, if nobody helps nations like this, how do we expect them to start making those contributions that they are capable of making?

When my friend was in Iraq for six months, they spotted three men putting explosives in a car with a aerial drone. They went to stop them only to find that the drone spotted the men leaving the car shortly after the marines left base. The bomb went off when my friend was getting close. One of his marines started to herd Iraqis to cover and he took a small shrapnel to his lower back. It didn’t go deep enough, but it broke skin.

When the crew operating the drone spotted the three men running from the scene, the marines took some short cuts to flank them. When they caught up with the men, one tried to shoot an Iraq police officer who was with the marines, and the same marine who was injured from the shrapnel shot him, saving the officers life.

The point is, neither person that the marine saved that day made any huge contributions to humanity. They were just people trying to feed their families, at times helping our troops catch people who are wanted for ties to terror groups, and they were just trying to survive another day in this dangerous world. Yet, both their lives were valuable enough that a marine and his buddies would risk life and limb so that way they could get to safer grounds.

My friend, the same logic can be applied to the people in Haiti.

Donald Bly said; “With that said, I have succumbed to the desire to help and made my contribution to the relief effort.”

Congratulations, you’re helping make the world community a better place to live in. It’s funny because there was one person who posted on this blog named Real American Patriot, who ranted off about how we have no sense of community whatsoever. Anyway, just wanted to say you have my respect.

I confess to a lack of knowledge about this Island so can someone explain why the Dominican Republic gets let off the hook for helping Haiti–even before this earthquake?

President Bush was just on Fox and was standing between Obama and Clinton and he as always was a gentleman and said he appreciated Obama’s quick response. I’m sure Obama invited him to make points with conservatives as he has taken a beating in the polls lately. Clinton and Obama would never say anything good about Bush unless it helped them in some way.

Hey, I’m up for making Haiti the 51st state. Most of the people want to be in the USA anyway … Although they would officially be a “welfare state” to be sure. Government subsidies would pretty much be the economic blood for awhile there until they could get their own working economy going and growing.

But think of this. We make Haiti the 51st and the heads of Castro and Chavez will explode. It’s a win/win.

As to our military and Iraq/A-stan/the ME … they have liberated over 50 million people. That’s bad? And as Tammy Bruce has said,

“The American feminist movement has not taken one stand to support the women of Iraq, the women of Afghanistan, the women of Iran,” she said. “It is the United States Marines who have been doing the feminist work by liberating women and children around the world.”

Every war this nation has ever endeavored in there has been internal opposition and disagreement, from the American Revolution, the Civil War and both World Wars to the ones we entered into, obviously, in Asia in the 50s and 60s … to the current wars. There will never be a 100% agreement on our part in any war, even if this nation were under direct attack and an enemy was hiking across our soil and slaughtering our own.

Somehow there is this mentality in this country that we should just be the bystander as someone is being attacked and killed. Unless I am mistaken, in a civilian situation that bystander can also be charged with some degree of a crime in the initial crime for doing nothing to stop it …

There are just some people who feel nothing is worth fighting and possibly dying for. Thankfully our nation has been continually blessed from the first day of its birth with good young men, and then women, who willingly sign on for duty knowing full well the possibilities they may face during their time in the military.


The Dominican Republic was spared because of where the earthquake struck. There is a large mountain region that separates the two countries and the earthquake was shallow and just off the coast of Haiti’s capitol. I guess it’s like when a earthquake strikes in Los Angeles but Riverside is spared.

@james (US Navy – VS-38 Red Griffins): Thanks, I guess I was curious why the Dominican seems exempt from responsibility when the proximity would suggest they would be the logical first responders. Certainly the ancestry of the peoples on the island coincides–I guess my larger thought is why does the USA always get the rap for not helping sooner-bigger-faster?


Let me just add this reality.

The United States military is not an EMS rescue squad. It was founded as a national defense and war segment of our society and government. They are trained to bust shit up and kill as many bad bastards as possible to the best most efficient way possible, and try their damnedest to stay alive and keep their brothers alive while doing it …

Most of our war involvement has been in the aid of other nations who simply were in danger of being abolished, and didn’t have a direct and personal threat to us (at the time). Yeah, we are the world’s friggin police … get used to it. Where exactly is the shame in being righteous?

The U.S. military runs into earthquakes and tsunamis and other disasters in other countries because it’s who we/they are. We search, rescue, fix, feed, bury, build … and then leave. In war they kill the bad guys, then hand out their own water and MREs to the civilians. Unlike the other militaries around the world our military knows who they are and where they come from, and where ‘home’ is and isn’t. They are not ‘imperialists’ as the anti-war left would paint them (think pink). And I am beyond sick of our military being portrayed as the bad guys by the leftist groups and the idiots in Hollywood. We are not the evil Satan … We’re St. Michael’s army. And you know what He did to Satan.

Making Haiti the 51st state would be an idea worth discussing. . .or protected territory, ie Puerto Rico. If we don’t, they could go through another Cuban attempted take-over as happened all throughout that area of the world in the 1970’s. Or at the very least — Hugo would be all about fanning the flames of discontent that are already rising – as is being reported – and make it part of Venezuela.

With the right leaders and a sound business plan (Not US tax dollars), the tiny nation could be built up, through free market investors, to attract a new, robust tourist trade — even appeal to the many Americans, now living in the Dominican Republic, to come over for a weekend or eventually move there.

They need what the USA needs right now . . .a leader, with business/commerce savvy, that has the best interest of their nation and citizens future as a priority. . .instead of a self-indulgent power/money grab.

american voter, clearly you aren’t from florida. i don’t believe florida can support a couple of million haitian immigrants on welfare. think about that. utopian view but not logical at all.

You are correct about the affordability of putting millions on welfare — I have no argument with you on that point. . .that is the downside of statehood, territorial protection BUT how much have we been sending annually in foreign aid through tax dollars — its been like throwing the money into a shredding machine — no results?

Additionally, I have always wondered why the Dominican Republic and Haitt could not consolidate into one country? Maybe something the UN could negotiate? (I can wish the UN would live up to their purpose) Or as someone suggested earlier — put the UN Headquarters in Haiti. . .

I will join others to urge the Bush-Clinton recovery effort to develop and incorporate short, mid, and long-term strategies for integrating world-wide free-market investment solutions. Additionally, put a provisional government in place/with a plan of action for re-development of the country AND an ‘exit’ strategy for our tax dollars.

I think a free market investment solution for turning the area into tourism draw AND attracting Americans, other foreign nationals to invest in homes, land (as is happening in Dominican Republic) — would be feasible or at least a good start. . .

First of all — I am no fan of the UN — I think it is an expensive, non-effective, group of money-sucking thugs. The UN Hdqtrs should be converted into condos and the UN should be hosted by another nation. The US foots a majority of the cost and all we do is get heckled.

Boy, tough crowd….I realize this Haiti situation is a very controversial topic — especially with burgeoning Little Haiti in Miami — BUT if we don’t talk solutions — all that will happen is throwing more US dollars at Haiti….welfare like the US inner cities. Did you hear Barry and Hillary today?

I was not suggesting that anyone force the two countries on the same island, to consolidate — however,WOULD IT HURT TO DISCUSS???? — explore ideas??? Isn’t that the purpose of your site — to offer ideas, discuss?? I was also trying to think of other ways to keep the United States out of hypothetical solutions. Possibly more than one island come together and form a Confederation, republic, whatever.

I am tired of America being everyone’s piggy bank. I would love for our President and government to focus internally on solutions for our country’s economy, jobs, and infrastructure. After hearing BHO speak earlier — sounds like a lot of money will go to Haiti. . .back to square one – welfare.

Sorry = I am used to business think-tank scenario and brainstorming outside the box — some times the most absurd hypotheticals have a seed of thought that inspires solutions



This is exactly what I expected and why I made the comments yesterday Re: Haiti.
Rich culture? Not in my estimation.

Thanks Maggie, you pretty much have it in summary.

On the issue of joining the two nations, where one is French-speaking, racially Black, with terrible literacy rates and no true industries, and the other is Spanish-speaking, racially white, with many resorts and businesses, these two have NEVER considered joining up. The clash of the two cultures is incredible. Haiti has even burned most of its forests for producing charcoal, while the DR has a beautiful rain forest.

In the 1990’s, my dad transported thousands of baby chicks to Haiti for a large NGO, and spent weeks training Haitians on methods of raising them for laying eggs and hatching as well. (He was fed roasted domestic cat for dinner, -he avoided eating it when it was identified as a cat- which his hosts said was the first meat they had eaten in a year.) He also delivered kilos of wheat and corn seeds for farming, again training on their use with the Haitians.

On a follow-up visit a month later, the chicks had all been eaten, the seeds as well. Even with billions of aid dollars and a dozen years of education, Haiti can only possibly change after multiple, multiple generations. .

Being a dual-citizen of Brazil and the US, I’ve seen poverty at its most rotten core. Children being given away on the streets, and much more. It is not anything I’ll ever forget. I am grateful every day that I live in the United States.

60 Minutes last night reported that our ground troops do not ammunition for their weapons. This is extremely STUPID! Someone coming at you with a firearm or machete and you have an empty weapon. Way to go military INTELLIGENCE!

Amazing things here. I’m very glad to look your post.

Thanks a lot and I’m having a look forward to contact you.
Will you please drop me a mail?