New Poll: 53% Oppose ObamaCare

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Think the bluedog’s will be feeling some heat?

This from a CNN poll of all places:


Of course CNN spins away with this headline:

CNN Poll: Public wants Congress to keep working on health care


…only a quarter say those bills should be passed pretty much as is, with a third suggesting that Congress should make major changes. The poll also indicates that one in four say lawmakers should start from scratch and 15 percent want Congress to stop all work on health care reform.

The survey’s release Friday morning comes one day before the full House of Representatives is expected to hold a floor vote on the Democrats health care reform bill.

“Most of the Democrats interviewed support some form of heath care reform, but the divisions within congressional Democrats are reflected in the party nationwide,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Forty percent of the Democratic rank and file want Congress to approve the proposals that have passed through committee with only minor changes. But an equal number of Democrats nationwide want Congress to make major changes to those proposals before approving them.”


“Six in ten independents say they oppose Obama’s health care proposals,” says Holland. “That’s a nine point increase since October.”

The Obama shine is fading fast and it won’t save his vision of a socialist utopia. What a difference a year makes eh? Charles Krauthammer:

Sure, Election Day 2009 will scare moderate Democrats and make passage of Obamacare more difficult. Sure, it makes it easier for resurgent Republicans to raise money and recruit candidates for 2010. But the most important effect of Tuesday’s elections is historical. It demolishes the great realignment myth of 2008.

In the aftermath of last year’s Obama sweep, we heard endlessly about its fundamental, revolutionary, transformational nature. How it was ushering in an FDR-like realignment for the 21st century in which new demographics — most prominently, rising minorities and the young — would bury the GOP far into the future. One book proclaimed “The Death of Conservatism,” while the more modest merely predicted the terminal decline of the Republican Party into a regional party of the Deep South or a rump party of marginalized angry white men.

This was all ridiculous from the beginning. The ’08 election was a historical anomaly. A uniquely charismatic candidate was running at a time of deep war weariness, with an intensely unpopular Republican president, against a politically incompetent opponent, amid the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression. And still he won by only seven points.

Exactly a year later comes the empirical validation of that skepticism. Virginia — presumed harbinger of the new realignment, having gone Democratic in ’08 for the first time in 44 years — went red again. With a vengeance. Barack Obama had carried it by six points. The Republican gubernatorial candidate won by 17 — a 23-point swing. New Jersey went from plus-15 Democratic in 2008 to minus-four in 2009. A 19-point swing.


November ’08 was one shot, one time, never to be replicated. Nor was November ’09 a realignment. It was a return to the norm — and definitive confirmation that 2008 was one of the great flukes in American political history.

The irony of 2009 is that the anti-Democratic tide overshot the norm — deeply blue New Jersey, for example, elected a Republican governor for the first time in 12 years — because Democrats so thoroughly misread 2008 and the mandate they assumed it bestowed. Obama saw himself as anointed by a watershed victory to remake American life. Not letting the cup pass from his lips, he declared to Congress only five weeks after his swearing-in his “New Foundation” for America — from remaking the one-sixth of the American economy that is health care to massive government regulation of the economic lifeblood that is energy.


…Just last month Gallup found that conservatives outnumber liberals by 2 to 1 (40 percent to 20 percent) and even outnumber moderates (at 36 percent). So on Tuesday, the “rump” rebelled.

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Time to flush this turd, LOL

I’m with the 15% that want Congress to just walk away from ANY HC reform for the time being… let’s wait until the dust settles next fall before we talk about this any more.

And this time with TORT reform… or forget it

That info plus the CBO figures for this POS Program should put the heat on the Blue Dogs. It should go the way of the old Hillary Care nonsense and not be subject to further discussion, debate or a vote. Tort Reform should have been a key element of any Health Care Bill. That might have sold it.

Obama has bigger fish to fry than this nonsense. Lets try Econ 101 first. As long as MEDICARE and Social Security are slipping into insolvency He has larger issues than Socialist Programs that America cannot afford and does not want. If He is not careful His Community will get “Organized” in the next Election. Reid will be out and seats will be lost in the House and Senate by then.

Krauthammer calls 2008 “one of the great flukes” of American history. I have a different word than “flukes” to describe it.

And let’s repeat this from the post above: “Six in ten independents say they oppose Obama’s health care proposals,” says Holland. “That’s a nine point increase since October.”

That’s huge.

CNN’s headline should be: Americans demand an end to Obama Care.

Looks like Pelosi is having trouble getting the 218 votes she needs and the vote may be postponed.

I can’t wait for Pelosi to give up the gavel and be sitting in the cheap seats again.
Let her talk smack to herself and her aides. Yes, Elections will have consequences!

Krauthammer–tonight on the state of the cap and trade bill: “every once in a while rationality breaks out in congress…it’s rare, but it happens”

We should be able to say the same thing about PelosiCare/ObamaCare, but there’s this portion of the extreme left that is also threatening their own party with expulsion if they don’t pass it. Conservative Democrats in the House are stuck, even if the liberals don’t even see their party disolve into a shell in 2010. If the majority of a nation speeks out loudly enough, hopefully, the democrats will understand no one wants the government to control our healthcare to the tune of another trillion plus in unfunded debt under the plan that’s coming out of the House. And Speaker Pelosi better know this.

I am sure part of the threat to Demoncrats is that they will no longer be able to take advantage of any Soros money if they oppose obamacare. I am sure Obeyme, rahm, axelrude/piglosi and reid have many hammers.
The fact is these elites do not fear the people as much as they should. So now we need to figure out how to really scare the chit out of them. We need to keep the attendance up at tea parties and become alot more vocal. We need to be loud and bold. Sometimes I feel like a few of us might have to risk life and limb for our freedoms and liberty. I am old, I have lived with freedom and liberty most of my life and I will defend the rights of my children and grandchildren. I’d like to see them try to beat up a bunch of old people.
Obamacare will change all our lives horribly for possibly decades or longer.
We can never stop the fight against socialism/fascism. We need to get rid of any politician who is not fiscally conservative and a staunch defender of the consititution. We have more power then we sometimes give ourselves credit for.
Soros and Obama are evil men.
At all costs we need to protect our freedom of speech on the internet. If that goes that is when I dig up my guns and get ready to defend the Republic. It is sad to say but maybe if some of us start dying maybe those Americans and others around the world that have their heads stuck in the sand might sit up and take notice.

This is good news.The Kennedy Healthcare Plan is as deeply flawed as its namesake. I just wish we could get past all of this liberal-conservative ‘stuff’ and craft something that gets rid of pre-existing conditions, is national in scope, takes the burden of healthcare costs off businesses, promotes wellness, prevents medical bankruptcies of the working middle class, and improves maternal and natal mortality rates.
Perhaps instead of competing with insurance companies , our government should establish federal health clinics across America to care for those who cannot afford insurance on minimum wage jobs (as one component of a healthcare plan). This removes the burden of caring for the poor from private hospitals and clinics, saves babies and senior citizens, permits businesses to choose between health insurance for their workers or allowing their employees to go to federal clinics, and promotes wellness for those who need it most. If federally-backed student loans for future healthcare workers require working in clinics as a component of paying back the cost of the loan, this may be a good approach.
Let the working people who can afford better healthcare pay for it like they do now. Just like we have public and private school systems, we can have public and private healthcare. Just like we have public police forces and private security, just like we have public works projects and private company projects, I think there is room in American for both without forcing people to buy insurance.

Ah, government by opinion poll. If it had worked that way, we’d have withdrawn from Iraq years ago. Government run by the people. These would be the same people who can’t even name their own congressman or Senators or governor? Who couldn’t begin to explain what a PPO is? Much less the difference between the health care systems of Canada, England, and Germany.

You want a government run by the people? Look no farther than the State of California. All of the important decisions are made by the voters.

People who love America’s founders should remember that the framers of our constitution did not even trust the people sufficiently to allow them to elect their own Senators, and that the electoral college was supposed to put a buffer between the people and the election of their President.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

no need to worry old chap….the next “opinion poll” will come in November.

Demmies own his now, but for sure they’ll claim “bipartisnship” since one GOP member voted for this (that’s like saying you’re bilingual if you say “hola” to the nanny).

Demand honesty from the President.

This petition respectfully requests that President Obama keep true to his word and veto HR 3962 should it cross his desk. The president stated that he “will not sign a bill that raises the deficit”. HR 3962 does, in fact, raise the deficit2. Signing this petition indicates strong opposition to HR 3962. Demand that the president keep his word.

No, the bill is not ready for the president just yet but it could be soon. Let the president know that the American public does not support any bill which raises the deficit.

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