Pura Vida

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Every so often, we need to take a moment to appreciate the simple beauty of this world. Below are a collection of photos from my trip to Costa Rica, the jewel of Central America:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.



Now back to business:

The new CBO report on the cost of the Baucaus healthcare plan does not add up according to Megan McArdle.

Domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, admits to blogger, Anne Leary, to ghost writing Obama’s autobiography “Dreams of My Father”.

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Well of course Obama used a ghost writer, he can only use the letter “I”.

Skye, the photos were great, a bit of a respite. The flower colors were gorgeous!! Wow. Where’s my plane ticket!

Fantastic. I’ve been to Costa Rica and it’s a tropical wonderland. Lovely.

Uno mas Imperial por favor!! Nothing beats time in CR. Pura Vida

What resplendent photos….a kaleidoscope of Costa Rica’s vibrant colors! Thank you for sharing.

we need to take a moment to appreciate the simply beauty of this world.

Love how you included the two photos of you, relaxing. The “simply beautiful of this world”, indeed. 🙂