RomneyCare vs. ObamaCare – Yes It’s The Same [Reader Post]


As a resident of Taxachusetts my fellow residents can attest to what ObamaCare has in store for the rest of America. A lesson in RomneyCare is also a lesson in the danger of relying on so-called fiscal conservatives Republicans who will sell their allegiances in a heartbeat to further their political agendas. Beware of Romney and beware of Obama(Romney)Care.

Primarily RomneyCare set out to cover our uninsured and while the jury is still out on how many remain uninsured, most will agree that a large number of people are now covered. Despite mandates and penalties, anywhere between 100,000 to 200,000 remain uninsured which in a population of 6 million is close to universal coverage. Sadly, this is precisely where the merits of RomneyCare end assuming that universal coverage is something we need to strive for (more insurance is not the answer).

What did Romney promise us in this grand experiment?

– Reduced costs for insurance premiums.
– Health coverage will become affordable for all.
– Manageable costs to our budget

Do those sound familiar? They should, because these are precisely the promises being sold to us via ObamaCare. So a mere two years after the passage of RomneyCare how are those promises stacking up?

First of all, our insurance premiums are up double digits and this is according to one of the most liberal papers in the nation – Boston Globe. Meanwhile greedy out of control insurers in the rest of the country have gone up at half the speed. But responsible taxpayers are not the only ones hurting, the insurance plans under Massachusetts Commonwealth Care designed to subsidize low-income families are on the rise as well, also by double digits. According to CATO, our state already suffered from high insurance premiums due to oppressive regulations and domination by several large insurers, now the problems have exploded. Certainly seems like government intervention tends to raise insurance premiums, no? Imagine this on a national scale now.

Second of all, Romney promised the cost of this life saving experiment would not exceed 1.5 Billion and Common Wealth Care(CWC) would cost just north of 700 million. This may be hard to believe, but these projections missed their mark, just a little bit. For starters CWC clocked in at 870 million, more than 20% increase just this year alone. According to our governor, within the next three years CWC will DOUBLE in cost! We are already unfairly relying on federal subsidies to pay for these costs and will suffer when they stop, but what will the federal government do when it’s subsidies spiral out of control? Want a hint? It involves a printer. Meanwhile our legislature is scrambling and trying to comprehend the out of control rise in health care expenditures, just brilliant. The only medical insurance we should be subsidizing is the one covering brain examinations of legislators.

How will the state’s one party domination attempt to cover the project pitfalls in funding? Our sales tax has already been raised and everything from soda/candy taxes to alcohol/cigarette taxes are on the table. Deval Patrick is openly mulling over increasing fines to small businesses as part of the employer mandate and the ultimate liberal response to battle costs – price controls! Why liberals continue to believe in one of the most egregious economic fallacies is truly baffling, but we the citizens must endure this continued stupidity. FDR’s price controls caused food shortages (not the dust bowl folks, FDR), Carter’s price controls caused oil shortages and California’s legislatures caused massive rolling blackouts. Ultimately Romney’s vision of affordable insurance will be realized, assuming we want to afford rationed care and deterioration in quality. Still skeptical? After all, why would this happen? No reason why a collection of brilliant Harvard educated men can screw something up so badly, right?

In a piece from NY Times:

The share who accept new patients has dropped, to barely half in the case of internists, and the average wait by a new patient for an appointment with an internist rose to 52 days in 2007 from 33 days in 2006. In westernmost Berkshire County, newly insured patients are being referred 25 miles away, said Charles E. Joffe-Halpern, director of an agency that enrolls the uninsured.

The proof as they say, is in the pudding. Wait times almost doubling in the first year of practice is frightening especially when it is happening to yours truly. Why would anyone wish this upon the rest of America?

In conclusion, the following is obvious. Romney is NO fiscal conservative and should be defeated in the primaries as quickly as possible. He is nothing more than an opportunist and while he speaks eloquently on the merits of fiscal responsibility, does whatever is necessary to survive. Use Romney’s debacle here in our state as an example of what NOT to do, perhaps that can be the lasting benefit of RomneyCare to the rest of the nation.

What is equally obvious, government intervention and regulation cripples an industry that so desperately needs the opposite. Let us also not understate the moral infractions committed by a government forcing us to pay and buy something we do not want or need. How dare anyone punish us for not purchasing coverage and how is that any different than Stalin mandating what peasants can or cannot grow? Citizens are now forced to pay hundreds of millions extra in mandates and penalties, money we can be using to fund our HSAs or make other investments. Let us also recognize that limiting insurance companies, limiting how many physicians can practice, limiting how much coverage is acceptable and finally relying on someone else to pay the bill is not only backwards, but morally reprehensible.

Crossposted from Right Condition

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This guy and his perfectly quaffed hair need to go away, or join the Demo’s.

Also Physicians moral in any survey is in the toilet. Forms, government, craven politicians, finger snapping non paying welfare clients demanding Cadillac service for free.

Yes there is near universal coverage. Try to get an appointment. Physicians are fleeing the state. Hard to believe but they can get in a car and drive away from the People’s Republik.

Thanks Mitt. You couldn’t buy a win, but you left us a real winner of a mess. /sarcasm off

This is a great lesson and one the idiots in Congress should heed. Many in Congress suggested that we try any new health care ideas in individual states for at least two years before we dump it on the whole country. Mass. proves the value of this idea. To me Romney has been the perfect politician because he is almost the human personification of a windsock! We would never be able to trust him to stick to conservative principals because they might get in his way someday.

How is this guy still considered a real repub contender in 2012?
I really hope he drops out early and is not vetted for vp

Patvann: “This guy and his perfectly quaffed hair need to go away, or join the Demo’s”

How intelligent, you don’t like his hair.

Question to the author of the article, when Romney was your Governor, did he design this program or was it brought to him? I was not sure how it was originated and if he did design it, did he get everything he wanted?

@ Blast

“Intellegent” might be defined as the the ability to count. Start with children at certain bus stops.

AFTER your mommy wipes your spittle off the blocks.

Patvann: “Intellegent” might be defined as the the ability to count. Start with children at certain bus stops.

Laughable especially when you said…

Patvann: “Blast. The article says TWO kids.”

Needless to say of you could count, and read, you would have realized four mothers would have more than two kids between them. Stick to commentary on hair styles, it suits you better.

I would prefer if you stuck making a comment on the topics and keeping the thread on point.

Does anyone here know if Romney was the originator of the health care program in his state or was it just a collaboration between him and the Dems in MA?


Believe it or not, this was mostly a bipartisan invention. In fact, our legislature was planning to block Romney on his desires. Ted Kennedy then is reported to have called EVERY SINGLE legislator on Beacon Hill telling him to VOTE on the bill. This was a bipartisan effort unlike we have seen in the state and the Mass GOP was behind it 100%.

We knew that something was wrong when Kennedy and Romney saw eye to eye on this issue. Its not possible and not because we dont believe in collaboration, but because someone as liberal as Teddy cannot work a fiscal conservative. its not possible, but it was.

Like most readers here correctly point out, Romney is VERY VERY dangerous.

He also raised our taxes in the form of fees while claiming to have cut taxes, big lie.
He then moved BILLIONS off budget and claimed to have balanced it. Go to and notice that under Romney our expenditures went up as did the government intake of taxes.

He is awful.

arkady, thanks for the feedback, I was not sure who was the father of MA’s health care. I recall Romney claiming credit and then running from it, but since I don’t live there I was not sure how it came about.

Just another Southern Baptist Conventionite slamming the Mormons. Get the religion out of politics. Romney isn’t such a bad guy. Don’t be led astray either by the Libbies. ~THINK~!

Why do you think Democrats crossed party lines to vote in the Republican primary? Let me spell it out for you…THEY WANTED MCCAIN, THE WEAKEST OF THE CANDIDATES TO RUN AGAINST THEIR MAN, OBAMA. ~THINK~ We Conservatives have to be smarter next time.

Romney is a weasel, I will not support him in the primaries.


Thinking is apparently not your forte, so why advocate it to others? Accusing people for disliking Romney due to Mormonism is the equivalent of Carter calling us racists. If the article has not convinced you and the comments fell on deaf ears, then you have no tangible reason to support Romney other than him “not being such a bad guy”. Glad to see you are really thinking this one through.

arklady, I have thought it through. If you recall Romney took over the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City from corrupt officials and turned it into the most profitable olympic games ever. He would have certainly been my choice for president in 2008 except Mike Huckaby released a news story to your NY Times asking if Mormons believed Satan was Jesus Christ’s brother. Mccain and Huckaby conspired (with the help of Libbies) to ruin Romney’s chance of running the country. Keep drinking the Bong-Water.

Stupidest thing I ever heard. He ran winter Olympics and therefore would be a good president? Wow, I guess RomneyCare can be ignored then. I am drinking bong-water? Lol.

Bain Capital, Sealy Corp., Staples, Dominos, etc. just to name a few corporations. arklady, Bias against Mormons is a real thing. Most people don’t admit to it openly and that’s OK by me, it’s their opinion. I may have been born at night but I wasn’t born last night. Keep drinking the Bong-Water. Say, I know…let’s all keep fighting and let the Libbies win the 2010 and 2012 elections. I’ve made up my mind and aparently so have you.

Arkady: We knew that something was wrong when Kennedy and Romney saw eye to eye on this issue. Its not possible and not because we dont believe in collaboration, but because someone as liberal as Teddy cannot work a fiscal conservative. its not possible, but it was.

Just to add… this was not the first collaboration between the two. Together they worked to take the wind out of the sails on the Nantucket wind farm off the Cape because it would be an eyesore, and they feared plummeting properties values in ol’ Ted’s ‘hood. (post from my former blogspot, Sea2Sea).

Between the healthcare and the forked tongue on energy, I’ve never been a Romney supporter. And I’ve been consistent with my Romney disdain through the entire 2008 primaries. Yet even conservatives tend to wear blinders when it’s convenient.

About the best that can be said for Romney is he can be considered conservative when he is standing next to, say, Dennis Kucinich.

Slatrat, no one is questioning Romney’s ability to turn a buck. It is his forte. Consistent conservatism is not.

And I’ll be sure to tell my Mormon Utah friends, with whom I shall be gathering for our annual soiree quite soon, that I’m such a Mormon hater merely because I think Romney is less RINO and more liberal. They always enjoy a good laugh…
