RangerUp 2nd Amendment T-Shirt Contest – Essays

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The last leg to the contest to win a free Ranger Up 2nd Amendment t-shirt PLUS two items from the Flopping Aces store was the essays. Readers could send in essays, 400 words or less, about the relevance of the 2nd Amendment today.



I was born where?


When the Second Amendment was ratified, those who put it into law likely never realized how controversial it would be in today’s society, and how much it would be scrutinized. Yet today, more than ever, it’s importance has been recognized by those who still hold the Constitution dear.

But as seems to happen more and more, some of the leaders in our country today feel the need to pick apart the very document that gives them the authority to be in their position.

The biggest step toward tyranny is Big Government, and the biggest step towards big government is taking away the rights and protections of citizens. The biggest step toward removing those rights is gun control.

That is precisely why the Second Amendment is so relevant in the world we are in today. With clear and simple language, this law was added to the Constitution, and with smooth words and catchy phrases some attempt to push it out.

Oh, they wont try to get it removed, these people will come as the greatest defenders of your rights- they will say how they’re for the little guy. But then they will appoint judges who will ignore the very rules that were set for his protection.

When the government has finally escaped from the second amendment with judges who rule from the bench, they will take away our guns, and with it our freedom, our liberty, and our Republic.

The Liberals in America today have misused quotes of Thomas Jefferson to remove our rights, but they cannot refute this truth, in which he summed the situation all up better than any politician can today:

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.“


Militias. Armed Revolt. The 2nd Amendment was introduced at a time when the founders had fresh in their minds the success of the American Revolution, fought in large part by REAL citizen soldiers armed with their personal hunting rifles. But (thinks the reasonable person) that was a wholly different time. The right to bear arms is outmoded in a stable republic. And he would be right. If there could ever be such a thing as a “stable” republic.

The 2nd Amendment isn’t a Revolution-era footnote explaining how we got here. It’s a foot in the door of liberty in case that door ever swung closed.

Our Constitution is perishable. The only thing keeping it alive is the active force of the law it details. Undermine the force of law, and the Constitution evaporates. And law is easily undermined. Activist judges. Czars. Legislative creep unchecked by Stare Decisis lethargy. States are threatening to assert their rights against the federal government in a manner unseen since the civil rights era. Is the thought that citizens may need to stand up against tyranny so unthinkable that we would ignore the only physical protection we have to do so?


WELL, at the risk of sounding naive…The 2nd Amendment is more important than ever:

1. BECAUSE, government does NOT want us to have the right.
1 1/2. AND, they don’t want us to have any rights.
2. Because they want us to trust them..YEAH, RIGHT…NOT.
3. So we can owe them taxes and our lives???
4. What happens when we cannot pay the taxes?..if we exist by then?
5. Whatever this government wants, I know I am against.
6. NWO and police state comes to mind as a reason to be armed.
7. Has this government said our Constitution is gone? NO…THEY
*are too darn sneaky.
8. I know they should be fired and get NO severance pay whatsoever!
GUNS=SNUG (backwards)…need I say more? NOT.


The 2nd Amendment is still relevant to Americans today as it makes them feel independent and secure against any perceived external threats. This could range from wild animals, hostile injuns or any rabid socialists. It’s empowering and it also gives a finger up to the Federal Government and any of those fools who whinge on about safety. Because as Americans know it’s not guns that kill people – it’s people. Have you ever seen an AK walk into a convenience store by itself? Nope. And if the bad dudes didn’t have guns then they would find other ways to do bad stuff to all the good folk out there. Hell those 9/11 hijackers didn’t have guns and see what they did. If it wasn’t guns it would be knives, sharp pointy sticks or something. And if you ban guns it doesn’t get rid of guns. It only means that honest folk are disarmed but all those robbers, rapists and other rascals will still have lead. Americans have the right to protect their property, to shoot and ask questions later. The country was taken by guns and guns will be necessary to keep it the way it is.

Now because the occasional little kid might find their way into daddy’s armory and shoot themselves in the head – doesn’t mean America should ban guns. The problem isn’t the gun – it’s the lack of gun education. Every kid should be taught at school – in 5th grade – how to load and shoot a .45. That way the little critters will respect guns and won’t be tempted to treat it like a toy or go postal on their classmates. Also think how many victims would be alive now if they only had guns to protect themselves? 9/11 wouldn’t of happened if air passengers were all armed to the teeth. Mohammed wouldn’t be so confident about hijacking planes then if he knew his ass would be full of lead if he so even made his way anywhere near the cockpit. Overall America was great because of its frontier spirit andto fulfill its Manifest Destiny in God’s name. America is approaching it high noon – and like Gary Cooper – America has to face up to these liberals who want emasculate their own country – to literally cut America balls off. Instead of words these traitors need to respect or be taken down by the gun. Live free or die!


The Relevance of the Second Amendment in Today’s United States

Our founding fathers had a profound understanding of the importance for the citizenry to “keep and bear arms.” Without this right, America would never have become an independent nation. Along with troops of trained soldiers, many private citizens, armed with their squirrel guns, stood up to British tyranny.

Just as the US was born of the firearm, so it grew. Settlers depended on their guns to protect their families and to procure food. Westward expansion would never have been possible without armed pioneers. Private ownership of guns is an integral part of our heritage, and one that has not diminished with the passage of time.

Today, as in the past, gun ownership is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Modern police forces and the branches of the military have not erased or negated our need and desire to bear arms. Many law-abiding citizens feel safe in the knowledge that they can offer adequate protection for themselves and for their families in these uncertain times. In fact, our need to be personally armed might be even more necessary today.

Hunting is also part of our legacy. Stalking and killing wild game is ingrained in many of us. Putting food on the table that was harvested by our own efforts and cunning skill provides the ultimate sense of freedom and independence. It’s true Americana and all but impossible without the Second Amendment.

Who knows what the future holds for America? Our economic foundation is quickly crumbling, and whispers of political unrest are rumbling across the land. Food shortages, riots, and domestic and international terrorism could ensue. If and when that happens, it will be the well armed citizens who survive – the ones who can hunt and kill their own meat and who can protect their food and other belongings from those who would take it.

The Second Amendment will always be held dear by a huge number of Americans. It’s in our blood. It’s part of our independent spirit. It’s part of what makes us Americans.

Vote below: (polls staying open till Aug 12th @ 8pm PST)

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Good stuff.

Was not one of the reasons for our revolution against the British the treatment as second class citizens? Were not the colonies looked down upon as populated by people who were not quite the stature as British subjects from the British Isles? There doesn’t seem to be much difference in attitude today by our “elected” representatives. How many polls indicate in a single congressional district or state represented by a Senate large majority views held in opposition to the so-called elected rep? How many taxes, subtle and open, are opposed by the electorate only to be actively promoted and then enacted by the representative? How many laws are bent and abused by judges? How many policies are imposed by the judicial bench without any representation from the electorate? How many unelected officials create law and policy without a single bit of representation from the people?
The Founding Fathers held that those who produced the fruits of labor and industry and held property should have a say in how the country is run. Current leaders and the courts pay far more attention to those who produce nothing or live off of tax dollars and to those who are not citizens. Judges blatantly announce that they would make decisions based upon another country’s law?
Lost is the 4th Estate, previously and largely a defender of the public. It has always had its gossipers and falsehoods spreading side, but the tide has shifted to the majority of the press and media representing some kind of “world” press. The unabashed patriotism of the past is scorned. The unique American culture, with its strong and weak points, has always come through to do what’s right in the end, yet now faces the moral relativism and scorn which is usually bolstered by the cheer leading media. The independent American, the hard-working, striving for growth and self-improvement American is vilified as greedy, selfish, mean-spirited and shallow by those who are jealous of success and desirous of extinguishing the bright beacon cast by America’s shining place on the hill.
The Founding Fathers and fellow citizens needed their guns to make a change after all other avenues to gain recognition and justice failed. The parallels for the United States today are numerous with our out of control Congressmen and Senators forgetting that they are public servants. They instead consistently figure new ways to separate themselves from us and skim more of our hard-earned dollars for themselves and their cronies. Will we need our guns to finally make a change? The Second Amendment rights are now more important than ever.

Very good essays. Even ThomNJ’s!

“The Second Amendment will always be held dear by a huge number of Americans. It’s in our blood. It’s part of our independent spirit. It’s part of what makes us Americans.”

SO true.

Good luck all.

They are all very good essays … they all deserve to win … we need more t-shirts 🙂