New RangerUp T-Shirt Contest

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Closing the contest, lots of caption entries for you all to vote on and now received five essay entries. Will have the follow up poll up soon.

Good luck all.

RangerUp has graciously given up three of their new 2nd Amendment t-shirts for Flopping Aces to give away:


So the top two captions for this picture gets a free shirt:


And the kicker is I will give away the last shirt and any two items from the Flopping Aces store (ad is on the sidebar, check it out) to the one who writes the best essay (400 words or less) about how relevant the 2nd amendment is in today’s world (Please send the essay to Place your captions in the comment section of this post. The readers will vote on who wins both contests.

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Let’s see… If I send Hillary here and Biden there….

There. That one there. We haven’t apologized to them yet…

Why are all of these countries different colors?
Can’t we all just get along?

“Mine! All mine!”

Let me see now, where is Tegucigalpa?

“Heads will roll. This is supposed to be a flat panel TV according to Biden.”

If socialism works in Yurrup, why won’t it work HERE?

[Whistling:] “I left my name . . . in Indonesia”

Let’s see, drop off Mo and the girls in Kuwait, shake the press, hit the Haji and be back in time for Thanksgiving.

Whew! I’m so glad that the USA is on the LEFT side of the map! It seems like a sign somehow.

“Rahm! I still can’t see the pirate ship!….this is really hard”
“Got it, got it, need it, need it, need it, got it……”

I got the little bitty children in my hands, I got the whole world in my hands.

When I am president of all this…… (note to self “need more tzars”)

Caption for picture:

“You know, if I plan the next three and a half years carefully, I can travel to each and every one of these countries, apologize for America, and never have to do any heavy lifting back home.”

“Hmm. This historic map on loan to us from Great Britain still list Kenya as the British East African Protectorate. That offends me. Send it back to the Queen.”

“What! I thought Chicago was literally in the center of the world.”

“Rahm! Boobytrap this map with a bunch of made up countries and hang it in Hillary’s office.”

“USSR? What the heck is that?”

Now, how does Sarah Palin see Russia from her house?

Where’s Waldo?

(1) “This means something…”

(2) “What the hell is this? That one kind of looks like a donkey…And look! there’s a boot in the middle of that sea thingamabobber!”

(3) “Let’s see, Community Organizer, State Legislator, Senator, President, What can I run for next? ..Hey Hillary! What’s above President?”

(4) “Holy crap! Alaska’s a lot bigger than Illinois.”

(5) “I don’t see any ice caps at all in this picture! Why this proves Al Gore’s right!!!”

(6) “Where can I screw-up next?”

(7) “There’s got to be someplace I can send Biden to shut him up. …But where!!!”

(8) “Which one is the U.N.?”

(9) “Call my Internet Czar. GoogleEarth is broken.”

(10) “OK Pinky, here’s the plan.”

(11) “So this is the new Congressional redistricting plan.”

(12) “OK, I’m in position, now someone slide this under my butt.”

(13) “Hey! This map is defective! They left out Black America!!!”

(14) “I need to find out where Hawaii is. I told everyone I was born there.”

(15) “Finally I can play Risk with real armies.”

(16) “FOX said I’m in a state of Denial. That make 58 states. I wonder which of these it is?”

Right now I’m just President Barack Hussein Obama, Community Organizer-in-Thief of the United States of America

But soon I will be World President, World Community Organizer, Barack Hussein Obama, Commander-in-Thief of everything on this map.

Are you smaaaaarter than a fiifth grader

If I can’t find my ass with both hands, how can I find Iraq?

“Damn! I’m running out of places to apologize for America.”

Hey, who hung an atlas in front of my desk???

This map is out of date, it only has fifty states.

There’s got to be someplace on this map where the single-payer healthcare plan came in on budget.

Come on you essayists! Some of you folks write comments with more than 400 words. Surely, more than two of you can write an essay of less than 400 words touting the good things about the 2nd Amendment.

Uh… can I write one. LOL

(he thinks)*
I’ve Got The Whole World, In My Hands……..

Ok, so where IS Waldo? Jeez this is hard…

“Rahm, you really think I can be the king of all this?”

“Let’s see…where do I need to lower the sea levels, and move the continents in order to make this one fully connected world?”

“Let’s redistribute the countries. Some are too small and other are too large…let’s make them all the same.”

Darn it. Caught in the Chocolate Swamp again. And I was this close to reaching King Kandy.

(Humming to We are the World)
‘We can’t go on pretending day by day that someone, somewhere will soon make a change’

‘See I knew the Earth was flat…’

‘Hey Joe – come and look at this crazy Magic Eye picture – if you stare long enough you can see Dolphins prancing out of the sea with olive branches in their mouths’

For the Second Amendment, I don’t write well enough for an essay, but I have this:

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed – where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
2009 Judge Alex Kozinski

I just wish I had written it, because that is what I was taught, by my Dad and my Grand Dad.

Papa Ray

Ditto wins on sheer volume. Bodacious, dude…or dudette…

Only 50? Huh! I could’ve sworn there were 57!

Hmm, where should I take Michelle on our next date night?

2 Brazilian soldiers died? How many is a Brazilian? Oh! There’s Brazil. I get it now!!

We need a Czar of map hanging around here…

Hmmm – X on Afghanistan, O on Turkey and another X on Iraq. I think Dubya was playing Tic Tac Toe with the Middle East.

Whoever created this got it all wrong. Thankfully my quadrillion dollar tectonic-plate-shifting stimulus package will soon change all that!

He got the whole world in his hands
But he’s bogged down in Afghanistan

“David (Axelrod), where am I going next?”


Support and defend the 2nd Amendment, because Leftists don’t voluntarily give up power.


“After the pile of shit I’m about to unload, I’ll have to wipe with both hands”

I just can’t quite locate those 57 states but I know there here somewhere…


That’s a brief essay. 🙂