New RangerUp T-Shirt Contest



Closing the contest, lots of caption entries for you all to vote on and now received five essay entries. Will have the follow up poll up soon.

Good luck all.

RangerUp has graciously given up three of their new 2nd Amendment t-shirts for Flopping Aces to give away:


So the top two captions for this picture gets a free shirt:


And the kicker is I will give away the last shirt and any two items from the Flopping Aces store (ad is on the sidebar, check it out) to the one who writes the best essay (400 words or less) about how relevant the 2nd amendment is in today’s world (Please send the essay to Place your captions in the comment section of this post. The readers will vote on who wins both contests.

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Curt, can I submit my caption for the photo separate from my essay? If so, here’s my caption for the photo:

“Now where was that again where I was born? Hmmm…”

Now where is that 57th state? Hummmm…….. You know the one I haven’t visited yet.

And the next stop on the Obama Apology Tour is…….

Hmmm, I’ve been looking for hours and I still can’t find Africa-America.

This isn’t Chicago, is it?

@SoCal Chris: I still want to see that essay!

And for all the other essayists:
Once yours is written, why not copy and paste the text into an email and send it as a letter to the editor of your local newspaper?

Now, where’s that pesky Israel everyone keeps talking about.

@Mike’s America:
I will be working on it…promise! 🙂

Crapping on the Presidential Seal is fun! Tee-hee! I’ll bleme the mess on Bush!!!

After I turn the US into a 3rd World Country, I will be King of this World and adored by all.

And this will be mine, all mine, Mr. Bond.

“Well damn…It’s flat after all.”

Waldo must be here somewhere!

I thought the world was round.

I can see Chicago from my white house !!!

Where’s D.C.? Isn’t D.C. a state?

“Muahahaha! It will all be mine! MINE! MuuahAHAHAHAHAHA!”


“They keep telling me the world is round…but it sure looks flat to me.”

Map, Map, Against my desk,
Which one of these countries LOVES ME the Best!

“Let’s see… are there any allies left for me to piss off?”


“There’s gotta be somewhere I can hide that Biden guy”


“I wonder if this will be low enough for King Abdullah”

“Damn Birthers”.

Those things in the picture look just like my poops.

“Where or where have my records all gone,
Oh where oh where could they be?
The birthers are looking,
my lawyers are laughing
Oh where or where have they gone?”

Caption: “Let’s see … America … America … hmm, I know it’s here somewhere.”

“oooo I can see Russia from my house too!”

Obamaman – “To the Obamaplane Boy Biden! We need to apologise to the penguins in Antarctica for the global warming we are inflicting upon them!”

Boy Biden – “Zowie! Are there hot Ukranian babes there?”

“Damn, if only I had used a hammer once in my life, I could put this damn thing on the wall where it belongs….”

“This Diplomacy game is hard”

“Get ready Biden, I’m coming for Kamchatka!”

“I thought we tracked Santa Claus?”

“Now where are those hanging Chads of Kerry’s?”

“Damnit, there’s gotta be a country where I’m still popular, there just HAS to be!”

“After I take this dump, Israel and England won’t get me past wipe to polish. Maybe I should tear out Canada and Texas as well.”

Sure we can visit you soon “JOE”

So THAT’S where Carmen San Diego is!!!

I’ve crapped on you, sucked up to you, crapped on you…

Hey, I can see my house from here!

I’d surrender to you, and you, and you, annnnd you….

And where is the little X that says “Messiah is here”?

You’ve melted my beautifully wicked health care plan! What a world! What a world!

The first thing that came to mind when I saw this photo…

Now, let me think, which Continent would Chavez like……

Should I go to Mecca for vacation next year?

Hmmmm!! President of the world, I like it.

How do I change the channel to Fox? Love me some Hannity!

Picture a thought bubble over Obumble’s head…

“What the hell is this?”

Wow, Israel is really tiny. We won’t miss it…

First, you getta the money,
Then, you getta the votes,
Then, you getta the power,

It’s all mine……

I’m voting for Steve, caption 41. His caption is so to the point. Kudo’s Steve.

“Red state, Blue state, Red state…Oh for the love of…Rahm bring me my blue Crayons!

“I *KNOW* that I am right …. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 48, 49, 50. Which ONE did I miss THIS TIME?”

They love me… They love me not… They love me… They love me not…

Planning the 2010 World Apologize Tour, President Obama realizes there aren’t that many stops left to make. Mauritinia? Guinea Bissau? Malawai? Ooooooh French Suriname, haven’t been there yet.

Rahm! The teleprompter fell again!

“Now, let me see . . . where is Afghanistan?”


“Which ones America again… Oh yea the one below Asia.”

Pockeestahn? Pockeestahn. It’s got to be here somewhere.

Is this map up to date?