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From the picture it looks like “we are three”. (Obama plus the two teleprompters)

I think we will look back on this Gates episode as the pivot point in the defeat of what is now called Obamacare. It will serve to separate the far left democrats to whom the police are symbolic of the oppressive state from the moderate democrats who enjoy peace, quiet and safety in their neighborhoods. It will alert the independents once again to the mistake they made as they voted for change. It will solidify the Republicans and conservatives who do believe in law and order. Finally, it will give the conservative Democrats the cover they need to vote as their constituents want – against the monstrosity. Here, an ostensibly unrelated incident exposed even more the arrogance of the President and the extent that he is willing to overreach to achieve whatever is the objective de jour. The best indication of this change is the exuberance of the stock market that emerged as it became clearer that Obama was not going to ram his health care monstrosity down our throats. Funny how things work. He is getting tripped up on his attitude which, in turn, raises serious questions about his substance.


The main reason anyone would get stopped by the Sheriff here is if they are speeding. 9 times out of 10 when a car speeds past me clearly exceeding the speed limit guess what color skin the driver has?

The “racial profiling” excuse is another way to shield blacks from the same sort of accountability the rest of us face daily.

If I had mouthed off to a cop the way Gates did I would be face down eating dirt.

I suppose if the cop was black I could claim he was racist but who would listen.

The “racial profiling” excuse is another way to shield blacks from the same sort of accountability the rest of us face daily.

Exactly. Claims of racism are also used as a weapon. 3 different black women I work with claimed racism against my boss. What did she do? Her job! These three women seemed to think the rules didn’t apply to them. The mere act of her making them abide by the rules or punishing them for repeatedly breaking them motivated them to go to HR and complain. Thing is, my boss treated everyone the same. The difference was that we generally did our job and didn’t mouth off to her when we were corrected for not doing it. This was asking too much of them it seems.
So now my boss has a black mark on her record and may yet lose her job over it, just because some bigots wanted to get back at her.
Oh and yes, they are racist. I overheard some of the conversations among the three of them.

It would have been priceless if Abe had leaned forward and said to Obie:

“Get off my lawn!”

@Aye Chihuahua:

It’s out, apparently the public wasn’t impressed with the way the news conference or Obamagatesgate was handled:



Thanks Missy!

I hadn’t seen that yet.

We just got home from church.

Man, O-Bum-Looker seems to be in deep trouble.

Sgt. Crowley should decline that beer with Obama. Instead, he should invite both Obama and Gates to attend his anti-racial-profiling training in Cambridge, no cameras allowed.