Obama has learned well:
Take this bit of race baiting for example. He spoke out about the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, after admitting he didn’t know all the facts, and said that if it had happened to us “any of us would be pretty angry.”
Those racist cops don’t know when to quit eh? Responding to a 911 call about a couple men breaking into a house, described as two black men, and then having the gall to question the men…who coincidentally had jimmied their way into the house AND fit the description given in the 911 call…for ID.
Patterico hits the nail on the head:
According to the police report, which I find more credible than Gates’s account, Gates started screaming about racism right from the get-go. (If he didn’t, then why did he get arrested?) And why? Because a police officer was reasonably following up on a reasonable concern?
No, it’s because Gates assumed he was being profiled. And so does Obama, who gives us a long lecture about the history of racial profiling in this country — as if that had anything to do with this incident.
It didn’t. As Jack Dunphy said at the Corner:
The claim that Gates had been “profiled” is ludicrous. Police responded to a 911 call from a witness who described two black men she believed to be breaking into a home. If contacting a black man then found inside that very home is deemed to be “profiling” then the term itself has been stripped of its meaning.
Welcome to post-racial America — where race hustlers hold sway, and all their paranoid fantasies receive official stamps of approval.
But who can blame Obama….he learned from the best in Wright, Meeks and Pfleger.
Problem is, he is no longer Candidate Obama…he is President…and if you don’t know all the facts, as he so readily admitted, you don’t proclaim to the world that one side acted stupidly.
But hey, in the same press conference he inferred our nations doctors are just after a quick buck ready to do unnecessary surgery in their quest for riches.
Cops and Doc’s…..those eeeeeviiiillllll bastards!
More here.
Dan Friedman has some great advice in an email:
If you think, as I do, that the sergeant deserves our encouragement and support, here’s the non-emergency phone number of the Cambridge Police Dept.: 617-349-3300.
I called this a.m. and they were very friendly, and in a neutral way (wink, wink) thanked me for my comment. Try it yourself. Couldn’t hurt.
And this article is pretty good about the officer:
The Cambridge cop prominent Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. claims is a racist gave a dying Reggie Lewis mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate bid to save the Celtics [team stats] superstar’s life 16 years ago Monday.
“I wasn’t working on Reggie Lewis the basketball star. I wasn’t working on a black man. I was working on another human being,” Sgt. James Crowley, in an exclusive interview with the Herald, said of the forward’s fatal heart attack July 27, 1993, at age 27 during an off-season practice at Brandeis University, where Crowley was a campus police officer.
It’s a date Crowley still can recite by rote – and he still recalls the pain he suffered when people back then questioned whether he had done enough to save the black athlete.
“Some people were saying ‘There’s the guy who killed Reggie Lewis’ afterward. I was broken-hearted. I cried for many nights,” he said.
Crowley, 42, said he’s not a racist, despite how some have cast his actions in the Gates case. “Those who know me know I’m not,” he said.
Yesterday, Lewis’ widow, Donna Lewis, was floored to learn the embattled father of three on the thin blue line of a national debate on racism in America was the same man so determined to rescue her husband.
“That’s incredible,” Lewis, 44, exclaimed. “It’s an unfortunate situation. Hopefully, it can resolve itself. The most important thing is peace.”
Gates, 58, an acclaimed scholar on black history and a PBS documentarian, went on the attack against Crowley on Tuesday, demanding he apologize for arresting him for disorderly conduct last Thursday while investigating a reported break-in at his home. Gates, returning from a trip, was seen by a Malden woman trying to force his front door open. Police alleged he initially refused to identify himself.
Though he harbors no “ill feelings toward the professor,” a calm, resolute Crowley said no mea culpa will be forthcoming.
“I just have nothing to apologize for,” he said. “It will never happen.”

See author page
James, he wasn’t arrested for yelling at a cop. He was arested for disorderly conduct. His obnoxiuos behavior attracted a crowd and disturbed others minding their own business so please don’t give me that BS claim it was for “contempt of cop.” As for the charges being dropped, it’s hardly proof he was wrongly arrested. In a far left, PC state like MA I’m surprised the PD is even supporting the officer let alone saying he did nothing wrong.
I have to agree with others here about your claims and go a step further. YOU are a racist. Sadly, I doubt you even realize it.
@james manning #29 & #30:
I believe this Chris Rock video covers #1 (at around 1:58- be polite & stop immediately) and #3 (at around 2:40- stfu):
CR got it right. However, his rules apply to EVERYONE.
You mean blacks shouldn’t be held exempt for belligerent contempt and hostile behavior?
Hard Right “James, that is such a racist attitude you’ve taken and there is no excusing it… The fact are these: Gates is a racist/race pimp… Your views are racist whether or not you realize it.”
Oh, Hard Right is now the official arbitrator about what is racist or not… of course while invoking “race pimp” in his comment. The man had no shame what so ever.
Gates stupid for mouthing off
Cop stupid for arresting him
Obama Stupid for calling the cops stupid
HR’s commentary on race… very very stupid.
Stuck in the filter, P&T.
So in blasted’s twisted world racist comments and attitudes aren’t racist if a black man says or has them. NO ONE is allowed to speak the truth if blasted doesn’t approve. Way to show your hypocrisy and dishonesty yet again.
The police did the right thing in arresting gates. They were wrong to think dropping the charges would allow things to blow over. After seeing ex-law enforcement officers and legal experts comment on the law it’s clear the officer acted properly. What do they know tho, blasted has spoken (roll eyes).
Blasted, put down the crack pipe.
Actually I never addressed Gates “racism” or the police, or society. I was only pointing to your own words when you said “race pimp” which is a highly charged line… and you said that in context of speaking about a black man, and to a black man, James, (and others on this thread). I thought James was speaking from his experience and then you toss out the “pimp” line… you are either stupid or just dumb, either way, you are totally clueless.
As to your “Blasted, put down the crack pipe” … In your case I know you are not on crack since you described your brother… so it must be genetic.
So blasted, you condemn me for “judging” James, then judge me. Could you be any more of a hypocrite?
In addition to that, you dishonestly claim he was only “describing his experiences.” Ummmm no he wasn’t. He made multiple claims of racism where there wasn’t any. Just ONE example was where a man who was face down and IN THE PROCESS OF BEING CUFFED was accidently shot by an officer. He claimed the man was cuffed and clearly implied the shooting was an example of racism.
Sorry genius, but it’s clear he has issues with race. I will continue to call it as I see it.
You think Gates isn’t a race pimp? Your parents must have been brother and sister.
Since you want to describe people, how about we describe you?
Not too bright, suffering from BDS and PDS, enabler of racists, a liar and a hypocrite.
I judged your words “race pimp” as being highly charged, and then added the bit about you being mentally deficient (stupid) only due to you opening you mouth and removing all doubt.
As to BDS, PDS, add to that CDS, you gotta love a Veep that wants to deploy troops (as part of a policing action) in the USA when the FBI or other civilian authorities could have been used in Buffalo, so actually Pres Bush showed great leadership by saying no.
Yes, Bush did show leadership, something obviously lacking from the Oval Office of today. As far as VP Cheney and his concerns coming on the heels of 911, I’d still rather have him than Biden any day. Contrary to what we were always told, Bush evidently had more control while in office than what the media wanted us to believe, AHA, Cheney wasn’t running the place after all. Funny, the MSM isn’t following the same path in reporting the gaff master Biden and the lack of control Obama has over him when it has to do with his mouth. Now is it time to add a bunch of letters? Here you go… TRF, PDY, ORP, MHT and always, SU, YBUA. Shut up, you bore us already.
Missy, get some new material. You can’t even take a complement to the former President without choking on it.