As yet more proof that Andree Mcleod not only has no respect for Alaskan law, nor the taxpayers wallets, this loser of human has now filed her sixth attempt to throw mud at Sarah to see if she can get anything to stick.
To say hell hath no fury may be an understatement when it comes to this one… You might also recall Ms. Mcleod (photo to left) was also the same wacko that appointed herself the state government employees fashion facist… complaining there was just “too much cleavage” being shown by the staffers.
Just a week before she walks out of the Alaskan gubernatorial offices, Sarah, on July 20th, 4:40pm Alaskan time, tweeted:
AKGovSarahPalin: In violation of Ethics Act more allegations were filed today by serial complainer;gave to press be4 we could respond;ridiculous, wasteful…
Didn’t take me long when I saw that yesterday to figure out who best fit the profile of “serial complainer”. Conservatives4Palin was on top of it the same day, but it didn’t make a more national medium until it’s appearance today on Salon by, none other than Rachel D’Oro. She is, of course, the same reporter that’s feeding the BS to AP about the Chatman ethics complaint being a done deal as “guilty” in my Pt VI series.
D’Oro’s dribblings today:
The latest complaint alleges she abused her office by accepting a salary and using state staff while campaigning outside Alaska for the vice presidency. It’s the third complaint filed against the Republican since she announced July 3 that she was stepping down.
~~~In her complaint, Andree McLeod said that two days before Palin was named John McCain’s running mate, she signed travel documents that stated “conclusion of state business.” A similar document soon after the election stated “return to duty status.”
McLeod said Palin’s signature on the documents demonstrated a “willingness to forgo her duties as governor” to travel on the national campaign. She added that she filed the complaint now only because she was waiting for a final document from the state in response to a public records request.
McLeod said that given that temporary absence, Palin should have turned over the governor’s responsibilities to Parnell as required by the state constitution.
“The reason this is so serious is because the transfer of power should have taken place but did not,” McLeod said Tuesday.
UPDATE: It seems that Ms. D’Oro, an Alaskan resident as well as an AP hack, continues to get her facts wrong. The newest Handee Andree complaint is clarified by Palin counsel, Thomas Van Flein, on Facebook.
Another Ethics Complaint Filed Against the GovernorJuly 20, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska – Once again, an ethics complaint has been filed and publicly released in violation of state law. This is the sixth complaint filed by Ms. McLeod. In addition, she has filed a lawsuit against the Governor’s office and multiple public records act requests.
All of her prior complaints that have been ruled on have been dismissed.
The Ethics Act serves important state interests in ensuring ethical state government and was intended to prevent the various forms of corrupt misconduct that had plagued the Legislature in prior years and which resulted in the prosecution of legislators and others. It is unfortunate that the law has been abused and trivialized in the current manner.
Today’s complaint, filed just six days before the Governor leaves office, alleges that Governor Palin violated the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act by failing to submit complete gift disclosure forms in a timely manner, and obtained “free” services. The apparent primary goal of this complaint has been achieved, namely, an effort to keep the complainant’s name in the paper. We anticipate another dismissal of this complaint as with the complainant’s other complaints. This is the fourth ethics complaint filed against the Governor since the announcement of her resignation on July 3. In every case, the complainers violated the confidentiality provision of the Ethics Act in making their complaints public knowledge.
THOMAS VAN FLEIN—Personal Attorney for Governor Palin
Mcleod evidently needs to move fast since Palin steps down on Sunday, so this sixth smear attempt comes only days after her fifth filing was thrown out the door almost upon arrival.
As is usual with our bizarre societal obsessions, one has to wonder if Mcleod isn’t out for her own last seconds of her 15 minutes of fame. For timed with her sixth filing of complaints was a Vanity Fair profile feature of Mcleod, calling her Sarah’s “worst nightmare”.
To McLeod, the fact that all the complaints have been dismissed is merely proof that the review board is in Palin’s pocket. “They’re appointed by the governor,” she says. “They’re not independent. I used to work for a board for the state. Boards like this that are made up of volunteers who are easily manipulated.”
As I pointed out in the Troopergate series, and again in the Alinsky Perfected II/III pieces, the three personnel board members are all appointees of Mcleod’s prior boss, Frank Murkowski. Vanity Fair’s Christopher Batement, apparently less informed on facts that dedicated to slipping sly little demeaning remarks about Palin in his feature on McLeod, let this truth go by with nary a clarification.
Batement did, however, follow it up with a quote from the AG’s office stating repeatedly to his questions that Palin’s not been found guilty of anything…. only to follow it up with his own personal observation: “In fact, he said it enough times that I started to wonder if he was trying to convince himself.”
… or perhaps he was trying to get it thru Bateman’s thick skull?
Work quick, Mcleod. Because your next attacks on the soon to be ex-governor will no longer be paid for by your neighbors, and will cost you dearly in a counter lawsuit. And I say it’s about time.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
I cannot wait for Palin to use her book advance to counter-sue this leftist retard.
time to start doing the same to all dem governors
This person should be pushed down, and have rude things said about her.
A lot.
In other news- obama press conference…
Tragic, Epic, Millenial FAIL.
The only thing missing from that debacle was a cardigan on jimmuh v 2.0.
I need ideas on what I can sue this bitch for…I know a few bored laywers.
Hmmm. Daughter says we should go to Alaska, and look for zoning or potential environmental violations to whack her with. (This 16y/o kid will be deadly in a few more years.)
Fur-lined burkhas for everyone!
Vicious and vengeful Liberal idiots like Andree McLeod know that these bullshit complaints also cost the taxpayers, regardless of the fact that the Palins have to fund their own defense. Palin’s allies need to keep a running tab and widely publicize the dollar costs to each Alaskan as state personnel, resources, materials, and funds are diverted by these pathetic charades.
Has anyone seriously thought of sueing her for slander and misuse of public funds?
thfr, Mcleod is indeed vicious and vengeful. But she is avicious and vengeful Republican … not a liberal. Handee Andree worked for Palin’s predecessor, corrupt governor Frank Murkowski. Murkowski and staff were no fans of Palin, despite what Mcleod says (which she said to unsuccessfully solicit an appointment). Sarah has enemies on both sides of the aisle in that state, and that’s one of the things I like about her. She’s an equal opportunity corruption buster.
This is what makes Mcleod’s charge that the Board is in Sarah’s pocket so absurd. They are all appointees of her former boss, Murkowski. If they were to show any loyalty, I would guess they would be showing it to a staffer of the guy who appointed them. Which just goes to show how frivolous her complaints were.
Aleric, the only one with standing for a personal lawsuit would be Palin. She cannot do that as a sitting governor. Perhaps, if Mcleod continues to pursue her post resignation, she can file harassment charges without specifically addressing the ethics charges. But she can’t sue in civil court because a citizen used the ethics complaint system while she was in office. All the aces are in the abuser’s hand right now with the way the system is structured legally.
It will be interesting to see how fast Mcleod, as well as the blogger, Shannon what’s her name, assume the media “victim” stance after Sarah’s a citizen. Because I’m entirely sure they will want to continue their freak sideshow notoriety, staying in the spotlight as “victims” of Sarah’s wrath. Otherwise they sink back into obscurity…. where they belong. Why the heck this woman deserves a Vanity Fair profile is beyond me. Thank heavens they have Christopher Hitchens or else they’d be worth nothing but fish wrap.
“The Alaskan landscape is littered with those that underestimated Sarah Palin”… paraphrasing what someone said. Can’t remember it off the top of my head this AM. I say good. The birds of prey need more roadkill to feast on. Go for it, Sarah.
Gloves are off. Palin’s tired of being a target (very different than a victim) at the expense of the Alaskans. So she’s changing the rules of the game. Good on her. Better for Alaska and their wallets, and better for Sarah. Should be fun to watch over time, and I hope the Palins come out on the winning side on all levels.
Go Sarah! Time to turn the tables.
And yes, even though mcleod is a republican, the Right needs to start using some of the same tactics against the left – maybe they will think twice about filing lawsuits all the time when it begins to be them having to defend themselves…….of course, I can see a number of judges throwing the suits out against Dems, but we need to start fighting fire with fire. (Plame/Wilson suits against Scooter Libby come to mind).
Thanks for the correction on that point. I should have used the less offensive and more accurate descriptor: douchenozzle.