I’m With Sarah! [Reader Post]


Millions of liberals rejoiced and thousands of Republicans heaved a sigh of relief Friday as Sarah Palin announced her decision to resign as Alaska’s governor. In her usual forthright manner, Gov. Palin made clear that she was not content to squander her time on ‘politics as usual’. Here, here.

Sarah Palin has withdrawn from the arena she describes as “superficial wasteful political blood sport.” She, like millions of Americans, is tired of ‘politics as usual’.

On Saturday, Palin issued a message on social networking site Facebook saying, “I am now looking ahead to how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint.”

Palin has made the same choice many conservatives are starting to make, opting to “effect positive change outside of government.” Politics as usual no longer represents the 62 million Americans who didn’t vote for Obama. Disenfranchised citizens now have no say on the the takeover of our country by radical forces and, like Sara, they are starting to seek solutions outside the political realm. Many are coming to the realization that election to public office may no longer be the best way to serve our country.

Any effective leader on the right, any conservative with the guts to stand on the principles long since abandoned by the GOP, can expect election to public office to be a waste of time and effort. A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Where political ambitions trump sound policy. Where the ability to lie convincingly is mandatory and misleading the public is essential to re-election.

Our political system has become a no holds barred PR battle, with muckraking as its main theme and form over substance as its governing philosophy. Essential time must necessarily be spent fighting fires instead of getting things done. Time that could be better spent “keeping an eye on the ball.”

The “ball” is representing and protecting the system of government our founding fathers bequeathed to us. Many conservatives believe this is no longer possible in the political realm, where our elected officials are more concerned with amassing power and retaining their offices than with protecting and defending the rights of all Americans.

Like Sarah, I believe politics works best from the ground up. At a recent gathering of my state representatives, I implored them to stand up and yell ‘STOP’ to the unconstitutional and unprecedented devolution of power to the federal government. As one, their answer was the same as its been for decades, “Re-elect me and I will.” My answer: NO.

I, for one, withdraw my support from the business as usual GOP. From now on, I will search for solutions, like Sarah, outside of the political realm. As Palin quoted, “I am not retreating, I am advancing in another direction.” I leave the entrenched politicians to play their increasingly destructive games by themselves. They will no longer be enabled or supported by me.

America’s strength has always come from ‘we the people’, not ‘we the politicians.’ It is time for all Americans to remember that and quit relying on government and/or politicians for solutions. Just as Sarah Palin has.

Crossposted from Right Bias

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@Aye Chihuahua:

There are lots of quotes which actually belong to the Founders which are stripped out of any sort of context in order to give them a meaning that was not intended as well.

“Wall of separation between church and state” being, perhaps, the most obscene example.

The primary goal of the Founders was to protect the free exercise of religion. A secular federal government without an established church, yes. But they certainly were not hostile to expressions of religious belief in government. That only came about in the last 60-70 years, thanks to ACLU lawyers and militant secularists.

@ghost guru #4:

I think more than anything people are turned off by the “right” for there self righteous approach at judging the rest of the citizens of this great country!

Yes because the “left” never sanctimoniously judges and preaches to the rest of the citizens of this great country, does it?

Why do people assume that they know what the founding fathers believed in with out doing their homework?!

Yes, why is that ghost guru? Why do you assume so much?

@Aye Chihuahua #103:

In order to honor Curt’s request, this will be my last post on the religion matter on this thread.

Why not carry the OT discussion of Founding Fathers and religion and government over into the current open thread?


“so you think’s it’s right politicians can hand over their roles without the electorate having a say in the matter?”

Wasn’t the Lt. Gov. elected by the people too? And elected to do exactly what will happen on 7/25.

[[And how cynical and politically devious is that – the old trick of getting a new UNELECTED hand into the seat of power without bothering the electorate]]

I’m certain, were this a democrat gov. admin., you would be admiring singing the praises of the brilliance of the move … but seeing as how ya … well, never mind.

Cap and tax is looming and Alaska is one of our biggest natural resources states … and refuses to be sucked into the black hole this current government in the smelly swamp of DC is creating. A democrat gov. after the next election in Alaska would bend over and beg the fed govern. to take it … take it all.

BTW, did you bitch and moan about “bothering the electorate” or the ‘ethics’ when NY’s Spitzer stepped down and handed the state over to Lt. Gov. David Paterson??

Or how about Blago’s getting to pick the guy to replace Obama in the Senate? Or Paterson getting to pick someone to replace Hillary in the Senate?

Why is it when a republican in office follows the designated abilities of the office as outlined in full in constitutions whether state or US Constitutions, you always hear the democrats whining, ‘well, it might be legal, but it isn’t ethical’ …

Boo-friggin’-hoo …

BTW, how “ethical” is it for Rep. Jose Serrano (D) to be pushing a Bill to drop term limits for POTUS so that Obama can become King? Not hearing too much yack-yack about that in the MSM … were it a repub. Congressman doing this for a repub POTUS ya’ll would be screaming yourselves bloody.

But using YOUR nose-out-of-joint reasoning regarding the gov. of Alaska (whom you hate simply because she draws breath … and breeds) making a wise political move in order to save the gov.’s seat for her party (and for the good of the state that depends on two major industries, fishing and energy resources, that the left wants to abolish) by stepping down and handing it to her Lt.Gov (which is part of his purpose … just as Biden is ~gulp~ a “heartbeat away” from the Oval Office leather-backed swivel chair) … NY’s governor was wrong … and the whole post-Blago seating of the LtGov as Gov. and Blago’s Senator replacement pick was wrong also … So, you have a problem with ‘chain of command’ and duties of elected office … in addition to wise political decisions. Hmmm, Barry interesting … comrade?

When i said best and brightest it is very sad that some of you guys automatically assume it means Harvard or Yale. As if those are the only schools that the best and brightest got to. Did you ever take the time to consider that George W Bush was at the bottom of his class! W is a failure, he’s got the anti midas touch! what ever he gets involved with he ruins. Why? cause he is not the best or the brightest! And I would love to see what all of You would be saying if a dem had done what Palin has with her job. Plus , this whole taking it to the streets idea… sounds recycled doesn’t it? um…. oh yeah the hippies borrowed that concept from who… radicals that had enough and decided to form their own new country… Who were those guys… that fought against the “conservative establishment” thats right the founding fathers… and what types of concepts did they have to make them go against their country at the time… liberal ideas huh…. or have I distorted American History… feel free to blast me if you feel threatened by the truth!

OBVIOUSLY you neglected to read my prior comment regarding democrat vs republican … But that is pretty much a useless point since libs/dems have this little on/off switch when it comes to actual memory, total recall, and facts on such things. I believe it’s called “selective memory”.

As to your views on Pres. George W. Bush … I don’t believe you are accurate on his class standing in school, but you may also have either selectively ignored or not been aware of the fact one-time rival for the POTUS seat John Kerry was worse … AND Al Gore looked as if he just couldn’t make up his mind where he could at least pull a “C” average … And don’t get me started on John Edwards who channels dead babies in court rooms.

I always love how the left tries, and falls over itself, to make conservatives/republicans look dumb, stupid and even ‘retarded’ … when the opposite is true. For all the 9-11 Trutherisms and the whole “Bush took us to war for his own evil reasons” I just have a hard time keeping up with “Is Bush stupid or a diabolical genius the likes of which the civilized world had never seen before … even outdoing Hitler!”

And your take on Founding Fathers history and purpose is quite lacking … I believe if we were to somehow bring them forward to today and they saw what we have become and the government totally controlling us and no longer doing what WE tell them to do (not to mention shredding the US Constitution) they would be slapping down our Tea Party signs and shoving guns in our hands, kicking us in the asses and shouting us into battle while cussing at us for letting it ALL slip away.

Your concept of what this nation and the government therein are supposed to be is not quite adequate.

Palin did NOTHING wrong, IS the point. She didn’t. And neither did Pres. Bush … time and again over the last 8 yrs via the courts has proven as much … but I don’t fault you for not knowing that because the MSM, which feeds you, doesn’t allow you to sit at that table of contents. Deal with your hate for Palin and anything/everything republican/conservative … We aren’t here to be your political psychologists.

I will never understand why libs/leftists don’t just MOVE to an already established country of “heroic” communist dictatorship such as China or Cuba …

I thought you stated last night we might be wrong in viewing you as “liberal”, and I’m just too busy right now to scroll back up to find out, but you might be in a self-inflicted state of denial about that.

BTW, the reason there is so much trouble with the Muslim/Arab world over these last decades is because of Jimmy Carter … and Obama threatens to be “super-size Carter” as time goes on.

I see blast is also shifting his BDS to PDS.

@ ghost guru

Did you ever take the time to consider that George W Bush was at the bottom of his class!

And you have a source for this statement? Wait, we’re just supposed to believe you, right? Or even better, we should have listened to Dan Rather and the rest of the media?

Maybe he did graduate at the bottom, but he graduated. And he received an MBA from Harvard. They don’t just give those away with a box of cereal.

When i said best and brightest it is very sad that some of you guys automatically assume it means Harvard or Yale.

You started it with the best and brightest diatribe. I’m just trying to figure out how one becomes qualified as the “best and brightest.” So far, it seems to me the only way one could qualify for that glorious title is to have it bestowed upon them by you. Who is “the best and brightest” and how did you arrive at this decision?

@Aqua: So @ghost guru: ‘s best and brightest are John Kerrry who had a worse GPA than W in College, and AlGore who failed out of Seminary, and Obama who has no track record to speak of because he wrote nothing at all and published nothing academically to not leave a trace of his Socialist tendencies. Great. Really the “Best and Brightest” there.

Gaffa: So forget the tangent on legality – I talking what’s ethical.


Back to you…so you think’s it’s right politicians can hand over their roles without the electorate having a say in the matter?

First of all, Gaffa, as someone above has already pointed out to you, the Lt. Gov is an elected official. In some states on the same ticket, and in others on a ballot by themselves. In almost all instances, the Lt. Gov is the next in line in the event a sitting governor is incapacitated, dies, resigns or otherwise is no longer fufilling the job. So that Sarah “handed over” the reins without both the electorate and the State legislators having a say is a moot point, and factually incorrect. You’re like a dog without a tail, chasing his butt here.

Secondly, do I agree with the “next in line” set up? Of course.

Do I agree with the Congressional seats that, when vacated for any reason, operate exactly the way you object? i.e. Obama and DNC selling his seat, or Hillary selecting her replacement?

Yes, I do. Because that is the way our law was set up, and I have to respect that (and change what shouldn’t be thru legal means). “Legality” is not a “tangent”, for in politics it is often the measure of what is deemed “ethical”.

Maggie #109 ’tis a beautimous thing to read.

@Hard Right: Palin is just the next in line for the vitriolic hate from the Left. They can not function with out a boogieman to spout hate onto.

@ stix1972

Right now I’m thinking the only way you can be considered the best and brightest is for ghost guru to proclaim it so. Maybe Al Franken qualifies. He graduated “come loudly” from Harvard.

MataHarley –

Much “thanks”.

FA has been on our site’s Blog Roll for awhile now.

We’re in this together.

Ah HA… so Infidel Paradise *is* your site? Didn’t see your name as one of the authors, so I wasn’t sure. Thanks for the confirmation. You’ve got slick way with phrases… very enjoyable.

MataHarley –


you guys are funny now. even gwb characterizes himself as an average student under his own admittance, you guys will just try and counter anything the ghost has to say. I love it! as I stated yesterday the ‘right ‘ has no leader, and as much as you guys want to ignore that, it’s right in your faces! so much so that your willing to put all your stock in big bad Sarah! ooh… I’m scared. lmao! if you guys were smart you would apologize to Collin Powell, get him back onboard and the country would love the right! you guys just don’t get that Palin would be lampooned and scrutinized harder than any other public figure in U.S. History. Even more so then both Bushes and Reagon combined. not that I have too much bad actually to say about Pres Reagan or Pres H. Bush. see I’m not all bad! and we were even in a bad recession under H. Bush. both parties are corrupt. Now as to who I think are the best and brightest… first schooling is a factor for sure but i believe that the self taught man is the better man, And I know I’m going back but Abraham Lincoln comes to mind and so does Benjamin Franklin! as far as today I already mentioned Colin Powell, to bad he had to walk away from W. and Wolfenwitz is the reason for him walking away! I don’t hate Palin the person, I just think she is not the right person to run a whole nation. leaders lead and I don’t find that to be one of her dominant traits, stricly my opinion… I know.

and Maggie no I didn’t read your post at the time. Cause I hadn’t got to it until after I was done typeing. mybad.

i dont even watch tv unless it’s the Lakers! so the msm is a non factor with me.

@ghost guru: If you look up the GPA of Kerry and Bush you will see that Kerry had a worse GPA than Bush. And AlGore flunked out of the Seminary, but enough about facts.

You are laughable at your “Best and Brightest” explanation. Is it schooling, knowledge of policy, knowledge of the world???

You still have not explained what “The Best and Brightest” means in my estimation. Just a bunch of gobblidy goop. Colin Powell as the “Best and Brightest” that is a joke. He does not even know what side of the fence he sits.

Palin will get Lampooned because the Left is afraid of her and what she represents, nothing more nothing less. She is still the best voice for the modern Conservative Movement.

hey, Maggie was jimmy carter involved with the crusades? the middle east has always been in turmoil cause of religious leaders! but I guess that was the lefts fault also.

and what side of the fence is a determining factor in best and brightest? get real that has nothing to do with my statement. stix 1972 do you love your country or party cause it’s a little confusing at this point.

I’ve known people with perfect grades who cheat and get all filled with false pride and see them at work sitting on their asses collecting paychecks for work they aren’t doing ,and it drives me nuts. and they think they are so great cause they beat the system, I’m talking about real genuine people. Not cheats with a boat load of money and last years papers to cheat off of.like I said before schooling is one factor but not the whole enchilada.

No the Crusades were Bush’s fault, as was the Titanic sinking and the great San Fran quake that killed my Grandmother’s sister.

But you just keep on watching basketball … getting ahead there.

Oh yeah, as to academia’s worth these days … we’re talking about college institutions being run now by the radicals from the drug-experimenting 1960s … and a public school system that tells kids it’s okay to believe 2+2=5 … not to mention red pens are too traumatic for those poor little minds to handle.

Couple things here … Obama, in addition to other documents, has had his college transcripts and records and poss. anything he wrote ‘locked-up’. His wife, Angela Davis Jr., on the other hand, has her stuff out there for you to read, comrade …

And check your actual fact history on Carter … he orchestrated the crap Iran is in.

But that might entail you’re actually reading something besides People Mag.

Hey, were you one of the lucky ones to get a ticket to the Michael Jackson memorial at the Staples Center?

Palin will get lampooned cause she’s a public figure who is an easy mark. people eat it up cause it’s true that’s what makes it funny. the media over exaggerates the person of subject and we all relate cause it’s true to a degree.

Oh, PS:

Re: Gen. Powell … seems he’s having buyer’s remorse over Obama now. I’d kick you a link but I’m NOT the f-ing federal government. Get your own shovel out and dig that research project all on your own.

And he is NOT the only one … It’s growing in numbers everyday.

@ghost guru: I could careless about the party, but when someone endorses Obama and his destruction of the Free Markets, he is a loss to me.

@ghost guru: So why si there no one going after the Lightbringer????

[[Palin will get lampooned cause she’s a public figure who is an easy mark. people eat it up cause it’s true that’s what makes it funny. the media over exaggerates the person of subject and we all relate cause it’s true to a degree.]]

Exactly what is true? A-Rod screwing her daughter(s)? Baby Trig as sub-human because of the roll of the genetic dice?

Or any of the other made up crap the media, which you claim you don’t watch, has constructed?

As soon as Mccain named her his VP running mate armies of lawyers and muck-rakers dropped into Alaska like a D-Day invasion … and found nothing … Wait, a used tanning bed she’d purchased with her own money …

Harping on RNC provided clothing for her and her family? Option B? Let them wear their folksy duds so they could be made even more fun of? BTW, WHO exactly has purchased Michelle Obama’s clothing, make-over, Botox, body-sculpting?

You’re grasping at thin air here …

well maggie that is a shame that the media is doing that I really didn’t know. But let me first start by saying I hope i don’t sound like that type of person to you. Cause that is flat out wrong. And I don’t support crap like that I’m trying to be real on this blog. i don’t think Sarah or any family members are aliens. But I do think it’s only rational that a noname running mate has people looking into who she is. It is a shame that the media turned it into a three ring circus. my own doubts about sarah are not about what crazy stories a reporter can imagine up.

not to get to far off subject but do you not think that there have been good and bad presidents in both parties over the years? just wondering. and did Palin wear folksy duds while she was Governor of Alaska she never had to attend formal affairs before she was in the race for the White house? I find that hard to believe.

@ghost guru: Yes there have been good and bad in both parties and now defunct parties also. But the Modern Day Democrat Party is so far left and going farther and farther every year. I am sure JFK would not relate to any of the Modern day Democrats.

Every President has their good and bad points. There is no president that has no faults.

@ ghost guru

my own doubts about sarah are not about what crazy stories a reporter can imagine up.

And you got your information…how? Personal interview? You didn’t just wake up one day and decide you thought Sarah Palin was incompetent based on the alignment of the stars, did you?

Here is a very good explanation of Palin’s popularity and how many of us think about the”Best and Brightest”

Who the Hell Do They Think They Are?

:”You didn’t just wake up one day and decide you thought Sarah Palin was incompetent based on the alignment of the stars, did you?”

Based on his postings, I do believe that is JUST HOW ghost guru did it 😉

ghost guru:
“But I do think it’s only rational that a noname running mate has people looking into who she is”

The media should be digging into ALL that are running. Not just a “no name” – I also disagree with the “no name” label as those in Alaska know exactly who she is. Just because you or I did not know who she was … based on that, I can simply ask, do you know EVERY member of congress by name? Or all those in any presidential cabinet? I am sure there are plenty of people that *I* don’t know in that list. (435 plus 6 non-voting members in the house and 100 on congress)

“Joe the plumber” would be a no name for example in the political arena.

ghost guru:”i dont even watch tv unless it’s the Lakers! so the msm is a non factor with me.”
So, you don’t watch TV. WOOP! I don’t watch the news on TV. So, we are even.

And you don’t read the internet news? Nothing by the AP? At all? And you don’t see a bias?

Speaking of buyers remorse:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll
*I was going to embed the image but I didn’t see a way to do that. And what I tried did not work.
[Curt adds – I did it for you. I’ll try and add a embed button]

stix1972:Every President has their good and bad points. There is no president that has no faults.

Name one of Obama’s good points if you can. I dare ya! 🙂


I’m certain, were this a democrat gov. admin., you would be admiring singing the praises of the brilliance of the move … but seeing as how ya … well, never mind

Check my post #100. Now you see there I gave an example where I criticise Tony Blair & Gordon Brown cosy arrangement in the UK. You may not know this – but they Labour politicians. They are on the left. So my criticism of handing power over is aimed at any politican – left, right, US or UK.

Yes a deputy to take over and yes that what he or she does. But they weren’t directly elected for the role of Governor. My point is – I believe that should open up an election. Just because that’s the status quo now does that mean it should remain. A deputy should be there to take the reins in an emergency. Palin resigning – for no good reason – isn’t an emergency and that reflects badly on the process and her. Again I refer to UK – Brown is in power and nothing he has done to become PM is technically illegal even though NO ONE has voted him. Does that make it right? And plenty of people are complaining about this.

@ GaffaUK

My point is – I believe that should open up an election.

Maybe it should. It would set a pretty dangerous precedent. Everytime an ambassador was selected or cabinet member posted, we’d have elections. Not to mention the governors and mayors that have to step down over sex scandals. And elections cost States a considerable chunk of change. And we’re broke. 🙂


Ross Perot? Sarah Palin is thankfully no Ross Perot. That man was a lunatic.

Palin’s a Conservative. I don’t know why she quit, but it wasn’t from fear. Will she succeed? Time will tell. Maybe she thinks she can devote more time to grass roots organizing, and to breathing new life into the Republican Party? It certainly needs it.

If it was the right thing to do, then it will succeed and her judgement will be vindicated. It’s too early to tell which way it will go, and to say it will fail is at this point only wishful thinking on the part of the many who hate her (probably due to their fear of her fearlessness). Say what you will about her, she’s intelligent, motivated and tough as nails. I don’t see this as an act of cowardice, but one of heroism.

It may be folly, but then that is the nature of heroism. If I understand what she is doing, then it may be exactly the right strategy. In any case, I wish her success!


What Palin has done is dry up the gravy train for the Alaskan Left that are getting their marching orders from the DNC and Soros. Do not be surprised if all the instigators in Alaska to get thrown under the bus now that Palin is not the Gov of Alaska.

She is now able to get her message out to the lower 48 w/o the “ethics” investigation for every move she makes. And she can now go after the Alaskan Left for their slander and lies that they have been whispering to the MSM.

Will she be able to run and win in 2012?? I really do not think she can, but she can help out in 2010 and 2012 candidates w/o the Left in Alaska bringing “ethics investigations” for her going to bathroom in the wrong state, or breast feeding her kid in her own home. I am sure that if she was still Gov after July, they would do some kind of ridiculous “ethics investigation” for her crossing the road against the walk signal.

GaffaUK:”Palin resigning – for no good reason – isn’t an emergency and that reflects badly on the process and her. ”

I don’t agree with you that it was “for no good reason.” At a time when EVERYONE (our local and state governments included) are looking for ways to cut costs, her solution would do just thatt.
When you have an endless parade of merit less ‘ethics investigations’ which are paid for with tax money… I think that is a pretty good reason AT THIS TIME.

AND with her successor taking over, maybe just maybe they can use the now freed up time to actually take care of governing the state and not frivolous ethics charges.

Just because YOU call it no good reason doesn’t mean that it is.

Now, perhaps there needs to be some refining of the ethics complaint system.
I hate to mention that but if you make it too easy, it can be abused as it is here. Making it too hard will only serve to not punish those who really deserve to be.

: Thanks for embedding that 🙂

Just as third world countries do, the left relies on common enemies as their main unifying principle. With Bush and Palin out of the game, it will be interesting to see who they pick next.
Hey, if they don’t have someone to be against, they’d actually have to commit to being ‘for’ something and risk being wrong.

Right – so the expense would have cost around 0.0002% of Alaska’s State revenue. And besides most of these complaints have been dismissed – so the money has already been spent. And the people who filed this fairly trivial complaints have won – now that Palin decided to run away. And when her unelected replacement takes over – those who don’t like him know what to do to unseat him. If he gets a dozen or so complaints do you think he should also resign? Courage is when you stand up to bullies.

I just want to applaud you all – excellent read and more importantly you handled responses with facts to the poster named Ghost. Reality is a real head kicker and I’m sure by now Ghost is experiencing a migrane. Good job!!!

@GaffaUK: It is not only the expense. It was taking over 80% of her office’s time to comply with these idiotic inquests. And it was not only the “ethics investigations”, it was also FOIA requests for all kinds of stupid stuff.

Her replacement was not unelected. He was elected along with Palin.

The money for all the people filing these complaints has just vanished. There will be no more “ethics investigations” because it is not in Soros and the DNC’s best interest anymore to throw money around in Alaska.

Was the other 20% devoted to help progress that lucrative book deal with HarperCollins? At least by quitting she can concentrate on getting that done and earning millions.

Lets wargame this out shall we.

Sarah stays…

….she gets hit with more bogus ethics complaints

….she gets hit with more bogus FALSE–SLADEROUS—RUMORS

….MSM ignores her except when there’s an ethics complaint or rumor

….logistics become a nightmare trying to go back and fort to the lower 48

….by the time she is ready for the bigtime, she is sacked with at least a million in legal debts, has a list of bogus compalints being crowed by the MSM, and nothing to show in the legislature because the state senators have basically shut her out.

The same people harping that Palin should be bounced are the SAME people now saying she’s a quitter

The same people saying that being a governor of Alaska isn’t a resume builder for VPOTUS are now saying that resigning is political suicide.

Go fig.

A quote for Sarah Palin….

From Sun Tzu The Art of War:

“The general who advances WITHOUT COVETING FAME and retreats WITHOUT FEARING DISGRACE, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.”

Timothy –

Perfection …

As a matter of fact, I may just have to look up the Alaska Gov.’s address and send her my copy of the book.

til then I’ll try to Twitter that quote to her.


Sarah stays…

….she gets hit with more bogus ethics complaints

Didn’t Palin support ethic reforms? Unfortunately with any such system individuals should be allowed to make their complaints. To run away – just lets them win.

….she gets hit with more bogus FALSE–SLADEROUS—RUMORS

You don’t have to be an elected offical to hit with rumours – plenty of public figures get hit by these. Par for the course. You think the rumours will stop now that she is no longer governor?

….MSM ignores her except when there’s an ethics complaint or rumor

Damn that free press always focusing on the negatives. When will they focus on happy news like airplanes taking off and landing safely?

….logistics become a nightmare trying to go back and fort to the lower 48

If she Governor of Alaska she doesn’t need to travel to the lower 48 that much would she? And if she wants to go for 2012 nominee then should would have to deal with these logistics anyway.

….by the time she is ready for the bigtime, she is sacked with at least a million in legal debts, has a list of bogus compalints being crowed by the MSM, and nothing to show in the legislature because the state senators have basically shut her out.

Who’s going to sack her? So are you suggesting she jumped before she was pushed? As for the senators – well isn’t the Alaskan Republican Party rife with splits? And didn’t she tread on a few toes herself in Alaskan politics on her own side? And don’t Presidents and other governors have to deal with unfavourable odds where the opposition are the majority – from time to time? What do they do – quit if they don’t have complete control?

The same people harping that Palin should be bounced are the SAME people now saying she’s a quitter

I don’t think she should of been bounced – but I would like to see the pitbull put up some sort of courage and fight.

The same people saying that being a governor of Alaska isn’t a resume builder for VPOTUS are now saying that resigning is political suicide.

Governor of Alaska – however small it’s population is – can still be a resume builder for VPOTUS. However like Dan Quayle – Palin was found wanting. So with your wargame – do you see resigning as making her more or less likely to be the GOP 2012 nominee.

Gaffa comments:

Didn’t Palin support ethic reforms? Unfortunately with any such system individuals should be allowed to make their complaints. To run away – just lets them win.

To “run away”, as you call it, may reflect on Sarah personally because of idiotic opinions and analyses like this. Time will prove that wrong. However to stay does a disservice to the Alaskans *and* to Palin …. long term. She would be blamed for poor performance because her admin was too busy playing defense.

You don’t have to be an elected offical to hit with rumours – plenty of public figures get hit by these. Par for the course. You think the rumours will stop now that she is no longer governor?

Didn’t read my Alinsky Perfected series, eh? NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE has been assaulted like this. If you know better, do lay on the name, the data, the complaints, the cost, etal. I’ve done that for you… now don’t BS me. I will not accept this blanket piece of crap statement from *anyone* without documentation, after the work I’ve done on this.

If she Governor of Alaska she doesn’t need to travel to the lower 48 that much would she? And if she wants to go for 2012 nominee then should would have to deal with these logistics anyway.

.. and the mayor of LA doesn’t need to interface with the mayor of Burbank. The Governor of CA doesn’t need to work with the Gov of Oregon. sigh…

Can you truly be this uneducated to interstate commerce and relationships, Gaffa? And now you may have a clue as to why Tina Fey made the joke about “seeing Russia” from the window. Palin has no US neighbors she can drive across the border to. All are a minimal 3-4 hour flight (to the Pacific NW) to a full day’s flight. Which is why she deals with those damn foreigners who *are* across her border. It’s called “foreign policy” experience… something the Gov of IL (or a Senator) doesn’t have as part of their day.

Who’s going to sack her? ….

He actually meant “saddled” with financial burdens, along with the State costs of future non-stop complaints. Not “sacked” as in firing from a job.

I don’t think she should of been bounced – but I would like to see the pitbull put up some sort of courage and fight.

Oh yes… resigning is the *easy* way out… as you can see. Got lots of dumbasses saying she didn’t have courage. Point is, as a Governor, you *can’t* fight because of regulations. You have to hand it over to the State process, and let the Alaskans suck it up in costs. That’s really good for the State….

Governor of Alaska – however small it’s population is – can still be a resume builder for VPOTUS. However like Dan Quayle – Palin was found wanting.

It wasn’t Palin who was found wanting. The election was not between Palin and Obama, but between McCain and Obama. Without Palin, it just may have been a landslide for Obama and a record low turnout for a POTUS election, since most of us would have stayed home. Even the 3rd party candidates were sheeeeeeet.

Those who write Sarah Palin off as “done” in 2009 would be wise to remember the well-known politician who was written off as “done” in 1962.