I’m With Sarah! [Reader Post]


Millions of liberals rejoiced and thousands of Republicans heaved a sigh of relief Friday as Sarah Palin announced her decision to resign as Alaska’s governor. In her usual forthright manner, Gov. Palin made clear that she was not content to squander her time on ‘politics as usual’. Here, here.

Sarah Palin has withdrawn from the arena she describes as “superficial wasteful political blood sport.” She, like millions of Americans, is tired of ‘politics as usual’.

On Saturday, Palin issued a message on social networking site Facebook saying, “I am now looking ahead to how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint.”

Palin has made the same choice many conservatives are starting to make, opting to “effect positive change outside of government.” Politics as usual no longer represents the 62 million Americans who didn’t vote for Obama. Disenfranchised citizens now have no say on the the takeover of our country by radical forces and, like Sara, they are starting to seek solutions outside the political realm. Many are coming to the realization that election to public office may no longer be the best way to serve our country.

Any effective leader on the right, any conservative with the guts to stand on the principles long since abandoned by the GOP, can expect election to public office to be a waste of time and effort. A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Where political ambitions trump sound policy. Where the ability to lie convincingly is mandatory and misleading the public is essential to re-election.

Our political system has become a no holds barred PR battle, with muckraking as its main theme and form over substance as its governing philosophy. Essential time must necessarily be spent fighting fires instead of getting things done. Time that could be better spent “keeping an eye on the ball.”

The “ball” is representing and protecting the system of government our founding fathers bequeathed to us. Many conservatives believe this is no longer possible in the political realm, where our elected officials are more concerned with amassing power and retaining their offices than with protecting and defending the rights of all Americans.

Like Sarah, I believe politics works best from the ground up. At a recent gathering of my state representatives, I implored them to stand up and yell ‘STOP’ to the unconstitutional and unprecedented devolution of power to the federal government. As one, their answer was the same as its been for decades, “Re-elect me and I will.” My answer: NO.

I, for one, withdraw my support from the business as usual GOP. From now on, I will search for solutions, like Sarah, outside of the political realm. As Palin quoted, “I am not retreating, I am advancing in another direction.” I leave the entrenched politicians to play their increasingly destructive games by themselves. They will no longer be enabled or supported by me.

America’s strength has always come from ‘we the people’, not ‘we the politicians.’ It is time for all Americans to remember that and quit relying on government and/or politicians for solutions. Just as Sarah Palin has.

Crossposted from Right Bias

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I am reminded of the fight scene from the movie Dune:

Feyd-Rautha: [whispers] You see… your death… my blade will finish you.
Paul Atreides: [thinks] I will bend like a reed in the wind.

If you’re a target, don’t be there when the blade arrives.

Palin will show her enemies the “wierding” ways.

The mere mention of her name can kill….and without the use of her voice weapon.

I’m with Sarah too! I’m so FedUp with all the political maneuvers and the denigration of our Country. It is time for a new way – we tried hope and change and now, we’ll be lucky to have any change after BO and the spineless congress get done squandering it.

To hell with the talking heads, the supercilious pundits and the Obamedia. Time to get back to the values, the ethics and the belief in our Creator that the Founding Fathers so dearly loved!

Politics has become a blood sport – it is no longer about serving the people, it is all abaout power and big government. KICK.THEM.OUT!!!

TERM LIMITS – that will take care of all the snakes in congress. Unfortunately, some of the good guys will have to go. But, since the good guys are outnumbered by the crooks and liars, it will be a small price to pay to DRAIN.THE.SWAMP! (Right, Nancy???)

I for one am happy palin has decided to quit embarrassing herself with sub standard intelligence and not so great quick thinking! the “right” needs to wake up and disassociate from the very strange but strong urge to connect church with state. our fore fathers were not christian and did not want any thing to do with the christian church! It leaves one with a feeling of elitism and the “right” just always seem to rub me that way. Are we all not men? I think more than anything people are turned off by the “right” for there self righteous approach at judging the rest of the citizens of this great country! and when we take a look at all the politicians in this country remember they all have flaws just like each and every one of us! Palin was a desperate attempt to mach clinton cause at the time that’s who the “right ” thought they were running against. kinda like the chevy el camino and ford ranchero. If everyone just voted for the good of the country instead of following their agendas life would be so much better in this great land of ours! Why do people assume that they know what the founding fathers believed in with out doing their homework?!

Dear ghost guru–

When I read the first part of your post stating that “our fore fathers were not christian and did not want any thing to do with the christian church!”, I thought you must be on drugs or something.

Then, when you wrote this incomprehensible sentence: “Palin was a desperate attempt to mach clinton cause at the time that’s who the “right ” thought they were running against.”, you confirmed my suspicion.

Have another hit on your bong and then go to sleep. Please.

john cooper, what church did George Washington go to bet you’ll never answer cause it doesn’t exist. he and all the founding fathers were deists. #
List of deists – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May 11, 2009 … This List of deists needs references that appear in reliable third-party
publications. Primary sources or sources affiliated with the …
here is a lil something for you to look at.

Until you look at all the evidence you will always be partially in the dark!

evidence is the key to deism.

lets not try to re “right” history John.

As one, their answer was the same as its been for decades, “Re-elect me and I will.” My answer: NO.

So I guess you won’t be supporting Palin if she decides to run for President – as that would be doing things the typical democratic way.

John Cooper, do you think that Mrs. Palin was a good choice for McCain?

and if i’m not mistaken Palin was a surprise running mate to the “right”

Sarah’s done more for the conservative movement than any other politician…. I hope for her continued success. I delight that she continues to confound the pundits.

she doesn’t even teach conservative values in her own home. What are you talking about jason? do you approve of minors having babies out of wedlock?

was she conservative all blinged out in those fancy duds during the elections?

and that would be Dolly Madison who has done the most for conservatives over the course of American history. where do you people come from?

Palin’s decision to resign as governor was so abrupt her father-in-law was shocked to hear about it; he received an email news alert on his cell phone:

On the night before Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska, her husband Todd Palin dialed the cell number of his father, Jim. “Sarah’s making an announcement tomorrow. Can you be there?”

Jim Palin was more than 200 miles away in Kenai, preparing for a salmon fishing trip with friends. He had no clue why his son was calling, or the nature of the announcement. “I didn’t know what was coming and I didn’t ask,” he said. “I couldn’t get back because I had a commitment. If I had been home, I would have been there,” he says.


Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night stays Palin from her speedy decision making!

lol that was a good one herman!

“Like Sarah, I believe politics works best from the ground up.”

So, you’re going to become a community organizer? 🙂

“Millions of liberals rejoiced”. Millions of democrats are quaking in their shoes. Now Sarah doesn’t have to worry about involving the state of Alaska in anything and can name names and kick a**. All rumor mongors are on notice that as a private citizen she can come after anything and everything you own or will ever own. She knows things and can fry a lot of criminal democrats without the governor titles restrictions. Whistleblowers can and will provide her information on hundreds of criminal democrats. Watch the democrats CYA freenzy this week. Of course democrats make a career of deny and lie but it never works. Sarah refuses to ride the taxpayer train while campaigning for another job, unlike O’Dumbo who never did one thing in his life other than ride the taxpayer train. Affirmative action (along with a Harvard education) was proven a failure by the election of a total idiot.

Geez for someone who is unintelligent and inarticulate, a joke, a non-entity according to you liberal “spooks” aka ghosts why does she worry you all so much? Never before has someone that you Democrats label as white trash caused you so much angst. That reason alone is enough proof that Sarah Palin is the real deal. For every ugly mean spirited unfair and untrue smear you liberal Democrats throw at her, its one more reason to support her with every ounce of my being. So keep it up, the more you and the liberal media bash her the more we love her.

Ghost “john cooper, what church did George Washington go to bet you’ll never answer cause it doesn’t exist. he and all the founding fathers were deists. #
List of deists – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”

Pardon me, but I think you don’t have a real grasp of history OR reality. Deists are those who believe in God, Creator of the earth and of Natural law. If one truly believes in God, there is NO reason that one HAS to belong to a formal church. Conversely, just because one goes to church does NOT mean he/she/it believes in God.

The Founding Fathers were much closer to God and lived their beliefs, unlike the “intellectual” and atheists that populate our government now.

I don’t know what your point is, assuming you have one, but try not to sprew your abysmal ignorance here – this is a great blog!

Sigh…..this is what passes for anti-Palin wit. I feel safer already.

Ah, for the days of Michael Kinsley and Alan Colmes. They may be liberal, but at least they had some measure of class (and willing to eat crow).

I still remember when James Carville had the decentcy to put a bag over his head in 2000 and egg on his face in 2004. A loudmouth, yes…..a man who know his limits….certainly. Not with today’s trolls.


The troll whines:

Shannyn Moore is once again using Gov. Palin as an excuse to throw herself in front of the cameras.

She is condemning Gov. Palin’s attorney for supposedly violating her First Amendment rights (and on the Fourth of July to boot!) simply because he issued a statement refuting the defamatory rumors Ms. Moore was spreading and warning her to desist from spreading slander or else the Palins “will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation.”

The rumors were categorically false. The FBI has stated for the record and in no uncertain terms that they are not investigating Gov. Palin or her family or her administration for anything. Ms. Moore purports to be a journalist, appears on national television and has a radio show. Journalists are not free to engage in rumor mongering and spreading demonstrably false and entirely reckless innuendo about imaginary criminal investigations.

The governor’s legal counsel merely pointed out the false nature of the rumors that Ms. Moore and others were actively spreading. Ms. Moore was claiming that she knew there was a scandal. Look at what she was tweeting:

Ms. Moore writes:

Sarah Palin is a coward and a bully. What kind of politician attacks an ordinary American on the Fourth of July for speaking her mind? What’s wrong with her? The First Amendment was designed to protect people like me from the likes of people like her. Our American Revolution got rid of kings. And queens, too. Am I jacked-up? You betcha.

Ms. Moore once again resorts to name calling, the quintessential left wing argument when one has no substance.

Free speech goes both ways. If Shannyn Moore can exercise her free speech by spread rumors, then the Palins have every right to exercise theirs by having their attorney respond to rebut Ms. Moore’s baseless rumors and issue a warning about the consequences of slander.

Shannyn Moore isn’t the only one with Constitutional rights. In fact, the governor’s attorney even quoted the Alaska Constitution in his press release warning Ms. Moore about the legal consequences of reporting demonstrably false stories.

And what are we to make of the fact that Shannyn Moore is now “playing the victim”? Every time Gov. Palin defends herself from her critics, Ms. Moore is the first to accuse her of playing the victim. Don’t believe me? Read here, here, here, and here. And that’s just a quick search.

We need to put this silliness about the United States not being a Christian nation to sleep. The website below shows an overwhelming presence (76%) of Christians in the United States. Deism was a fad of the late 18th century, but most of the original colonies were generally formed and populated by Christian religious groups persecuted by the Church of England and by Protestant Reformation occurring in Europe.


Politics as usual no longer represents the 62 million Americans who didn’t vote for Obama. Disenfranchised citizens now have no say on the the takeover of our country by radical forces and, like Sara, they are starting to seek solutions outside the political realm.

First, US citizens are not disenfranchised just because the candidate they voted for did not win. This is a sore point with me. To use the phrase so casually is an insult to our political process and to the historical victims of blatant disenfranchisement. In other words, dial down the rhetoric.

Second, we will just have to wait and see how Sarah Palin “seek[s] solutions outside the political realm” and whether, as the 2012 race starts in earnest, she decides to seek solutions inside the political realm again. Who knows? Nobody does.

Yo Nancy… looks like you own the “ghost guru” troll… LOL But it should be easy. It can’t think to post more than a sentence at a time. That’s snail pace thought perception. And being a child of Wiki education makes it a lot like shooting fish in a barrel…

fed up, whats your point. the founding fathers believed in God just not the written word of God aka “the bible” I am not an atheist. i share the same type of belief system that they did. so am I closer to God? cause most Americans use a book and are bound by it’s words, and if you ever read any of the founding fathers writings it would be clear to you that they feared this country would be bound by a religious books words also. if you’d like i can paste and copy quotes from them and show you. that’s why we have a separation of church and state in the first place. and the “right” has been over ran with religious fanatics who think science is taught in the bible and the burden of proof is faith. no facts faith. I completely agree that the founding fathers were closer to God cause they used what God gave them a mind to reason with. that’s why they chose not to believe in a written word of God. so it makes me laugh that sooo many right wingers always want to believe that they are on the same page as our founding fathers. thay are revolutionaries and thinkers not followers like all the people in the church that will automatically vote republican cause they love Jesus.

mataharley thanks for your attempt at brilliance… SAD! and i pasted wiki for all the simpletons on this flopping aces site. but you can laugh about that all you want. cause no matter what source you find it will tell you the same thing. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine. And all the others ( the educated men who actually put together the constitution and believed in freedom) were not bound by a book of faith. the common non educated working man was bound by a book of faith. that’s the society they came from and that’s all they knew. doesn’t it make you wonder?

Yo wiki-brain… Nancy’s thread isn’t about the Founders and Framers, and their… or anyone’s, for that matter… religion. In fact, the only one bringing up religion is you, attempting to hijack the thread and misrepresent the subject.

You are slow, aren’t you?

and the saddest part about this is the “right ” can recognize that church and state don’t work when it comes to other faiths running a country. You hear it all the time those Arab countries with religious leaders are crazy! but we in America can’t see it from the “right” !????? PUZZLING!

Need I quote Hillary?


“I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic.”


Hey Obama, right back at ya.

But I guess that makes me a radical and subject to listing on the terrorism list (smirk/sarc)

UM… read fed ups first post. i didn’t bring it up. but thanks again for the attention
mataharley ;p.

I think the point Sarah made is that her decision leaves all options on the table; she is freed up to move in any effective manner she chooses. Presently, she is free to work on re-instilling conservative values for those hungry to see anyone with public support stand for them. Depending on how successful she is in garnering a base based on those principles, she is free to pursue office as their representative should she choose. So, you’re right. We don’t know. But I do know that her decision is bloody smart and she played it so close to the vest that only her husband knew what was going on…not even risking family disclosure. It goes against every old political strategy and that’s the reason the pols are so taken aback. Even the usually clever, Mr. Rove is perplexed. Once this unfolds, it might actually bring about positive change and inspiration.

Anyone who says that her statement was stupid or displayed ignorance clearly wasn’t listening. Of course, I’m just a woman so what do I know?

and mataharley interesting you used the word hijack. and even more interesting you don’t realize that the republican party has been hijacked that’s why they lost the election. cause a few guys with money found there masses sitting in churches across America being manipulated with words like conservative, ethical and values. with yet again no burden of proof, cause all politicians are slicker than grease and never never have to answer to anyone. was “hijacked” for the better part of this decade by the republican party. And when the masses got wise they decided to go in a different direction. end of story. and now the “right” is desperately seeking a new image. cause the old P and VP were crooks who had the churches and all the members inside of them believing that that”s the way they had to vote. cause of faith. I think it’s time for a new game plan.

“President George Washington was an Episcopalian. He was a member of the Episcopal Church, the American province of the Anglican Communion, which is a branch of Christianity, and which is usually classified as Protestant.”

“Washington and the family he was raised in were originally Anglicans. The Episcopal Church was not officially founded as a separate province within Anglicanism until 1789, after the American colonies proclaimed independence from Great Britain. Prior to the American Revolutionary War, the Episcopal Church was part of the Church of England, so Washington was originally a member of the Church of England.”

“While he was President, Washington attended Christ Church (an Anglican/Episcopalian congregation) in Philadelphia.”

what values do you think she can use when she doesn’t display them in her own home?

annmonterey, I thank you for finding out the facts i stand corrected on the church thing. You are the first person i give any respect to. I am sorry to you if I was abrasive or offending to you in any way! but he did not believe in a written word i must maintain still, cause I have to many other sources that tell me otherwise. not wiki.

Well, GG, you got your “new game plan”. How’s that workin’ for you? Your generation is going to be in hock for decades…and the blame can go directly to the crazy politicians in this administration on both sides. They took every mistake the last administration made and magnified it 10 fold.

By the way, we’d have it a bit easier to follow you if you learned to spell and use punctuation. But maybe not, because unlike Sarah Palin, you don’t seem to be able to come forth with anything new or fresh. Guess that could be a tip off as to the generation you belong to.

Wiki-brain, fed up’s post did not mention Christianity. He said “…back to the values, the ethics and the belief in our Creator…” You decided to attach Christianity, and was off and running.

So you’re slow *and* suffer from a reading disability…. so sorry to hear that.

yes I did cause what does that translate to in our modern times? if I say God you don’t think of modern faith? when you personally think of the creator what runs threw your mind. not the same ideas of a Creator that they had and that”s my point. we as a later generation of this country are very different in the way we perceive what the founding fathers actually believed. deism isn’t widely practiced so how in the world can you think that we think like someone of a different faith.

@ghost guru: You know, that’s an old chestnut as outdated as any I can think of. David Letterman, an “of age” adult, “knocks up” his girlfriend, doesn’t marry her for years, yet feels qualified to mock and condemn a teenager. The Democrats attempt to tar and feather the Palin girls (in one way or another) yet Obama is the product of just such judgment. Trig is the subject for mocking as damaged goods, yet FDR was so physically “damaged” he had to hide his disability. It seems that the Democrat party (my old party, btw) has chosen to attack women, children and the disabled as not even deserving to live. Perhaps that’s why I am, after a lifetime as a Democrat, now an Independent. I didn’t vote for GWB either time, and I certainly didn’t vote for the primary stealing Chicago thugs who have taken over the party.

No one has ever said that the Palin family claimed sainthood. The point is Bristol Palin fell down on living up to the principles she was raised with. But, she didn’t abort her baby, so she stopped short of violating that family code. In my book, it’s not a sin to fall down, only a sin to lie there. The guilt she feels in letting her family down, though they have stood by her all the way (there’s those pesky family morals again) is demonstrated in her attempts to redeem herself by speaking out to other teens, advising them to think before taking on what she has.

deist don’t believe in Adam and Eve, talking snakes, or miracles.

GG, this is not a post about religion. I’ve allowed you to rail on and on about it long enough. Either get back onto the subject of this post or your comments will no longer be allowed on this post and the rest of this blog if your persist.

and in my book you lead by example not lip service. I never look to people like david letterman cause he’s not trying to run a nation. but the leaders of any country should be held to the highest standard imaginable especially in the greatest country in the world! we are the leaders of the world and should be lead by putting our best and brightest in office. for the good of the country. And I am sorry mrs. Palin just doesn’t qualify in my book as the best or the brightest.

Curt I am sorry and will not talk about church anymore.

And yet, you helped elect the lesser Democrat in terms of command of the issues and ability to speak extemporaneously.

It is pretty difficult to understand why folks on the left feel the need to disparage Sarah Palin. From a pure competitive standpoint, you would like to think that if your opposition plans to start a subpar player, you let them. I guess this is the future of politics, unfortunately. Anyway, I digress.
After the Convention speech she made, partly without a telepromter, I knew she was the real thing. I would support her with contributions wholeheartedly if she decided to run. Go Sarah.

GG, I can see you have really worked your butt off here today, relax, sit back, have a beer or something. I am sure you have swayed some feelings. Good work.

no takers on post 45?

annmonterey. cause McCain is to old and no way in H do i trust a governor that has the easiest state to run, that nobody ever heard of.

and Tom , it’s not about the parties it’s about the Country I love.

You wont talk about Church? Man that’s all you do is talk, but you make no sense. Palin scares all you atheist and liberals (communists) so much that you’re going all out to destroy her, well you aren’t going to deter me now, or ever again, for too long Conservatives have been fooled by your ilk, I say NO MORE! All conservatives , tune these destroyers out, thats all they are. We have to STAND up for what’s right now or were finished.

As long as i live I will always want first, what is best for the nation. Parties mean very little to me. I look at politics the same way I do seasons. When it’s cold outside you don’t wear your swim suit. and when it’s 90 degrees outside you don’t go looking for a winter coat. life has its ups and downs so does politics.

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