Sarah Palin Resigning – Updated

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Quick post while at work….Sarah Palin is resigning as Governor.

Guess that’s it for her.


Todd to FNC: Sarah to concentrate on doing things for Alaska and the country she can’t do as governor.”


She brings up the slams against Trig as being a reason her kids wanted her to do something. “It’s been in the works for awhile.” Said that her trips to visit the troops was a factor.

Nice finish. “Don’t explain – your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it anyway.”

Not sure I get it. She could be planning to spend 2010 campaigning for true conservatives for 2010, forcing the party back to its roots and then onto 2012. Or she could be tired of the lawsuits and crap she takes from the media and the left.



Sarah’s brother said that “the amount of time she (and her staff) was having to spend on defending herself against all the charges (80%) wasn’t fair to Alaska. Couldn’t effectively govern.”


Dan Riehl:

Just listened to the video. My take – she’s not done and will look to go national in some way setting up for a possible 2012 run.


She was being sued into oblivion. It worked.

Bill Kristol says the more he thinks about this the more he thinks it might be a bold move by her.

We know we can affect positive change outside government at this moment in time on another scale and actually make a difference,” she said, adding that politics had become a “superficial, wasteful bloodsport.”


A Republican source close to her political team told CNN that it was a “calculation” she made that “it was time to move on.” The governor’s “book deal and other issues” was “causing a lot of friction up” in her home state, the source said, adding that he believes that she is “mapping out a path to 2012.”


Presser on FOX right now…sounds like she is stepping down due to ethics complaints she has to defend. she said there are 15 of them and they have all been dismissed. said it cost $2M and thousands of hours in work to respond. She has become a distraction for state business.

Or at least that is what I read between the lines.

she said she had to respond to ethics complaint about wearing a logo on her jacket and a picture of her holding a fish…really?


From Sarah Palin’s twitter account:

We’ll soon attach info on decision to not seek re-election… this is in Alaska’s best interest, my family’s happy… it is good, stay tuned


Tape of the announcement:


Glenn Beck on Twitter:

True about Palin dropping out and stepping down. GOOD. Get out of the system. Be a CREATIVE extremist as MLK said.


Andrea Mitchell says her sources inside the Palin camp are saying Palin is done with politics. Video here.


TBogg photoshops this picture of the Palin family: (h/t Dan Riehl)


To this:


Isn’t that special. Notice Trig on the bottom left.

More here.

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Gaffa, the aids that were sniping at Sarah were McCain’s staff… PO’ed at her for his loss. Fact is, she’s the only reason he got a respectable amount of conservatives voting for him. And of course, there’s that “anything but Obama” argument too. I had no dog in this past race. And it’s looking like I may not have a dog in the next, either.

For those of you who missed it, you should read cyberigloo’s comment above.

And C in Alaska… welcome back. Haven’t see you around here since the Troopergate days.

Some of the comments on this site are just so unbelievable. Let’s look at it for what it is, SARAH PALIN QUIT…she abandoned the people of Alaska. They elected her to serve out her entire term. Despite the spin that she and you Sarah lovers try to put on it, she is quitting purely for self serving reasons…to make more money, promote her book, etc. This is just ridiculous. If Sarah were so immensely popular, then why did she and McCain lose the election?!? Face it, this woman neither was nor is now ready to run for national office. It was horrifying to see the lack of knowledge she had regarding national politics and policies. It wasn’t the big bad media that made her look like a fool during those interviews, it was her dumb answers. Unbelievable! There are so many other top Republicans that would be a much, much better candidate to run for POTUS in 2012. To all of you hating on Obama, this is the man the the people of the USA chose as their president. You are the minority. Deal with it…you lost the election, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Spewing your hate will not change the results. Yeah, I know it hurts. Here you have a highly educated, very intelligent black man, and that just infuriates you. Just the mere presence of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket made many long time conservatives turn their back on the Republican Party and vote Democrat. What does that tell you? I know that some of you say not to count Sarah out, but get real people…as far as running for president in 2012, Sarah doesn’t stand a chance. It’s just the truth, whether you want to admit it or not.

Guess “Truth” is going to have to change his/her handle to “Hypocrite”…

If you want to play the “quit” and “abandoned” game, that’s the Eunuch in Chief. Sarah, on the other hand, is saving the Alaskan taxpayers beaucoup bucks from the politically motivated onslaught of frivolous ethics charges and lawsuits… which they pay for with government funds spent to investigate, and dismiss. And dismiss they have… all 15 of them.

Gotta love it… the lib/progressive O’faithful get their panties all in a twist over Sarah.

Truth….are you listening……Obama voting “present” in the IL state senate while making the rounds for the IL national senate seat? Obama as a US senator in 2006 then immediatly running for POTUS after that? Sounds like a quitter looking out for his best interests. Would be nice of the media would give him the same amount of scrutiny as they are doing to Palin. Do you think he could take it? Seems he gets huffy and off track whenever his donut doesn’t have enough sprinkles or if the cigs are menthas instead of Camels.

Yeah, we got Obama, and there seems to be a lot who have “buyer’s remorse”. Oh, we’re dealing with it alright….and trying to survive what he’s trying to force down our throats.

Do you plan to be in the bunker when it all falls apart? Will you be summoning your generals demanding phantom armies to come to Berlin’s rescue?

I don’t know the Palin’s or what they plan to do. But I can tell you — that she has been a very effective governor. She is not from a rich or established (money-wise) family. They work, fish and are not made of money. Her whole administration has been attacked. These so called ethics violations were a political ploy. She is well liked in Alaska. However, as you can see if you browse the internet at all, we have our libs here and they are definitely out to get her. Our lieutenant governor will do just fine.

Given a fair playing field (which of course the world is not), Governor Palin would have won the election with McCain. The media could not play fair (they are after all looking out for our best interest – wanting us to live in their utopia) and Obama doesn’t know the meaning of the word. She bucks all of their beliefs. Whether it be “choice” or “religion” or “hunting” or “polar bears” (I saw a commercial – oh, she wants to kill the poor bears) or “military” — they cannot stand her.

This effort to destroy her has been well coordinated. Yes, you can say politics has always been ugly. However, the efforts and resources used to destroy this wonderful person was amazing. Tell me again how many people they sent to Chicago? Where’s his birth certificate? Where’s his writings from college? What’s in his trash can? What was the joke Letterman said about Michelle and the girls?

My hope is that the Palins bounce back stronger then ever. America needs families like the Palins. It is getting more difficult to disagree with libs — look at what happens if you defy the media and Obama. Whether it is on global warming, a beauty pageant, exposing ACORN, the military. That evil eye is upon. And, the governor and her family are their latest victims.

And, thanks for the welcome back!

You people are absolutely nuts! I find most of your comments incredibly entertaining. Face it, Sarah Palin is a disaster and has a lot to learn. It makes me laugh when I hear right wingers say that the media and liberals are afraid of Sarah Palin. They are not afraid of her…they are just in awe of how McCain could have chosen someone so unqualified, unprepared, and unknowledgeable to run on his ticket. Take notice that since the election, McCain hasn’t said one word to defend Sarah Palin. I guess he’s learned his lesson. The fascination is the spectacle that she makes of herself every time she speaks. Keep the laughs comin’, Sarah…VERY ENTERTAINING! I’m going to leave you folks alone…I know you’re just foaming at the mouth with hate right now. Try to enjoy your 4th of July!

Careful, truth… your twisted panties are creating a serious wedgie. And I’d say all the “foam” is coming from your keyboard. LOL

An American Voter @Blast — maybe politicians SHOULD resign their office to run for another position — when they are out campaigning, they are not concentrating on the people’s business and not fulfilling the duties of their office. I personally think office holders SHOULD RESIGN to run for another or have an official proxy step in….especially with multi-year campaigns being waged.

As far as Nobama — he lived on the Illinois taxpayer dime while running for a 2nd State Senator term, US Senator, and then for POTUS…he didn’t resign.

I guess you felt the same way about former President George Bush? Or hell, what about Sen McCain and Gov Palin, were they not both on the tax payers dime when they ran for national office? In fact if we took your position to its logical conclusion, all incumbents would have to resign in order to run again as not to be drawing a paycheck from public coffers.

I could really care less about Gov Sarah Palin, her family or her positions. She had her time in the sun and the “big bad media” has “destroyed her”… give me a break. Quitting her position as Governor if she were to have assumed the Vice Presidency would be one thing… but resigning for what seems as no apparent reason, that is quite a different situation.

This was a poor political move at best, and another shoe is probably waiting to drop… I am waiting to see what really has motivated this huge change.

blast, you’re utterly missing the point. So let me back you up.

None of us cares if political ins resign… We only bring up the Eunuch in Chief as an example of the absurdity of the argument. ala where’s the whining about the big Zero “abandoning” his IL constituents as soon as he got his second term, and walking into the Senate/US Congress, and serving 140 some odd days before hitting the campaign trail?

You can’t have it both ways. If you want to bandy about asinine commentary about Sarah being a quitter because she’s chosen not to finish her term and move on to something else, then you have to admit your hypocrisy for not leveling the same charge at every politician who’s “abandoned” his elected office. You simply cannot have it both ways, unless you want to appear as the rabid partisan with nary a brain cell.

Get it now?

Truth. Show me the Contract. I don’t believe you can so you may want to get off that crap right now. You too “blast”.

As far as I know anyone can resign from any elected office in this Country without Your Permission. It isn’t like the Mafia where you can’t quit or a court sentence. Read up on the Law and get back on that. Being elected Governor is not a suicide pact regardless of your opinion.

Are you an Alaska Resident?
Do Women in positions of Authority intimidate You?
How does her resignation affect your life in any way?

You anonymous internet Snipers show a lot of character here.

Looks like the Democrat Media Propaganda Machine won again.

For all of those people celebrating the downfall of Good People,


What do you plan to do when they come after you?

Mata: You can’t have it both ways. If you want to bandy about asinine commentary about Sarah being a quitter because she’s chosen not to finish her term and move on to something else, then you have to admit your hypocrisy for not leveling the same charge at every politician who’s “abandoned” his elected office.

we are not talking about Palin abandoning her office for another… she just up and quit. No moving on up… just a QUITTER. SHE QUIT. NO moving up, QUIT. Ok, whatever, but honestly is she were a dem, you would be all over her. She is a quitter and is dead in the water. PERIOD.


I have fallen for the “MSM” questions about her abilities, etc… but this takes the brass ring in so far as being way over the pail. She is done. Romney and his space ship underwear and Huck will rip her to pieces now. It is too bad the GOP is just a bunch of bull now.

blast: we are not talking about Palin abandoning her office for another… she just up and quit. No moving on up… just a QUITTER. SHE QUIT. NO moving up, QUIT.

Careful… you’re foaming like the rest of your breed there, blast.

So let me get this straight. In your world, you’re allowed to resign as long as you stay in politics and elected office, but you aren’t allowed to resign for any other reason? So Hillary’s a “quitter” in your definition too, right?

Quite a stick up your butt attitude.

So Hillary’s a “quitter” in your definition too, right?

Give me a break Mata, SecState is a very important job. I am no Hil fan, but she did her duty. What is Palin doing? Q U I T I N G. This is not something I relish like some, but come on… there is a big difference between Hil and Palin.

Sarah Palin was and still is a joke, the kind of joke that all of the former Republican’s can’t take one more minute of. We watch people like her on our soap operas everyday and sure they are entertaining but most of them are out front about their jobs, this woman has conned so many people into believing she is genuine that she is starting to believe it herself. The one good thing is that thousands of us who were Republican and military know how to spot slick dishonesty and she was the last straw, it’s obvious nobody even cares that her plan to have her own country, ruled by her right there in Alaska is what drove alot of people to denounce her even before she accepted any VP attempt. This woman is a snake and hopefully she will slither away and not cause her family and Alaska any more humiliation!

this woman has conned so many people into believing she is genuine that she is starting to believe it herself. The one good thing is that thousands of us who were Republican and military know how to spot slick dishonesty and she was the last straw

Hey Lia, did it ever occur to you that maybe YOU are out of touch with “reality?” Let me guess, she’s “slick and dishontest” because she is a……… Christian! Wow, that was hard.

Well, I’m doubling down on my my long held prediction that Palin is going to start her own party. It will stand for the constitution, character, and strong social values; consequently, the rest, as in “responsible (well funded/strong when needed) military. limited government, and fiscial responsibility will be a “natural” by product, much like the once R party of Reagan Conservatism.

I”m telling you this country is ready for it. Most people like myself who are indes are so because we don’t fit into any one slot. I’ve been a homeless democrat voting R for years, driven out by abortion, George Soros, and Ivy League educated grads, ‘educated’ beyond their intelligence, playing us for stupid.

The R’s are way too divided (with “non conservatives) , and the “big tent” just isn’t going to work, at least not for most of us I’s. I find bright folks like Newt Gringrich fascinating to listen to (he always seems to garner my attention when he speaks), but to be honest, that good old white guy boys’ club isn’t going to cut it anymore. Without social issues, the R’s are nothing to me.

Someday, and hopefully much with the help of the Sarah Palins of America, America will come to understand that social issues not only matter, they are the root of ALL that follows; from life, peace, to a balanced budget. One needs only to look backwards at the train wreck now running this country. Say what you will about “religion”, but the fact is, it would be impossible to be in the mess we are in if everyone in Congress and the WH lived by the big golden rule.

Simple moral values and common sense; not Barney Franks and Geithners, will be where America will swing.

What Palin will do is anybody’s guess, but I think I will be correct in my prediciton. One thing I know I will be right about is that she will NOT be running as a Republican. “Mavericks” always know when to break out from the herd. She just did that.


I’m sure the Dems are praying that Palin will start her own party. She’ll do what Ross Perot did to Clinton – help Obama walk into the Whitehouse again. As much as I think the US needs more that 2 bipolar parties to shake things up – my skepticism gets the better of me.

see below

I was just looking at your past Presidents to see what political experience they had racked up before becoming President. Judging by the time she served and the people she was responsible for she pales into a tiny fraction in experience compared to the others. Well at least she manged to serve 2 full terms being a Mayor of tiny Alaskan town. And you guys scorned Obama for his so called lack of experience.

You would have to go back to Eisenhower to find a President with a worst record politically than Palin – as he didn’t hold any elected political office previously but of course he was Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during WWII. During the last 50 years those who became Presidents only resigned from their current political roles when they had secured a higher office. A guess that’s the difference between winners & quitters…;)

Years X Population (2008 estimates)

Nixon US Vice-President 2 terms 8 yrs 305,905,967
US senator California 0.3 terms* 2 yrs 36,756,666
(*Elected VP)
California HoR 2 terms 4 yrs 639,088
TOTAL 2,523,317,420

Bush Sr US Vice-President 2 terms 8 yrs 305,905,967
Texas HoR 2 terms 4 yrs 651,619
TOTAL 2,449,854,212

Johnson Vice-President 0.75 term* 3 yrs 305,905,967
(*Became POTUS)
US senator Texas 2+ terms* 12 yrs 24,326,974
(*Elected VP)
Texas HoR 6 terms 12 yrs 651,619
TOTAL 1,217,461,017

Reagan Governor of California 2 terms 8 yrs 36,756,666
TOTAL 294,053,328

Ford Vice-President 0.15 term* 0.5 yrs 305,905,967
(*Became POTUS)
Michigan HoR 12.5 terms* 25 yrs 662,563
(*Elected VP)
TOTAL 169,517,059

G.W. Bush Governor of Texas 1.5 terms* 6 yrs 24,326,974 (*Elected POTUS)
TOTAL 145,961,844

Kennedy US Senator Mass 1.3 terms* 8 yrs 6,497,967
(*Elected POTUS)
Massachusetts HoR 3 terms 6 yrs 649,797
TOTAL 55,882,516

Obama US senator Illinois 0.6 term* 4 yrs 12,901,563
(*Elected POTUS)
Illinois Senator 2 terms 8 yrs 217,840
TOTAL 53,348,972

Carter Governor of Georgia 1 term 4 yrs 9,685,744
Georgia Senator 2 terms 4 yrs 172,960
TOTAL 39,434,815

Clinton Governor of Arkansas 4.5 terms 12 yrs 2,855,390
TOTAL 34,264,680


Palin Governor of Alaska 0.6 term* 2.5 yrs 686,293
(*Quit for reasons as yet unknown)
Major of Wasila 2 terms 6 yrs 5,469
TOTAL 1,748,547


Of course you will blame my point of view as being spiteful because Palin is a woman or Palin is a Conservative etc etc…( I would of voted for Thatcher if I had been old enough) yet I seen plenty of hatred aimed at Obama on this site – even calling him the Anti-Christ etc. Point is – if Palin wants to run for President in 2012 she isn’t nearly as qualified as those who have gone before her. She will only split the Republicans. Still it will make a colourful and interesting contest…

Mata to blast:So Hillary’s a “quitter” in your definition too, right?

blast: Give me a break Mata, SecState is a very important job. I am no Hil fan, but she did her duty. What is Palin doing? Q U I T I N G. This is not something I relish like some, but come on… there is a big difference between Hil and Palin.

Actually, I was not only talking about Hil’s “abandonment” (the wacko way you all view resignations) of her Senate seat, but her “quitting” (using your wacko definition) the primary campaign when the race was oh so very close. I mean, all that money from her supporters. She really let them down when she didn’t fight, don’t you think?

But do allow me to thank you for establishing that your standards for “quitter” revolves around whether *you*, personally, approve of what task or position they move to after resigning.

You have discredited yourself nicely. Thank you. You’re actually quite lucky I’m a “catch and release” type person (unless I’m ravenous..). But thank you for visiting the trap.

Now you really ought to check your medical records and make sure your rabies shots are current.

Lia, on this and another thread you have described yourself as “former” Republican. I would suggest that you might have registered yourself as Republican, but you have never been conservative. The transition to conservatism from social welfare mentalities is far more likely than one who believes in individual choice, all of the sudden sanctioning government control and a move towards a welfare state.

This means you either never understood and believed in conservative Republicanism (ala Reagan), or that you’re not entirely truthful. Either works for me.

BTW, Sarah has not embarrassed Alaska, but her decision to resign and promote her Lt. Gov into the top seat is apt to save the Alaskan taxpayer beaucoup bucks, as well as providing a chance that their shared governing ideology has a good chance of being elected for another term.

Personally, I don’t watch “soap operas”, so I have no idea what comparison you’re speaking of. Most of us work for a living, and haven’t the luxury to lounge around and whittle away time staring at the boob tube in the middle of the day. But thanks for the insight to your thought processes, and what standards it takes to “entertain” you.

Mata: But do allow me to thank you for establishing that your standards for “quitter” revolves around whether *you*, personally, approve of what task or position they move to after resigning.

Whatever Mata, your position is anything Sarah does is golden? I say she is done with this move. President Bush resigned the Governorship of Texas to become president, and of course had to run as a sitting Governor. That happens often enough with politicians, but I think this move with Gov Palin to leave office (quit or whatever term of art you wish you use or not use) prematurely will resonate negatively with the population in general.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Palin’s announcement that she would not seek a second term — and leave office before finishing her first — simply doesn’t make sense in a conventional political setting. Karl Rove, a longtime Bush counselor, said Palin has engaged in a “risky strategy.”

from AP

I am not the only one to think this move does not make sense.


BTW, Sarah has not embarrassed Alaska, but her decision to resign and promote her Lt. Gov into the top seat is apt to save the Alaskan taxpayer beaucoup bucks, as well as providing a chance that their shared governing ideology has a good chance of being elected for another term.

Whether Palin’s gamble was the best thing to do or not – surely you are no so naive that saving Alaskan taxpayer money was high her the list? She’s a politician – and almost every one of them will do what’s best for them and their career. That’s true – wether it is Republican or Democrat, Palin or Obama. If she was so concerned about the taxpayer then she wouldn’t of supported the bridge to nowhere originally, she would of resigned as soon as she was investigated over Troopergate – and wouldn’t of charged the taxpayer over her family travelling around with her.

She likes to see herself as a pitbull and likes to play rough and then her loving supporters (with the same ‘can do no wrong’ devotion as Obama supporters) cry foul when the pitbull gets bitten back. Yet despite her lack of experience compared, no doubt, to a lot of those politicans who will want to become President – she has a lot of publicity & voter recognition which others would kill for. She ressigned to consider her options – to go for power (run at the whitehouse), money (sell books, tours etc) or family (get out of the kitchen, take it easy). Taxpayer wouldn’t cross here mind – except as an excuse.

Gaffa, that is… by far… you’re most astoundingly illinformed and thin-as-ice on content post I can remember.

“Saving taxpayer money was high on her list”?

Well, now… if she was going “for power”, having the Alaskan budget drained because she decided to hang on wouldn’t be a very good PR move, would it? And in fact, one of her prime nemeses, Andrew Halco, has been whining about the costs she was incurring (both personal and state) since March 2009. But then, he was assuming all those ethics complaints were bonafide… oops.

Costing taxpayers unnecessary cash is a great way to really put your rep in the toilet. So yes… I do believe the cost to the State was *very* high on her list. And apparently, you don’t keep up on the Alaskan cross talk to see how that was already playing against her by those who sought her destruction.

INRE the story of the “bridge to nowhere”, try boning up on the real story before making truly stupid statements…. And if you are suggest that, prior to taking office, that she made an incorrect stance, I suggest you go back to Obama and his Jan 2007 bill that says “get out of Iraq, now, today” and compare it to his “we may be there longer” stance today. At least Palin’s initial judgment and comments were early in her campaign, and she had changed her mind before taking office on the Bridge to Nowhere. With Obama, it was the success of the Surge… despite him and his Congressional defeatists… and the progress of the Iraqs. Irag is nothing short of an embarrassment for Obama and his “judgment”.

The rest of your commentary is pure projection of your visual of Palin, as opposed to anything resembling reality… or as you said:

She’s a politician – and almost every one of them will do what’s best for them and their career.

That is so blatantly idiotic, it’s hard to know where to start. Was it “good for her career” to antagonize both parties in Alaska from the onset? And obviously, you don’t believe her resignation is “good for her career”. Care to reconcile that one?

Lastly, why would anyone resign when they are being accused of something they didn’t do? Ala the Alaskan legislature’s witch hunt. That’s not a trial, Gaffa. That’s a political and partisan investigation by a political body who has no power to do anything with their findings. That’s like you telling me I should quit my job because you decided to send out a private dick to investigate possible shady financial dealings…. duh


Well, now… if she was going “for power”, having the Alaskan budget drained because she decided to hang on wouldn’t be a very good PR move, would it?

I fail to see how finish your term as governor would significantly drain the Alaskan budget beyond negating any petty investigations/complaints which in the scheme of things would still be small. Should all officials ‘do the right thing’ and resign if complaints are made against them – whether they are true or not – just to help the taxpayer? lol. I’m sure plenty of elected officials have this sort of crap thrown at them. Looking at your earlier post – I agree most of the complaints against her are fairly trivial except Troopergate which has already been gone over.

And if you are suggest that, prior to taking office, that she made an incorrect stance,

Yes I am. It’s a fact she did originally support the bridge. So what if Obama flip-flopped too. Two wrongs don’t make a right. But good for her for changing her mind.

And obviously, you don’t believe her resignation is “good for her career”. Care to reconcile that one?

Easy – “she believes” she is doing what is best for her career. Others including me – disagree. She wants to a be maverick and I reckon she is trying to find a shortcut to jump start her career.

Lastly, why would anyone resign when they are being accused of something they didn’t do?

Absolutely – why would you? She’s had enough of petty Alaskan politics – I suspect she wants more of the main stage – national politics. To think this has any genuine need to save taxpayers money is nonsensical and laughable. You’ve been duped.

That’s like you telling me I should quit my job because you decided to send out a private dick to investigate possible shady financial dealings…. duh

But I don’t think she should quit her job so some non-elected guy takes over. Put it this way it’s like you telling me I should quit my job because you decided to send out a private dick to investigate possible shady financial dealings – not because I did anything wrong – but it would save the cost and hassle of the investigation for everyone involved. It’s called quitting – and it’s as old as the hills.