To add to Aye’s post here is the video of Letterman’s “apology”
Yeah, he actually meant to “joke” about the 18 year old Bristol having sex with a baseball player rather then 14 year old Willow bring raped (statutory). Makes sense right? Seeing as how Bristol was NOT at the game he referenced but Willow was.
Give me a break.
His exact words:
One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
Nope, no confusing that one no matter how much he lies in an attempt to squirm out of this pickle.
Palin called him pathetic in response….pretty damn good description of the man.
Meanwhile we have commentors telling everyone that hey…can’t you take a joke?
Lets see how the lefties react when a comedian calls Obama’s daughters “nappy-headed ho’s.”
You think they will just shrug their shoulders?
John Nolte has a rundown of the “Top Ten Possible Letterman Reactions to Fallout Over Willow Palin Rape ‘Joke’”….my favorite is number 1:
1. If what I said was so wrong, why haven’t feminists complained?
NOW finally slaps Letterman on the hand for being bad but has to put a dig into the conservatives by propagating the lie that Rush called Chelsea a dog:
Letterman said “I recognize that these are ugly” jokes. NOW agrees. Comedians in search of a laugh should really know better than to snicker about men having sex with teenage girls (or young women) less than half their age.
The sexualization of girls and women in the media is reaching new lows these days — it is exploitative and has a negative effect on how all women and girls are perceived and how they view themselves. Letterman also joked about what he called Palin’s “slutty flight attendant look” — yet another example of how the media love to focus on a woman politician’s appearance, especially as it relates to her sexual appeal to men. Someone of Letterman’s stature, who appears on what used to be known as “the Tiffany Network” (CBS), should be above wallowing in the juvenile, sexist mud that other comedians and broadcasters seem to prefer.
On that point, it’s important to note that when Chelsea Clinton was 13 years old she was the target of numerous insults based on her appearance. Rush Limbaugh even referred to her as the “White House dog.” NOW hopes that all the conservatives who are fired up about sexism in the media lately will join us in calling out sexism when it is directed at women who aren’t professed conservatives.
I love it. They have the gall to call us hypocrites when the only hypocrites on this matter can be found from the left side of the aisle. They go back 16 years and find an incident which was never accurately reported to somehow justify the dig. Puhlease. I just wonder where they were at last year when Palin and family were attacked daily with sexist jokes.
NOW has proven themselves to be hypocrites for the last four decades by basing every action, everything they do, on the leftist ideology….
Michelle Malkin:
See author page
No worries, Curt. As Elizabeth Scalia point out, it will Palin who will get the last laugh!
One wonders how many phone calls and e-mails SeeBS received about this matter. It would have to be huge for Letterman to even bring it up again unless, of course, if he regarded it as a chance to repeat his slime. Isn’t it amazing that when a liberal’s rant is proved to be in poor taste they scream “Can’t you take a joke?”. I believe the person who said “liberalism is a mental disorder”. These late night hosts on TV use their shows to promote liberalism at the republicans’ expense. You don’t hear them joke about “The Won” claiming he is not funny. On that I agree with them. Nothing he has done whether domestic for foriegn policies are funny. They are downright detrimental to this country.
Just say it like BHO:
“if [my daughters] make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby” – Senator Barak Obama
Letterman is just an A-hole.
When he makes fun of the Obama children, I’ll retract that.
THEN he’ll be fair and balanced. 😉
The media will never make fun of the Obama kids. Only children of democrats are off limits. Children of republicans are fair game.
It’s much better that Letterman call an 18 year old a tramp than a 14 year old, right?
Letterman is an a**hole.
Anyone know the contact to advise CBS?
The Obama girls should be off-limits. But what about Joe Biden’s coke-head daughter? She’s in her late 20’s, so fair game by Letterman’s ‘standards’.
Hill Buzz has a list of email addresses and phone numbers for CBS execs. I emailed, and also emailed Mars candy company, one of their largest sponsors.
[ OT- The Flopping Aces shirt I won is great. I gave it to my husband and he gets comments whenever he wears it. I highly recommend. 🙂 ]
Another “funny” Lefterman who got what she deserved. and of course what he deserves.
“Australia: TV comedy boss demoted over cruel program”
Yes, then he’ll be an equal opportunity Ahole.
dont forget the wonderful comments about Cheney’s daughter
Letterman is a “wussy” and that rhymes with …..! If he would like some great ratings and get back some respect, I have a suggestion for him. Take his TV crew to Alaska and find the toughest/meanest Alaskan fishing, lumberjack or mining bar he can find and put on his show. He then invites Todd Palin to come up on stage and tells him to his face that joke or a similar one about the Palin children. He can measure success by how many teeth he still has when he walks out.
Son, I LIKE the way you think!
And I’m still waiting for A-rod to chime in. By your perspective, Dave called him a pedophile. I’d be pretty pissed if I were him.
Dave is terrific…on national TV he “jokes” about A.R. raping the 14 year old Palin daughter!!! I want to know when Dave is going to “joke” about Obama raping Dave’s own family members??? Dave certainly must see the humor!!
Or maybe for “human pet tricks”, Dave can have 5 minutes of Barney Frank sucking on Dave’s bicycle seat!
Dave Letterman!!!…What a loser jokester for all of America!!!
Cary’s right: A-Rod should definitely pipe in his indignation!
Seeing as how Bristol has been made the butt of liberal jokes due to her out-of-wedlock pregnancy, I give Dave the benefit of the doubt on this point and think it’s probable he was thinking Bristol. But of course it still doesn’t make it right; and the arrogant excuse he gave digs him an even deeper hole, as if it were an appropriate joke about an 18 yr old over a 14 yr old.
You really can’t fault Dave for this. I mean its like when I was in high school. The group of friends I hung out with included white, black, and a korean ethnicities. We all pointed fun at our heritages. My korean friend always joked about how when his mom had her friends over, it was like the joy luck club. My black friend was unashamed of his addiction to Churches Chicken – we only have Popeyes here, but he educated us on real fried chicken on road trips… i don’t get it but whatever. And of course, we were always stereotyped when we did white people things. Like when we said,”I was reading on the internet…” They would always laugh at us etc… My black friend always said, “white people get their news and information from the internet, black people get theirs from Ebony and Vibe magazine.”
Anyway to my point… Dave is like my white friend (there were 2 of us) that got a little /too/ comfortable with his tongue (accidentally) in front of a bunch of gang members at the mall. Dave said something he was fine with, just in front of the wrong crowd. An audience of people like Michael M and Ganine Gerafalo etc would have probably died laughing.
I mean, why would anyone not find sex with the 14 year old daughter of a conservative public figure like Sarah Palin, NOT funny?! And people wonder why there is scandal after scandal with the liberal party. What they do behind closed doors is far worse than the crap they spew on t.v. There was this guy once that said, “From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks”… makes you wonder what the heart is filled with, if that is Dave’s sensitized tongue.
Part of the problem here, is that Dave is not speaking amongst his Gerafaloian friends, but to a national audience. With his decades of experience in broadcasting as a national figure, he should have the good sense to know better. Speaks a lot about his character and lack of judgment.
His audience in the studio, of course, were yucking it up.
A national audience composed of those who choose to tune into his program, because they enjoy his humor. Those of us who weren’t watching would not have even known about the joke if you guys and the tabloid media weren’t giving him free advertising.
What i find interesting is Palin seems to always be in work herself into some kind of back’n forth with someone or some issue. Going backwards, first it’s Lettermen, then there’s the spat recently with the organizers of the fundraising dinner for the Senate and House Republican campaign committees; then the kerfuffle over siding w/ Prejean’s remarks; then the feud with her teenage daughter’s ex-fiance; then the fight with actress Ashley Judd; and let’s not forget all the rumors and spats with her own election staff.
The woman’s a narcissistic walking target!
@Cary: I understand what you are saying, but with that logic, we can just choose to ignore all the stuff we disagree with and let the people who do care, run the standards. I am sure if it were up to these whackos, porn would be a channel on basic cable. I still find many channels/shows very useful and refuse to let the school yard bullies, be the ones to dictate to me and my family, the morals of /my/ country. They are just trying to get by with whatever they can, to make money.
I am trying my best to preserve what is good and great about this country for my kids. That means calling out the small things like this, before they become the common language of the masses. Cary, how many things do you say/do/act out on a daily basis, that you don’t even think about? Stuff you have subliminally accepted or consciously accepted. Those same things that have managed to trickle down through the media, to our friends, and then into us? You don’t have to work in a lab to contract the flu virus.
@Wordsmith: /Should/ he know better? Or /does/ he know better and chose to consciously act against it?
So in your opinion, David shouldn’t take into consideration that his program is broadcast throughout the country, but only concern himself with who’s tuning in; which, you think, only has to do with those who enjoy his humor? And after years of being on air and seeing how Imus-type scandals erupt by careless statements….he shouldn’t have known better?
I think you should ignore him and live by your own standards (as I did with Don Imus). It’s not like he’s making law or policy. he’s just a late talk show comedian. This is why my tv is never on, and also why I support monitoring childrens’ viewing (which should not be an issue here, because he’s on late)
Cary, for the love of sense…..I don’t spend my nights hand-wringing over what Letterman says and does. I made a simple comment on the post. Perhaps you’re speaking of people in general, but a good portion of news items that aren’t directly related to policy issues are important to discuss, because they affect culture and values…..which influences some policy-making.
I could just as well tell your side of the aisle “Rush is just a talk radio host. This is why my radio is never on AM, and I listen to Akon on my car stereo system”
No, I was not writing to you specifically! Heck, I’m commenting myself. Certainly, we all have the right to voice our opinions. It just seems that this has been blown up to much more than it should be. So, I’ll take my own advice and not feed into it anymore by continuing to be part of the conversation.
As for Rush, he is a political commentator – a bit different from stand up comedy. I personally don’t tune in to his show or comment on what he says, but there’s certainly a bigger basis for those who do, as he’s actually talking about law and policy.
Except that he’s [Letterman] been more and more rancorous when it comes to political humor, to the point where it’s beyond humor and he gets very serious about it. You really see his political beliefs come out when he interviews and dialogues on politics.
Just shut up and give me the top 10 list or stupid pet tricks.
Same with Springsteen: Just shut up and sing.
Now that you have me thinking about it, I think these things do matter a greater deal than we wish to acknowledge. It’s popular to poo-poo what know-nothing celebrities say; it’s popular to claim what Matt Damon says doesn’t matter; what Springsteen pontificates has no influence on my voting pattern, and so on. But taken as a whole, all these “pile ons” do have an influence in a certain group-think and cultural mentality. All the Jon Stewarts, Colberts, Lenos, Lettermans, Tavis Smileys, MTV, The View, and Hollywood are pushing a “progressive” aganda that says it’s hip and cool to be for Obama and that you’re on the wrong side of civil rights if you’re against the redefinition of marriage (they call it “ban on gay marriage”); that you’re on the wrong side of history and anti-environmentalism if you’re against the belief in man-made climate change alarmism; that you’re “anti-science” if you don’t push for embryonic stem cell research (they said Bush “banned” research).
Popular culture and Hollywood- from music, movies, tv, to celebrities- has an enormous influence on American culture and values, as does indoctrination in schools.
This particular joke doesn’t apply to your point, IMO.
But yes, I agree – what people say about law and policy, when given a platform to do so, does matter. If given a voice, we do need to use it when it matters.
Quoting my favorite actor, Ian McKellen:
“Actors and others who take advantage of their access to the media by publicizing and letting fly the bees in their bonnets, are often criticized for not sticking to what they do best. Clergy can pronounce on anything, politicians on everything, but actors should stick to acting. I’ve been on occasion lambasted for expressing my views by the very journalists who have inquired about them!”
Why shouldn’t we use our voices? Isn’t that why we have blogs in the first place? But you’re giving Dave WAY too much important for a bad joke.
No I’m not. I’m commenting on it because it’s made news; not because I wanted to make it news.
Sheesh…. 😉
@ Cary
I think the worst thing about this is that our society has degraded to the point that a 60ish TV personality sees nothing wrong with degrading and insulting and 18yr old mom, just because he is filled with hatred for Govenor Palin.
Herman, have a nice hot cup of reality check with your meds. Exactly how did Governor Sarah Palin “work herself” into Dave Letterman’s monologue? Does Sarah Palin have some unseen power over Letterman’s writers, producers, directors, camera crew, and Dave, too? I don’t “find it interesting” that you blame it all on Sarah Palin, I find it amusing and pitiful. Do you blame everything in life on someone else? Is your irrational thinking due to Palin Derangement Syndrome, the mental illness that is liberalism, Obama worship, residual hatred for President Bush? A-Rod isn’t talking; I hope that means his lawyers are.
Doesn’t he have a young daughter? If he has any daughters, nieces or sisters I wonder what he would say if attacks such as this were thrown at them? I believe he would incensed. letterman personifies what the media truly is – boot lickers for the pretender. –
I truly believe that mean and evil people are paid back. It might not be soon, but later they pay the price in their own personal lives.
Both Letterman and Ted Turner are part time Montana non-residents. We call them carpetbaggers up here. Neither one are witty or amusing. If Letterman had uttered his rude comments in public up here in reference to anyone’s 14 year old daughter his Major Medical coverage would be in play. He can get away with almost anything in New Yawk but up here we do not take that lightly. Montana is not New Yawk.
Four things that separate US from US Liberals and the Taliban are:
*Respect for our Womenfolk, Older Folks & Children that were placed in Our Care
*Unselfish love of Country and Traditional American Values, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution as Written over 200 years ago
*A willingness to defend All of the Above by Word and Deed
*Civility and manners to a point. Those that possess neither deserve neither from Us
I met Sarah Palin and her Husband during the 2008 Campaign. They are fine folks that the media treated poorly but too well mannered to sink to the level of Letterman and the rest of the trash that is currently running the Nation into the ground. Letterman is not worth a cup of my urine if he was burning to death. Sarah Palin is someone to be reckoned with as soon as America comes to their senses after the Obama Orgy is finished in 2012. We met the Palins in Helena and my Daughter and I shook hands with her and her Husband. She looks You in the eye, a firm handshake and a smile that is genuine.
Never met Ted Turner but Letterman. He would notice a firm grip around his neck and my size 9 boot up his #ss until I got tired.
Back from France and sorting out somewhere in the neighborhood of 400+ digital photos. I will send them to Mike and Mata for their selection for posting here. The flight back had me seated
with some clown from the State Department on my right and two American Dependent kids going home to summer in Wisconsin whose parents were Army in Frankfurt at the Hospital there.
The State Department turd could not get a first class ticket, complained and was ignored for hours The Kids were 16 and 15 and were delightful. They were headed Home to the Dells Area in Wisconsin to Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts and Cousins that they had not seen for two years.
Dinner for one tonight at my table. Just me at the house. Daughter is at USAFA in Colorado.
A beefsteak, baked potato and steamed asparagus will do it.
On Letterman, popularity of middle aged leftist sexist punks that never worked an honest day are signs of the decline of American media and Society that tolerates that business.
On the Palins, Fine Folks that will lead US out of the pit that Obama is digging to bury America.
On anything else, I take life one day at a time and will get after some fly fishing for trout tomorrow. It is good to be Home.
Just a few thoughts on things here. Take Care All!