Leftist Group Airs Ad Attacking Rush And The Republicans

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Rush Limbaugh was on the Mark Levin show yesterday talking about the Obama attack and what the attack really means, especially now that a leftist site has paid for an ad attacking him and the Republicans: (h/t JammieWearingFool)

Politico has learned that tomorrow Americans United for Change, a liberal group, will begin airing radio ads in three states Obama won — Ohio, Pennsylvania and Nevada — with a tough question aimed at the GOP senators there: Will you side with Obama or Rush Limbaugh?

“Every Republican member of the House chose to take Rush Limbaugh’s advice,” says the narrator after playing the conservative talk radio giant’s declaration that he hopes Obama “fails.”

“Every Republican voted with Limbaugh — and against creating 4 million new American jobs. We can understand why a extreme partisan like Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama’s Jobs program to fail — but the members of Congress elected to represent the citizens in their districts? That’s another matter. Now the Obama plan goes to the Senate, and the question is: Will our Senator”—here the ad is tailored by state to name George Voinovich in Ohio, Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania, and John Ensign in Nevada—”side with Rush Limbaugh too?”

Extreme partisan….funny. I guess Americans United for Change isn’t extremely partisan.


Check out the audio below of the Rush interview (h/t Conservative Punk)


I think what is key here is that this is not about me. They are using me. This is about the Republicans. They are trying to marginalize me, frighten the Republicans from ah, in the Senate especially, from hanging tough with their collegues in the House.

The Republicans need to realize, oh great one, this is about the election in 2010 and 2012, this is an opportunity. The Republicans need to get some of their own ads up and short of that, because I don’t know what their financial circumstance is, but they need to understand they have an opportunity here. What this all means here is it ain’t going well for the Obamamites.

Mark Levin later tells Rush that the Democrats don’t even realize they are invigorating the base with these attacks against Rush, such as the retarded assertion that Rush said he wanted Obama to fail as President. No, he wants him to fail in Socializing this country, his policies to fail…..not to fail as President.

Rush again:

Didn’t they want me to fail? Ain’t what this is about? Didn’t they want Bush to fail? This is standard partisanship but, you see, Obama is the messiah, Obama is change, there is a slavish blind support for this. This is morally wrong, the contents of this bill is morally wrong. The Main Stream Media blindly supporting it without even knowing what they are supporting. Their supporting a cult of personality, they are supporting a demigod for whatever reasons that have to do with his historical nature here. This is serious stuff and they are using me to frighten the Republicans who vote in the House and Senate from being who they should be.

The Democrats can’t allow the Republicans to vote against this bill enmasse. If that happens they then OWN this failure. When this retarded bill helps to keep this economic downturn rolling downwards the Republicans can then point out that we all knew how wrong the Democrats were way back when. So know they try to scare those Republicans in the Senate.

Will those Republicans fold?

That’s the question.

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Cavuto had to deal with a dimwit from this org. on his show. He brought up 4 measures in the pork package that do not lead to job stimulus and all the dumb broad could say is call them red herrings. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=123_1233265984 Get your chuckles watching Neil’s frustration in trying to get through to this woman.

Glenn Beck was talking about the nature of partisan politics the other week. He was saying basically that you have 15% on the extreme left and 15% on the extreme right that care more about party than they do country. It’s an extreme generalization but I think it’s probably not too unrealistic. One of the problems with the problems with the people on the extremes is that they tend to believe they represent the views of 60+% of the country. The other problem is they tend to paint anyone who disagrees with them as one of the extremists of their political opposite.

My point is this: Rush is only agitating (Alinsky-style) 15% of the country and this response ad only agitates the other 15%.

unfit, enjoy being one of the 15 percenters do you? I seriously
doubt you even know what Rush said or who he represents. Moonbats
like yourself aren’t in touch with the real world.

I DO know what Rush said, and the attacks being made on him are
false and by a far left group. Those are the facts.
They want the Reps to beg and grovel so the dems can push their
socialist agenda. They incorrectly think Rush tells them what to do or has sway over them.
Really, when was the last time the GOP listened to Rush, if ever?

Amen Hard Right…..if the GOP had ever listened to Rush they would still be the majority party, and we would have smaller government and lower taxes.
Just because someone calls themselves a Republican Fitfit…does not mean he is a conservative…..for an example, McCain. We conservatives call them RINOS….Republicans in Name Only. And to me they are an anathema.

Funny, you said in the past you never listen to Rush.

The other problem is they tend to paint anyone who disagrees with them as one of the extremists of their political opposite.

Thanks for proving my point.

Another problem is with the extemists is they tend to be very angry.

I saw that piece with Cavuto and the other nitwit that followed this one…

Thru out Cavuto’s piece this gal looks like her head is about to explode or she is about to hurl. She clearly was unfamilar with the stimulus package. When asked about 20 milllion bucks for fish barriers she went on about dams and neglected infrastructure. Huh?!

Now, for the nitwit that followed this one…. She talked about the refund to illegals. After dancing around SSN and tax payer ID’s, Cavuto finally got her to admit she supported illegals getting refund checks even if they never paid any taxes… Because it is SO important to get checks in to Americans as soon as possible. Sheeesh…

As far as the attacks on Rush… he’s a big boy. He can take it. He is not going to loose ANY listeners or advertisers over this one…

Heh, and all along, I thought I was the only one who called Obama a “demagogue”.

And Fit, this is one of the times I’ll agree with you. The median voter theorem bell curve shows that there are few extremists on either side, and these extremists don’t like being dragged to the middle of the spectrum. The problem is not that they believe they represent the opinions of 60% of the population – the parties are designed that way. It’s called party discipline, and if a member of the party disobeys by reaching across the aisle, then they become shunned.

Though, I would like to argue that the main problem is that these guys do whatever it takes to brainwash the population in their efforts to capture the voters in the middle, i.e. the not-so-extremes. That is what Rush is talking about in regards to those organizations releasing their attack ads against him and the Republicans and how the politicians brainwash the electorate so that they “blindly support” something they know nothing about.

I sense another pledge opportunity!

I don’t see what’s so “extreme” about relating to the founding fathers. I give Rush that, he emulates the founding fathers and is attacked as some extreme right wing.

It’s an ideological war, the left vs. the right. If the right doesn’t prevail then we will be spun in a European type socialism that will difficult to overtake.

We tried the “mighty middle” this last election when McCain was nominated and look where it got us…more losses and a weaker party.

When someone like Reagan wins he wins in landslides, 49 out of 50 states. We can easily learn from history over this or we can fall victim to fate.


The Founding Fathers are “extreme” to anyone who isn’t familiar with them and their beliefs.

If, however, you are rooted in the Founders and their original intent then their ideas are not so radical or extreme.

Just depends on your education and perspective.

You are correct about the “mushy middle” approach. True conservatism wins and works every time it is tried. It’s the deviations that get you in trouble.

By the way, it’s nice to see fresh faces, I hope that you’ll stick around awhile.

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.”

This founding father had it right.

No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.

From Federalist #10

There is no doubt that both DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS both have an awesome responsibility, however when I read some issues here in FA and all glory and honor are foisted upon Bush, and the dregs are placed upon Obama, I react conversely. Maybe that is habitually taking the contrary point of view, but it serves to be the little slave boy holding the crown riding on the chariot of Caesar…. whispering in his ear “all glory is fleeting”.

“We measure progress by how many people can find a job that pays the mortgage; whether you can put a little extra money away at the end of each month so you can someday watch your child receive her college diploma.”
-Barack Obama nomination acceptance speech

Hmmm, how’s that going so far? My his own measure…Barack Obama is failing miserably.

Moreover, this 647pg, tree-killer of a bill does not get either my wife or I a job. It doesn’t give us money to “pay the mortgage” or to “put a little extra money away at the end of each month.” If it doesn’t do that, then it’s not stimulus, and this bill doesn’t create any jobs until at least a year from now.

End of story.

Well I know the Pell Grants would help keep me in my job. I know locally we have several school renovations that would create tons of jobs and we have years worth of storm water drainage projects that are badly needed that were part of proposed spending… As for that “at least a year from now” bullshit, that’s been debunked.

Scott Malensek: Hmmm, how’s that going so far? My his own measure…Barack Obama is failing miserably.

Ummm… honestly did you think he would accomplish that in 10 or 11 days? And did anything change economically since Aug 28th 2008 when he gave that speech?

If I recall correctly John McCain uttered the infamous “fundamentals of our economy” on Sept 15th, Black Monday, you know the day the Market dropped 504 points and Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy the speed of this economic meltdown increased.

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.”

Sort of like when the Dims wanted to impeach President Bush at every turn because of President Clinton’s impeachment and bitterness over the 2,000 election?

Sort of like that?

As for that “at least a year from now” bullshit, that’s been debunked.

Fit fit, the Congressional Budget Office is on line two.

First they came for Imus, but I did nothing…

Then they came for Rush, and I still did nothing….


Unbelievable that both a sitting President and Congress feel the need to destroy a private citizen…

As for that “at least a year from now” bullshit, that’s been debunked.

That’s odd, I called my Congressman’s office yesterday (he’s one of the sponsors of the bill), and his staff confirmed that it won’t create any new jobs for at least a year.

And please…that bs about Pell Grant stuff helping keep a job is BS. The money won’t be allocated for even that until next year, AND (this is important)

[drum roll]

It’s a STIMULUS bill-not a bill designed to KEEP jobs, but one designed to create jobs.

Ummm… honestly did you think he would accomplish that in 10 or 11 days? And did anything change economically since Aug 28th 2008 when he gave that speech?

If I recall correctly John McCain uttered the infamous “fundamentals of our economy” on Sept 15th, Black Monday, you know the day the Market dropped 504 points and Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy the speed of this economic meltdown increased.

This is a GREAT POINT!! Why? Because Obama said almost the exact same thing-VERBATIM just last week when he was pimping Pelosi’s pork. And yes, I do believe he could actually have made a difference and saved jobs. Wanna know how? If his Admin had written the bill instead of letting Congressional Democrats write it. Then it would have been a bi-partisan measure, and it would have aimed at stimulus (he called it “trickle UP economics”). Instead we get trickle down voodoo economics with govt programs and agencies at the top of the financial food chain instead of corporations. If Obama had presented a bill that could pass (and this one was not), and he had written a bill that was truly aimed at stimulating the economy rather than accomplishing Congressional Democrats’ agenda (and paying back their pac providers), then Wall Street and the business community might have reacted positively rather than negatively. You cite the crash of two big entities and a 500pt drop. I could do the same with more companies and a bigger percent drop based on Obama’s Obamanation of a faux stimulus.

Please, help me out…where-WHERE/ANYWHERE in that bill does it help people find a job in the next 3 months or provide them with more financial aid? Lacking that kind of a fast reaction to the bill, it cannot in any way shape or form be called stimulating. A real stimulus would have stimulated Wall Street, not led to another huge hit (which w cannot afford).

@Scott Malensek:

I posted this on another thread but it’s cogent here too.


Today, the Cato Institute placed an ad in The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

The ad was signed by 200 top economists and takes BO to task over his representation of economic stimulus viewpoints.

Here’s the text of the ad:

“There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jumpstart the economy.”

President-Elect Barack Obama
January 9, 2009

With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true. Notwithstanding reports that all economists are now Keynesians and that we all support a big increase in the burden of government, we the undersigned do not believe that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance. More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. More government spending did not solve Japan’s “lost decade” in the 1990s. As such, it is a triumph of hope over experience to believe that more government spending will help the U.S. today.

Here’s the ad itself and a link to a fully readable version:


Please, never use the expression “pimping Pelosi’s pork” again.

Perhaps this leftist group should sit down and think about what’s coming out of their camp. With what they have put out in the public realm representing their “ahem” values and ideals, THEY should be on defense, not Rush or any of his fans.

Look at their Air America line up, ranges from vicious, crude, catty, bold faced liars, (that will get you into the Senate btw), they make Rush look like a saint. Even the liberal hosts across the country are short on facts, long on rhetoric.

Their most popular blogs, some backed by George Soros, now there’s someone who is putting his money out there for the best interests of this country, sure he is. These blogs are full of vile, hate filled garbage that should be rightfully ignored by anyone that is sane(that includes the Palin family).

Rush doesn’t need to put an ad out there, he’s been around for 20 years, he makes the radical left squirm, apparently that includes our president, sad, truth can be tough, maturity for some is never attained.

>>I know locally we have several school renovations that would create tons of jobs and we have years worth of storm water drainage projects that are badly needed that were part of proposed spending>>

No doubt you are correct in your evaluation of the needs, but these should be state projects, not federal projects. What is your justification for Federal funding? Are you in Washington DC??