Obama’s Judgement: Treasury Pick “Forgot” To Pay His Taxes & Kept Money Given As Reimbursements For Money He Never Paid

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Check out Mike’s post on the double standard in the MSM towards this latest “mistake” on Obama’s part

For all the hoopla of the Obama inauguration his transition to power has been one of complete and utter folly. The latest? His pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner. You may recall that pick of Obama’s met with a lot of praise. Now, not so much:

Documents released by the Senate Finance Committee strongly suggest that Geithner knew, or should have known, what he was doing when he did not pay self-employment taxes in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004. After his failure to pay was discovered, first by the IRS and later during the vetting process, Geithner paid the federal government a total of $42,702 in taxes and interest.

The IMF did not withhold state and federal income taxes or self-employment taxes, Social Security and Medicare, from its employees’ paychecks. But the IMF took great care to explain to those employees, in detail and frequently, what their tax responsibilities were. First, each employee was given the IMF Employee Tax Manual. Then, employees were given quarterly wage statements for the specific purpose of calculating taxes. Then, they were given year-end wage statements. And then, each IMF employee was required to file what was known as an Annual Tax Allowance Request. Geithner received all those documents.

The tax allowance has turned out to be a key part of the Geithner situation. This is how it worked. IMF employees were expected to pay their taxes out of their own money. But the IMF then gave them an extra allowance, known as a “gross-up,” to cover those tax payments. This was done in the Annual Tax Allowance Request, in which the employee filled out some basic information, marital status, dependent children, etc., and the IMF then estimated the amount of taxes the employee would owe and gave the employee a corresponding allowance.

At the end of the tax allowance form were the words, “I hereby certify that all the information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will pay the taxes for which I have received tax allowance payments from the Fund.” Geithner signed the form. He accepted the allowance payment. He didn’t pay the tax. For several years in a row.

And when exactly did he finally pay those taxes? After Obama named him treasury secretary, and after the vetting team found the little itty bitty oversight on Geithner part. Just a tiny mistake you see.


If any one of us had not paid our taxes for years we would be in a TON of trouble. Tax fraud is no joke, but to those associated with Obama it appears it is. Laugh it off, go pay those taxes and then all is right in the world.

It gets better. According to an article by Politico’s Craig Gordon and Amie Parnes Geithner included some payments to his kid’s overnight camps in calculating his dependent child care credit for three years. 2001, 2004, and 2005. His accountant told him in 2006 that this was not allowed and Geithner ignored his accountant. He never amended the returns.

Judicial Watch:

Besides failing to pay the U.S. government $34,000 in taxes, Obama’s pick to run the agency that ensures the nation’s financial security kept money earmarked as restitution for taxes he didn’t pay.

At the time Geithner, considered to be a brilliant financial markets specialist, worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which oversees the global financial system. For years (from 2001 to 2004) Geithner didn’t pay Social Security or Medicare taxes on his lucrative salary yet he gladly cashed the IMF’s tax restitution checks.

The IMF gives employees an extra allowance, known as gross-up, to cover tax payments. To get it employees must file a detailed tax allowance request and the organization then follows up with a check to cover the amount.

Geithner filed and signed the requests for years but didn’t follow through with his obligation. The forms clearly commit the employee to pay the taxes for which he or she is receiving a tax allowance payment from the IMF. For years Geithner accepted the allowance yet blew off the Internal Revenue Service as well as the commitment he had made by signing the official form.

Hey, you keep money given as reimbursements for money you never paid, that’s a-ok in Obama’s book.

Roger Simon on the absolute brilliant judgment Obama has:

…The vetters also told Obama, of course.

According to an article by Politico’s Craig Gordon and Amie Parnes, Obama “decided to push ahead with the nomination anyway because he ‘still wanted him.’”

At the end of the day, a source said, “Barack decided that he was the best person for a really important job.”

OK, I get it. The economy is teetering on the brink, and we need to cut corners a little. We can’t be all that scrupulous and nitpicky when the future of the nation is at stake.

So in November, Team Obama announced that Geithner had this little problem and was paying his back taxes with interest and that it was all an honest mistake and no big deal, right?

Wrong. They decided to keep it a secret. But The Wall Street Journal discovered it and blew the whistle Tuesday.

Kept it a secret. Sounds like something the left has been complaining about on bushitler’s part doesn’t it?

The Geithner foul-up is different than the Bill Richardson foul-up. The Obama vetters were unable to get Richardson to give them all the background information they needed, but Obama went ahead and appointed Richardson to the Cabinet anyway. Then that blew up, and Richardson withdrew his name.

With Geithner, the vetters found the bad stuff — yay! — but everybody thought they could sweep it under the rug. Boo.

Amazing how forgiving the MSM, the left and the Democrats can be when one of their own sweeps things under the rug. Hides information. Appoints people that should not be appointed.

They say he made a mistake. I don’t buy it. He was given ample notice over and over about those taxes. He was even told he couldn’t claim things that he did claim and never fixed it.

But say it is all a big mistake.

Is that the type of person you want to run Treasury?

Obama does.

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Obama is a Chicago schooled guy. What did you expect?
The New Scam is on and 4 more Days until it shows it’s teeth.
You will not know it until it bites you.

Hide your guns, hide your money, buy ammo today, work on your bunker and thank your maker
for 8 years of George Bush, the Bill of Rights as was written and remember it fondly.

Off to shovel some snow and wait for spring. Old Spencer Davis Grp on my IPOD.
-7F outside but clear & calm on my piece of ground in Montana.

My disability does not allow jumping out of A/C anymore
but it does allow me to ride my Sportster when the roads are clear.

And My taxes are paid up.

Readers may recall that Joe the Plumber was demonized by the “news” media for unpaid back taxes (though I believe they had been paid by the time Joe became famous).

Funny how the same folks seem to think it’s no big deal if the man to be put in charge of the IRS does far worse.

Oh well…

It annoys me beyond belief that the wishy washy no cajones Republicans on the Hill aren’t ripping this guy apart. Instead, they are being deferential and just going along. Then they wonder why the base is pissed at them and they keep losing elections. If this was guy Bush had nominated, the Dems would destroy him.

We’ve all seen at the onset of the passed election year how Barack Hussein Obama uses poor judgement.
Just look at the company he has kept along the way.
Rev. Wright,
Fthr. Pfleuger,
Tony Rezko,
Gov. Blagojevich,
and Bill Ayers.

Look at the people Obama has chosen for his administration.
Bill Richardson,
Hillary Clinton,
and Holder

Obama now expects us to approve these people as though each of them are upstanding, ethical, tax paying individuals with our best interests at heart.
Hmmm? A tax dodger for Sec. of Treasury,
Richardson and Hillary under a cloud concerning’Pay for Play.’
Browner and Solis avowed Socialists.
And for Director of the CIA a man bent on destroying our intelligence systems.

My opinion is that the guy signed the necessary docs that told him he needed to pay taxes on the income.

Honest mistake? Oversight? Maybe…

But, do we really want some one this enept running the Treasury dept?

No. We do not want a tax evader running the IRS! I’ve said this once before here. This administration is a thugocracy. Obama actually sought out these criminals with his famous questionnaire.

I found this comment on texasdarlin:

“Obama appealed to all Americans who HOPE for a better government and want CHANGE in Washington.

Let’s see now, in the first two months since the election we have:

A President-elect we know almost nothing about. The only President in history that we will not be able to visit his birthplace because we don’t know where it is.

He has appointed a Secretary of State who is constitutionally ineligible to serve.

He has appointed a Secretary of Treasury who didn’t pay $34,000 taxes owed from 2001 until just before his appointment and had employed an illegal immigrant for domestic work.

He has appointed a Secretary of Commerce who has already had to withdraw because of a federal investigation into corrupt practices.

He has appointed a White House Homeland Security adviser and deputy National Security Adviser for counterterrorism who headed up the company responsible for the passport breach at the state department and gave us the faulty pre-war intelligence that took us into IRAQ.

He was chastised by Senate Intelligence Committee members for choosing someone who is not an intelligence professional to head the Central Intelligence Agency.

He has appointed as Secretary of Education a one-time pro-probasketball player who lead the third largest public school system in the country where employees skirted competitive bidding rules to buy 30 cappuccino/espresso machines for $67,000; where student athlete’s grades were boosted, then, after transcripts were issued for college admission offices, the grades were changed back; a system with one of the worst ratings in our country with only a 52% graduation rate when the Economic Policy Institute researchers estimate slightly more than 80% of students in our country receive a high school diploma.

Has appointed as Secretary for Homeland Security the Arizona governor about whom Michael Lacey, a Phoenix journalist wrote …”Sorry Service in Arizona Makes Her a Terrible Choice for Homeland Security Secretary”

I could go on and on and on and on………………………

Not to mention the problems with his pick for his chief of staff and the governor of his own state over his Senate replacement.

More than sixty percent of the people, most of our college and university professionals, and almost the entire mainstream media think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. What are they seeing that I’m not seeing?”

Craig, as a courtesy to Texas Darling, please just provide an excerpt and the link so they can visit her site. Lift/pasting entire posts isn’t fair to her traffic. Just a suggestion.

Mata, she doesn’t mind. She says has long as we say it is from texasdarlin, that it is alright with her. Many people asked her, because there is real good comments on this blog and that was her answer.

The point being, Craig… if you link her post, they may travel to other posts of hers. It is, as I said, a courtesy. They may end up being regular visitors as a result of additional reading.

Again, I suggest that you just put an excerpt and link to give her the additional exposure. Not to mention that copy/paste in the entirety has ended up in court of late as copyright violations. And perhaps Texas Darling is okay with that, but another blog owner may just play the litigation suit with Curt and FA. That we don’t want.

Mata, it is not texasdarlin post… it is the post of one of the commentors on her site. It would be like if someone would copy one of my post here and copied and pasted on another site … I couldn’t care less and I don’t think that Curt would either.


“More than sixty percent of the people, most of our college and university professionals, and almost the entire mainstream media think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. What are they seeing that I’m not seeing?””

Don’t look at superficial reality. Rather, search the dark recesses of your soul to findwhat you want to know to be true.

Isn’t it comforting to watch republicans excuse this thugs behavior! Does this mean I can pay my taxes any time I wish, with the complete approbation of the steel-spined Orrin Hatch? If we are ever to reclaim this nation and our rights, We the People will have to do it ourselves. Electing/campaigning for/contributing to republicans has become an utter waste of time, effort and money.