Wow! You mean “honest” is still in their vocabulary???
16 years ago
Make that “lifestyles of the corrupt and heartless” and you’ve got it in one.
16 years ago
Compare this to the time it took the media to find out about Joe the Plumbers tax lien (1 day) and how they used it to bash him.
If only Geithner had been nominated by a Republican, the MSM would be singing a different tune.
16 years ago
If it is such a common mistake, you’d think a guy with the brilliance attributed to Geithner (NY Times article – Geithner’s Skill May Trump Tax Issue -) would know about it.
Besides, I tend to think it more on the order of a bone-headed mistake. Like O’s. With his Illinois mansion….
Another thing. If you check the ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ transcript for air date 1/14, you’ll find other interesting stuff about when the transition team found out about this, when they informed Senate Finance, and what they said about keeping it quiet.
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
media bias= avg citizen Joe the plumber’s 1k tax lien= HEADLINE NEWS!
Obama’s TREASURY SEC owes 26k in taxes AND has an illegal nanny…media silence
16 years ago
My thoughts exactly Scott.
Joe gets crucified, this dude gets a pass.
Ah, but the libs thought it was an important insight into the nature of Joe the Plumber private citizen. Apparently they don’t see massive and willful disregard for tax laws by the man Obama wants to put in charge of the IRS in the same way.
Didn’t Joe the Plumber repay his back taxes long before the media found that topic interesting? And didn’t Geitner(sp?) only repay all of his the day before being nominated for Treasury Sec?
16 years ago
Here’s something to choke on Mike:
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (Utah), the second-most senior Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, which is charged with reviewing Geithner’s nomination, called him “brilliant” and “honest” and said that, despite his tax errors, “I don’t think we can get a better person for this position. . . . He has the kind of background that should be very helpful to us at this time.”
Sen. Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah), a close associate of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), said: “If I was a traffic officer, I’d say he may have exceeded the speed limit, but he wasn’t weaving out of lanes, he wasn’t drunk and he wasn’t endangering anybody. He may have some explaining to do, but in the end, I think he’s going to be just fine.”
What’s “choking” about that Ms. Plume is that Republicans don’t seem to have the backbone required to play hardball with the intensity that Democrats do.
Wow! You mean “honest” is still in their vocabulary???
Make that “lifestyles of the corrupt and heartless” and you’ve got it in one.
Compare this to the time it took the media to find out about Joe the Plumbers tax lien (1 day) and how they used it to bash him.
If only Geithner had been nominated by a Republican, the MSM would be singing a different tune.
If it is such a common mistake, you’d think a guy with the brilliance attributed to Geithner (NY Times article – Geithner’s Skill May Trump Tax Issue -) would know about it.
Besides, I tend to think it more on the order of a bone-headed mistake. Like O’s. With his Illinois mansion….
Another thing. If you check the ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ transcript for air date 1/14, you’ll find other interesting stuff about when the transition team found out about this, when they informed Senate Finance, and what they said about keeping it quiet.
media bias= avg citizen Joe the plumber’s 1k tax lien= HEADLINE NEWS!
Obama’s TREASURY SEC owes 26k in taxes AND has an illegal nanny…media silence
My thoughts exactly Scott.
Joe gets crucified, this dude gets a pass.
Ah, but the libs thought it was an important insight into the nature of Joe the Plumber private citizen. Apparently they don’t see massive and willful disregard for tax laws by the man Obama wants to put in charge of the IRS in the same way.
Didn’t Joe the Plumber repay his back taxes long before the media found that topic interesting? And didn’t Geitner(sp?) only repay all of his the day before being nominated for Treasury Sec?
Here’s something to choke on Mike:
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (Utah), the second-most senior Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, which is charged with reviewing Geithner’s nomination, called him “brilliant” and “honest” and said that, despite his tax errors, “I don’t think we can get a better person for this position. . . . He has the kind of background that should be very helpful to us at this time.”
Sen. Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah), a close associate of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), said: “If I was a traffic officer, I’d say he may have exceeded the speed limit, but he wasn’t weaving out of lanes, he wasn’t drunk and he wasn’t endangering anybody. He may have some explaining to do, but in the end, I think he’s going to be just fine.”
What’s “choking” about that Ms. Plume is that Republicans don’t seem to have the backbone required to play hardball with the intensity that Democrats do.