That ever morphing Obama definition of “wealthy”… $120K now, per Bill Richardson


Either the internal communications in the Obama camp are suffering some serious breakdowns, or no one seems to be able to nail down how low that Obama threshold of “wealthy” will go before Tuesday! Sure wish I could have heard the entire interview with Oklahoma’s Steffen Tubbs.

H/T to Lucianne for the Pittsburg Live news blip

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All Obamites are banking on this “tax cut”, but IMHO I think he actually will do nothing on this and it is one more empty campaign promise. And even if he gets into the White House. There are no guarantees it would survive the trip through the Senate and House anyway. Regardless of what figure he gives to it. And there’s a trust issue on this one as well, since he’s lowered his $250k benchmark several times already.

Too many greedy Obama supporters have all of their eggs in this one entitlement basket. Is the promise of a $500 check really so important to them that they would sell their souls so cheaply, ignore every other issue that has come up, and take such a gamble on America’s future? Would you gamble your employment on it? I’m sure your bosses know who in their employ wants Obama to win, because you love Obama so much, you can’t help but advertise it at work. Put yourself for a moment in your boss’s shoes. If Obama does win and his tax cuts force your boss to lay-off or fire employees because he can no longer pay them all. Who would he be more likely to dump? If it were me, I’ld get rid of people who helped get me in that predicament and were most vocal in trying to talk others into joining them.

Don’t look only at this single “pipe-dream” issue and ignore everything else. It’s too easy to get burned by politicians. Clinton also promised a tax cut during his first run and it never happened. But Dems took that risk as well, because they adore politicians who tell them what they want to hear.

Spend a little time and do a little research yourself before you vote. Don’t just go with what a politician and the media that wants to get him elected is willing to let you know.

The Good LORD anoints and appoints, we can only pray that he appoints McCain. Everyone here knows that I dislike McCain, but we MUST put all that aside, as there is nothing more important than defeating Obama. All those who are holding out your vote to teach a lesson, don’t let the lesson be at your own expense. Voting for someone you agree with 50% of the time makes more sense than voting for someone you never agree with. You can NEVER win by losing, NEVER!

That’s inspiring, jainphx. Thank you for being a smart voter and making your own informed choice.

Rocky: Remember that these people have the mindset of: Ask not what you can do for your country, but what the incompetent Democrats you elect into the office can do for you. People will do anything for money. Esp. the minority community who have been feeling like they’ve been oppressed by “Whitey” now believe they have a chance of getting back at him, and getting rich along the way. Of course they’re going to sell their souls. They, along with rest of the people who have the “gimme gimme” mindframe, are going to say “Screw the country. I want my share first” regardless of what must be done. They don’t acknowledge the fact that we must work to fix the nation as a whole before the fruits of our labor of getting back on track rewards all others.

For the life of me I cannot see how ANY politician can get up in front of the American people and tell them he is going to give them a tax cut, especially Obama. Consider:

Within his first month, or six microseconds, whichever comes first, he is going to repeal the Bush tax cuts…is he going to give them back later so he can say “Look what I did for you”? (The scary thing is half the country will believe him)

Current congressional rules require all money bills proposing tax reductions must be revenue neutral–if they give you a “tax cut” they have to raise taxes somewhere else so the money flow isn’t affected

Pelosi and Reid have already said there would be tax increases–so who’s the liar?? (ALL of them!!)

Obama’s tax increase “floor” of 250g has already started dropping with no indication of where it will truly stop. (Most likely in the 20-25g range when it’s all said and done)

The money required to fill the promises he has already made exceeds expected tax income significantly…so where is the extra going to come from???

There is more, but this is enough to make my point..

Obama + democratic congress = DISASTER


Bill Richardson is not running…

No, Richardson isn’t running, but, he IS out on the stump speaking for Obama. Another example of Dem. so-called “presidential material” that has also enjoyed prestigious appointments in a Dem admin. Scary.

Obama in a 2003 radio interview, said tax cuts should only be for people earning less than $70,000 a year, a position in accord with Pelousy and Reid who believe people are rich if they make more than $86,000 a year.
So if you elect Obama (God forbid) expect taxes to rise on everyone making more than $80K per year and tax relief, if at all, for people earning under 70K. You’ve been warned.

A rough estimate for my “rich” brother in San Diego and his salary minus what his expenses are. Taken into account that he has left some expenses off and has low balled other expenses so as not not confuse the liberals with his consumerism. These are the “rich” Americans who must bear the burden of the poor.

100,000 yearly salary
-22,500 taxes
-30,000 mortgage
– 2,000 car insurance
– 4,000 utilities, cell phone, cable
– 4,000 health insurance
– 1,000 gas
– 3,600 credit cards
– 8,000 food
/52 weeks
=480 a week disposable

No sympathy here!!! Why is he spending so much on credit cards and gas, food etc… He needs to learn how to budget himself like us “middle class” people do so he can get a bigger tax break than me? Hope he forecloses!!! I’m not poor and BO isn’t catering to the poor who want to be poor, just giving us a break that we deserver, not the rich and greedy, they deserve NOTHING!

8000/52 = 150 a week on food = 21/day on food
1000/52=19/week on gas = 2.75 a day on gas
3600/= 70/week on credit cards

where do you want him to budget?
why do you call him rich and greedy?
why are you so bitter and angry?

Wow…$2,000 for insurance? That’s hella cheap. I don’t make that much and I pay about $3,600 for car insurance.

Obama’s tax plan is a ruse. His tax plan will affect everybody, regardless of middle class or upper class. Take a good look at it and do the math – it just doesn’t add up.

He drives a 1998 Jetta that is paid off and he has a good driving record. Again, these are all lowball estimates so the liberals can’t say that I have inflated any of these numbers.

The definition will continue to go down lower and lower. The reason being, the socialist illuminati will have no choice but to raise taxes, and everyone will soon see.

I agree with Ms. Know. This number has gone from $300,000, and by 2010, the number will be around $42,000. We know what that means for most Americans.

Obama is begging for bailouts everytime you turn around. He used to be against some of these. Car companies, credit cards, student loans…these bailouts are going to lower that number very quickly.

In fact today, a poll came out showing that Americans would be willing to wait for their middle class tax cut. The pollsters and the media are doing their best to lower the expectation of Chairman Elect Obama