There is just no end to the hypersensitivity and absurdity of the progressive socialist nowadays. And the latest hypersensitive loon to emerge in the court system is Mary Kay Green, 66 year old family and PI law attorney, and author of “Women of Courage”.
Ms. Green has filed a lawsuit against McCain, Palin and campaign manager Rick Davis for what she calls promoting hate speech.
Her lawsuit claims McCain’s campaign “intentionally, recklessly and irresponsibly portrayed presidential candidate Barack Obama as un-American, a terrorist by association, and “not like us,” a non-white individual.
It also accuses Palin of working a crowd at a rally into a frenzy “causing them to make death threats against presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Barack Obama with her audiences shouting “kill him,” “off with his head,” “terrorist,” “Muslim terrorist.”
“It strikes terror in my heart,” Green said.
Ms. Green blames the assassination of Robert Kennedy for her father’s death when, eight days later, she says he dropped dead because of grief. Hummm… wonder if that was the cause of death on the autopsy report?
“The same bullet killed my father,” Green said. “It was profoundly tragic for my family.”
Because Green views Obama as the modern day JFK, she fears for his safety.
UPDATE: Considering the assault on a McCain campaign worker in Pittsburg Oct 22nd, Ms. Green may have a point… However it appears the hate McCain is inciting is the Obama faithful for any McCain supporter….
Anyway, so what’s her beef with McCain and Palin, and why does she feel she, personally, is entitled to $6 million in damages and punitive damages? According to her filed brief in the Western Missouri District, US District Court:
4. Govemor Sarah Plain is known as “the Pit Bull of the McCain campaign and on or about October 1, 2008, with the McCain 2008 campaign floundering in the polls, she conspired with Presidential Candidate John McCain and his carnpaign manager Richard “Rick” Davis to begin making public speeches and television and cable advertising to engage in a McCarthy-like campaign of falsehoods, innuendo, and smear of the reputation of Presidential candidate Barack Obama.
5. From October 1, 2008, to the present, Governor Sarah Palin with the approval and under the direction of U.S. Senator John McCain and his campaign manager Richard “Rick” Davis intentionally, recklessly and irresponsibly portrayed Presidential candidate Barack Obama as un-American, a terrorist by association, and “not like us,” a non-white individual.
6. That from October l, 2008, to the present, Sarah Palin, recklessly, knowingly and intentionally and with the approval and under the direction of John McCain and his campaign manager Richard “Rick” Davis by her falsities and hate speech played to the racial prejudices of her and John McCain supporters and worked them into afrenzy causing them to make death threats against Presidental Candidate and U.S. Senator Barack Obama with her audiences shouting “kill him”off with his head,” “terrorist,” “Muslim terrorist.’
~~~10. Plaintiff has suffered actual damages and compensatory damages and continues to suffer at the hands and words of the Defendants.
11. Plaintiff seeks actual damages, compensatory damages and punitive damages and the costs of this action.
WHEREFORE the PlaintiffMary Kay Green, pro se, prays the court for actual, compensatory and punitive damages and the costs of this action from the Defendants personally and in their official capacities, and prays that they cease and desist their reprehensible campaigning.
Ms. Green’s apparently upset that neither McCain nor Palin admonished the crowd comments… assuming, of course, they even heard such comments from their stage position. In fact, she promises to withdraw her absurd lawsuit if she hears “public statements from these two candidates that they abhor these death threats and they will not tolerate these intruders in their audiences.”
Ms. Green’s got a few problems, as I see it.
First of all, anyone that makes a threat to a POTUS or potential POTUS ought to find their a$$ behind bars. I couldn’t agree with that more.
Ms. Green, nor the press, provides any accounts of crowds yelling “off with their heads”. And McCain has publicly corrected a rally attendee who tried to portray Obama as a Muslim.
But these articles suggesting that the “kill him” was directed at Obama have my head scratching. According to the transcript provided by left-wing blogger, Blogger Interrupted these threats followed Palin’s references to William Ayers.
“Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers,” Palin said.
“Boooo!” said the crowd.
“And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,’” she continued.
“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.
“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.
Somehow, BloggerInterrupted reads the above, and hears that “kill him” as directed at Obama. The same goes for AmericanBlog.
The way I see the timing, it appears to be directed against William Ayers, not Obama. But you know the “it’s all about me, Obama” crowd.
Never the less, the Secret Service takes any such idea as serious… as they should. And, according to another left wing blogger, Radaronline, and based on Dana Milbank’s WaPo article, they are investigating. However neither Palin, nor McCain, are responsible for their supporters unsavory behavior. If so, the amount of Obama supporters who’d be behind bars for their accusations and treatment of Palin would swamp our court and jail systems.
Neither Palin nor McCain has ever called Obama “un-American”. You can throw out that charge completely. She’ll be digging long and hard to find any quotes on that from either candidate. That is merely an interpretation of Ms. Green’s obviously deluded mind, blinded by bias.
Neither has Palin, whom Green specifically accuses, called Obama a terrorist. Palin is on record as saying Obama has been “palling around with terrorists, and other statements (as quoted by WaPo’s Dana Milbank):
Barack Obama, she told 8,000 fans at a rally here Monday afternoon, “launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist!” This followed her earlier accusation that the Democrat pals around with terrorists. “This is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America,” she told the Clearwater crowd. “I’m afraid this is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to work with a former domestic terrorist who had targeted his own country.” The crowd replied with boos.
McCain had said that racially explosive attacks related to Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, are off limits. But Palin told New York Times columnist Bill Kristol in an interview published Monday: “I don’t know why that association isn’t discussed more.”
Let me get this straight… Palin labels Ayers a terrorist, and a friend and associate of Barack Obama, and they interpret that as calling Obama a terrorist? That’s quite the leap.
The already verified facts include:
1: Ayers is an admitted terrorist who got off on technicalities on improper surveillence.
2: Obama and Ayers have an association that goes back to shared educational philosophy, acting as co-administrators of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge,
3: Both were board members of the Woods Fund.
4: Obama had a “launch” neighborhood introduction “coffee” in the home of William Ayers and his fellow domestic terrorist wife. Bermadette Dorn.
I’d say what Palin says is absolutely, and inarguably true.
INRE the Rev. Wright, heaven forbid anyone bring his name up as the racist pastor with whom Obama has shared a two decade relationship. Is Obama the man who has supposedly transcended racism or not? Or has he, by his refusal to come clean on his Black Theology and socialist beliefs, and his unmitigated support for affirmative action welfare programs, just fueled it instead?
The point here is that now we are told we must tiptoe around Obama’s nefarious terrorist and racists friends and associates, or risk lawsuits for “hate speech”. Well, there’s a giant step for unity and healing in the nation…. what BS.
Needless to say, both Green’s charges of calling Obama a terrorist “by association” and “un-American” are figments of Ms. Green’s own nanny-speech oriented mind.
Here’s another real stretch that comes from Ms. Green’s imagination. The notion that either McCain or Palin was referring to race when using a “not one of us” comment… which is down right rare that I can find in any campaign speeches.
But what about that “not one of us” phrase? Where does that come from? And just how unusual is it?
How about we go back in time to Jan 2008, with an article from Kathryn Jean Lopez at the National Review. Only problem? The “not one of us” phrase was not used in reference to Obama, but to McCain as presumptive GOP nominee.
To Senator McCain, congratulations. But he has not got this thing wrapped up by any stretch. It’s less than a year since he tried to push a disastrous immigration bill into law — one as manipulative as any pork-laden appropriations bill — with vigorous opposition from talk radio, conservative bloggers, think tanks, and the grassroots. I don’t see how such a man wins the Republican nomination. I’m second to none in praising him on his surge leadership. But on a whole host of issues — including water boarding, tax cuts, and the freedom of speech — he’s not one of us.
According to Ms. Green, that phrase is racist…. what was Ms. Lopez thinking, using those words?
Let’s leap forward to May of 2008, from the Atlantic Monthly and an article by Jonathan Rauch – again used in reference to McCain.
Alert Washingtonians were treated to an odd juxtaposition not long ago. John McCain was booed at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the big annual gathering of the right-wing tribes, while trying to establish that he was a conservative. On the same day, across town at the American Enterprise Institute—another conservative stronghold—Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, was warmly received when he touted a new book called Real Change. Never one to go underboard, Gingrich called for “explosively replac[ing] the failed bureaucracies of the past.”
The irony of the contrast seemed lost on conservatives. No one in the movement doubts Gingrich is a real, no-kidding conservative. Many doubt that McCain is. Some flatly flunk him. Thus spake James Dobson, the head of Focus on the Family and a leader of the Christian right: “I am convinced Senator McCain is not a conservative.” He’s not one of us, these conservatives have insisted.
Again, according to Green, how racist of Dobson to call McCain “not one of us”…. sigh
So just what the heck is Green referring to when she accuses the “not one of us” statement, when applied to Obama, as being “racist”?
According to Rep. Gregory Meeks, who shares Green’s notion that Palin is fueling racism in her rallies:
In recent days, as polls have shown a steady lead for the Democratic ticket, Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have used reports of Mr. Obama’s loose association with Bill Ayers, a former member of the ’60s radical group the Weather Underground, as evidence that he is different from them.
“Our opponent,” Ms. Palin told donors in Englewood, Colo., “is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”
She added, “This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America,” she said. “We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism.”
An Associated Press analysis characterized those remarks as “unsubstantiated” and carrying “a racially tinged subtext.”
~~~“They are trying to throw out these codes,” said Representative Gregory Meeks, a Democrat from New York.
“He’s ‘not one of us?’” Mr. Meeks said, referring to a comment Sarah Palin made at a campaign rally on Oct. 6 in Florida. “That’s racial. That’s fear. They know they can’t win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear.”
“Racism is alive and well in this country, and McCain and Palin are trying to appeal to that and it’s unfortunate,” said Representative Ed Towns, also from New York.
“These codes”? “Not one of us”?? “Racially tinged”???
Oh horse manure. I’m really tired of tiptoeing around these issues. We can either discuss this stuff openly, or not. But if the other side is going to claim that Obama’s really questionable friendships and associations are all “racially tinged”, we’re going to get no where quickly except retrograde to increased racial hostilities.
Now, would any of you consider Steve and Cokie Roberts racist? August 1st, 2008, they asked the same about Obama…
To many Americans, Obama is still a stranger, an exotic and mysterious stranger with an odd name, a dark face, a weird pastor, a cheeky wife and a brief past. “This is a big leap for people,” he said on “Meet the Press.” “I don’t look like previous commanders in chief. I’ve been on the national scene a relatively short time.”
One measure of that leap: Pew reports that 22 percent of all voters think Obama is a Muslim or are confused about his religion; only 57 percent correctly identify him as a Christian. And among independents who don’t know his true faith, only one-third support him, while half back McCain.
So, in November, will Americans decide Obama is “one of us”? We don’t know yet.
No where to be found, of course.
Just like McCain’s been accused of not being “one of us”, as in on conservative issues, Obama is not “one of us” when he views America thru the eyes of Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalid.
Obama is also NOT “one of us” when he sees US soldiers as those who are air raiding villages and killing civilians.… using Obama’s own words.
But to show this level of hypersentive insanity isn’t limited to one goofball, liberal 66 year old attorney in Missouri, even the media (i.e. Newsweek) are whining that using Obama’s own quotes are a “distortion”.
The ad asks, “Who is Barack Obama,” then calls him “dishonorable” for supposedly saying that U.S. troops in Afghanistan are “just air-raiding villages and killing civilians.”Gov. Sarah Palin raised a similar charge during the October 2 vice presidential debate. The intervening weekend hasn’t made the claim any more substantive. What Obama said – more than a year ago at an August 2007 campaign stop – was a criticism of administration military strategy and not a criticism of “our troops”:
Really? Let’s hear it from the “donkey’s” mouth, shall we?
We’ve got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we’re not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there.
If Newsweek’s “pass” on this is correct, Obama is suggesting that our military leadership has the strategy to “air raid villages and kill civilians”. Well now, don’t that make it all right?
What it appears is that at every attempt to get to the bottom of Obama’s shadowy relationships and foggy past, the cry of racism and lawsuits arise. Combine this dangerous method of quashing free speech with a socialist POTUS, a Chicago machine political methodology, and we could be in deep sheeeeeet as a nation.
Somehow, in my heart of hearts, I don’t believe most the Obama supporters – wanting desperately to believe Obama’s lofty promises of unity – genuinely want what Obama is likely to usher in as President. Unfortunately, it will be too late… for these four years, anyway.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Just a few? Sounds like that lady needs some serious psychiatric help.
It’s a good thing that Ms Green didn’t listen to this guy’s videos, because she would be suing him also… lol
Videos from: dinkingwith bob
– The truth about Obama’s tax plan
– Barack Obama is a disaster
– First Socialism. Now Communism
– Is Barack Obama a U.S. citizen
– Bigger Economic Crisis is on the way
– And many more videos of this guy… he is mad, really mad.
“Her lawsuit claims McCain’s campaign “intentionally, recklessly and irresponsibly portrayed presidential candidate Barack Obama as un-American, a terrorist by association, and “not like us,” a non-white individual.”
Odd… I’ve always considered Obama’s socialistic agenda to be un-American. I don’t trust his association with Bill Ayers (an admitted domestic terrorist); and I do perceive him as a non-white individual. I guess she should sue me, too.
Ya know, Hermit, a commenter on another thread – Deb – had an intriguing response that I think is right on in that “un American, anti-American” bit.
To encapsulate… America’s free speech means that speaking out your mind – even if it’s in support of socialism/Marxism/Communism, or any other “ism” – is a part (if not the very essence) of America. Yes, Obama’s proposals are anti-capitalist. And perhaps that’s a better way to describe it.
Anti-American? That would be the terrorist bomber, William Ayers.
So perhaps incorporating Deb’s very stellar observation by rephrasing it as anti-capitalism… a foundation on which this country was founded… is more accurate than un or anti American.
I think Ms Green needs to take up residence in a facility which doesn’t allow the paying customers access to sharp objects or ropes and food consist of jello which won’t harden so she can use it as a weapon to harm herself.
Too bad for the Missouri attorney, Mary Kay Green. All that was said, or has been said, about Barack Hussein Obama, is true. It can be proved that Mr. Obama’s buddies seem to have crawled right out of the gutter:
Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist.
Tony Rezko, a convicted swindler and cheat.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, an Afro-centric radical racist and anti-American.
William Ayers, a known home-grown unrepentant terrorist.
and many others, the list is not short but rather long on names of hoodlum friends of Obama.
It’s repugnant, but true.
Can you image a courtroom setting where the defense lawyer plays a video with the very Rev. Jeremiah Wright saying, “Na, na, na, not God bless America, God Damn America.” Or, maybe the defense can show papers that conclusively show Mr. Barack Obama signing along with Mr. Bill Ayers, the bylaws for their newly created community service organizations. Or, how about a news clip of the conviction of Tony Rezko, a close friend of Barack Obama.
It is laughable that Ms. Kay Green would even file such a frivolous suit, but consider that Barack Obama now has two (2), count them, TWO lawsuits against him that demand that he (Obama) show his birth certificate as proof that he is natural born. But, alas, instead of heeding the request by Mr. Berg (who filed the first lawsuit), Mr. Obama has chosen to contest it. In Mr. Obama’s and the DNC’s motion to dismiss they fail to offer the idea that they have already shown Obama’s birth certificate on the Internet as a defense. Why? Because said birth certificate is a phony, a fraud. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama may very well be a citizen of Kenya, and/or Indonesia. Why does he refuse to come clean? Go figure.
Mr. Obama’s birth records are sealed in Hawaii, sealed in Kenya; and his records for various colleges he attended are sealed. We do know that Obama lived as a youth in Indonesia; his registration record in an Indonesian school shows that he was listed as Barry Soetoro and his religion listed as Muslim. This much we know for sure.
Ms. Kay is going to have to walk a very long mile to show that Obama has nothing to hide and that he is not shady. Never mind that Obama is well-recognized as being the most left-wing, radical liberal in the Senate — Obama is also spewing ideas that are outright socialist and communist. Redistribution of earned wealth in a government hand-out, by its very definition, is communism.
View the Video that will cost Obama the election. Answer the question for yourselves; who are Barack Obama’s associates and “friends?” You, too, Ms. Mary Kay Green!
2008: The year freedom died
We’re witnessing the next step on the slow progression to socialist fascism.
First it was the character assasination of Sarah Palin and her family. Not to mention the hacking of her email account.
Next it was the “truth squads” of law enforcement and prosecuters in Missouri threatening legal action.
Then it was the Secret Service being sent to the home of a Texas couple who were falsely accused of issuing death threats to Obama when one of his supporters called their home.
Now it’s Joe Wurzelbachers turn to be tarred and feather for questioning “THE ONE.”
And like Josef Goebbel’s the fascists use the power of the media and Hollywood megaphone to make sure only the approved party line gets out.
If Obama is elected, he will have the power of the state behind this thugocracy.
If he loses the election, his thugs have already promised violence in the streets.
Heck, they are doing that already in some places.
Is there not ONE elected or appointed Democrat in office that is not brain damaged and/or abusive of the law and their position!?
No, Elektra. As Ann Coulter once said: “If Democrats had any brains, they would be Republicains”.
A Democrat is someone who thinks to broadly to even be on his own side of a quarrel.
You know, even looking at this case objectively by putting all partisanship aside, I’d still have to say I’d dismiss this case after reading one half of the page of the brief. Not only is there a matter of free speech involved with what McCain and Palin have said at those rallies, but also her claims are unfounded – there’s no way on Earth she can prove that they “intentionally” tried to provoke the crowd, let alone prove that they actually did what she claims. And claiming that their motive is to win an election is utter bullshit. Any judge with a common sense would just laugh at her face and have her sent to a psychiatric institution.
And yes, I agree. Why the heck is she claiming $6 mil for punitive damages? Hoping to catch a liberal judge and making a quick buck? Or did Obama buy her off secretly too? lol.
It’s the Democrats’ full intention to make McCain/Palin look as racist as possible in order to garner votes to have Obama elected – it’s just too bad that that’s not possible. These guys will do anything, even if it means twisting and distorting the truth. It’s unfortunate for them that McCain and/or Palin have never ONCE attacked Obama based on his race, and they never will.
Anti-capitalist is essentially correct, but incomplete. It doesn’t address other aspects of socialism that Obama appears to advocate. Obama’s concept of “spreading the wealth around” is just one example. If his tax plan is implemented, it will amount to government-sanctioned robbery (and no, I’m not wealthy at 32k per year – I just don’t believe that my more ambitious and wealthier neighbor should be required to support me).
The probable federal take-over of public education in this country is another issue – an expensive fast-track to mediocrity and the nurturing of group-think, in my opinion.
Some may see Obama as simply anti-capitalist, but when I look at him, I see an anti-American socialist whose ideas about “change” pose a grave threat to this nation. Obama isn’t offering Americans a safety net (although some believe he is). He’s constructing a cage.
Personally, I’d rather keep my freedom and take my chances outside the cage, regardless of the risks.
You are correct, being a Socialist is not anti American.
Bringing about your (Obama’s) dreams of Socialism through Fascist and criminal methods is anti American in my opinion. His connections to Ayers, ACORN, et al. are simply evidence that he is not unaware of the methods being employed on his behalf.
Lightbringer, INRE your comment:
“My” dreams of socialism? Oh my… if you believe that, you don’t read much of my work here, Lightbringer.
You might try reading my Oct 5th post about the legitimate TKO punch McCain should be using on the Obama/Ayers relationship which is Obama’s proven failure in the CAC… blowing lots of money on political purposes, and failing at the educational reform. Not to mention just what that reform was…
Follow that up with with the next day’s post, that Obama activism = social injustice. The shared Obama/Ayers quest for a social and economic justice educational system in the US…. the socialist/Marxist plan of Ayers, taken straight from renowned communist, Rosa Luxemberg.
A couple of days later, I saw that the media was catching on to the *real* Obama/Ayers relationship, as I had been saying. Here’s my first post on the Annenberg connection to socialism.
Go back into my archives, and you’ll find my beef with Obama from day one was that he was a socialist.
You misconstrue my respect for the Constitutional right to be a Communist/socialist/Marxist in America as support of that philosophy. Nope. Couldn’t be further from the truth.
But the day we don’t allow a socialist to speak or function in the US is the day they win. Because dissent is *very* American.
It seems that mental illness runs in that woman’s family. So sad. Perhaps her father died when he had a dream of what a nutcase she would become forty years later, and couldn’t bear the thought that his once prized daughter would become a raving lunatic and laughingstock? Perhaps she should sue her father for dying on her forty years ago? Perhaps she should sue Sirhan Sirhan for killing her father? Perhaps I should sue her for causing me mental distress and anxiety by her frivolous litigation? Courts allow alot of pro se plaintiffs to come in with cockamamie (and no that is not a racist term) litigation, but this is ridiculous. There is no pure hate speech laws that give this woman a private right of action against anyone in the McCain campaign, just as the SCOTUS recently ruled there’s no private cause of action for the HAVA laws at issue in Hawaii. If McCain’s campaign had called this woman directly the C word, like Obama’s campaign supporters did to Gov Palin, it might have come closer, but it would still likely be deemed opinion and unactionable. This woman should be fined by the Court and sent to Shady Oaks where she will no longer be a danger to herself.
@ MataHarley
I could have sworn I put Obama’s name in parenthesis next to “your”. Oh, I did.
I was not trying to call “you” a socialist. I was trying to say that bringing about socialism through fascist fraud and threats of violence is not American. Whether your name is Obama, or whatever. “YOUR” was meant to include Obama and all his thuggish followers. The Constitutional right to be whatever sort of political flavor you like is fine with me. I would be just as angry and appalled if McCain/Palin had hired ACORN to illegally register thousands of fake names and dead people and such. I don’t particularly give a rat’s ass if Obama decided to wave a red banner and insist on being called “Komrade”, that is his right. Breaking laws and subverting the Constitution is not.
My apologies if you seriously thought I was under the impression you were a socialist. Perhaps I should wait until after that first cup of coffee before posting next time to be more clear in my wording.
Thank heaven, Lightbringer… I was appalled at my communication abilities if someone could walk away and think I’m an Obama socialist! LOL
Yes, it was the presence of the “your” that threw me off. And I could see where some could take my defense of Marxism/socialism/communism as being very “American” the wrong way.
Rereading how I expressed that statement, I can understand your confusion about my meaning. I really should have waited for the coffee to finish brewing.
As for defending someone’s right to belief in Socialism, I agree with you. If we start thinking we have the right to dismiss someone based on their political views, then we are the “thugs”. That brings me back to my original point. I am not so much worried about what “they” believe, although I disagree with it completely. What worries me, and what I find “anti American”, is how they behave towards those of us who believe differently. The Democrats seem to be working under a new motto, “The Ends Justify the Means”.
In one sentence, you got the entire jist of where Mary Kay Green’s bases her case.
Remember the naivity of the people during the JFK presidency. Now please don’t take this as next statement as sexist, because it is not intended as such, but young women voted for JFK in droves, not because of his position on the issues, but because he was so “handsome”. As a child I remember them discussing it over coffee and cards all the time. His administration was glowingly refered to as Camelot even before he took office. They didn’t like Nixon because he looked “Mean and ugly” and they thought he was “picking on” JFK during the debates. I recall them sitting on the couch cussing at Nixon for his abuse of this gallant man, just before we were rushed out of the room to bed. JFK was a romantic symbol to them, nothing else, they gushed over him like a pop music idol. They viewed Jackie as an American princess and John as a princely knight on a white steed. They went out and bought pill-box hats and pink dresses to look like her. No wonder Green feels offended. She has learned nothing in the last 40 years or so. She still votes with her heart and not her head. You are not a silly teen anymore Ms. Green. Grow up.
Rocky, liberals never grow up. Ms. Green is proof of that.