it was so awesome to see them all laughing, i loved all of the digs mccain got in, they were perfect. i was glad to see them put aside the campaign mudslinging and relax and enjoy themselves. they were all genuinely laughing. who the hell knew mccain could be that funny?
16 years ago
This is better than any standup comedy routine I have seen or heard on politics! Go McCain!
16 years ago
I loved the George Bush line. Way to go John McCain! You were a hoot!
16 years ago
Really funny! Good punches.
I loved: Oprah calls him “The One”, I just call him “That One”…lol
Dang got beat to it. I was watching these and working on posting a submittion and right after I hit send, there they were. Watched both speeches but McCain definitely got the bigger laughs. He about had Hillary on the floor. I wonder how they would have scored the debates if he had delivered like that?
If there are any problems with those links, here are a couple others from Fox on both:
I laughed really hard at them both, but McCain ruled! This was a great relief, too. Awesome evening! I seriously have not laughed so hard since Pam Anderson got roasted!!
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
Man, John McCain has quite the comedic timing!!! He COMPLETELY rocked the house, and managed to make some stinging points at the same time!! I could watch that several times and not get bored at all…wonderful!
My bet is that someone like Dennis Miller wrote his speech, but whoever wrote it, they should win a comedic political speech award, if there is one. I especially enjoyed him setting up Obama at the end…very creative! And, hilarious!
I have to say, too, that Senator McCain looked quite stunning in his threads, indeed! Be fun to see him on the campaign trail wearing that all of the time! 🙂
16 years ago
Swell. Now if only he would shine on the campaign trail. By calling Obama the Marxist, the socialist he is. By asking why his college and medical records are sealed. By asking why the media is investigating a plumber, but not a presidential candidate. But then I guess that wouldn’t be discreet, bipartisan behavior, huh? Sorry, but I have no patience for laughing while McCain tries to be cute. He is a dumbass loser…exactly the reason he was selected for failure by democrat crossovers and the republican left. It isn’t funny because my nation will be turned over to a dedicated communist and his big money string-pullers. Anyone speaking against such a disgrace will be targeted, just like a lowly plumber. Talk radio will be silenced, the web will be govt controlled and PC approved. Huffington will be the national website and Free Republic will be forbidden due to “racist, un-American content.” Now…everybody laugh!
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
OldPuppyMax, I completely understand your sentiment, and we are facing a VERY serious situation, one that is not funny. I don’t know if you saw the debate Wednesday night, but McCain really hit Obama hard on the issues a lot of us have been screaming about. There’s always people who will say he didn’t do enough, but I believe it was a huge improvement from what we’ve seen in prior debates! He made Obama noticeably uncomfortable.
As far as last night’s dinner in NY, he, in my opinion, sent several clear, serious messages to Obama and the general public. It was in the form of humor, but humor can and does open people up to hear the message more so than a very serious discussion might. And, I know he delivered it really well. By the way, Obama didn’t like the part about Acorn…he had a harder time faking his laugh on that one from what I could see.
Excellent! I love it! Sarcasm, Sarcasm Sarcasm!
Holy cow was that funny
it was so awesome to see them all laughing, i loved all of the digs mccain got in, they were perfect. i was glad to see them put aside the campaign mudslinging and relax and enjoy themselves. they were all genuinely laughing. who the hell knew mccain could be that funny?
This is better than any standup comedy routine I have seen or heard on politics! Go McCain!
I loved the George Bush line. Way to go John McCain! You were a hoot!
Really funny! Good punches.
I loved: Oprah calls him “The One”, I just call him “That One”…lol
I actually enjoyed Obama’s round of quips, as well.
Dang, that was really funny.
I had to go searching for the remainder of Mac had to say.
I posted it below if you are interested.
Here are Senator McCain’s remarks in their entirety:
I watched Obama’s stuff. It was OK. (Watch both and just listen to the crowd’s reaction to see what I mean.)
You can find it here:
Dang got beat to it. I was watching these and working on posting a submittion and right after I hit send, there they were. Watched both speeches but McCain definitely got the bigger laughs. He about had Hillary on the floor. I wonder how they would have scored the debates if he had delivered like that?
If there are any problems with those links, here are a couple others from Fox on both:
I laughed really hard at them both, but McCain ruled! This was a great relief, too. Awesome evening! I seriously have not laughed so hard since Pam Anderson got roasted!!
Man, John McCain has quite the comedic timing!!! He COMPLETELY rocked the house, and managed to make some stinging points at the same time!! I could watch that several times and not get bored at all…wonderful!
My bet is that someone like Dennis Miller wrote his speech, but whoever wrote it, they should win a comedic political speech award, if there is one. I especially enjoyed him setting up Obama at the end…very creative! And, hilarious!
I have to say, too, that Senator McCain looked quite stunning in his threads, indeed! Be fun to see him on the campaign trail wearing that all of the time! 🙂
Swell. Now if only he would shine on the campaign trail. By calling Obama the Marxist, the socialist he is. By asking why his college and medical records are sealed. By asking why the media is investigating a plumber, but not a presidential candidate. But then I guess that wouldn’t be discreet, bipartisan behavior, huh? Sorry, but I have no patience for laughing while McCain tries to be cute. He is a dumbass loser…exactly the reason he was selected for failure by democrat crossovers and the republican left. It isn’t funny because my nation will be turned over to a dedicated communist and his big money string-pullers. Anyone speaking against such a disgrace will be targeted, just like a lowly plumber. Talk radio will be silenced, the web will be govt controlled and PC approved. Huffington will be the national website and Free Republic will be forbidden due to “racist, un-American content.” Now…everybody laugh!
OldPuppyMax, I completely understand your sentiment, and we are facing a VERY serious situation, one that is not funny. I don’t know if you saw the debate Wednesday night, but McCain really hit Obama hard on the issues a lot of us have been screaming about. There’s always people who will say he didn’t do enough, but I believe it was a huge improvement from what we’ve seen in prior debates! He made Obama noticeably uncomfortable.
As far as last night’s dinner in NY, he, in my opinion, sent several clear, serious messages to Obama and the general public. It was in the form of humor, but humor can and does open people up to hear the message more so than a very serious discussion might. And, I know he delivered it really well. By the way, Obama didn’t like the part about Acorn…he had a harder time faking his laugh on that one from what I could see.