More Trooper’gate BS updates…. this is soooooo boring!

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Okay… INRE the six Alaskan legislators who sued to get an injunctive release (see original post and info here…) back on the 16th of December… alleging the Legislative Council was acting without budgetary authority, and outside Constitutional due process per the Alaskan Legislature.

The Alaskan Supreme Court affirmed the Superior Court’s Motion to Dismiss… on Oct 8th. I was waiting to get the Supreme decision. However none is available as of yet. If the brief I linked above is correct, a decision should follow. (Which I’m actually quite curious on a legal intellectually level to see. Mostly about the Legislative Council appropriating funds without the approval of the entire body.)

In the context of all that still goes on… the Legislative Council witch hunt continues, most or all are responding to subpoenas. And the Personnel Board investigation and investigator are still in action.

Dat’s all folks…. I am so bored with this. After I found out a “guilty” is a $5000 fine, who the heck cares? The Alaskan Legislative Council is spending 20x the amount of the fine just to investigate…. no wonder Palin’s had to rip thru these guys in her gubernatorial term. They most certainly know how to waste the taxpayers’ cash.

But this entire story was meant only to damage Palin as a running mate from the beginning. Were this a story that genuinely lent credible threat to a “criminal” serving as a Veep, none of this would be slipping under the radar. But… like I said… a $5000 fine for a guilty charge??

But… if you need bathroom reading material, or need something to read to fall asleep to…. here’s the quick link to the entire Trooper’gate series.

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Spending 100k to get 5k????

All I can say to French and Co. is that they better HOPE Palin gets to be VP. If not, when she comes back, they better get food tasters and car starters because the locals are gonna get miffed at this hit job.

I don’t know the makeup of the district French represents. It may be a safe one with like minded Ds.
If Palin doesn’t win, I’d be willing to bet all will be forgotten. Alaska will have new challenges, especially if oil is sitting at around $80/bbl. or lower in January (when the legistlature reconvienes). It would mean much lower revenues for the state. This will be no time for vendettas.

But this entire story was meant only to damage Palin as a running mate from the beginning.

She wasn’t a running mate when this story began…

The Sarah Palin Trooper Gate investigation or whatever you call this in Alaska,was started way before Silly Sarah was selected as Desperate McCain’s running mate. She can go around attacking Obama, and wouldn’t you say the students at the University of Illinois were all terrorist from being around Ayers? Get real people face facts, Ayers was a man of the year in Education or some such award. You are green, and the folks of Ohio are so dumb, mostly hillbilly people from Applachia coming north to work and they always vote Republican, why is a mystry for the republicans do absolutly nothing for south eastern Kentucky or south western VA.

Moby on Aisle 4.

Moby, Aisle 4.

See people this is a troll. If you ask me, I go pretty easy on you guys.

Wow! Mata, I think you just blew my eyebrows off, gonna go check.

Atta girl!

Yeah, that’s gonna leave a mark.

A few insults and jabs are to be expected during anonymous discussions of politics over the internet. It’s the nature of the beast. Unfortunately it’s very easy to take it too far. At the end of the day, I try to remember we all love our country and that the reason it gets so heated.

Answer to the person who called me a Bitch, get in Palin’s way and out the door you will go, the good people will be fired one way or another by her, if they say she did wrong they are fired, if they say she didn’t do wrong still fired, she is another Cheney, and please whoever called me a name, would you please tell me Palin’s college grades and why did she attends so many colleges? I would venture to say, she couldn’t get in the college in Illinois that Ayers teaches in, and the students in this University. are they all Terrorist since they have daily contact with the Professor Ayers?
Go read the Washington Post and New York Times. My name is J. Smith and I am 74 years old and have not voted Republican since R. M. Nixon the crook was dismissed in shame from the presidency.

as badly as i type and spell at times i really think joanne smith out did me. way to go you troll. if you were in fact 74 you would be able to compose your thoughts in a better way. you, joanne smith, are the poster child for ignorance and incompetence. sarah palin decided to move home, she was a good student, maybe not a stellar one, but she wasn’t booted. could be you are envious of a party that can put a woman on the ticket and show how progressive they really are. so please joanne smith, shut the hell up.

@Joanne Smith:

When scumbags cross paths with Sarah Palin, she fires them.
When they cross paths with Obama, he befriends them.

If Joanne Smith is posting at political blogs at the age of 74, bless her heart. One question, does anyone in here know of any 74 year old posters? I don’t and I live in a retirement community, 350 units. Color me skeptical, yet, forgive me if you are the real deal.

Now, Joanne Smith, where are you getting your misguided information. Links are always nice.

mata you sure have a way with words. when i grow up i wanna be just like you. seriously. i really mean that, you can cut someone down and not sound like a bitch doing it. truelly an awesome quality.

Do I understand this correctly:

Governor Palin abused her power because she didn’t put a leash on her spouse??

huh… good thing they didn’t have that rule when Bill Clinton was elected to office!

What happens now?



I’m not 74 – yet – but I’m getting close. Six years away…

Come on…by the time you get to that age, what else do you have to do besides comment on blogs unless you sit and watch tv? And tv is getting to be more of a wasteland every day…I think if you spent much time with it, you’d lose whatever marbles you had PDQ.

And I’m a grandma, AND I’m a _fairly_ regular commenter.

So….???? Don’t count us out! And while I totally disagree with Ms. Smith…but she _may_ be genuine. Also may not be – there are so many fakers when all you have is the printed word…but she _could_ be one of the boomers who had no sense and still doesn’t. Since college education is so important to her, it’s apparent that the one she went to didn’t teach logic…maybe she went after her children had grown…colleges in the timeframe you’d expect she went to school used to teach critical thinking. Nowadays, they don’t seem to.

Because of the prevalence of this philosophy, no doubt:

I am amused that democrat voters take BO as a serious and honest candidate. If you are a democrat voter please copy the url that follows,,from your own Wikipedia website,,_2008 and note the number of candidates that drove the current economic crisis, have screwed around on their wife diagnosed with cancer, that despise religious people, have candidates that are obsessed with women’s reproductive organs, has a candidate who backed a husband that lied under oath as president and received BJ’s from staff member while the wife denied the facts to the public, a senator who has lied regarding “manmade” global worming, a senator that lied about his activities in the Vietnam War and falsely accused American military members of killing innocent people in Vietnam and of terrorizing innocent people in Iraq, a nominee who’s wife is not proud of the country that freed slaves, rescued the world from Nazi Germany, declared war on a religious sect that wants to kill the voters of the nominee and that offers no reprimand for those that wish to destroy our country. Wow, I am tired and I still have a long way to go in describing the 2008 presidential candidates for the Democrat party.

Chadwick, thanks for including Mike Gavel’s column from the Counter punch link, his perspective regarding Sarah Palin is well worth the read.

Thank God, She Has No Foreign Policy Experience!
Sarah Palin’s Clean Slate