Two days ago – October 6th – I posted my observations that the Obama-Ayers link was less about breaking bread with an unrepentent terrorist, and more a statement on Obama’s very dangerous socialist views on education and indoctrinating America’s youth with a particular… and very socialist/Marxist… political slant. Truth is, the more Obama talks of the federal funds he wants to inject into pre-school and early years education, the more uncomfortable I get.
In case I had moments of thinking I was just being paranoid… and I’m quite sure that I’m not that well read as a mere blogger amongst trillions… I’ve been rewarded by my own thoughts being echoed in some very major venues.
From my own post, read Obama-Ayers: Education=Activism for Social Injustice.
Yesterday, the Investor’s Business Daily editorial page picked up on the same train of thought, with their article, Obama’s Real Problem with Ayers.
“School reformer” is how Brokaw identified the co-founder of the Weather Underground, the radical organization that, among other activities, bombed government buildings, banks, police departments and military bases in the early 1970s.
Yeah, right: Ayers is a school reformer in the same sense, as City Journal’s Sol Stern put it, as Joe Stalin was an agricultural reformer.
An idea of what Ayers has in mind for America’s schools was provided in his own words not 40 years ago when Obama was eight years old, but less than two years ago in November 2006 at the World Education Forum in Caracas hosted by dictator Hugo Chavez.
You’ll notice that the video interviews mentioned by IBD were those I embedded in the original post. Not the same segment as Hot Air’s Ed Morrisey reported on over a year ago. But there were 12 installments of that interview. And it took serious patience to view them before I settled on Ayer’s comments on the US public school system as the most damning evidence of Ayers current agenda for America.
There are even more videos than just the two that I used… which included Ayers tribute to Rosa Luxemburg, co-founder of the Communist Party of Germany in the late 19th/early 20th century. I certainly urge you to visit YouTube and view them all. (Note: there are 12 in all, so make sure you find those not showing on this linked page…)
More from Investors Business Daily…
Ayers told the great humanitarian Chavez: “Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions large and small. La educacion es revolucion.” It is that form of socialist revolution that Ayers, and Obama, have worked to bring to America.
Ayers, now a tenured Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, works to educate teachers in socialist revolutionary ideology, urging that it be passed on to impressionable students.
As Stern points out, “Ayers and his education school comrades are explicit about the need to indoctrinate public school children in the belief that America is a racist, militarist country and that the capitalist system is inherently unfair and oppressive.”
Yup… that’s pretty much Luxemburg in a nutshell. The duty of the teacher is to not only teach, but to be an activist. And, of course, in the world of both Ayers and Luxemburg, they are active anti-capitalism.
But the real stunner was listening to Rush Limbaugh this AM. I swear I had to shake my head, wondering if this guy somehow snuck into my thoughts.
Then see this from Andrew McCarthy at the National Review.
Now either I’m a real political trendsetter with some media bigwigs feeding on the Flopping Aces site for the latest opines … or *some* of the media is finally catching on to the real story of Obama and Ayers. And that story is stripping Obama bare revealing him as an unabashed socialist. To the public, it’s masked by the well-fitted designer suit and Greek columns. But in history? The linkage is clearly an unbroken pattern of socialist beliefs.
Read the links, and ponder the reality of a nuanced Obama, who provides little about his past, and instead relies on soaring ideals of “middle America” in well written and presented speeches.
Then add the latest news surfacing of Obama’s documented ties to the Democrat Socialists of America (one of Ayers/Alinsky spin offs), and the New Party when running for the Illinois Senate.
See also some great links on the Obama/DSA links at Politically Drunk of Power… and a H/T for some extra archival material to them as well.
Think about the six degrees of separation of an Ayers/Obama… living around the corner from each other in New York, with Obama a member of a party that is a Weather Underground offshoot… and somehow magically meeting in Chicago. A time when Ayers and the CAC tapped a supposed “unknown” newbie community organizer for ACORN, Barack Obama, to distribute millions of dollars of funds for an educational experiment headed up by Williams Ayers, the “social injustice” advocate.
Think back to the cut and paste Saul Alinsky phrases in both Obama’s and his wife’s campaign speeches.
Just how coincidental is all this? And just why hasn’t the media noticed that the issue is not that Obama hangs out with an admitted domestic terrorist. It’s that he actively works, and endorses Ayers’ educational philosophy, founded on unbridled socialism.
Then ask… is this what you want for your children or grandchildren?
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
It’s about time that MSM get their nose in that. It is so clear for outsiders like me, that Obama is backed up by communists who wants to destroy the capitalist system in the States. How can half of Americans be that blind? I’m stunned!
have a friend who thinks he is the false prophet and thinks there is no way for the republicans to win this. she is starting to scare me because she almost makes sense, almost.
MataHarley, Greetings: “Obama’s documented ties to the Democrat Socialists of America (one of Ayers/Alinsky spin offs)” is a declaritive statement. Evidence of a connection of Ayers with DSN will put a knife in the heart of the campaign, and the socialist web will be complete. ACORN, Wright & Phlager would only be icing on the cake if their names appeared as well. Document the spin off, Mata, and the rest is history.
The MSM and the population they serve require in your face information, as provided by Gov. Palin, to force the issue. An article in New Party penned by Ayers would be good. I hope you can put it in their face, or at least give the ammunition to Sarah. ric
Here, this one is for Doug who goes banana over polls.
Polls are tightening between the two candidates.
October 8, 2008
US: Obama 45, McCain 44
MSM keeps using the term association, Ayers and Obama were more then associates, they were allies, meaning they have common values, common purpose, and common desire to change this democracy in ways that we will not recognize.
Why do we the public need to speculate about what Obama did with his life during his Columbia and Harvard years, what his birth certificate looks like, who paid for his Harvard education, why he and his wife sat in Wrights church, why they don’t celebrate birthdays and Christmas with the exchange of gifts. Not only does this man have no experience to be President of this country, we don’t even know who he is. What we might speculate is very scary and MSM is so invested in the guy they won’t bother to find out. But they will send 30 people to Alaska. My God, this man Obama could be anybody.
Craig, This poll’s partisan weighting a few days ago was 41% Dem to 36% GOP, but has been changed to 40% Dem and 38% GOP. That probably explains the change.
What one wants to do if find the ‘composite’ of a group of historically accurate polls, adding them together and weighting them by the square roots of their sample sizes. That will give you the composite tract (CT). Most of the CTs have Obama ahead by 5 to 7 points today.
Now one thing one should keep in mind is that the last month is a pretty fluid situation due to so much turbulence in the remaining undecided voters. Finally, today’s number does not include last nites debate, which everyone knows, that Obama is said to have won. So, with that in mind, it’s noteworthy that, depending on one’s CT, today’s base-lines are ‘debate-free’ and can serve as markers for the next few days.
Finally, one must remember, this is only a window for evaluating the pulse of the nation, it’s the swing states that really matter. — And that’s where Obama is scaring the crap out of McCain’s camp, because when you have these swing state poll numbers on top of, or legitimating, the national poll numbers, then your probability for winning is very high.
Obama probability for winning is now 70-90%.
Watch this fantastic interview of Palin and McCain with Sean Hannity. It’s a series of 5 videos.
Exclusive Interview
Ric, you’ll notice I linked back to Curt’s post on the DSA’s links, as he covered that subject. But, per your advice, I added another link to the above post from Politically Drunk from Power blog, who found some scrubbed web archives from the New Party (which was established by the DSA). I had also linked to the New Party announcment saying one of their own, Barack Obama, had won the IL Senate seat. Can’t get any more “documented” than that, eh?
Since other bloggers have already covered this trail, I did not feel to elaborate any further but to point to their work.
T’would be nice if it his known ties to socialist parties were the nail in the coffin, as you seem to believe. But Obama is about as transparent a socialist even now. That seems to not deter the faithful, nor the media, in their adoring support.
ROTFLMAO!! Of course, what Doug doesn’t say is that every one who says Obama “won”… if that can be done during a debate, as it’s all subjective… are Obama supporters.
Ask me? McCain won. That, and a dime, won’t get you a cuppa…
BTW… don’t bring no stinkin’ POLL BS into my post’s thread, please…
Signed… the wicked and vicious “thread nanny”
You often use “ROTFLMAO”… can you tell me what it means? I’ve been trying to figure it out many times, but I rest my case, I have no clues.
Warning: Psychosis may result upon further reading:
As complementary read to the above read this afternoon’s discussion on the ‘radicalism’ of Obama over at The Corner.
Start with Jonah at 11.09am.
This is one reason why ‘Occam’s razor’ will always be useful.
This one showed up over at Ace of Spades:
mrkwong (#12),
That long article that you’ve just linked, was worth reading. So probably another Obama’s lie. Why am I not surprised? Ayers and him go a long way and now Editors know how to detect a fraudulent writer. “Dreams of my father” has Ayers fingerprints all over.
“School reformer” = stealing young minds.
It means, “rolling on the floor laughing my a** off.
Problem w being frontrunner is you come under scrutiny (normally). If/when President Obama takes office….ohhhhh, there’s gonna be a boatload of “how did we elect this guy” stories.
Mata you have always been right to point to this as proof of Obama’s unsuitability to run the country.
I believe, as I typed in one of your posts weeks ago, that piping the communist claim is falling on deaf ears. The McCain campaign just looks desperate. Main Street does not care about Bill Ayers. But they would care about what Obama has done to education in Chicago.
The Idealouges love it when Palin calls Barry names, but it will not draw one single vote into the GOP Presidential ticket. There must be more substantive discussion on the issues that prove Obama is wrong for America, it is too late for smears. It is as if the McCain staffers watched none of the Democratic Primary season. Once again they reach for something that failed for Hillary.
Hey John – use Cindy more. She ripped yesterday.
Smears? Stating facts is a smear? (roll eyes). I say Mac should hit him harder on the economy since that is what’s on everyone’s mind.
Obama speaking to Charlie Gibson:
In other words, I dare him to bring it up the next debate.
Can we say, if McCain doesn’t bring it up in the next debate, this whole discussion (of ‘the six degrees of separation of an Ayers/Obama’ relationship) you all rant over is BS?
New McCain ad on Ayers:
First Obama claims that over a TWENTY YEAR period, he never heard a single anti-American racist sermon from Jeremiah Wright … never noticed the anti-American racist literature in the church’s lobby … never agreed to the ‘Black Values System’ that all the church members swore to … never subscribed to the Marxist ‘Black Separation Theology’ espoused on the church’s website … never knew anti-American racist Louis Farrakhan, who the church awarded a life time achievement award to … and, never knew unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, when Obama launched his campaign from Ayer’s living room, sat on a board together, and whose wives worked at the same law firm. Obama also worked with Acorn, who has been caught in massive voter fraud, in behalf of Obama. Obama obviously shares an anti-American racist, and criminal philosophy with some very unsavory people, continues to lie about it, and does not have the character, or integrity to be President of the United States of America !!!
If McCain doesn’t bring it up at the next debate it doesn’t matter Doug. The fact is he was buds with Ayers and politically beholden to him.
You’re just mad it’s true.
@MataHarley: I was afraid my point was not clear that a pointed connection of Ayers to DSP such as an article by him in New Party, or membership evidence as strong as is Obama’s would be devastating information. Obamas membership is clear, but Ayers’s is not. Yet you said DSP was “(one of Ayers/Alinsky spin offs).” That is the point that needs strong evidential support; that will make their relationship more than “friendly,” and alert the American voters to the socialist agenda Obama has so skillfully obfuscated. ric
CentFla, I agree that Obama as a very transparent socialist *is* falling on deaf ears.
I’ll also include you, Ric (above), into this for a moment. It’s odd you’d want some article or membership to prove Ayers… an unabashed, self-admitted communist/socialist… has any links to the DSA or New Party. I seriously doubt they have full membership lists available to the public.
Perhaps I should have made myself more clear that the DSA/New Party as an Ayers/Alinsky is the spin off of a socialist ideology. Ii would have thought it was more obvious in the timeline because Alinsky, afterall, died 35 years ago… when Ayers was in hiding.
While both could have been members of that, or any other various forms of communism/marxist/socialist organizations, in different eras, the point is the ideology link is undeniable.
Look at the principles of the New Party.
This is the Ayers’ philosophy in a nutshell… he states it overtly, never hidden. Do I need to see Ayers as a member of the New Party/DSA to know he is in complete agrement with their mission – and Obama as a member? Nope…
With Ayers espousing this belief openly, Obama’s membership in a party that has the identical mission solidifies their common beliefs for a political agenda. That’s enuf “proof” for me.
What is it you want? An article by Ayers saying he and Obama belong to all the same clubs, and share a common cause to change America to a socialist nation? Isn’t gonna happen…
What worries me, CentFla, is that Americans appear tired of being in control of their own lives, and seem ready to turn it over to the government as a trade off for a life of guaranteed mediocrity. They obviously prefer to have it handed to them rather than strive to achieve, or excel.
It’s either that, or they insist upon rejecting the obvious by wearing blinders and remaining blissfully ignorant.
Ok, as it stands now, no one here cares whether or not McSame has the courage to publicly confront Obama with his allegations. (Here the moral implications of such allegations have not registered yet.) So, politically speaking what must do? Well, he must defend himself. He must bring McSame to confront him. But how? Obama will now taunt him into confronting him. (That is why I’ve said McSame started to early with the attacks– usually the debates are finished.)
As McSame had in bragged on about how he was going to ‘take the gloves off’ on Obama in Nashville, all of us were waiting for that moment… yet it never came, conservatives reclined in their chairs disappointed across the country, wondering what happened, why the Maverick didn’t strike; there was everything in place for it to happen, the table was set, yet McSame never even sat down at the table and all were wondering what prompted the change of keeping the gloves on. Was he never going to bring Ayers up again.
Well, of course he did. More even than before.
Today he’s started it all up again on the campaign trail, put out an Ad, and even yesterday has his wife questioning Obama’s character. All combined, pretty nasty stuff.
Yet here at FA, no one seems or perhaps cares to acknowledge that no matter how grave, punishing, how incendiary the message McCain has for Obama, McCain has a need noe to make them to his face. —It’s a matter of honor; it’s a matter of placing the truth before the man accused of being a terrorist sympathizer.
‘Obama pals around with terrorists,’ ‘is risky for America,’ or ‘has a friend who’s a terrorist’: in essence, a “traitor” to our country, a cloaked politician of the worst kind, “dangerous.”
Therefore, by right, honor attacked, Obama now must defend himself.
But how??? Today he started: Obama is taunting, teasing McCain with his own inability to confront him on his cowardice, and his inability to do the right thing and face him with the ‘facts’, as McCain sees them.
Obama has stepped up calling McSame “uncertain,” and today, in the context of McSame’s character attacks. For the second time, he is challenging McCain to put the case to his face.
Shouldn’t McCain, a man of honor, place his attacks, personally, to the man he claims is a ‘friend of terrorists?’
If McSame refuses, he is a coward and slanderer.
“McSame?” We’ve just been lectured on our “Obama hate” and yet here to are to prove once again that when it comes to bile, you Dems take the cake (or should that be sewer?)
Thanks Doug!
@MataHarley: Mata, you and I are fully capable of calculating 1 + 1 + B (where B is numerous affiliations and associations) to conclude that Obama and Ayers are socialist comrades. The MSM will not recognize B as part of the equation, nor will their constituents, until B is a defined quantity. The definition is therefore, a publication, membership documentation or published recognition for Ayers just as it was for the DSP and That One. Irrefutable evidence is what enabled Sarah to force the terrorist issue into the MSM, and similar proof of Ayers(B) + DSP(1) + Obama(1) is the only way the MSM can be forced to recognize the socialist agenda and report about it, even if it takes Sarah to force it. She can not safely force it without solid evidence. The MSM doesn’t want the evidence, so it is safe to say they are unlikely looking for it either.
PS: Unfortunate ruling today from AK Supreme Court.
Glad to hear you “got it”, ric. “Smoking guns” are not easy to come by in any situation.
But I can say this… have a smoking gun on Obama, and the media will find some way to ‘splain it away. It’s almost embarrassing that they have prounounced the election “over” on just about every broadcast station. But it’s the way of journalism nowadays. And frankly, I think they are headed for their doom. Right now, they do so by choice. In the future, I’m not so sure.
Now, INRE Doug, bouncing from thread to thread with the McCain is a coward charge:
My first impulse is to tell your ass where to go on that last statement, Doug. Because from all I know of you, you haven’t got the amount of stamina and courage in your entire body that McCain has in his little finger.
I went thru this with you on another thread. So I’ll repeat that comment here in case you missed it.
The debate nanny, Brokaw, didn’t allow for any flexibility. It was far from a “townhall” debate as McCain was accustomed to. Brokaw allowed for a 2 minute “answer”, which both just spit out usual campaign speech answers. The 1 minute follow up was a joke…. like anything can be covered in one minute.
Also, Ayers/Obama is an education issue, debunking that Obama has any credibility on either executive management, or his “reform” educational policies.
If you’ll note, there weren’t any questions on education.
Too cowardly? No. Brokaw and the format skirted the issue and related subject with rules, regs and carefully chosen questions.
Try again, dude…. your charges fly in the face of reality.
Now, I will say this. I don’t know if McCain’s advisors have a grasp of the real story between Ayers and Obama. But more and more media are catching on.
And since candidates, Congressmen and POTUS alike depend upon advisors to keep them up on the latest/greatest, hopefully they will catch on that it’s more than Ayers’ terrorist past.
For me, this is rather a personal test of just how good the people are that surround McCain. Mind you, I already know that those that surround Obama are those I want no where near the control of this country. But after some of Bush’s picks, I have to say that if I’m to vote AGAINST OBAMA, I’d like to know that I’m happy with McCain’s inner circle as recompense.
But… if you ever go to the “coward” and “slander” charge against McCain again for political fodder? Doug, you’ve gone beyond the foul line for me. You will never get an ounce of courtesy from me again. Period. And you know I have far more patience than many here. That’s exactly how far off the reality line you just went.
Mark my words. No one and I mean NO ONE! slanders a man as a coward with McCain’s military record in front of me, and lives to get an iota of my respect.
The Obama-Ayers-education-socialist link is very real. Thus it is not slander.
If you like that socialist bent of Obama, fine. Admit to being a socialist and we’ll get on with it.
But I will not… I repeat, WILL NOT listen to that crap of “coward and slander” from you one more time.