No Quarter has a piece up about Obama’s ties to a Socialist party in Chicago….shocker right?
Barack Obama was an active participant in the 1990s, and a direct political beneficiary, of the Chicago New Party and, importantly, the Chicago DSA, a group of socialists affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America.
- Barack Obama attended and participated in meetings of the Chicago New Party and the Chicago DSA, the local affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America.
- Barack Obama sought the endorsement of the Chicago DSA which required rigorous scrutiny by the party’s Political Committee as well as Mr. Obama’s signature on a contract promising “a visible and active relationship with the NP.”
- Barack Obama actively used the endorsement from the Chicago DSA.
- Barack Obama won his DSA-endorsed and -backed campaign to secure his seat in the Illinois State Senate.
- Barack Obama continued his involvement with the Chicago DSA — including directly asking the group to join “his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration” — and received their endorsements in subsequent campaigns.
Obama’s participation in and endorsement from the Chicago New Party and Chicago DSA, the local affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America (which is the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International) is quite clear:
- According to the write-up on the July 1995 meeting of Chicago DSA and New Party membership, Barack Obama was one of about 50 people attending out of their then-300 member local group. Other documents below will demonstrate Barack Obama attended and participated in subsequent meetings.
- The New Party rigorously evaluated its candidate endorsements and claimed “a winning ratio of 77 of 110 elections.” This was no passive endorsement.
Candidates must be approved via a NP political committee. Once approved, candidates must sign a contract with the NP. The contract mandates that they must have a visible and active relationship with the NP.—New Ground
- Candidate Barack Obama participated as a panelist at the DSA-sponsored Town Meeting on February 25, 1996, entitled “Employment and Survival in Urban America”. As reported in New Ground
- Obama subsequently secured his endorsement from the Chicago DSA
- The local Democratic Socialists of America affiliate issued their Chicago DSA Endorsements in the March 19th Primary Election:
- Barack Obama Continued Attending Membership Meetings of the Chicago DSA New Party
Obama attended membership meeting on April 11, 1996 where he expressed his gratitude for their support. The report shared that “Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, encouraged NPers to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration.”
So basically Mr. Obama won the election in Chicago with the help of the DSA. For a more detailed look at the DSA and what they are read on:
Describing itself as “the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International,” the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. “We are socialists,” reads the organization’s boilerplate, “because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.” “To achieve a more just society,” adds DSA, “many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed. … Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States.”
Formed in 1983 during the Cold War by merging splinter factions of the Socialist movement, DSA brought together what it calls “former Socialists and Communists, former old leftists and new leftists, and many who had never been leftists at all.” In its early years, DSA supported the Soviet-backed nuclear freeze program that would have consolidated Soviet nuclear superiority in Europe – under the banner of promoting “peace.”
DSA summarizes its philosophy as follows: “Today … [r]esources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them. Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic Socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. … While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.” …
DSA seeks to increase its political influence not by establishing its own party, but rather by working closely with the Democratic Party to promote leftist agendas…
In the wake of 9/11, DSA characterized the terror attacks as acts of retaliation for American-perpetrated global injustices. “We live in a world,” said DSA, “organized so that the greatest benefits go to a small fraction of the world’s population while the vast majority experiences injustice, poverty, and often hopelessness. Only by eliminating the political, social, and economic conditions that lead people to these small extremist groups can we be truly secure.”
Strongly opposed to the U.S. War on Terror and America’s post-9/11 military engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq, DSA is a member organization of the United For Peace and Justice anti-war coalition led by Leslie Cagan, a longtime committed socialist who aligns her politics with those of Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba.
DSA publishes a quarterly journal titled Democratic Left, which discusses issues of concern to the organization and its constituents. The Founding Editor of this publication was Michael Harrington. DSA has also created a youth association called Young Democratic Socialists…
Another association not reported on, nor even investigated, by our MSM.
How about this election?
The names of four former top leaders of the Weathermen terrorist organization are listed as signatories on an online petition calling for an “independent grassroots effort” to help strengthen Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign.
The petition was initiated by Progressives for Obama, an independent organization acting to ensure the Illinois senator’s election.
Progressives includes among its ranks many former members of the 1960s radical organization Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS, from which the Weathermen splintered, as well as current and former members of other radical organizations, such as the Communist Party USA and the Black Radical Congress.
“We agree that Barack Obama is our best option for president in 2008, and that an independent grassroots effort can help strengthen his campaign,” states the online petition. “It can also strengthen the mandate for his programs for stopping war, promoting global justice and securing our rights, liberties, and economic well-being.”
Oh joy….
He associates with criminals, racists, terrorists, and socialists.
What a wonderful leader of the free world he will make huh?

See author page
I’m sure the MSM will be picking this news release up shortly. tick tock, tick tock………hmmm why is it so quiet in here.
The social experiment of providing affordable housing to the unqualified buyer IS the major cause of the current financial crisis. While attempts were made, no one put this policy in check while the program swelled to catastrophic debt levels.
Obama’s UNIVERSAL health care policy/program goes far beyond McCain’s health care credit plan to purchase private care. Obama’s plan IS another government owned program that will make FM/FM look like a popsicle stand.
Next up, Obama’s insistence the higher education should also be “free” (with the government again picking up the tab)
Throw in Obama’s “tax give-away” to 95% of the “middle class”—-40% who PAY NO TAXES—-and you have spending and entitlement plans that run into the TRILLIONS.
AND GUESS WHO PAYS FOR ALL THESE GRAND SOCIAL SCHEMES? Every middle class worker/taxpayer who’s struggling to make ends meet.
Can this nation really afford even four years of Barack Obama’s socialist disaster?
This calls for a fierce and fearless army of professional investigative journalists who can quickly uncover the real Obama and expose him to a shocked and horrified international audience…
Oh, wait. We don’t have those, we only have the MSM.
This calls for the MSM to get over their crush on Obama, steal the excellent work of real reporters who don’t get national exposure, and act like they just pulled off the investigative accomplishment of the century!
Unfortunately, this probably won’t happen until Obama’s been in office for about nine months and all these lemmings in the media realize they have been duped with this inept idiot that the Chicago machine carried by their puppet strings.
Why don’t you people start to protest about your stupid leftists MSM? You should all be protesting in large groups in front of every TV stations in your country. Tell them you want the truth, nothing but the truth…. and ask them why they are hiding it. Make this big, get reporters all over the world to cover this protestation. Let the world know how corrupted your MSM are. Do something about it. ACT NOW!
I seem to be missing the sarcasm in the last line. I mean, yes, he will make a wonderful leader of the free world. Why is that so hard to see?
What John?
Are you in love with socialism? Socialism is entirely counter to the tenents of a free society. Socialism is not the same thing as the utopian society embraced even by the communist manifesto (which I would never support either). Socialism is not a national community holding hands, sharing in a spirit of love, and singing Kumbaya like the peaceniks of the 1960’s. It is an oppressive government system with only three castes; A goverment beauracracy that oversees everything, a small ultra rich elite class, and the utterly poor pauper class which comprises everyone else. Everything is rationed, censored, and propagandized. Work environment is little more than slavery and sweat shops. Our Bill of Rights would be burned. Read Orwell’s 1984, watch Metropolis. Who exactly are you endorsing to become world emperor? Obama or Ayers?
NOTE: “Progressive” is the new “Socialism”. Any Democrat who tells you they are “moderate and progressive”, are lying to you. That means they are hard-core socialists, not Liberals. I will often refer to their backers as “Lib Dems”, because I really don’t think in their hearts most Lib Dem supporters are actually socialists themselves. They just don’t realize that socializm had taken control of their party. Hillary was a registered member of the American Socialist Party. The Media never revealed that fact did they?
We do try to make our voices heard. Unfortunately, when socialists “own” your press (aside from the very very few conservative radio stations & Fox), it’s ends up being meaningless exercise in futility to protest outside of news offices that are not going to report to anyone you are out there protesting them. I’ve seen several protests like that totally ignored by the press when it doesn’t fit their agenda. The only time they will even show any adversary protests is when the protestor’s argument is obviously so far way out there, that it is easily proved wrong or a mark of total ignorance. Democrats have been trying to silence even these opposing conservative and moderate view points by trying to censor our free speech by trying to force through legislation they refer to as the “Fairness Doctrine”.
“Fairness” to the Dems is identical in definition to what they call “fair” in their plans for redistribution of wealth. Biden outlined that viewpoint very clearly during the Vice Presidential debate. To them, taking money from those who earned it to give it to those who haven’t is “only fair”. It doesn’t matter how much the wealthiest of elitist rake in because Congress makes sure to provide ample loopholes for them to get out of it anyway. Even under Obama’s plan, the very rich will still have their over 9k pages of tax law loopholes and pay little or no taxes. But medium and small businesses take serious hits and will eventually be reduced to the same level as the rest of the lower classes in America. That pauper class I was telling John about. They will not be able to afford the money to even keep their shelves stocked with goods. Meanwhile, production & agriculture industries take hits while their products sit and rot because the stores don’t have the money to maintain inventories and a vastly devaluated dollar ensures that their customer’s can’t afford to purchase them.
I’ve tried as I’m sure have others, to go on Media & Liberal websites and post comments of outrage. One of those I tried to confront was the Daily Kos, but guess what? When you give them facts and intelligent debate and/or examples of where they are just plain wrong, your comments are susceptible to censorship and their webmasters will frequently just refuse to post them. Liberal and Media websites are like that, unlike “true” moderate, conservative, & Republican sites (which I would lump this one in) where intelligent discussion is not censored.
I see your point. There is no hope with your MSM since they are owned by leftists. But try to get the coverage from other countries MSM… like UK, Australia or whoever. It will get World’s attention and finally will end up in the USA. Just a suggestion…
Photo of him with fellow members! Gee this needs to be front page on the papers & news stations!
A far left Media …
A far left President …
A far left Congress …
A far left Senate …
A far left Supreme Court …
This would eliminate all the checks and
balances that our democracy is based upon.
Barack Obama formed his political and economic
ideology, and his radical associations, during the
TWENTY YEARS … yes, that’s TWENTY YEARS … when
he followed Marxist Black Liberation Theology, in
Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American, racist church.
And, now, with our country on the brink of depression,
Obama wants to impose new laws which would change
America into a third world country.
You may be upset with George Bush, but in spite
of Obama’s slogans, John McCain is NOT George Bush …
so don’t over react to Obama’s 600 million dollar
Propaganda campaign designed to highjack America !!!
A vote for Obama is a vote for changing America beyond
recognition … and, it would be a vote for voter fraud,
a corrupt media, socialism, and the end to America as we know it.
Keep America free, strong, safe, and American …
Elect McCain/Palin on November 4th.
Obviously, you were all correct, as I read this blog over a year later…that’s why I will say this again: You cannot be simultaneously a patriotic American (one who is a strict follower of and willing to defend the Constitution) and a supporter of this president, especially after his policies have been exposed for what they truly are. I’m aware of how that angers many Democrats when one questions their ‘patriotism’, but it’s the truth.
As a member of the Socialist Party here in Chicago, I can assure you that Obama’s pro-business and pro-war stance are not supported by us. Just because he received donations from us does not mean that he is pro-socialist. Socialism would mean the people would profit from the banks and health care reform.
Sorry guys, this argument is moot.
Hey Jeremy.
I hate your guts with every fiber of my being.
I sooo respect your fiber Pat and would love to tell this Jeremy thing to GET OUT OF MY STATE!!! but I’m sure he’s as entrenched as an ugly tick on a stray dog. 🙁 I’ll move, hopefully soon.
I have a LOT of fiber to hate with. And it has become a seething hate.
It is not a consuming hate…It has become very focused.
Illinois is a sewer besides Chicago, and please leave the state, there is enough redneck trash as it is…
ps- it still proves your Obama=Socialist theory as bunk. Hate me all you want…
HOWARD: how right you where than, exactly what you predicted. bye 🙄
Quite the little idiot we have here, BTW, thanks for the compliment. You may consider rednecks trash, but those who labor under the sun to provide for this country deserve my respect.
My neck is a little pink today, working outdoors all day but still no redneck, try again tomorrow. 😉
JEREMY: hi, because you work in the sewer, you don’t have to give money to OBAMA. bye 🙄
Ummm John, drugs are bad, m’kay?
Go troll elsewhere. This place is for people that matter. Not goat fluffers like yourself.
JEREMY KITCHEN: you are the one who mention “SEWER”; SO you know, you’v been in there and you have’nt clean yourself yet. bye 🙄
CURT: HI< sorry if i scare JEREMY, I was just trying to be nice. bye 🙄
Ms Bees, you need to tone it down. Rhetoric with subliminal hints at being really mean will intimidate people, even people like PV; but especially the Socialist.
Always remember the Socialist is a coward and a degenerate like William Ayers. They are adept at killing with bombs and in the US, hiding behind the laws of the country they hate. They talk a good line, as they try to get other people to die for their cause and to kill for their pointless and clueless ideas of a perfect society.
Remember the Socialist is a bully and a coward, they want control, to enforce their Utopian concepts upon you; of course they will be the Elites who do the directing, like Pelosi fancies herself while she flies around in her mega-million dollar airplane entertaining her guests like an Oil Sheik, except they use their own money, she and other Socialists use our money.
That is the definition of an Elite, live off the work of other people because you understand how to run things with your infinite wisdom of how things work. The perks are just benefits for being such a loyalist and imbecile for so many years.
@ ilovebeeswarzone, from where I come from You can’t ever get into trouble from telling the truth 😀
OLD TROOPER: I tell the truth all the time, onless in humor time, SKOOKUM use subliminal at will; but if i use some subliminal,it’s unintentionaly, because i have no idea what it is. bye, i love your shoulder on me. 🙄
Ms Bees, a subliminal message has a deeper message that is hidden. Hide the subliminal message too deep and no one will pick it up, make it too obvious and people will laugh at you.
The entante is a method of expressing yourself that leaves at least two possible meanings to an expression. My favorite is an apology that leaves the recipient wondering whether he received an apology or an insult. You will need to grasp more of the subtle nuances of English before you will be able to employ these techniques effectively.
Don’t fret, the way your mind works, you will become very good at it one day. You have already tripped me a couple of times. The Bard was the ultimate master, he couldn’t write a page without leaving several different meanings available to the reader.
Don’t worry Bees, we are on the same side, I just laugh at the wrong things now and then. That’s what happens when you miss most of your schooling.
SKOOKUM: hi, I laupht on the apology that make you wonder, because you are the master in subliminal messages, and i learn from your messages on your posts and comments: i love humor, and i realy dont mind if they laught at me, as long as it’s funny: In theses times very difficult for so many AMERICANS confronted with problems that linger on too long,that’s where humor become a secret garden for thoses, i should also mention, THE FINE MUSIC,as a healer too: thank you, I can detect your advices, although, i have to read many times the same sentence on your comments to capture it. BUT I notice you to be a master in playing with words and wording thoses in a sentense,
a long time ago; i wont get there in this life but I know that I am improving, and if you notice, i’ll be happy to hear it. bye 🙄
OLD TROOPER: hi, did you notice that some days, things happen; today, I was connecting my microwave after i cleaned it; than, I move to get clooser, and i put my foot, in the bowl full of water for 🙄 my dog, which turned upside down, so i went to get newspapers to soak it, I was on my knees spreading it around; than as i try to get up, my head hit the counter ,i was under, pretty hard
I almost went unconscious. and i thought, why me, GOD, leaf me alone. bye
Beezy, my son and grandson decided to go tubing today, both had their dogs and left them for me to babysit because they didn’t know what the river would be like. My son’s dog is well behaved, my grandson’s dog is not, he’s a year old, still a bit of a puppy. After he upended the cat food outside I brought him in and tied him to a cabinet in the kitchen. He promptly dumped my dog’s water and then lifted his leg to my kitchen table. Good thing the river was high today because of all the rain, they weren’t gone long. 😯
I hope your head is ok!! BTW, I’ve got styrofoam now, just hunting for a sturdy box. 😉
MISSY: this is so funny, I see that you have thoses days too, and same time too, we have a connection there,just checking did you get the google critters?on gmail? that will make you laugh,
I feel my head sore but not to bad,I had a master disaster, under freeser too, under cupboard, under sink floor cabinet, water all over. bye 🙄 thank’s
People like you prove I’m in the right path. We, leftists are driven by love and emotion. We work hard to free you all. If you could see the kind of slave you are. Hate proves it. I’m sorry for you but I
will keep fighting and working for you. Love xx
No, leftists like you have never grown up and think leprechauns will come over the rainbow bridge riding unicorns carrying bottomless pots of gold to pay for all your hare-brained collectivist scams which never ever work.
Leftists like Obama and his Chicago thug posse are evil powermongers who care nothing for you nor anyone else as they solidify their power. The righteous hatred towards leftists like that, who trample our Constitution and work to enslave LIVs like yourself on the leftist political plantation, is a necessary stand against truly loathesome individuals. They are anti-American, pro-jihad, pro-marxist, and utterly contemptible.