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Mata Harley, if Bill Ayers is a terroist why isn’t he in jail??

When Bill Ayers did all that radical stuff back in the 1960’s Barack Obama was 8 YEARS OLD!

Why all of a sudden john Mcain wants to bring this up?

After soo many national and electoral map polls show Obama in the lead?

Why now?

Why 28 days until election day?

If these storys were soo important why didn’t he bring it up before now?

Why did’nt he let this be known early?

All of these storys have been discussed and delt with during the primarys.

So why is this such a BIG issue NOW???

Didn’t Hilary Clinton use this same strategy?

………And she still didn’t win now did she?

And sence we are talking about the Dnc and Acorn.

Let me remind you that it was the REPUBLICANS who have called for de-regulation.

And called for less over sight of the markets.

John Mcain was one of those republicans.

As for the Bailout.

If I’m not mistake Republicans AND Demorcrats were ALL involved with that bill.

Including john Mcain and Barack Obama.

So don’t try and act like it was just 1 party cuz it was BOTH partys.

And Btw, it was George W. Bush{a republican} who brought this bill to congress in the FIRST PLACE!

As for College loans.

How are you blamming Barack Obama with the risky loan givers of the 1990’s?

You repubs are soo pathetic.

First you say that Barack Obama hasn’t been in washington long enough.

Now you blam him for all of washingtons problems.

Wow! Can’t find a steady message can you?

First your guy John Mcain says on the day of the worst crisis sence the Great depression that,

“The fundumentals of our economy are strong.”

Then he says were are in a crisis.

Then he suspends his campaign and says he will not go to the debate unless a bill is passed.

Then he ends up going to the debate anyways.

Then Sarah palin starts to do dumb interviews with Katie Couric.

And the train reck goes on and on, and on, and on.

All while Obama’s poll numbers go up and up.

And instead of letting the American people know were you stand and plan to take America out of this economic crisis.

He decide’s to go and attack Barack Obama personaly.

And bring up old storys that are NOT about our current Economic crisis.

No matter how you spin it.

Rev. Write and Bill Ayers ARE NOT the topic of familys around their kitchen tabels.

These topics ARE NOT AND WILL NOT hep them in the situation that we are in.

So, why don’t we all start talking about REAL issues.

Instead of smears, phony outrage and fear tactics.

Enough is Enough.

Obama/Biden 08!

David, you still miss the point. Since you think in lists, I’ll help you out.

The Obama/Ayers relationship is an issue because:

1: of their shared educational reform that is socialist in design,

2: their mismanagement of funds… funneling CAC cash to politicians and failing in the educational experiment… proving Obama and Ayers are inept at executive management and pay more to their political friends than the students

3: both funneled money to ACORN thru Woods Fund and the CAC, which is an instrumental lobby group responsible for the risky loans. Obama also has his own links to ACORN

So, as I plainly said, Ayers’ terrorist past is not the issue. And if this is the extent of the tact ultimately taken, fear not… your guy will flick the charges off his shoulder like a pesky fly.

But since you are so unaware of your guy’s buddies, Ayers and Dohrn were fugtives from justice for 10 years before they were found. Their case got dismissed because of technicalities on improper surveillence. At that time, Ayers is quoted boasting:

“Guilty as hell, free as a bird—it’s a great country.”

I call him unrepentent since, as Mike’sA shows, Ayers is still unhappy that the US is a capitalist nation.


As for the rest of your elementary level phrased list, most of those statements have already been answered, but you are either unable, or too lazy to read links and dissenting opinions. Which is why you’re a great Obama faithful… you want everything done for you. Told what to read, or what to think because you have no impedus to do it yourself… or to exercise your ability to improve and make up your own mind.

You have no curiousity. You have no ambition or drive for excellence. You are one who is content with mediocrity. All this is obvious with your simple, and parroted questions… most of which have been addressed in detail on this blog multiple times, as well as publications you probably disdain.

As to why now in the campaign, it’s obvious you know little of campaign strategy… or strategy in general. You obviously function at the will of your estrogen and emotions. I can’t help you there. You’re not a receptive vessel for learning. You are merely an antagonist with little ammo to be persuasive in a forum such as FA. I daresay most of us will just ignore you. And should you become too abusive to get attentions, Curt will lose patience and you’ll be history.

My job here is done.

Darn it!

Mata got to him before I did.


Maybe you should let Jasmine come play with us.

Your male persona is not doing so well.

Aye Chi, since when does me beating you to the punch stop ya? LOL


Enough with the distractions.
Lets talk about the REAL ISSUES!

Not…who did what with who and who was friends with who.

Cuz, Both john Mcain and Barack Obama are linked to controversal people.

Remember the Keating 5?

Yeah…I don’t think we should go there now should we?

But that’s just fighting fire with fire.

Barack Obama is above all that.

He doesn’t go as for as to insult Mcains Character.

Instead he attacks him on the REAL ISUUES that Americans care about.

Like John Mcains plans to cut Medicade and Medicare to pay for his health care plan.

But, the Mcain camp. doesn’t want to talk about that.

John Mcains Adviser told a newspaper.

That they plan to:

“Turn the page on the economy”

And anoother one of his Advisers said:

“If we keep talking about the economy were going to lose”

Don’t belive me?

Google it!!!

And as you will see the Mcain camp. is trying to DISTRACT americans from the current economic crisis and instead wants to talk about something else.

So please don’t come to me with that B.S that this Bill Ayers story {which has been discussed several times before} is relevant.

Cuz ITS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough is Enough!

Obama/Biden 08!


The Ayers story is relevant to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

Oh wait…

Is it you, Aye Chi, who says “it’s talking to it’s self again”?? LOL

I just have to laugh at the distractor, calling a “distraction foul”. Oh my… but then, as you said, limited grey matter and a leaky vessel to boot.

Sure wish the Obama campaign would give them new cut/paste elementary lists to spread around. This one is getting old….

Keating 5… oooooo…. we shiver in our boots! ROTFLMAO!!!

Enough is Enough!


Obama! Obama! Obama!

I see someone didn’t take their estrogen supplements today….


Does this mean that we won’t get to play with Jasmine after all?

NObama! NObama! NObama!

(See I can do that too.)


Seriously, Barack Obama will bring change to America.

He is a positive man who wants to change from the failed bush policies that have gotten us into this mess.

As for Mcain…he is just more of the same.

John Mcain has voted with George W. Bushes policies 90% of the time.

We can’t aford more of the same.

Obama 08! Obama 08! OBAMA 08!

P.S. Can’t wait to see Barack Obama CRUSH Mcain at tonight’s debate!

@David: Ah…sorry to report to you, that Obama ran himself into a brick wall at this debate. If you need more proof, watch the debate again and listen to EVERYTHING, like I did. I replayed the video over and over and took extensive notes on what both candidates said. I have proof, out of Obama’s own mouth, that he’s the terrorist we should be looking out for. You want change? You can’t have change if you don’t change the party in power. And guess who those are? The same idiots running the Congress.

Wait. Asking you to do research? What am I talking about? You’re the one who believes that Obama is some kind of savior.

BTW, you should go to the polls to vote for Obama on Nov 5th, okay? That’s the election day. 😉

Thanks for your input as someone who has seen first hand how messed up things can get under the extreme left. And welcome to America.

Thanks to you as well for providing continuously a viewpoint from our neighbors to the north. I know from my tours overseas that there are things that happen in this country that do not even air here due to the Biased Media.

McCain-Palin are pulling Independent voters. I’m one of them. As for you look at the polls chant, you can’t really be serious. The polls are never correct because they are manipulated. Carter was supposed to beat Reagan in a landslide, never happened Same with Gore and Kerry against Bush. The polls are as meaningful and inas your rhetoric mindless rants.