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Flail, baby, flail!

When were the gloves ever on?

I agree fully with Mike, Mr. Kristol, and Gov. Palin. At the risk of sounding pedantic, let me explain how these gloves must come off:

To this, let me add only: let the gloves come all the way off. There is no time for half-measures, and no time for the mewling complaints of “dirty politics”, and the attendant cries of “racism”, which will no doubt come from the soft and colicky liberal elites. What does that amount to? Nothing, inconsequence. The purpose of politics is to put your case, fully and forthrightly, to the American people. And your case is: Barack Obama, by long and intimate association with terrorists, has revealed himself to be a terrorist.

If you have the patience (brevity is a gift for some; for me, a constant struggle) I hope my post makes plain how inevitable this conclusion is, and how important it is that it be stated now, publicly, and in the most direct way, before it is too late. I trust that Gov. Palin, at least, understands the stakes and the urgency, and I hope we will steadfastly support her in this. And I apologize for again using this space for “link-whoring”, but I feel that the authors and audience in this place, at least, can understand the importance of this point.

McCain lost the campaign last week when he spinelessly signed the trillion dollar bailout, betraying the American people and ignoring the 70% which pleaded with congress to not give money to those who caused the problem in the first place. Now we have 6 million dollars going to a wooden arrow maker in Oregon and hundreds of millions headed to Samoa. McCain is that classic example of a limp-wristed RINO seeking bipartisanship and more concerned about “reaching across the aisle” than standing up for what is right. No wonder the left chose him as the republican nominee. He bows down to the Obamessiah, deathly afraid of being called a racist by that straight-arrow publication, the NY Times, while telling Sarah Palin to “take the gloves off!” He’s going to turn her loose, while holding both arms behind her back, just for the sake of fairness, you understand. Would it have been better to have a spineless moron in the White House? I suppose we’ll never know.

I agree with Willmoorre Kendall, it is so important for the sake of our Country to take off the gloves completly and show Obama for what he really is, to show what he stands for.

I do not care how he has picture himself, what he has said, I think it is important what is the ideology that has guided his life.

For me it has no sense not to take into account very seriously the ideology of
someone to whom we are going to trust the future of our children .Obama has show a consistant ideology for years and years and for him to say now before being elected I did know, I do not agree, this is not the person I knew…is not enough for me.

BTW it not a question of whom you might have know in a cocktail party
it is who has supported you in your political career and why.How have you voted and on what side you have been all your life and with which company. It is not guilty by association is acting like the people you are with.

It is obvious that Obama want to respond with silly answers as he was 8 when Ayres

put the bombs, this is not the relevant question, the question is why has Ayres supported Obamas politcal career.
THis is of capital importance to me. The spinning to this question by the press and the Obama campaign should not distract as from getting an answer.
He wishes to be our President.

To bring in the racial component is really sick. It is like blackmail. It does not fit in this ecuation .

Willmore: I wouldn’t go so far as to say Obama is a terrorist. But he does include terrorists among his political/social associates in Chicago which also include the slum lord Rezko and the America hating Rev. Wright. And let’s not forget that in the same neighborhood where Obama and Ayers have homes, the Rev. Louis Farrahkan also lives.

Like the old saying goes: Birds of a feather flock together!

P.S. No problem with “link whoring.” How else would we know where to go to get more of your opinion?

OldPuppy: Unfortunately we have only two choices: on the one hand, a man with no accomplishments whose entire life has centered on acquiring political power while sharing a radical America hating ideology and John McCain, a patriot who has served his country and with whom we occasionally disagree.

That choice may not be perfect. But it’s also not difficult to make.

i could care less what the left says, i think palin has a crap load of experience. it may not be asskissing, under the table experience that is so much of what happens in dc, but she has her executive and life experiences to draw from. what i really like about her is that she never set out to be any of the things she has ended up being. obama set out to be president. take the gloves off and knock them out.

Hi all, because I was not born in the US, and I am a naturalized US Citizen, and I love America I wish to add that I know what is to live under a leftish ideological Government, it is horrible.

When talking with some friends, I sometimes feel like a mother telling her daughter or son that person is not for you, they hardly believe it. Then the divorce and the suffering most likely will follow.

My simple point regarding the Obama Willian Ayres long relationship,
is this : why Ayres backed him from the outset?.Remember that Ayres had a meeting in his own house to launch OBama ‘s political career,
later OBama ended up in the Board of Ayres pet project etc etc. What can this mean? For me mainly one thing: they must have shared political and social principles.

I think Mc Cain has an obligation to the American people even if he is not elected to tell the American People who he believes Obama is. This is a job that the Press should have done but they have failed miserably so Mc Cain has this obligation to the American People. Is not about loosing or wining an election is about what road is the US going to take in the future if Obama wins.

Americans might think , in four years we shall vote him out, it will be easy, however in my experience , for what I have lived in far away lands it is not easy. The
far left is very clever and ruthless. Hello Chavez ? Who by the way I believe is consulting Ayres to modify the education in Venezuela.
Within the law they can do many things once in power. For one the fairness doctrine, do yo have any doubt they will shut down many radio programs?

what we really havet o ask people is if we really want to row in obama’s boat. if we do we will sink.

“McCain lost the campaign last week when he spinelessly signed the trillion dollar bailout, betraying the American people ” (Oldpuppymax)

And maybe you think that Obama didn’t sign it ? Then, why should people vote for Obama if he signed that? At least McCain made the deal better by putting in some things and cutting others that were bad, so the people wouldn’t be so screwed-up after all.

The fact is that since the two Houses are held by Democrats, no way could have Republicans win that vote. In facts, even if all Republicans would have voted NO… it still would have pass because Dems were majoritary.

Besides, if McCain would have voted against it, everyone would have said he was trying to screw the US economy. Damn if you do it, damn if you don’t. NO… that will not play in the election. But Obama’s past WILL if they bring it out LOUD and CLEAR.

I don’t get why people aren’t seeing McCain as what he really is – a true uniter. OldPuppyMax is blaming him for being bipartisan and reaching across the aisle, while the true problem in Congress and in our society right now is this damned partisanship. People don’t look beyond the labels and tag a person as bad or good depending on their party identity. McCain is not only a hero who has given more than America can pay him back for, but he’s also the one making the effort to truly unite the parties to reach a decision, to take some sort of action. Hell, he was the one who turned 60 votes for this bill, and in today’s Congress, that’s downright impressive. Obama’s a community organizer? He’s supposed to be the one who unites us? Tell me how he has done so. Tell me just what he’s done for this country. Tell me how his track record indicates any sort of unity, any attempt at unity, or for that matter, any success.

BTW, uniting people by lying and brainwashing doesn’t count.

You know what? Everybody here in Canada are crazy about Tina Fey’s imitation of Sarah. They think it is so funny and that Sarah is really dumb… they are convinced. What effect does it have on Americans, I would like to know? Good effect or bad effect? Because sometimes it can be good… like they say: Talk about me in good or bad, but talk about me.

If it has a bad effect on American voters, what the hell are you waiting for to do imitations of Obama and Biden. They are such dummies, it would be so easy to ridiculized them. Anyboy has an answer on that?


I’m not sure that all Americans get the “hockey mom” metaphor in all its “nuances.”

Bill Russell, the Boston Celtic basketball star and coach, used to say “basketball is a contact sport; football is a collision sport.” Well, hockey is a collision sport with sticks.

Wow! During the worst economic crisis sence the “Great Depression”, John Mcain Decides to use smear tactis with there campaign againts Barack Obama.

159,000 jobs were lost this year. People are losing there homes, Seneors retirement funds are in the tank, thanks to wall street.

And John Mcain wants to talk about old storys about Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers that have already been talked about during the primarys???

Americans who are REALLY struggling in this Economy don’t care about that crap.

They want to know john Mcains plans for this Current economy crisis.

All this is going to do is turn off independents and swing voters.


Hillary Clinton used this same stratagy during the primarys and she still didn’t get the nomination.

So, unless Mcain comes up with a plan for this economy that really gets threw voters.

He can kiss this election GOOD BYE!

Personaly, I think he lost the election when he said “The fundumentals of our economy are strong.”

But that’s just my opinion.

But anyways that’s my advice to Sen. Mcain.

Not like its going to work anyways cuz, Barack Obama has Already won this election. All he really has to do now, is get sworn in.

Obama/Biden 08-16

Hey look…Jasmine is back.

David, you are so wrong. People do not want a crook and a friend of terrorists to handle their money, do they? So they have to know and when they know, they will kick Obama out. That’s the game, my friend.

Go see this video that came out today, McCain tells you what he will do for economy.

LMAO! Awww curt what’s wrong?

Are you upset that John Mcain is losing in the polls?

And that the electoral map is looking more and more into Obama’s favor?

Or that John Mcain’s campaign is now resulting to smears, instead of the issues that are facing America cuz, that’s the only way they can win?

Or that 29 days left in the campaign he has YET to get ANY independent voters or swing voters?

And that he is basicly losing ground in most of ALL the Battle ground states including virginia.

That hasn’t voted democrat sence 1964?

Awww curt don’t be sad.

Barack Obama will be a great president.

Just make sure on Nov. 5th that you get some extra tissues.

So when you cry over Mcains lost you can whipe your tears.


@David: Are you for real? I mean really?

How old are you exactly because based on your spelling, grammer and immaturity (lets not leave out sockpuppetry but even older folks like Greenwald have been known to dabble in that) I would say 14-17. I hear those sidekicks are really popular with that young crowd.


Ever heard of spell check?

Aye: If David used spell check he’d have to know what the correct spelling is. Otherwise, he’d just sit and look at the choices and not have a clue.

Perhaps if David turned off the Obamaphone for about five seconds and watched a McCain or Palin speech all the way through from beginning to end he would see that both of them are offering serious solutions to the problems he complains about.

Meanwhile, Obama has never demonstrated the ability to do ANYTHING about these same issues.

Obama has NO RECORD of accomplisment on which to run.

I don’t know how pointing that out is wrong if it saves the American people from making a HUGE mistake.

LMFAO! Its funny how you guys are insulting me on my grammer, but yet don’t have ANY thing to say about John Mcains losing in this election.

Wow! I mean really what does MY GRAMMER have to do with the fact that each day that goes by Barack Obama is closer and closer to victory?

I mean seriously?


Its OVER for john Mcain!


Obama/Biden 08-16!

Obama/Biden 08-16!

Obama/Biden 08-16!

Obama is going to WHOOP some @zz tomorrow night’s debate!

@David: Ok, maybe I was generous….12-14


You know what curt??

Instead of trying to figure out how old I am.

Why don’t you try and figure out John Mcains SLIPPING poll numbers.

And Barack Obama’s RISING poll numbers!

Why dont you try and figure that out.


Where was David Two weeks ago when McCain was ahead? Do moonbats like him just sulk until their guy is ahead then come popping out of the woodwork to strut?

Give it up David. You act like a child no matter how old you are.

He/She was sulking about the injustice of it all then when polls come out that give Obama a bounce He/She struts. Just like a child.

Since I very rarely rely on polls even when they show good news for the Republicans I won’t comment on those polls you speak about Jasmine. Read through the site and you will see that none of us rely on them. Hell, this one came out today showing McCain within 3 of Obama…a statistical tie, and none of us posted on it. None of them are, whether they show Republicans ahead or Democrats ahead.

The only poll that matters is in November, which is long time in politics.

Aww what’s wrong?

Ya upset that its 29 days left untill election day and Barack Obama is steady rising in the polls?

I mean seriously, the only reason why john Mcain was ahead in the polls 2 weeks ago was because it was at the time of the Republican National Convention.

ALL caniddates get a bounce in the polls during their conventions.

Every sence this Economy crisis has been out, Obama has risen more and more in the polls.

O and btw those polls that Mcain was up in at the time were NATIONAL polls.

NOT state by state polls like Barack Obama has in these past weeks.

And, state by state polls as we all know, are THE ONLY ones that matter.

And wether you think I’m childesh or not.

Mcain is still gonna lose this election.

SO GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!



Barack Obama is on his way to the White House!!!

There is only one poll that matters and it’s the one that takes place on Nov. 4th.

What you gonna do Davey if the Exit Polls show Obama winning and the American people pull the lever instead for McCain?

You folks have already threatened riots and burning buildings if you don’t get your way.

You fascists!

P.S. Your CHILDISH and transparent effort to demoralize GOP voters on the basis of these polls wont’ work. We are made of stronger stuff.

MA – Of course, Obama is not *actually* a terrorist, but you see the point I am making. When it comes to picking sides, he knows what side he is on.

LOL! You know that is true Curt.

The only polls that do matter are in november.

Which is why the Obama campaign has a 2 to 1 advantage on republicans with newly registered demorcrat voters.

What does that mean you ask?

We’ll….if the Obama Campaigns can get out the vote on Nov. 4th, with these newly registered voters then, Barack Obama will when by a landslide.


I can’t wait till november.


Grow up David! You’re a bore!

Willmoore: Thanks for the clarification. It’s clear that Obama has spent his entire life associating with people who think America is a rotten place and they would destroy it as it exists today. He’s soaked in these America hating beliefs even if he won’t admit it.

We do get glimpses behind the curtain from time to time such as when Michelle Obama said this is the first time she was proud of her country.

Mike Why don’t YOU and The Mcain campaign grow up?

Instead of resulting to smears and insults of Obama’s charater.

Lets talk about the REAL issues facing America.

…….Like I don’t know, lets say……

THE ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!!

In the words of the Old Bill Cliton sayin…..



David: I’ve had enough of your childish stupidity. Any further comment from you on this thread with be deleted unread.

Why do you tolerate an idiot like David here? You will regret it. The only right wing blog in Quebec tolerated idiots like him and now that blog is finished, ruined… boring and full of leftists. It would be my blog, I would kick him out right away.


Craig: I like to let some of these loons parade their ignorance and insults to remind us what is at stake in this election. People wouldn’t believe me if I told them how DUMB and idiotic some of these loons are so I like to have some proof.

“Cliton”? “Mcain”? “resulting to smears”?

Seriously, how old are you? Because if you’re older than me, this is truly sad.

Okay, let’s talk about the economy then, David. How do you believe Obama taxing all the businesses who are in the process of going out of business is supposed to help the economy? How do you figure that taxing the wealthy and only the wealthy will carry over this nation with all the policies he wants to spend money on? How do you think socializing health care, something that should be on the back burner while there are more pressing issues to attend to, will actually work? Hmm?

Then again, considering how immature and childish you really are, I bet you’re not even going to come up with a straight answer to any of my questions. You’re just going to call me names and revert back to how important you think the polls are.

BTW, I might as well be the youngest member on this site. If you are older than me and you have this kind of mentality, then yes, it truly is sad.

“Craig: I like to let some of these loons parade their ignorance and insults to remind us what is at stake in this election. People wouldn’t believe me if I told them how DUMB and idiotic some of these loons are so I like to have some proof.” (Mike)

I can understand your point. But for me, I’m surrender with people like him in Québec and I can’t stand them anymore. But Americans has to know who Obama’s fans are, so I understand your point Mike. I guess I will just skip their comments.

I guess all that’s left to say to the David/Jasmine family is… where would you like your complimentary Che Guevara flags mailed for your children to take to the Obama/Ayers public education system?

BTW, why is it all the Obama freaks are so over estrogen laden??

@Mike’s America: Hey Mike, you notice how DW 5000 and Arthurstone have just seemingly disappeared?

@Leah: Leah, Curt put the kibosh on those two a while back. “Arthur” keeps trying to break in at the Mike’s America home planet, but until he admits that the smear about Sarah Palin being a secessionist is a lie I intend to delete his comments.

@Leah: Yeah, banned those two a few months back. Those lefties who play nice and bring something to the debate….even the poll-happy Doug….can stick around if they so choose. But once they cross the line they’re outta here.


Who said that about Sarah Palin? Would you believe the president of LA’s National Organization for Women, Shelly Mandel? Amazing! (October 5. 2008)


DW has been back since then under two sparkling new screen names.

Thank goodness McCain and Palin are finally taking off the gloves. Like millions of Americans I’ve awaited the truth, while feeling frustration watching Obama get a free ride. Subjects like Wright, Farrakhan, Pfleger, Rezko, Ayers, and others, seem to have been off limits for discussion, when they go to the core of who Obama is. In defense of Obama, the media treats him like a sacred cow, and implies that since these subjects were visited at one time, they’re not fair game to revisit … but, why not? Like millions of Americans I’ve never been comfortable with Obama attending Jeremiah Wright’s church for TWENTY YEARS … suddenly quitting for political expediency, and then claiming that he never heard the racist, anti-American sermons going on there. Also, the Trintity church website has since sanitized it’s previous links on the ‘Black Values System’ … and, the ‘Black Liberation Theology’ which Obama sworn an oath to for TWENTY YEARS.

Veterans rate Obama better than McCain:

You can bet he’s going to use this.

Howard, Let me ask you something. What do these storys have to do with our curent Economic crisis.

What does Rev. Write and Bill ayers have to do with 159,000 jobs lost this year.

What do these personal attacks do to help MILLIONS of Americans stay in their homes and pay their bills?

What do these storys have to do with Seniors losing their 401k’s?

How do these attacks help the 47 million Americans with out helth care?

Seriously, what do ANY of these smears have to do with the rising gas prices?

Or Americans not being able to aford to send their kids to college?

I understand Character is important. But, times are to serious right now to go on and on about storys that don’t matter nor make a defference in people’s everyday lives.

All this is doing is making Mcain look out of touch and not trying to focus on the REAL issues facing America.

Obama/Biden 08!

David: How can you trust a man to address the important issues you stress if we don’t even know WHO the man really is?

Character is important. If a man has good character and has demonstrated that over time people trust him to do the right thing.

You don’t have the slightest clue who the real Barack Hussein Obama is.

That’s scary!

David, the Obama/Ayers relationship has more to do with the economic crisis that you either admit, or know. And the most damning part about their relationship is not that Ayers is an unrepentent terrorist, free on a technicality.

What do these storys have to do with our curent Economic crisis.

Obama and Ayers, as board members of the Woods Fund *and* the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, funneled money to ACORN… of which their housing arm is instrumental in lobbying Congress for the lowered lending standards for unqualified minority buyers. Obama, in his only personal appearance as a trial lawyer, represented Calvin Roberson in lawsuit against Citibank… who they accused of redlining (discriminatory lending).

Bottom line, Obama… even more than Ayers… was instrumental in setting the conditions for the flood of risky loans that are the root of this financial crash.

Secondly, education…. Obama and Ayers had $160 million for the CAC. Over $100 mil of that went to political purposes for campaigns to elected school officials friendly to their school reform. And what reform is that? To change the school system by bringing in a political curriculum. See my Education = Activism for social injustice post for more details.

This mismanagement of funds for a failed school experiment proves that Obama and Ayers are aligned on reforming the schools, and using teachers as activists… as well as indoctrinating children from a very early age into political slants. It also shows that you can give Obama a lot of cash, and he spends it all with nothing to show. It is his lone, and quintessential executive leadership. Thereby, Obama/Ayers, the CAC, Woods Fund and ACORN are all viable issues.

What does Rev. Write and Bill ayers have to do with 159,000 jobs lost this year.

The 159,000 jobs was the September figure, not the annual figure. This wraps back to the root of the financial crises. I heard the testimony of one from the Labor department as he described the breakdown. The highest percentage of job losses were, in bulk, real estate related. i.e. construction, retail (construction/remodeling requires supplies), banks, mortgage related, etal. This is to be expected with the housing slump. Also manufacturing job loss.

Fact is, about 30% of all US jobs are related in some way to real estate… from the most obvious of agents, banks, appraisers, to construction, landscaping, etal. Expect to see more job losses because of the housing slump.

By contrast, health care and mining increased jobs. You can check all stats and history at the Labor Dept website.

What do these personal attacks do to help MILLIONS of Americans stay in their homes and pay their bills?

You’re not talking to a fan of the Congressional bail out here. But having those who were instrumental in promoting risky loans (Obama, ACORN and DNC) in charge of the clean up of their mess is already proving to be a mistake. The bail out will do nothing of substance to clear up the looming problems. The fix was ill-constructed, and the anti-thesis to historic responses to other banking crises.

See my post Congress’ “my way or the highway” for more links and details.

What do these storys have to do with Seniors losing their 401k’s?

Seniors have not lost their 401ks. They are an investment program, and like all investments have ups and downs. As of the first market tumble – the day they signed the bail out – they had lost 7% of their investment value. This means if they had $10K, their portfolio was worth $9300.

Expect the market to go up and down.. mostly down with all the doom’n’gloom from the Congress and media. Much is a confidence thing.

But what you should be worried about is the amount of debt the DNC Congress, along with Bernanke/Paulson and a duped WH just added to the taxpayers for what will prove to be a losing real estate proposition (i.e. buying bad notes, already over leveraged, for more than their value, and holding it… hoping the appreciation will rise in the future)

How do these attacks help the 47 million Americans with out helth care?

Now that the taxpayers debt has instantly increased by the same amount it would take to be in Iraq for 11.5 years, you can pretty much say that universal health care will be a victim. Unless, of course, you have deep pockets as a taxpayer in a recession/possible depression era. But that won’t stop your boy from promising to take more of your cash anyway.

Seriously, what do ANY of these smears have to do with the rising gas prices?

Again, full circle. Obama/ACORN and the DNC were instrumental in shoving the snowball off the mountain cliff with their lobbying/promotion and mandates for the risky loans at the root of the financial crisis. Now that the same group has piled onto the nat’l debt, I personally expect to see the dollar devalued, and the prices for oil rising one more time… that will cascade into the rest of daily living expenses.

And you can thank your party, and all too many of the spineless GOPers for that.

Or Americans not being able to aford to send their kids to college?

I am not responsible for sending your kids to college. And until Obama/ACORN and the DNC started this economic crisis back in the 90s, student loans, grants and scholarships were available for those that either earned them, or pushed another out for affirmative action benefits…. another Obama pet cause.

Now that we have this economic crisis, we’ll have to see if what was in place before as educational aid can be sustained. Otherwise, I suggest to pinch the two dimes you’ll have left in your palm under a President Obama, and hope they proliferate. Because that’s the only “change” Obama will bring.


David, you’re kidding right?


You need to get out of Mommy’s basement a little more and have a look around at what is going on in the world.

What do Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden have in common?

They both have friends who bombed the Pentagon.


Aye: You and I are tuned to the same “frequency” today!