Trooper’gate court appeal brief update… zzzzzz

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Remember one of the two lawsuits in Alaska Superior Court – specifically the one filed by legislators? And at issue in that suit is whether the legislative council’s investigation is constitutional (infringing on due process rights), and if they were illegally allocating funds outside their jurisdiction.

Well, the slow hand of justice is still at work… the Anchorage Superior Court judge dismissed the suit… as he should. This is too large an issue for any court less than the Alaskan Supreme Court to decide. And no judge in their right mind will create such a precedence of ruling about state lawmakers budgeting, and constitutional rights of citizens.

So while this is “a story”… it’s actually just notice that the next step of appeal has commenced. Now what really would have been a story is if the Anchorage judge took it upon himself to decide such issues… that would be one ballsy guy in robes….

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Unless something happens soon, French will get his “wet dream” of releasing his incomplete findings to the press.

I wonder if the report will be released before the State Supreme Court renders a decision? During the appeal, can the court issue an injunction until they decide?

I’d heard that Palin’s husband my testify.

(McClatchy) Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s attorney general announced Sunday that seven state employees will now honor subpoenas to testify in the legislative investigation of the “troopergate” affair.

Attorney General Talis Colberg said the decision comes in light of Superior Court Judge Peter Michalski’s ruling last week rejecting an attempt to kill the subpoenas.

The state Department of Law “consulted with the seven state employees and advised them of their options,” a statement from Colberg’s office said.

All seven have decided to cooperate with the investigation, the statement said.

No fear here. We are all absolutely certain the vetting process of Sarah six-pack was a