Check out this video of CNN’s Soledad O’ Brien who ran a focus group after the Palin/Biden debate. In the video she asks who thought Biden won and who thought Palin won, with a show of hands. She says in the transcript that there is 32 people in the audience and if you pause the video you can count 28 of them. (h/t Creative Minority Report)
SOLEDAD O’BRIEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It’s been absolutely fascinating to get a sense of what resonated and what did not resonate and what they take away from this evening.
So let’s begin, folks, if we can. Thirty-two people, roughly again, Wolf, broken down, registered independents, registered Democrats, registered Republicans. So basically evenly.
Show of hands, who do you think won the debate? If you think Joe Biden won the debate, raise your hands. OK, that looks overwhelming. Let’s now do if you think Sarah Palin won the debate, raise your hand. So small handful. Joe Biden wins by a significant margin there.
But watch the video and you get a completely different picture:
12 for Biden, 11 for Palin.
“Joe Biden wins by a significant margin”?
Indeed. Even if the out of view four raised their hands for Biden it still wouldn’t be a “significant margin.”
No bias there….

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I remember watching the latenight repeats on CNN (at Mike’s America’s recommendation) since I missed the first broadcast. And I remember seeing this, and feeling greatly perplexed by the handcount. She’d say things that didn’t seem in touch with the actual number of hands on screen.
How did your Medias get so corrupted? It is incredible! Don’t you have in the States a Media Watch Organisation? Who lets them get away will all that crap? Isn’t there anything you can do against them? I’m shocked!
There are watchdog groups like Accuracy In The Media and the blogs but no one has oversight on what the media says and cannot say (until Obama gets elected and we get the VERY miss-named “fairness doctrine” and the above groups are silenced). However, the left owns the media and their drones feel no compulsion to hold leftist leaders and the media accountable for any lie, shady connection, or horrendous act.
They call those who oppose their totalitarian Marxism (and its two ugly twin daughters of National Socialism and Communism) “NAZIs”, “racists”, and a host of other slurs which are the antipathy of who conservatives are and what we believe. However, in these attacks and slanders, one can see the projectionism of the left. They show the left’s desires and true nature “projected” onto the right and any on the left not in goose-step with the Left’s leaders/current ideals.
One can see what Obama believes and plans when he found US troops watching Fox News in the DFACs (Mess Halls/Dining Facilities) in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Obama saw that Fox was playing, he truly believed that the President of the United States dictated what the troops could watch. This insane view is far from reality as TV selections are based, primarily, on what channel the DFAC worker turns it to and what channel the troops want to watch. My DFAC at Phoenix Base had CNN, History International, and ESPN Euro playing (at our NATO allies’ request). In the IZ DFAC at the Palace was ESPN and Fox Sports. At Taji, it was a movie channel, Fox News, and others. The point being that Obama in his gaff showed that he, as President, would decide where US troops received our news and information. He would dictate what we can see and what we are allowed to watch with all of its dark implications.
This in just one of many Freudian Slips Obama makes (along with his “Civilian National Security Force”, FCC threats against opponents, and far too many others). One wonders what else he would dictate.
When was the last time the Communist News Network (CNN) told the truth about anything? Probably the same day Biden did and that was a long time ago, like 35 years or more. CNN hasn’t been on in my home in years but i’m forced to hear some of their slop when visiting retarded friends.
Three things:
First: 16-11 would be signifcant. 16 is 45% greater than 11.
Second: CNN isn’t nearly as bad as this guy from the “fair and balanced” network.
Third: Shouldn’t we all have better things to do with our time?
I just completely avoid these surveys of the focus groups’ feelings on who won debates. It’s completely irrelevant in my opinion because even if someone’s candidate choice did badly during a debate, they’re more likely to lie and say that their candidate won. This actually goes for either side. No one looks at these debates with an objective view, and for them, the end result is the same.
Oh that’s right Fit.. We should not look into media lies from leftists, abuses by leftist politicians, who Freddy and Fanny gave money to (and who their former board members work for), who funds Obama, who he associates with, and what he really believes in…
No, in the world of leftists, these are not “better things”… But to those of us who see what a destructive path the socialist left will take us down and the blatant lies told by CNN and their ilk know it is a very good use of time (my wife still jokes that I “died” 5 times in Iraq last year according to fake news reports on CNN and NBC).
“Third: Shouldn’t we all have better things to do with our time? (Fit Fit)”
Because of people like you who doesn’t take the time to get real information, real facts, half of your country will be voting for an accomplished moron, a perfect idiot, a stupid leftist that will destroy your country. Right now, you may not realize it, but it is crucial to know and learn the truth. This election will determine if the USA will become another Cuba with Obama or if it will remain NO.1 in the World with McCain/Palin.
But I am not surprise that you think it’s time consuming and useless, because if you intend to vote for Obama you have to be a US/basher like he is. God Dam America is his leitmotiv.
Obama calls any questions about his background or criticisms of his behavior and record as a “distraction.” Nit Wit calls it a waste of time.
Typical and exactly what we would expect in Obama’s America, or in the words of Rev. Wright “The U.S. of K.K.K. A.”
Actually, I read somewhere that the total margin was 20 to 12, which is a 5 to 3 margin for Biden. Decisive perhaps, but overwhelming? No. Especially since Palin’s votes were described as a “small handful.” 38% is a small handful? Her comments better describe the Luntz focus group, which gave it 20 to 4, or a 5 to 1 margin for Palin. 17% is a small handful. Nice try on CNNs part, though.
CNN. Enough said. The fact that they didn’t count the votes was interesting, yet stupid.
@Fit fit: Oh please. 16 is NOT significantly more then 11 (and we have no way of knowing if those 4 out of view did vote for Biden rather then Palin, odds are…based on the even amount of shown hands…that it was 2 and 2….14-13). Pure and utter baloney.
But from you that’s a given.
CNN?? Does anyone really care what they say anymore?
@joe from chi: Heh. Those with brains wouldn’t dare turn to CNN. Calling CNN a reliable source is like saying that Pelosi is the best Speaker we’ve ever had.
Just a quick comment to Fit: I just came back from overseas, where Fox doesn’t exist and all you can watch in English is CNN and BBC. You should have a look, Fit! The bias is so overwhelming that it borders on humorous (if you forget that most foreigners get their impressions of America from these two leftist networks).
The MSM will do whatever it takes to get Obama elected; partisan politics trump national security and common sense. Fit, unfortunately liberals like you are so blinded that you can’t see this. But be assured: CNN is more biased to the left than Fox is to the right.
MSNBC is more biased to the left than Fox is to the right. They can get away with it cause no one’s ever watching. If you don’t want bias, you need to stick to CSPAN. Isn’t Glenn Beck on CNN’s Headline News? I don’t see a show like thast on FOX.
I guess you do not watch Fox much then. Unlike CNN they usually have opposing sides on the air. And Alan Combs is what? Sorry, your distortions and slavish adherence to the failed doctrines of socialism are sad.
But I expect nothing less from you than the useful idiotness I see here. Your masters expect nothing less either.
I know all too well what CNN International is like. Even Goebbels and the old Soviet propagandists would be jealous. It is a disgusting thing to watch. The CNN channels I noted above were CNN-I. I watched in the IZ/Green Zone a CNN-I “Journalist” at the Palestine Hotel use the Babel Power Plant’s smoke stack as a “massive truck bomb” that “attacked” the IZ’s inner living areas.
Obviously no such thing happened as I was in that area at the time. We walked out of the DFAC and saw the propagandist on her balcony making the report! It was a clear day and NOTHING happened in the area. And that is just one of MANY instances.
The funny thing is watching the looks on our allies faces as we would debunk the lies of CNN on the spot. But then, as with our population, their leftists could care less about what their troops think and have experienced. CNN-I with its posh elitism fits much better into the Euro-socialist viewpoint.
I very much appreciate Curt’s post so that we can see the truth about lying CNN. Notice the cutting of the tape and that O’Brien’s back was to us when her “voice-over” said “overwhelming” and “small handful”. I bet she didn’t say that in the room. I, a liberal in the old-fashioned sense of the term, with conservative leanings, read this blog every day. Even if we disagree on policies, and sometimes disagree passionately, I think there is a large majority of liberals and conservatives against the unqualified, illegitimate, amoral, anti-American candidate, Obama, in spite of what the media’s polls are indoctrinating us to.
Those who once were the left of the Democratic Party were called “progressives”; they have been taken over by anti-democratic socialists, marxists, maoists, black nationalists, and islamists. Global corporations are using these “new progressives” and their thuggist, corrupt ways to destroy the American middle-class. There is no news media with investigative journalism left in the US; Fox is the closest we come. Almost all media are owned by corporations who have global agendas and those agendas do not include the strength, national resources, and world leadership of the US. Individuals like O’Brien are simply figureheads to spout the global, anti-American, propaganda. Airwave franchises to these global corporations must be stopped. We need some kind of “fairness doctrine”, but the one proposed would take blogs like this and every bit of free speech away from us. Thanks Craig for your information.
Let me get this straight. Biden tells lies like he’s telling the truth (24 and counting) and he’s declared the winner?
So, the debate winner is the one who tells the most lies? Wow, who knew?
Yeah, I saw that when it first aired. I remember saying to myself, ‘she’s rushing things too fast … it looks like a tie to me.’
I was left with the impression she was “Mrs. Luntz”
Chris G,
I guess you do not watch anything but FOX then. Even MSNBC puts opposing sides on all the time. CNN did almost all the convention coverage with opposition commentary. I watched CSPAN. I guess you do not watch anything but FOX then.
An idiot.
Don’t assume that because of the harshness of my criticisms, I’m coming from a extreme position myself. By mainstream standards, I’m pretty moderate. Michael Bloomberg would probablly be the politician closest to my political ideology. Socially tolerant, pro-business (which is different than fiscally consevative, fiscally conservative is an oxymoron these days) and more hawkish than doveish when it comes to national security.