Praise for Palin’s diplomacy to an ally, from today’s Investment Business Daily.
While the Dems were dodging the leader of a South American ally, Palin demonstrated the grace and diplomacy of a true POTUS.
Uribe didn’t come asking for much — only that Congress keep its word on an agreement that will drop tariffs on American goods sold in Colombia and help his country develop and prosper as a bulwark of democracy in a battered region.
“We consider that in the coming years if the free-trade agreement were approved . . . the main economic result could be the increase in investments in our country,” Uribe told the Brookings Institution.
“And the more we increase legal investments in our country, the less difficult our task to defeat terrorist groups, to defeat illegal drugs.”
~~~House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who arbitrarily iced Colombia’s free trade deal last April, refused to meet Uribe and didn’t acknowledge a White House invitation to an event in his honor. Later, her staff regally complained that Uribe didn’t call her.
~~~Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama only grudgingly permitted Uribe to talk with him by telephone, afterward disclosing no news about why he still opposes cutting tariffs on American goods to Colombia as the free trade pact provides. Nor did he make any public statements, seemingly to make the call go unnoticed.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who’s fond of junketing to the luxury locales in South America, had no time to repay the hospitality to Uribe. And two Democrats held out as Latin experts, Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, couldn’t give Uribe the time of day.
~~~Into the vacuum, however, has stepped in Gov. Sarah Palin. The supposedly foreign-policy-challenged vice presidential candidate asked to meet with Uribe on Tuesday in New York to support our ally.
As chief executive of Alaska, Palin knows what it’s like to deal with a Congress that dismisses her state as distant, lectures it on ecological virtue and then denies its citizens development. She understands perfectly how it must feel to be Uribe, who’s gotten the exact same treatment from a Washington establishment.
Palin’s reception of Uribe is a far more serious statement than Obama’s visits to the tourist spots of Europe that he chalked up as foreign policy experience.
Palin’s meeting with Uribe shows a commitment to American interests over Washington politics. Thank goodness Palin knows how to act when an important leader and true friend comes calling.
No heavy hitter Dems stepped up to the diplomacy state. But “Some pro-free-trade Democrats, including Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, were notable exceptions and did welcome Uribe.”
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Good move Sarah! Bravo!
Here are 3 more videos to understand what really is Free-Trade. And understanding it will make voters scared of voting for Obama
“MARIO” OBAMA (Flip flopping Obama on Free Trade).
The “Mario” is a Quebec joke on one of our politician, name Mario Dumont)
But amazingly, it didn’t seem to do any good, just read this:
Youngstown, Ohio — You just knew that when Joe O’Connell, former head of the local AFL-CIO, got on stage here with John McCain and Sarah Palin things were not going smoothly for the Obama campaign among union voters. “I am a lifelong Democrat, an intelligent Democrat, who is supporting John McCain,” O’Connell said last week as a crowd of 7,000 waved “Another Democrat for John McCain” signs and roared its approval.
When there’s little to tout about from one’s past, one must resort to touting about the future, and so NBD does what it can to facilitate that requirement.
And speaking of the past and requirements:
I think Schmidt should come out and bleat the liberal media again for being ‘in with Obama’.
Sorry, my last video in comment #1 is not working. But this one is, so here it is again:
But amazingly, it didn’t seem to do any good, just read this:
Youngstown, Ohio — You just knew that when Joe O’Connell, former head of the local AFL-CIO, got on stage here with John McCain and Sarah Palin things were not going smoothly for the Obama campaign among union voters. “I am a lifelong Democrat, an intelligent Democrat, who is supporting John McCain,” O’Connell said last week as a crowd of 7,000 waved “Another Democrat for John McCain” signs and roared its approval.
I see… so ABC and Fox News aren’t “national” media… it has to be a Sunday talking head show?? ROTFLMAO!
23 days, and they’re still whining.
Then again, she was selected on a Friday, and the next week was the RNC. A tad busy to sit at the feet of the adoring “national media”. Let’s see… so that’s 16 possible days.
Now take away two to see her son off on his Iraq deploment ceremony. Now we’re down to two weeks, or 14 days.
And where has she been in those two weeks? In addition to the above mentioned “non-national”, small time, insignificant media of Fox News, ABC, and People, she’s been visiting the population. The constituents. She’s been in Townhalls.
She’s taking care of those who come first. The voters…
Can’t says as she didn’t warn them… the vain media, PO’d because they never saw her coming. What was it she said? Oh yeah…
So *that’s* why Obama settled on the hope and change theme, eh? Glad you filled us in, Doug.
Probably a good idea since the only management experience he’s got was wasting $160 mil with his terrorist/Marxist buddy, Ayers, on a failed education experiment.
We’ve also seen he can spend a lot of money on a campaign too… more than twice the amount McCain has. And what does he have to show for it? He declared victory over Hillary when he didn’t have the votes, and he’s still in a virtual dead heat with the old white guy.
Now there’s some bang for the buck…. oops. Wait. That would be Veep Palin, field dressing that buck.
Well, at least he was a striking figure in front of those styrofoam columns….
CAC was a joke, we have seen the fruits of Obama’s labor. You can be rest assured that if McCain was running on his community organization of education in Phoenix, and years later they protested for lack of funding, it’d be front page and blogged all to hell.
Oh my God, the shit hit the fan!
See this video:
…Uribe is to be hated just as much as Bush.
I’m guessing the Hillary was pushed aside for Obama because his Leftist credentials were more solid than hers.
I found that when I went over to Investment Business Daily to read the article on how Dems snubbed Uribe.
It’s too sickening to read all at once. I’m going to have to take it in little doses. I suggest others do to, and start getting the word out. Obama IS a Commie!
Yeah, I have that IBD “Audacity” series archived, Yon. Been reading all the installments as it comes out. Good stuff.
I wonder if Obama will run over to see Ahmadinejad at the UN… being as he has so much spare time after the brief “grudging” phone call to President Uribe.
The country does NOT have a “u” in the spelling.
Thanks for the typo check, Prof. John…. a moment of “space, the final frontier”. I happen to have a lot of “columbias” in my proximity. Sorta an ingrained spelling when I’m not thinking…. :0)
Mata…..thanks for posting Sarah’s quote “But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion – I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country. Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reasons, and not just to mingle with the right people.”
That’s exactly what she said at the rally here in The Villages the other day.
The girl has more backbone than any of those who are out to try their best to destroy her. She said in her interview with Sean Hannity that she’s got thick skin, and the more they seek to dig up what they can, the more it motivates her to go forward with her goal to reform DC!
Sarah Palin will meet next week with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in New York… way to go Sarah!
Ok, Steven Schmidt yesterday, and now Palin today pissing off the media.
It’ll only get worse.
Hey Doug, what do you think of your dear friend Obama, who refuses to do anything if the medias are not there? No medias, no candy… no glory!