The messiah has come back down to earth and all it took was a woman. Everyone thought it would be Hillary, but we all turned out to be wrong.
In an election for President of the United States in North Carolina Tuesday, Republican John McCain suddenly and breathtakingly surges to a 20-point win over Democrat Barack Obama, 58% to 38%, according to this latest exclusive SurveyUSA election poll conducted for ABC11-WTVD.
Remember this rhetoric?
Obama’s victories reflect what a recent Time poll confirmed the other day – that he is the candidate best suited to win Independents, play well in Red States, and beat John McCain in November. As the nominee, Obama will also help down-ballot Democrats get elected to Congress across the country, especially in those Red States where Democrats haven’t fared well for decades. So Obama won’t just win an election, he’ll win a new majority for change, so we can finally solve the problems we’ve been talking about for decades.
Looks like they we’re wrong about them red states, and it isn’t even JUST the red states:
A new Public Policy poll has John McCain extending his lead over Barack Obama to a 50-45 margin in Florida, up from a three-point McCain edge last month. The pollsters say McCain’s lead is mostly due to white voters shifting from “undecided” to “pro-McCain,” with McCain now garnering 61 percent of the white vote to 34 percent for Obama. The Democrat is keeping it within range by dominating with black voters (88-10) and winning with Hispanics (49-42), a margin he’ll likely need to improve if he plans to carry the state.
And like voters everywhere else, Floridians are wild about Sarah Palin, with 45% saying they are now more likely to vote for McCain because of his Veep choice, while just 36% say the same of Obama for his pick of Joe Biden.
So what does he do with the rhetoric? He tosses it in the dumpster, as he has done with most everything he promised to do, and goes back to being the typical politician:
…after the Democratic convention, Sen. Obama made a beeline for the traditional swing state he may need most, Pennsylvania, before quickly moving on to Ohio and Michigan.
Winning two of these three states isn’t only key to Sen. Obama’s strategy, but also critical for his Republican rival, Sen. John McCain. “I think that what you’re going to see settling in is that the race is going to be very close in most of the battleground states, which is really what matters,” Sen. Obama told reporters Tuesday.
Tightening voter polls, a more competitive money race than originally envisioned and a McCain campaign invigorated by his unconventional vice-presidential pick are prompting a return to the old political map — and a grudging concession by some Obama campaign operatives that certain states once deemed winnable may be more of a long shot than once thought.
For Sen. Obama, this has prompted a change in focus: A campaign that visited nine states in mid-August has focused almost exclusively on three this month. Since closing out the convention, Sen. Obama will have held 21 campaign events through Tuesday, 18 of them in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. All three states went to either George W. Bush or John Kerry in 2004 by a margin of less than 4% — and were won in relative squeakers in 2000.
Another reason he dumped the original plan is due to a bit of a money problem it seems:
After months of record-breaking fund-raising, a new sense of urgency in Senator Barack Obama’s fund-raising team is palpable as the full weight of the campaign’s decision to bypass public financing for the general election is suddenly upon it.
Pushing a fund-raiser later this month, a finance staff member sent a sharply worded note last week to Illinois members of its national finance committee, calling their recent efforts “extremely anemic.” …
The signs of concern have become evident in recent weeks as early fund-raising totals have suggested that Mr. Obama’s decision to bypass public financing may not necessarily afford him the commanding financing advantage over Senator John McCain that many had originally predicted.
Here’s the problem. Obama and his team actually started to believe the hype. They started to believe he could do no wrong and the whole country would rally behind him…..that it would be a cake walk.
Now he’s tumbling back down to earth for many reasons. His association and friendship with criminals, terrorists, and racists. His lack of experience and any real accomplishments except for running for President. But the last push came from Sarah Palin…..

See author page
He went from averaging 50+ million per month this summer to a grand total of $17 million for the month of August. This info was from conversations on FOX. I also heard he was spending more than he was taking in. $17 million for the month of his convention when compared to McCain taking in over $10 million over three days because of Palin has to be a bit of angst for team Obama.
From the Dallas Monring News:
“Last spring, Barack Obama promised to help Texas Democrats try to win legislative seats and down-ballot races, even though he was considered unlikely to carry the Lone Star State.
But with less than two months before the Nov. 4 election, Mr. Obama is sending Texas volunteers to battleground states, placing less emphasis on campaigning inside the state.”
Seems to me, he isn’t helping out as much as he thought he could.
Missy, if you get your “facts” from Fox, then you deserve all of the mis-information that you can handle. How about all of the twisted, obsessive preachings that Palin was party to in attending her church services where her “preacher” preaches that the Israel deserves all of the terrorist attacks and in fact, God has sent the terrorists to do so. Also, that Alaska is one of two refuges come the end of the earth, as so ordained by God….give me a break, this woman has no credentials to be in the seat next to a President…and I am Republican!
Dennis said: “and I am Republican!”
Sure you are Dennis!
I can spot a liar a mile away.
It’s panic time in the Obama campaign. Not only are they pulling out of Texas, they are pulling out of Georgia too. The 20% rise for McCain in North Carolina has them spooked. Next door Viriginia is showing growth for McCain too.
Across the board, women and independents are coming to McCain in large numbers as is McCain’s approval rating as enthusiasm for his campaign rises. McCain has even doubled his support among self proclaimed liberals.
Some of this increase in support is a bounce, but some of it is solid support which will be difficult for Obama to overcome.
Don’t forget that Obama had big trouble closing the deal with Democrats in the final weeks of their primary campaign. That reluctance on the part of Democrats is magnified many times over when it comes to Independent voters and Republicans.
And as Obama and his media allies continue their unwise and offensive strategy of running against Palin they continue to cement the gains McCain-Palin have made.
Is this better, Dennis?
Dennis, have you gone daft, guy?
The Israel/terrorist quote you attempt to attribute to Larry Kroon, Palin’s Wasilla pastor, was actually spoken by David Brickner, a guest speaker from Jews for Jesus.
As Newsbuster’s reports, Palin’s record and support of Israel are well documented, including the flying of the Israeli flag in her office.
Alaska’s Jewish community has a very high regard for Palin, and she’s put her support where her power is.
The lies you are perpetuating, while proclaiming you are a GOP member, were started and fueled by Air America’s Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and Ben Smith at Politico, who suggested that Jewish voters “may” have a problem with Palin.
So you show up here and spread misinformation from MSNBC, Air America and Politico… and you have the chutzpah to badmouth Fox??
Yep… think Mike’sA had you pegged right. No conservative will use their information as gospel.
It’s turned from BushDerangementSyndrome to PalinDerangementSyndrome.
Only worse!
Got news for you all, I am a thinking Republican…..quite unusual I know. I’m not led by the nose at the behest of singular issues, drill, drill, drill. I, like all thinking people in this nation, care sincerely for this country and do care about the quality of our leaders and Sarah Palin, aka vice president wanna-be, does not fit the quality prescription. Oh yes, and I am also a Viet Nam combat veteran who, although I do respect McCain’s service to this country, respectfully hoe that John can join us in the here and now and move on from that regrettable experience some 35 some years ago. Come on John, for the party, stick to the issues and let’s get out our ideas on how this country can move forward with new vigor and revitalization after the dreadful Bush years.
Palin will be the demise of our party….we have so many other qualified women in our midst. This was political as opposed to what is in the best interests of the country, as John promised he would do…and they look so strange beside each other…
Dennis- please don’t insult our intelligence with your drivel. You are as much a Republican as Ted Kennedy, either that or your a fool. I’m a born again Christian, and if you would read the Bible for yourself, you might be surprised at what Jesus himself had to say on this subject.
Jainphx – there you go, bible spouting again..well, I believe that perhaps you really rightist Republicans should perhaps spin yourselves off to your own little enclave so that you can really concentrate on your issue and leave the rest of us more moderate conservatives to worry about real contemporary issues that are impact real people, every day, most especially our children, yes our children that are alive now and need our help now. I know that John and Sarah are aware of those issues and no doubt have a plan but I wish that they would get to the plan…clue us all in. I’m ready to go but I don’t know what his plan is…there have been so many different variations.
Dennis, aka Mr. Republican, spare us the drama, study up and then get back to us.
i am wondering if dennis is afraid of a “girl”, i believe she is the new standard in the party.. she certainly seems to hold up far better than most would with the crap the media and dems have been slinging at her. i am avery conservative republican, you wouldn’t know it by looking at me, but i have very deep strong core values that don’t falter and are not for sale. i am not a bible thumper, i actually refuse to go to church, they are way over rated. you can’t put God in four walls and keep him there, it doesn’t make you a good christian/person if you enter a building every sunday. so for dennis to go on his lttle bible thumping rant is a bit funny. i could care less if a person goes to church or mass or synagoug or whatever. you can be very conservative and not be a bible thumper.
I’m sorry… care to reconcile that with the regurgitation of Air America, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC and Politico talking points?
And would you care to reconcile that to the fact you parroted a quote by a one time guest speaker at Palin’s church, and attributed that to *her* pastor, then blamed her?
Thinking Republican, my ass…. Gullible chump perhaps.
luva, if Dennis has spent any time within the Republican camp he would realize that it is a big tent so why would he so harshly strike out at jainphx?
As far as Vietnam, many of us were impacted by that war, I was a wife of a GB with two small children, had to hold down the fort at home. I thank Dennis for his service to this country but have to say that not every one that fought in that war would view their experience through the eyes of Dennis.
My father schooled us on what he went through during his stint in the Phillipines during WW2. I will never forget and will always appreciate what he shared with us. I cried during my visit to the Arizona, took lots of pics for my dad and then we both cried, after all those years.
Can’t even begin to conceive John McCain’s experience. But I think we should never tire of listening.
missy, few could endure what mccain went through and come out as well adjusted and emotionally healthy as he has. i applaud the service and sacrifice of each and every service man and woman, and their loved ones. the men in my family have also served, and my brother and father saw and went through war and hell, i can’t even begin to imagine the horror of it all. i think dennis is play acting and if he really “thinks” he is a republican, well he would be thinking more than his posts indicate. i do really tire of the one upmanship that seems to come from the left. do they think they have a market on thought, love, peace, well anything? their talking points are bogus and we all know it, but hey it looks good on nbc right? there are many families/couples were the man is conservative and the woman is liberal, and now many of those women are turning to palin, they are seeing her rise above all the crap and drama the left is sending her way. these women and some men are seeing theings in a different light than they did before and i am so freakin happy. dennis is just trying to blow smoke up our butts.
Huh? And this means what?
Dang, Dennis… if you aren’t a girl, you sure behave as if the feminists cut off your testosterone supplements….
Perhaps if they got matching hats and shoes in the latest fall fashion colors, this would work for you?
mata, he is a dumdass. they look no more strange than obama and biden, or any other set of running mates. he is just reaching for anything he can try and grasp and make it look like he might be a republican. he can only hope to be so bright.