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There is no politics of meaning in the audacity of hope.

There are only two ways things can CHANGE in DC:

1) create a new atmosphere of getting things done in a bi-partisan fashion (of which Obama has ZERO record, but McCain has an extensive record)

2) give one party or the other enough votes to completely cancel out the checks and balances required for the govt to function in a truly representative manner (something the DNC and Democratic Party leaders have called for since taking power in 2006; they say they need more seats/more power/unchecked power)

If President Obama is elected, and if Congress doesn’t become 2/3+ Democrat, then what happens? In light of those two things, one might wonder if a President Obama (lacking unchecked Democratic Party control of Congress) would really be able to CHANGE things in a bi-partisan manner. This is not supported by a lot of historical evidence. What would be left is a weak, ineffectual, but very popular President…popular until the people became hungry for more steak than sizzle.

Yes, I imagine it was very difficult for Obama to pass bills in a Republican-controlled Senate that was too busy debating Terry Schiavo’s dried sponge brain-soul, how much money should be given to rich people next year, and what is to be done about Creationism in our classroom to pay much attention to things like balancing the budget. The Republican party has imploded. You need some time to pull yourselves together and figure out just what the hell you people are trying to do, because it hasn’t been working.

If this is the worst damage the right can do in a political message (without getting all Obama bin Laden on us), I am profoundly pleased.

Have you posted this (or can you?) on YouTube where even more folks can see it? Thanks

“dried sponge brain-soul” I have always wondered why the American left has made the outcome of this case out to to be one of their signature achievements. Using armed guards to force the death by starvation of a helpless human being would seem to be something that leftists would not want to be known for.

“How much money should be given to rich people” Google – Richest people in Congress and one finds that a good many are Democrats. One also finds that a whole lot of the members are between very rich and rich. I think it’s highly improbable, that the members are going to insure that they pay the most taxes.

“If this is the worst damage the right can do in a political message ”

The political message from the leftists; that they will kill as many of the nation’ most helpless as they can, and they will surrender to any enemy who claims to hate the US hasn’t changed in forty years and does not appear to be likely to change anytime in the near future.

Jonah, Curt,

That’s right it the Republicans fault. Then That’s hard to believe when the Democrats won the Senate and house. The problem is that they have sat on their behinds and talk Change and Hope without any action. Most of the bills that President Bush has vetoed were so full of Pork that he had to veto them.

A lot of Rich people got that way by using their brains. Look at Bill Gates, I see no reason that the RICH should have to support the Poor stupid uneducated freeloading morons of this country, who will not get off of their lazy behinds and go to work. Damn it! I went to the 9th grade, put 22 years in the Marines Corps, got out and went to work for another 19 years. I am not rich but I have manage to save over $300,000 dollars and own a Home Paid for worth $ 150,000 another home worth $140,000 that I owe $90,000. I didn’t do this by sitting on my butt.

Barrack Hessian Obama is a Muslim and will sell us out to the Islamic terrorist if he gets elected President.

Just for grins — how many pieces of legislation has Hillary gotten passed — excepting naming post offices? Neither of the Democrat candidates seem to have much but empty rhetoric. And McCain is no prize, either. God help the USA because the next president is going to be a loser regardless of who wins.

You REALLY need to get this up on YouTube if you can. There are vids there getting 500,000 and folks could really benefit from this info. It would have been very important especially last week.


If it’s OK with you, I am going to convert this and post on YouTube. Full credit will be given to FloppingAces.net

How about link to the YouTube when ready? Thanks

The video is very good and I would love to post it on my blog if it is available. I am going to explore your site a little more, stop by my place.

Obama shoud use OLD versus NEW instead of change.
OLD are te financial institutes that do’nt work. OLD is McCain. OLD versus NEW is positive, change merely says you dislike the current situation. OLD versus NEW you cannot McCain cannot copy like Change. Because he is OLD and never can play the NEW guy. Amaricans shoud admid that their capitalism and democracy (the OLD) should change. That’s a hard thing for OLD people and figter pilots that build america. But building it doesn’t give the right to bring america down by repeating old dreams.

ROFL….I love it.

The reason why the man has no accomplishments, no ideas, and nothing to offer is because of the Republicans.

You people really have to get a life.
Yup nothing to offer, and might I have you look at Old man Turtle’s record of “Passed” Sponsored legislation (MEANING NOT RELYING ON ANYONE ELSE to sponsor)


look towards the bottom stupid. ZERO Why don’t you brainiacs go back get some facts, and continue to screw up our country

Negative is worse than emty. McCain 100% negative adds tells us he has no vision. These statesman are dangerous. When McCain whould be president he will also seek negative war solutions. Only bad leaders and regimes run negative adds and solution. Because they have no realsolutions