Dept. of Labor official says Wooten medical file leak is “absolutely not” true.

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More Trooper’gate background posts here

The Alaskan legislation investigation of Palin’s “Trooper’gate” has been underway for about six weeks… but when it comes to efficiency, they pale by comparison to the expediency of Gov. Palin’s Anchorage attorney, Thomas Van Flein.

As of five days ago, Van Flein had already interviewed two witnesses that were at the heart of the damaging accusations. Frank Bailey is central to both charges… exerting pressure on Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to fire AST Mike Wooten, plus accusations he leaked private medical information from Wooten’s fire. Bailey’s recorded statements remain the same as previously accounted… that the Governor, nor her family or administration, never asked him to pressure Monegan or interfere in the process. Bailey remains on paid administrative leave.

The other interviewee? Michael Monagle of the Labor Dept’s Workers’ Compensation Division, and the keeper of Wooten’s medical file.

Monagle said that in regard to the controversy, there were rumors on the Internet that the governor or her office had requested Wooten’s workers’ compensation file.

“Absolutely not” true, said Monagle, who said that the file is “in my office in a locked file cabinet” for safekeeping.

Despite the hefty headstart for the legislative investigation, Indy Counsel Steve Branchflower has yet to interview even Mike Wooten himself. Since it was only Sept 1st that Van Flein stepped in as Palin’s Counsel and filed Ethics Disclosures to open the Personnel Board procedure, one can only marvel at the legislative investigation’s lack of speed. They had ample time to obtain the interviews prior to Sept 1st.

Per the Mike Quinn AP article appearing in The Frontiersman, Wooten says the tabloids are hot on his trail with cash offers for “the story”.

Speaking cautiously and in measured tones, Wooten said he refuses to “throw stones” at the Palin family or his ex-wife, Molly. He said he’s turned down cash offers, well into the tens of thousands, from tabloid newspapers for interviews.

“I’m not going to tell them story they want. I’m going to tell the truth,” he said.

Wooten, who is in his eighth year with the state troopers, said he’s learned from a 2005 investigation that led to his five-day suspension and has not had a complaint filed against him since. He works as a field training officer.

Wooten has been making the circuit in a lower profile, and represents himself as a redeemed man from past mistakes. He may very well be. We all have to remenber that the heat of the times was four years ago. Add to that the accusations that Palin was abusing her power as Governor commenced approx three years after those events, and Monegan’s termination – supposedly for not firing Wooten – did not happen until she was a year and a half into her term. Not exactly the sign of a woman on a quest.

Still today, liberal/progressive media and Obama activist talking points focus on the legislative investigation, while ignoring the process of dealing with ethics violations against the administrative branch per Alaskan law. Their argument? The Personnel Board is appointed by the Governor, and they believe the Personnel Board’s investigation is biased.

Again the anti-Palin activists remain clueless. The existing Board members are all originally appointed by the Murkowski administration, prior to Palin’s term. Only Debra English’s term came up for renewal in Jan 2008, and was reappointed by Palin. However all are picks of a Governor and administration fraught with charges of corruption… and no friend of Sarah Palin’s.

But let’s look at that “unfair” Board investigation and see the duality of their arguments. Just what happens in Alaska if an ethics complaint is lodged against a sitting or former lawmaker?

Per the Alaska Legislature’s site on complaint procedures for ethics:


The House Subcommittee hears complaints against representatives, former representatives, and employees of representatives and committees of the House, chaired by representatives. The Senate Subcommittee hears complaints against senators, former senators and employees of senators and committees of the Senate, chaired by senators. The full Ethics Committee considers complaints against employees of legislative agencies, joint committees and the public members and employees of the Ethics Committee.

My my… lookie there. When a House or Senate representative faces ethics changes, they are judged and penalized by the same legislative body. Surely isn’t this what they complain of with the Personnel Board? The ol’ coyote guarding the hen house syndrome?

Where is the outrage there? The hypocritical argument is breathtaking. When Coghill sent a letter to Elton requesting that French be replaced for his pre’determination of Palin’s guilt to the press, Obama supporter Elton refused, stating confidence French will be politically unbiased. Tho Coghill may make another appeal to Elton, it’s unlikely to result in any other decision.

Imagine if one wanted to file an ethics charge against Elton or French… look who would be the judge.

With the two main charges being pressure on Monegan, and the leak of Wooten’s private medical information, Van Flein’s testimony by both Bailey and Monagle on record represent more than a serious speedbump to the legislative process. He’s performed brillantly in demanding the Personnel Board process as the primary… and should be the sole… investigation, as per Alaskan law.

Van Flein wants the state personnel board to conduct the probe, not the legislature. The board members are gubernatorial appointees. Van Flein said he has already provided the board the depositions of two witnesses he has questioned, leaving the legislature in the dark.

The legal tactic of pre-emptive questioning gives the governor a distinct advantage in the controversy because it means that she already knows at the outset the detailed accounts of potential witnesses against her. The procedure also locks important witnesses into the accounts they give. If the witnesses provide statements now that are favorable to Palin, the witnesses’ credibility could be called into question if they make statements in the future that are unfavorable to her.

Recap? The conveniently sluggish six week legislation investigation… and the controversy surrounding Sen. Hollis French’s media statements (condemning Palin prior to the investigation’s completion) shows their process is a politically motivated witch hunt. A process they appear to purposely drag out to dominate a highly charged election cycle with rumours and damaging press.

And they weren’t even efficient at covering up their political motivation.

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Hollis French is also a fake Marine.

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this! Hopefully Van Flein will checkmate Frenchy and his ilk and we can see another smear go away.

With the new revelations, I can imagine the “Legion of Doom…MSM” is saying DAMN IT!!!!

Being a grunt, had to look up PLC:

Any Corps personnel in Alaska who might be able to have a tete-a-tete with this wanker?


Yes thank you for the update on this, Sarah Palin is going to come out of this just fine.

However I dont know if the Liberals are.

this reeks of nasty, partisan crap. it is, in a sense, a “corrupt” investigation. hopefully the dems in alaska will figure out how badly certain lawmakers up there are behaving and vote them out of office.

“Sarah Palin is going to come out of this just fine.

However I dont know if the Liberals are.” — MariesTwoCents

Hey, maybe they’ll learn something from it, and grow to be better people? One can hope they will actually change rather than just keep talking about it.

Isn’t it funny that when liberals try to bring down their opponents slime is always attached to themselves? Really, when will the dems learn not to throw stones from those glass houses they live in?

The dems in legislature are drawing their investigation out as long as they can hoping people will either believe it or at least leaving the perception of scandal in people’s minds. Also this way they can continue the mantra that she is being investigaed. They have nothing else since the McCain/Palin team is so disobliging as to have no big scandals in their wake.

(WSJ) An informal adviser who has counseled Gov. Sarah Palin on ethics issues urged her in July to apologize for her handling of the dismissal of the state’s public safety commissioner and warned that the matter could snowball into a bigger scandal.
[Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten, right, sits with John Cyr, executive director for the Public Safety Employee Association, to answer questions about the ‘Troopergate’ investigation.]
Associated Press
Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten (right) answers questions about the ‘Troopergate’ investigation on Tuesday.

He also said, in a letter reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, that she should fire any aides who had raised concerns with the chief over a state trooper who was involved in a bitter divorce with the governor’s sister.

In the letter, written before Sen. John McCain picked the Alaska governor as his running mate, former U.S. Attorney Wevley Shea warned Gov. Palin that “the situation is now grave” and recommended that she and her husband, Todd Palin, apologize for “overreaching or perceived overreaching” for using her position to try to get Trooper Mike Wooten fired from the force.

Kind of makes all her campaign talk about that ethics reform bill she signed into law seem sorta empty, doesn’t it?

Let’s face it, an small time Mayor and Governor who is under investigation for lying, whose big claim to fame is being a runner up beauty queen and so called hokey mom, who was first extremely fo and then against the bridge to nowhere and then still kept the money for the state…a backer of a Senator who is about to go to jail when convicted…is not a suitable vice president except for maybe some two-bit 3rd world country…wake up….this is your country calling and so far, you aren’t there..


It also says in that same letter from Shea:

Trooper Wooten was/is a grave public safety threat to your family. It was/is a very personal, emotional matter which was either mishandled or covered up by certain individuals. Todd was/is very concerned. You are a wonderful lady with a fine husband. Certain key advisors were/are weak and self absorbed. I am extremely concerned about certain “wolves” if my recommended action is not taken immediately.(Italics mine)

This is all just politically expedient advice. It’s up to Gov. Palin to determine the appropriateness of it.


I believe you don’t acknowledge the degree of the advice as “politically expedient.” Stating it’s ‘just’ politically expedient undervalues the political gravity of the advice. Your interpretation of the situation reminds me of Monty Python’s knight japing, ‘It’s just a flesh wound!’ after losing an arm.

The WSJ piece clearly sees the potential political damage Palin could be facing in the advice given to her. You are simply not registering the threat, by claiming it’s ‘just’ advice.


If the man deserved to be terminated regardless of how Palin “felt” about him, her “feelings” and “motives” are IRRELEVANT! There is NO WAY to “prove” she fired him for anything but just cause, and even if they could, it wouldn’t matter because NO INJUSTICE WAS COMMITTED!

In a sense it’s the perfect witch hunt, because given his behaviour she had no choice but to fire him, and given his relationship through her sister, slimy slanderers from under every rock and out of every crevace are free to paint the situation with whatever wild fantasies they want, and no one can prove them “wrong,” anymore than they can prove they are right.

Bottom line….

Should he have been fired?
Case closed!

Give me a break Mr. ignore the facts…Palin was all for the bridge, it’s a matter of record and you know it, then, as the tide of thinking moved against this blatant waste of money, she really had no choice, moving quite late as a matter of fact to jump on the band wagon. There were also powerful influences in Alaska who correctly saw the project as a boon doggle (Stevens was not one of them) and Palin changed her stripes, yet again. A maverick…I think not. A crude politician…yes.

Americans will soon determine that our party mantra ‘Country First” is unfortunately a shell in light of the nomination of this lightweight for Vice President. She really believes that proximity to Russia constitutes international qualification…and her somewhat psychotic pronouncement that God somehow wanted this country to engage in a war with Iraq is absurd and downright scary. What we don’t need is another religious extremist…and yes, I am a Christian but I don’t portray myself as knowing what God’s plans are..disgusting!

Wake up people, name one thing that is better in your lives now than 4 years ago, 8 years ago. And our big claim to help our ailing country back on its feet is to want a mirror image of Bush, to continue the same policies as the Bush Administration, backed by our own party. Let’s face it, our party has been in control of the congress for 6 of the last 8 years and NOTHING has been accomplished, unless you really consider that No Child Left Behind has been a roaring succes…I think not!


I love it when the concern trolls run over, throw the front door open and start their frothin’ o’ the mouth about all the things that are wrong about whatever it is they’re frothin’ and foaming over.

More often than not, their passion is misplaced and so is their honesty.

By the way Dennis, nice shoes.


…go and learn before ye babble

Even Bill Clinton Blames Kennedy for No Child Left Behind Flaws

Bush was an idiot to co-operate with a far Left Dem on anything so important, and that truly is one of his greatest shortcomings, but let us not forget how bad things would be if those Leftists were in charge of everything. G-d save us!!!

It will probably come as no surprise to no one here that the AP has finally come on board with stating the Palin claim that she ‘killed the funding for the bridge to nowhere’ is false:

Republican presidential nominee John McCain, a self-proclaimed tell-it-like-it-is maverick, keeps saying his running mate, Sarah Palin, killed the federally funded Bridge to Nowhere when, in fact, she pulled her support only after the project became a political embarrassment. He accuses Democrat Barack Obama of calling Palin a pig, which did not happen. He says Obama would raise nearly everyone’s taxes, when independent groups say 80 percent of families would get tax cuts instead.

Even in a political culture accustomed to truth-stretching, McCain’s skirting of facts has stood out this week. It has infuriated and flustered Obama’s campaign, and campaign pros are watching to see how much voters disregard news reports noting factual holes in the claims.

McCain’s persistence in pushing dubious claims is all the more notable because many political insiders consider him one of the greatest living victims of underhanded campaigning. Locked in a tight race with George W. Bush for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000, McCain was rocked in South Carolina by a whisper campaign claiming he had fathered an illegitimate black child and was mentally unstable.

Better late than never.


He’s always wrong, but it doesn’t phase him. He just keeps pumping the bilge, and ignoring his abysmal record of not getting anything right.

Although Palin once supported the bridge, she killed the project in her own state. “After witnessing the problems created by earmarks for her state and for the nation’s budget, she did what others like me have done: She changed her position and saved taxpayers millions,” Demint wrote.

“Even the Alaska Democratic Party credits her with killing the bridge,” he wrote.

When the Senate had a chance to stop the bridge and transfer the money to Katrina rebuilding, Demint recalled, “both Obama and [Sen. Joe] Biden voted for the $223 million earmark, siding with the old boys’ club in the Senate. And to date, they still have not publicly renounced their support for the infamous Bridge to Nowhere earmark.”

Way to go, dougy!! You are wrong yet again. (That, and you ignore the ZERO-B’s commitment to inertia)