The Left’s Latest Conspiracy….Sarah Palin Not The Real Mother Of Baby


The left can really wrap themselves up in schizophrenic conspiracy can’t they? The latest is that Sarah Palin secretly adopted her daughter’s baby and called it her own to keep the daughters pregnancy secret. Google it and find over 26,000 hits.

But do they really think there won’t be people out there who saw her pregnant? Photo’s? First one up is this blog post written in April:

While delayed in the New Orleans Airport, I reflect back to my airport surprise when leaving Fairbanks after the PolarTREC Orientation in March. I look around and wonder if I will see the Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal milling about and waiting to catch a flight. Doubtful since most Governors travel via private aircraft at least around their own state. Governor Jindal cruises Louisiana in a three million dollar state police helicopter. This is not the case for Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin.

There were several of us PolarTRECers waiting in the Fairbanks, AK airport to catch our planes home. We were chatting about all we had learned when Kristen Timm, ARCUS administrator said “ Look, there is the Hottest Governor in the United States” as she has been publicly deemed by media and fans.

Of course I had to check out the “Hottest Governor in the US” and quickly turned to see her pregnant (she has since had her baby) with bags and daughter in tote. Then it struck me as odd. Why is the Governor of Alaska in the airport and preparing to get onto my commercial flight?

I questioned PolarTRECer Craig Kasemodel an Alaskan resident. He let me know that Governor Palin sold the corporate jet after securing her official Governor position.

Governor Pallin said she would sell the jet because it was impractical and that the Alaska state inventory would be relieved of this dept. The jet was sold on EBay to Larry Reynolds for 2.1 million dollars.

Oh, there will be more to come I’m sure. But have no fear, the schizophrenic left will conjure up something else to push their fear mongering to new levels.

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No need for silly conspiracies… just look for the truth. I suggest the curious out there to seek out her true position on the “Bridge to Nowhere”. Regardless of qualifications, her knack for bold face lying makes her a good fit on the McCain ticket.

Oh, there will be more to come I’m sure. But have no fear, the schizophrenic left will conjure up something else to push their fear mongering to new levels.

Funny! Whitey tape, not really born in the US, secretly a Muslim, no wait really a black liberation Christian, refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag, He wrote that he hated the race of his mother, and on and on.

I think the left has a ways to go to match the right wing tin foil hat brigade.

Fit, can you back any of that up?

Yo Mike…. get with the facts, please…

Whitey tape… started by Hillary supporters from No Quarters. Not the GOP

A student and supporter of Black Liberation Theology…. actually true. Hard to call it “tin foil”

Not born in US or qualified… lawsuit filed by liberal/progressive lawyer, Philip Berg to disqualify Obama. Not the GOP. No clue if it’s “tin foil” as it’s a legal details issue.

Let’s add another. The corruption and socialization of Chicago schools in partnership with William Ayers, unrepentent terrorist via the CAC. Research and discovery led by liberal/left lawyer Steve Diamond. Not the GOP, and most definitely not “tin foil”.

As for the secretly a Muslim, pledge, hatred of mother’s race… don’t have a clue. I’ve seen that on both Hillary blogs as well as the right. All classless stuff, and tin foil. But hard to blame on solely the GOP.

Don’t forget, when that stuff arose, it was a Hillary vs Obama battle. What would the GOP gain by spreading rumors about a candidate that may not have been nominated anyway? They were preapred to run against Hillary. Frankly, running against Obama’s much easier. So blaming the GOP for old, pre-nomination rumors is pretty darned stupid, don’t you think?

Sure, if you’re too lazy to look youself.


There’s apparently more quotes than the Anchorage news one.

Why would you introduce yourself to America with a falsehood that could be so easily disproven? Did the McCain campaign even fully vet her?

Fit… don’t tease us. Please *do* provide the DNC talking points for us on the Bridge to Nowhere.

And just as a heads up, I already have plenty off research links stored on that as well. So I suggest you come well prepared to the debate.

A link from TNR? Are you f*cking kidding me? You mean the same TNR of Scott Beauchamp fame?

You aren’t too bright, are you?

Easy guys, don’t discourage the Dems from attacking Sarah. They’re digging their own grave and don’t even realize it. The real coup in the selection of Governor Palin is not her gender and not her conservative values. She appeals to a demographic that the Democrats disdain and comprises over 50% of the country. By the time they figure it out they will have proven everything the Republicans have ever said about the Democrats. Everything.

I see Dreadnought asked as well. Okay, Fit. Ya came to the gunfight with a water pistol, guy. LOL

Again, you have to follow the sequence of events, Fit. Fact is, Ketchikan needs better access. So of course she would campaign for Governor, as did the others, for obtaining federal cash for a bridge and better access.

That was, of course, until she got details of the costs of the bridge, which had ballooned to approx $400 mil… thus it was short funds since federal funding was to be about $200 mil.

From today’s ADN (Anchorage paper)

Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said Saturday that as projected costs for the Ketchikan bridge rose to nearly $400 million, administration officials were telling Ketchikan that the project looked less likely. Local leaders shouldn’t have been surprised when Palin announced she was turning to less-costly alternatives, Leighow said. Indeed, Leighow produced a report quoting Palin, late in the governor’s race, indicating she would also consider alternatives to a bridge.

Then, of course, it’s followed by another Halcro comment, the man working overtime to demonize Palin.

Palin changed her attitude about such an expensive option (much to the chagrin of the Ketchikan officials, and other GOPers who had worked to obtain the federal earmark) not long after McCain pointed out the folly of the money. From CNN last Sept

Just last month, presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said pet projects could have played a role in a Minnesota bridge collapse that killed 13 people earlier this year.

“Maybe if we had done it right, maybe some of that money would have gone to inspect those bridges and other bridges around the country,” McCain told a group of people in a town-hall style meeting in Ankeny, Iowa.

“Maybe the 200,000 people who cross that bridge every day would have been safer than spending $233 million of your tax dollars on a bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it.”

So what we have here is better access needed to the island in order to stimulate growth, the feds not providing enough money to cover the costs, and the nation focused on the folly of it all. So she assessed the situation in a fiscally responsible mode:

Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday the project was $329 million short of full funding.

“We will continue to look for options for Ketchikan to allow better access to the island,” the Republican governor said. “The concentration is not going to be on a $400 million bridge.”

Palin directed state transportation officials to find the most “fiscally responsible” alternative for access to the airport. She said the best option would be to upgrade the ferry system.

Palin agreed… again from today’s ADN

Palin’s 2007 press release announcing her change of course came just a month after McCain himself slammed the Ketchikan bridge for taking money that could have been used to shore up dangerous bridges like one that collapsed in Minnesota.

Leighow said she had no record of what time she sent out the press release, but does not recall being told to send it out early for East Coast media.

Once Palin spiked the bridge project, the money wasn’t available to Minnesota or other states, however. Congress, chastened by criticism of the Alaska funding, had removed the earmark but allowed the state to keep the money and direct it to other transportation projects.

They got the money, and are applying it in more fiscally responsible ways to fix many issues, instead of going into debt on the overpriced bridge and only addressing one issue.

So the question is, what do you have against a Governor who bucks her own GOP and local officials in order to be more fiscally responsible?

And what, pray tell, do you consider “scandalous” about this behavior.

The decision to become fiscally responsible came after the project became the subject of national ridicule.

I suppose that’s similar to Obama’s sudden distaste for Rev. Wright’s comments, AFTER they became public and started a firestorm. He could not disown Wright, whom he likened to a family member, until it became politically expedient.

Slow down and read, Fit. I’ll repeat…

Local leaders shouldn’t have been surprised when Palin announced she was turning to less-costly alternatives, Leighow said. Indeed, Leighow produced a report quoting Palin, late in the governor’s race, indicating she would also consider alternatives to a bridge.

Palin was campaigning in late 2006. This was also prior to her having detailed budget info on the cost of the bridge. However even then, she stated she would consider alternatives to the bridge… an indication that a more responsible cure would be entertained. As Leighow proved with the report, the local leaders shouldn’t have been surprised.

McCain’s comments about the waste were after the MN bridge collapse, and in August of 2007.

According to the ADN in August 2007, right about the time McCain was beginning to speak out, the State was already considering alternatives.

“Bridge to nowhere” dicier, pricier. A Ketchikan Daily News story reports that the state is “leaning” toward better ferry service, not a bridge, to improve transportation between Ketchikan and Gravina Island, which holds the city’s airport.

The original bridge idea — the famed “bridge to nowhere,” which became a national symbol, rightly or wrongly, for pork-barrel spending — will unlikely get federal funding and state projects are competing for available cash, state Department of Transportation commissioner Leo von Scheben said during an appearance in Ketchikan this week.

Further, the expected cost of a bridge has jumped, von Scheben said. Originally estimated at $190 million in 2003, it’s now up around $320 million with increases in material and labor costs.

There were two things driving Palin’s “no thanks”. There wasn’t enough money from the feds with the increased cost and therefore not responsible, and obviously it was a waste of federal funds… both her her eyes, and the nation’s.

To suggest it was public ridicule that caused her to change her mind belies the facts that she was considering alternatives at the end of 2006, and when she knew it would put the State in debt, and before the time that McCain spoke out in 2007.

Forgot to add… way in advance of McCain speaking out, and certainly in no way related to the earmarks public opinion, the NYTs had a March 2007 report.

Regardless of the ridicule about the bridges as a pork-barrel binge, there are political facts that have kept hope alive for those who believe the projects are necessary for Alaska to grow economically.

To direct the federal financing to other projects, for example, would require action by Gov. Sarah Palin, a Republican, and the State Legislature. It would also mean undoing the work of the powerful Congressional delegation, led by Senator Ted Stevens and Representative Don Young, both Republicans, who secured the money for the bridges.

“No way in the world am I going to put myself in that position,” said Mayor Joe Williams of Ketchikan Gateway Borough. “These guys were put through the wringer.”


Mr. Williams said he believed the state overestimated the cost of the Gravina bridge because it would rather build other projects, including some closer to Juneau, the capital.

Mal Menzies, director for the southeast region of the state transportation department, noted that Ms. Palin had not included more money for Gravina in her proposed budget and that state planners were simply dealing in reality.

“I think the community is starting to see that the money for this project is not there,” Mr. Menzies said. “They could be open to smaller bridges, but the problem is we don’t even have the monies for the smaller bridges yet.”

Alternatives and fiscal responsibility were, even per the Ketchikan mayor in Mar 2007, a “reality”. There is no surprise here. Just a Governor acting with fiscal responsibility out of necessity, not political expediency.

UPDATE: BTW, Fit, I guess you’re unaware that the “nowhere” scandal was prior to Palin’s election. It was as of Nov 2005 (prior to her taking office) when the feds dropped the requirement that it be used for the bridge.

Guess that’s a hard one for you to absorb, eh Fit? I mean, this isn’t “politics as usual”… for either side.

Not her baby? Is it failed Presidential candidate, Sen. John Edwards'(D)?

This and other stupid stories are an excellent indicator of how much this lady from Alaska scares the libtards..

So many stories so much BS!!!!!
But at least they’re consistant..

Momma Palin’s baby or Daughter Palin’s baby. Either way the whole thing doesn’t portend good judgment.

Say it is without a doubt Sarah’s baby, which until proven otherwise it is. Then riddle me this:

Why would a 44yr old woman with 4 healthy children, let alone a sitting Governor responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars and nearly a million people, choose to become pregnant for a 5th time.?

If she did choose to be pregnant, it shows extremely poor judgment and a lack responsibility.

If she didn’t choose to have another baby, it shows extreme stupidity.

Either way, that is not someone I would trust to even be the mayor of a town of 10,000 people.

Ms. Wheeler, you have a lot of chutzpah judging another woman’s choice to have a baby as “poor judgment and a lack of responsibility” or “extreme stupidity”.

I do believe Hitler had people like you in mind when he wanted to control procreation.

Wow…No where on this site did anyone do anything other than argue over circumstances and whether facts are true or not.

So your veiled name calling of me seems a bit out of line. But this is a public forum so lash out and name call at will.

Governor Sarah Palin on the other hand, is now in the public domain for consideration for Vice President of the United States.

As far as the Governor’s lack of judgment or intellect…Children born to women over 40 have a 3 times greater risk of being born with Down Syndrome.

If she didn’t know this, that shows a lack of education or common sense.

If she did know the medical risk, it shows a lack of concern for her State and it’s people or at a minimum, poor prioritization.

I’m not comfortable mostly with her lack of Federal Government, especially Foreign Policy experience.

I have a BA in Economics with a minor in Political Science from the University of Washington. I’ve worked in International Business consulting for over 20 years. I’m sure I am far better qualified to serve in any Federal capacity than Sarah Palin.

As far as are questioning her character, I didn’t go there. I know very little about her.

As far as her judgment in having her 5th child at 44 while a sitting Governor, I am concerned.

As far as my Political views, I’m a Constitutional Libertarian. As centered as they come. I’m the demographic both sides need to convince to win this election.

So, convince me why McCain choosing Sarah Palin as VP makes him a better choice for President of the United States.

Digging yourself in a little deeper with mis’speaking, Ms. Wheeler.

Wow…No where on this site did anyone do anything other than argue over circumstances and whether facts are true or not.

No where that I’ve seen on this blog has someone based Palin’s political judgment and qualifications on her choice to have a child over the age of 40. Many women do, including my sister. In fact, babies later in life have been the norm over the past decade.

That you used your entire #16 post to question Palin’s ability as Veep by her choice to be a mother at her age has zip-nada-nothing to do with a debate “whether facts are true or not”. You merely presented yourself as a very shallow, and oddly constructed thinker on what makes someone qualified, and demonstrated an inordinate amount of chutzpah.

Thus my not-so-thinly-veiled insult that when Hitler only wanted only superior thinkers to procreate for his super race, you would have never been invited to an interview.

As far as are questioning her character, I didn’t go there. I know very little about her.

Really? You have a BA, yet you don’t consider descriptions of “extremely poor judgment and a lack responsibility”, and “extreme stupidity” a character judgment? My my, the educational level of college grads has hit a new low. I take it English and composition is no longer a required subject somewhere before graduating?

I have a BA in Economics with a minor in Political Science from the University of Washington. I’ve worked in International Business consulting for over 20 years. I’m sure I am far better qualified to serve in any Federal capacity than Sarah Palin.

A great part of the executive office positions depends not on how much that individual knows personally, but assessing data provided by expert advisors. Then they diplomatically present administration decisions to foreign dignataries, the press, and the Americans at large.

I’d say your lack of diplomacy, poor choice of words and arguments as to Ms. Palin’s Veep fitness, belie your statement you are “far better qualified”. Whatever you may have learned of value in college does not, somehow, make it to your mouth, or fingers on the keyboard.

So, convince me why McCain choosing Sarah Palin as VP makes him a better choice for President of the United States.

Wouldn’t waste my time. But thank you for the offer.

Wow again with the hostile personal attacks.

Obviously Mata, you have anger and hostility issues most likely related to some sort of trauma you experienced as a child or young adult. I’m truly sorry you suffer from that and sincerely hope you find appropriate and useful professional help.

As far as the issue of publicly vetting our potential Vice President…

I would not want to hire someone who is responsible for a 4 month old infant with Down Syndrome to sort the mail or make copies. Discrimination or not, I am responsible to my clients.

A sitting State Governor or even worse, Vice President of the United States making personal and family choices that put at risk an entire State let alone the Nation are beyond the understanding of most reasonable people.

Any available information is of use to all of us in making a decision about who we should elect as President and Vice President of the United States.

I’m on the fence about some of her “policy” decisions so I don’t have much else to go on.

I’m happy for your sister having a baby in her 40’s. Good for her and good luck to them.

Your personal attacks on me are solely a reflection on you and how you conduct your life and business. I addressed that in the first paragraph of this post.

Your questioning my intellect and education would be better served if you could / would edit your response before you send it. To Wit:

A great part of the executive office positions depends not on how much that individual knows personally, but assessing data provided by expert advisors. Then they diplomatically present administration decisions to foreign dignataries, the press, and the Americans at large.

Not only is that poor grammar and syntax, it has little meaning shows a serious lack of understanding of business and or government. My children had better command of the
English language and understanding of administrative concepts when they were in Junior High School.

As far as you helping convince me who I should vote for, you did and I appreciated that.

My apologies Mata, I didn’t realize you are Gov. Palin’s sister. Well then, that explains it all.

The following was cut and pasted from the Anchorage Daily News. Link is at the bottom.

Palin’s responses on radio talk show very unbecoming
Published: January 27th, 2008 01:12 AM
Last Modified: January 27th, 2008 01:38 AM
The governor’s appearance on KWHL’s “The Bob and Mark Show” last week is plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I’ve ever seen from a politician.
Anchorage DJ Bob Lester unleashed a vicious, mean-spirited, poisonous attack on Senate President Lyda Green last week while our governor was live on the air with him.
When we played the tape on my show the day after it happened, we received 130 calls. Even some Palinbots were disgusted.
The Daily News posted the recording on its Web site and it fired up bloggers.
The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner editorial writers demanded the governor apologize. The Juneau and Ketchikan papers also ran the editorial.
The Daily News opinion page addressed the governor’s gaffe. They wrote “She came off looking immature herself, almost high-schoolish. It was conduct unbecoming a governor.”
It was conduct unbecoming a human being, never mind a governor

OH NO!!! Liberal newspaper editorialists don’t like her!!!!

Us conservatives should run away from her in droves!!!

I don’t know that anywhere in that article it was said she wasn’t liked.

It said she was Immature and Unbecoming.

Perhaps that’s a good reason why “conservatives” should embrace her and “liberals” would shun her.

I’m not even sure what a Conservative is any more.

Don’t even get me started on what a Liberal might be.

Any one who calls themselves a Conservative or Liberal is no friend of mine.

Both ends of the United States political spectrum have equal responsibility for ripping the country apart.

God Bless Honest Abe:

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

“Momma Palin’s baby or Daughter Palin’s baby. Either way the whole thing doesn’t portend good judgment.

Say it is without a doubt Sarah’s baby, which until proven otherwise it is. Then riddle me this:

Why would a 44yr old woman with 4 healthy children, let alone a sitting Governor responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars and nearly a million people, choose to become pregnant for a 5th time.?

If she did choose to be pregnant, it shows extremely poor judgment and a lack responsibility.

If she didn’t choose to have another baby, it shows extreme stupidity.

Either way, that is not someone I would trust to even be the mayor of a town of 10,000 people.”

my, my aren’t you judge and jury on her personal life…

your degree in poly sci is as worthless as your degree in economics…
you have two degrees in two things you can never hope to have any control of…
you need to get with doug who teaches how to watch paint dry…
having a degree doesn’t make you smart… it just means you can stomach the classes and pay the institution what it wants…

Do you have any children?

Oh, yee of little faith in women. I think the problem here is that you can’t see yourself handling Sarah Palin’s family life, she obviously can.

Do we now force future candidates to sign an oath that they won’t have children while serving “the American people?” Especially because there may be a chance that a child may be defective. By serving their nation, they forfeit their right to choose whether they might want to bring another child into their family. Ridiculous!

Most mothers are working mothers BTW.

Here’s the story, looks like she’s handling life with her newborn just fine.

Check this out. The pic in question was taken in 2006. that means the infant is around 2 years old or her daughter carried the baby for a year and a half. LOL!!!

thats the original place they found the photo.

sorry a multiple post. WP ajax comment system is screwy in firefox.

trig palin was born April 18th, 2008.

photo in question was taken 2006.

OMG the infant is over 1 year old or her daughter carried the baby for a year and a half!!

dumbass libs give it up!

“Meanwhile, Weinstein noted, the state is continuing to build a road on Gravina Island to an empty beach where the bridge would have gone — because federal money for the access road, unlike the bridge money, would have otherwise been returned to the federal government.”


Keddren, your “huh” about this would be answered if you read my Bridge to Nowhere post.

The money for the road being built was apparently shoved thru by Markowski in a road bid made just before he left the Gov office. See the 1st blockquote section right under the 4th paragraph in the post.

You aren’t too bright, are you?

Nope. The moonbats salivating over this smear of both Bristol Palin and her mother are as sharp as a bowling ball.

Maybe if we throw a stick they’ll go fetch it.

What do you bet Tracy Wheeler is a feminist who would be outraged if anyone suggested a woman was unqualified for a job because she had too many children?

It’s so funny to watch these libs (come on Tracy, you’re not fooling anyone by denying it) toss away the pretense of principle that they usually strut around with to pretend they are morally superior to the rest of us.

We all know that the first and only value they hold is power.

And as the old saying goes…. power corrupts……


That’s all we need to do, demonize each other, then its so much easier to not have to listen to reason, or especially, each other.

Pitiful. My nation is a bunch of 7th graders. I still don’t know who I’m voting for.

In reality, I don’t think it matters anyway.

Perhaps Missy is the only who appealed to my good sense and judgment.

As far as women with children running a country…how ’bout Golda Meir giving birth to Israel while facing assassination and raising 2.?

Run Missy Run…!!!

Most of you here seem well informed…others, not so much.

God Bless America…!!!


You were the one who opened up the line of criticism of women on this thread just in case you have forgotten.

From comment #16:

Momma Palin’s baby or Daughter Palin’s baby. Either way the whole thing doesn’t portend good judgment.

Say it is without a doubt Sarah’s baby, which until proven otherwise it is. Then riddle me this:

Why would a 44yr old woman with 4 healthy children, let alone a sitting Governor responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars and nearly a million people, choose to become pregnant for a 5th time.?

If she did choose to be pregnant, it shows extremely poor judgment and a lack responsibility.

If she didn’t choose to have another baby, it shows extreme stupidity.

Either way, that is not someone I would trust to even be the mayor of a town of 10,000 people.

Then you give us this:

As far as women with children running a country…how ’bout Golda Meir giving birth to Israel while facing assassination and raising 2.?

After reading your words it sounds as if you are attempting to have it both ways.

Of course Mrs. Meir wasn’t really “raising 2” while “giving birth to Israel” now was she?

“It’s a trap!”

This vile rumor targeting a minor is about the most underhanded thing I’ve ever witnessed.

The ArcXIX character from the Daily Kos is quickly trying to hide his tracks.

ArcXIX/Agent Arc seems to created his web presence in 2005.

He seems to be lowlife twenty-five-sh male from Columbus OH infatuated with movies and Batman and creating and posting web images.

In the past few days, he has changed profiles to gosamgo and deleted blogs and has tried to cover his tracks. Google cache is still visible: this cache seems fairly incriminating:
“Charles Hartley’s Page on
“AgentArc”. Rank: Genome Soldier Total Points: 14231 AIM Name: ArcXIX. Charles’s Status … Charles Hartley’s My1UP Page: …”
The non-cache page at is empty.
A posting by an “Anonymous Coward” directly links agentarc (now deleted) photobucket picture of the younger Palin.

I usually try not to discover people that try to be anonymous: but some scum attacking a seemingly decent 16 year old- That is where I draw the limit in protecting some lowlife’s cover.

Hey anonymousguy, she’s seventeen and she is pregnant…

hey, listen to Sarah Palin in her own words in this NewsWeek Video that was done back in March 2008! Its very telling!

I find it amazing that the left is appalled when Republicans respond to Michelle’s political statements and BHO states that she is not fair game, but the leftist turn around and attack the daughter of Palin, who has not said anything political. BHO’s motto should be do as I say and not as I do.

Hey Aye Chi…

Why can’t I look at an issue from all sides.?

If more of us had the courage to try to “have it both ways” than maybe we could have an actual political discord in this country. You know, reasonably discuss issues that really matter to all of us.

So yes, I’m absolutely trying to have in both ways. I’m a Centrist. Neither right nor left.

Of course Golda Meir didn’t physically give birth to Israel. It’s called a metaphor. Whatever you want to call it, she raised 2 kids while doing it.

And I’m sure most of you would agree, Sarah Pallin is no Golda Meir.

As far as issues, I’m done with this one. Thanks to Flopping Aces for attacking the Palin baby rumor. That’s why I came here in the first place to seek a rebuttal.

I found what I was looking for from some well thought and researched responses. Thank you individuals for that.

For some of the other less reasonable responses, well we can’t stop free speech. After all, since when was truth required for a political argument?

Back to your corners Partisans.

You never answered my question Tracy…

do you have a child of your own???


You don’t even recognize what you were doing there.

You built up this false argument that Palin exercised poor judgment or was stupid in her decisions to have another child while serving as Governor of Alaska.

Then, when called on your idiocy, you trot out your meme about Golda Meir being able to successfully do exactly what you are critical of Palin for doing.

The only problem is that Meir didn’t do what you claim that she did. Her children were grown long before she gave “birth to Israel”.

As to trying to “have it both ways,” quite frankly I find that sort of milquetoast, jelly-spined, fence sitting type of position repugnant.

I don’t see any issue as Left or Right. I see issues as right or wrong and I have the moral courage to call the situation as I see it. I don’t need to fall back to some “Centrist” wishy-washy, some of this, some of that comfort zone in order to justify my positions.

By the way, we have plenty of “political discord” in this country already.

bigpapa, 3 all grown out of the house. No grankids yet.

Ay Chi…In the first place I didn’t criticize “Women”. I questioned the judgment of one specific “Woman” which is completely reasonable considering she is running for the second highest political office in the land.

The fact that non-thinking, brainwashed partisans like yourself resort to personal attacks rather than discuss issues is the fundamental reason our country is in political paralysis.

As far as your history concerning Golda Meir I’ll quote Wikipdeia,

“There they had two children, a son Menachem (born 1924) and a daughter Sarah (born 1926). In 1928, Golda was elected secretary of Moetzet HaPoalot (Working Women’s Council), which required her to spend two years (1932-34) as an emissary in the United States.[7] The children went with her, but Morris stayed in Jerusalem.”

To help you out Ay Chi…that say’s Golda’s children were age 4 and 2 when she was elected secretary of Moetzet HaPoalot (Working Women’s Council). They were 8 and 6 when she took them to USA without her husband in 1932. Israel did not become a Nation overnight.

Why I had to explain that for you is at the heart of the lack of productive political discord in this country. I don’t have time to even begin to educate you or break down your Junior High School grammar or respond to your personal insults.

People like you would rather make personal attacks and argue about non-issues than reasonably discuss issues like Taxes, the Federal budget deficit, exploding prison populations, the Wars on Drugs and Terror, Off-Shoring of jobs, the meltdown of the housing market, etc…

You and people like you on the left and the right are being blindly led to the slaughter.

Free your mind if you still have one…!!!

I have one.. out of the house,,, no grand kids yet…. WTF… they are not statistics…

At first I assumed you were the typical judgemental no kids but I know what’s best for everyone else idiot…
I stand corrected…

Now I see you’re just a holier than thou “I take no sides” idiot…

The only reason I would consider your personal life is to try and understand your POV….

Obviously you are seriously in love with yourself…you “think” you are smart so you are….
You’re just another idiot with a degree…

I wipe my ass with the same paper you love….. free your mind on my ass…

BP, You are in fact the vulgar ass.

Once again a half-wit christian resmuglican resorts to name calling and insults because they lack the capacity to reason and discuss issues.

Oh yea, and the Palin baby issue, well there was something to all that:

But that’s really OK cause the family is supportive and has the financial resources to take care of the girl and her baby.

Suppose she were a 17yr old South LA girl with no father and a mother on welfare.

I guess yours and the GOP solution is for her to have the baby, don’t complete her education and go on welfare for the rest of her life.

Brainwashed idiots…er fools. Yup that’s you, an ignorant fool.

I only wish you had the mental capacity to realize it.

The fact that non-thinking, brainwashed partisans like yourself resort to personal attacks rather than discuss issues


Where did I engage in a personal attack?

Show me.

As far as your history concerning Golda Meir I’ll quote Wikipdeia

Ah, yes. Good old Wiki.

It’ll make a liar out of you just like so many others who have come before you.

You should double or even triple check your info before you present it as accurate because there are those of us who already know the answers.

Furthermore, Meir’s job with the Women’s Labor Council (essentially a labor union), and her subsequent involvement with Histradrut prior to 1940, hardly constitutes “birthing” Israel.

Why I had to explain that for you is at the heart of the lack of productive political discord in this country.

You’re not really smart enough to know what political discord is are you?

You said in post #40 that we don’t have it. You repeat yourself again in #43 even after I corrected you in #42.

I don’t have time to even begin to educate you or break down your Junior High School grammar

Junior High School grammar?


Show me O Wise One.

Show me the error of my ways.

or respond to your personal insults

Again I say, show me.

I guarantee you I can find more insults from you than vice versa, but feel free to try.


That’s all we need to do, demonize each other, then its so much easier to not have to listen to reason, or especially, each other.

your veiled name calling of me seems a bit out of line

BP, You are in fact the vulgar ass.

Once again a half-wit christian resmuglican resorts to name calling and insults because they lack the capacity to reason and discuss issues.

Brainwashed idiots…er fools. Yup that’s you, an ignorant fool.

My nation is a bunch of 7th graders.


Ms. Pot, Mr. Kettle is on line one for you.

Ms. Pot, Mr. Kettle is on line one.

You really are focus and issue challenged, TW. The thread subject was the BS raging about Trig’s conception. Not whether or not her daughter is pregnant. Thank you for bringing a casserole to the pie bake off.

The birth details of Trig, nor her daughter’s coming bundle of joy, have nothing to do with whether Palin is an adept political executive administrator…

…except to women who think as you do, of course. Let’s revisit some of the abhorrent gems uttered by you via keyboard

Why would a 44yr old woman with 4 healthy children, let alone a sitting Governor responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars and nearly a million people, choose to become pregnant for a 5th time.?

If she did choose to be pregnant, it shows extremely poor judgment and a lack responsibility.

If she didn’t choose to have another baby, it shows extreme stupidity.


As far as are questioning her character, I didn’t go there. I know very little about her.


As far as her judgment in having her 5th child at 44 while a sitting Governor, I am concerned.


I would not want to hire someone who is responsible for a 4 month old infant with Down Syndrome to sort the mail or make copies. Discrimination or not, I am responsible to my clients.

Needless to say, you set an odd standard to judge a person’s qualifications… all of which seem to center around whether you, personally, think it’s wise for them to become a parent at a certain age. All I can say is, were the US filled with women like you, women’s rights could be set back a century. Not to mention, it’s about as anti-libertarian a ‘tude as any I’ve encountered.

As far as your claim you are open and seeking debate on issues, and are “as centrist as they come”…

Any one who calls themselves a Conservative or Liberal is no friend of mine.

Most centrists find something in common with both, so you must live one lonely life. Most of us here are indicative of the nation – a combination of both.

As a former libertarian myself, I tired of the endless and pointless dissertations carried on with regularity… as if in love with the sound of their own philosophies. Frankly, I bolted because they convinced me they were, ultimately, powerless to take a position on anything. Nor could they reconcile some of their platform with others. So I recognized “who” you were with your typical “convince me” challenge. Been there, done that, happy it’s in my rear view mirror.

I’ve been pretty content to ignore you. In you I see the self perception of superiority, while exhibiting the same noncommittal but judgmental libertarian traits that bored me before. But this one really got me laughing, and I just couldn’t resist.

People like you would rather make personal attacks and argue about non-issues than reasonably discuss issues like Taxes, the Federal budget deficit, exploding prison populations, the Wars on Drugs and Terror, Off-Shoring of jobs, the meltdown of the housing market, etc…

Allow me to point out that had you wandered into the forum with comments on issues like taxes, budget, etal, you may have met with a completely different response.

Instead you came in here with a full frontal assault on a woman’s credentials based on her parental decisions. Then you confuse her daughter’s current pregnancy with the thread subject of Trig’s conception. You’re all over the map with anything *but* the issues.

Your ability to discuss the issues… nay, even choose them… not to mention your choice of source materials, demonstrates all the hallmarks of an anal simpleton. So I’d be careful about accusing others of being “blindly led”. Therefore, it’ll be a cold day in hell before anyone can convince me there’s nothing to BigPapa’s “holier than thou” and “another idiot with a degree” observations. Just my opine, and I’m welcome to it.

Mata did you double proof read your post for grammatical and syntax errors before you sent it?

LOL! That, Aye Chi, would have devoted more time to the subject than it was worth…