The left can really wrap themselves up in schizophrenic conspiracy can’t they? The latest is that Sarah Palin secretly adopted her daughter’s baby and called it her own to keep the daughters pregnancy secret. Google it and find over 26,000 hits.
But do they really think there won’t be people out there who saw her pregnant? Photo’s? First one up is this blog post written in April:
While delayed in the New Orleans Airport, I reflect back to my airport surprise when leaving Fairbanks after the PolarTREC Orientation in March. I look around and wonder if I will see the Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal milling about and waiting to catch a flight. Doubtful since most Governors travel via private aircraft at least around their own state. Governor Jindal cruises Louisiana in a three million dollar state police helicopter. This is not the case for Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin.
There were several of us PolarTRECers waiting in the Fairbanks, AK airport to catch our planes home. We were chatting about all we had learned when Kristen Timm, ARCUS administrator said “ Look, there is the Hottest Governor in the United States” as she has been publicly deemed by media and fans.
Of course I had to check out the “Hottest Governor in the US” and quickly turned to see her pregnant (she has since had her baby) with bags and daughter in tote. Then it struck me as odd. Why is the Governor of Alaska in the airport and preparing to get onto my commercial flight?
I questioned PolarTRECer Craig Kasemodel an Alaskan resident. He let me know that Governor Palin sold the corporate jet after securing her official Governor position.
Governor Pallin said she would sell the jet because it was impractical and that the Alaska state inventory would be relieved of this dept. The jet was sold on EBay to Larry Reynolds for 2.1 million dollars.
Oh, there will be more to come I’m sure. But have no fear, the schizophrenic left will conjure up something else to push their fear mongering to new levels.

See author page
I’m eagerly awaiting Tracy’s next appearance.
I’m sure that she will be able to easily explain to all of us ignorant peasants how a girl who is currently 5 months pregnant gave birth to a baby 4 months ago.
I’m eager I tell ya’.
Identity of Daily Kos ArcXIX?
Here is “another” Charles Hartley at that computes to the same age as the other one.
Is it possible that two Charles Hartley-s signed up the same year at 1UP? Sure, but how likely is it.
This one worked at Mr. Sub in 2004.
Here is the voice of the “Charles Hartley” who changed his identity on 1UP this week to no longer indicate that his AIM name is ArcXIX (he voices many video game reviews at
[audio src="" /]
All you smugs…matta, pappa, aya…are so unbelievably stupid.
I clearly stated I came to this forum to explore the rumors about G’ma Palin. I said yesterday that I was pleased to get the true story from some decent posters with good information.
In the process I was ambushed by you neocon brainwashed fools looking for a fight to spew your hatred and rush bagbah diatribe.
You Fool Tools. You’re all officially owned by a gay rump ranger from the Castro…!!!
How do you feel now.?
I hope you do get McCain and Palin and then, lose your job & your house (if you haven’t already), and have your kids or grandkids knocked up and on welfare because abortion is illegal.
Then you’ll get your draft re-instated so your bastard offspring can go fight in the oil wars to keep your souls owner’s living in posh opulence.
If you really believe the GOP has made your life better over the last 8 years, then go ahead and keep your heads in the sand and ignore the reality that the US economy is in a shambles.
And please don’t shock your system back to reality by reading this Report Card on the US Economy:
Or better yet, go ahead and read it and then tell my why its all the Libtards fault.
Just to let you all know, the above “Tool Owner” is still Tracy Wheeler doing the bait’n’switch with poster names.
Let the games begin. Be sure to use small words and short sentences so she can keep up.
Wow Tracy..
how about that name calilng you hate???
“BP, You are in fact the vulgar ass. ”
No,,, I think I called you on the facts….
you can team up with tool owner in the welfare line….
I’m no neocon… you wish I were to placate your insidious feelings…
best of luck and kisses to you all…. you will benefit with the GOP in the White House..
Lots of ugly underneath when the covering comes off. I knew it was there.
One good thing though.
It sounds like Tracy Wheeler / Tool Owner has decided who to vote for.
Mata…you are so funny. This is pretty much your life isn’t it.? I’m not trying to hide or change names, I just thought it was funny. Doing my part to keep you entertained so enjoy…!!!
My original post:
I was asking about why a choice was made. Then expressing my opinion. Poor judgment or stupidity is my take on why a 44yr old sitting governor would choose to have a baby( or not choose).
It was you, & the tools crew that started the nasty personal insults and name calling. Very typical neocon…attack and then blame the victim.
Well, thank you all for playing. I hope I occupied much of you waking weekend with complete hyperbole and BS.
I’ll try to stop by next weekend to see if I can own more of your time…!!!
you’re just a liar….
how perfect… just like Nobama/Biden.
Thanks for the democrap affermation….
I hope to dissapoint you… you really didn’t occupy much of my time… ;p you moron…
This is a curious site. You say, ‘crazy liberals and their crazy conspiracies’, then offer not one bit of proof to back up your claim of having “debunked” this rumor. Here’s one for you, jackass:
Does this woman look 8 months pregnant to you? I’ve seen lots of women who were 8 months along and not one of them looked like she does in this picture. Also, who the hell goes into labor in Dallas and then decides to go to the airport, catch a plane to Seattle, catch another plane to Anchorage, drive to a small town hospital and THEN have her baby?
I’m sorry, but this is a freakin’ double standard. YES the media should have nailed John Edwards earlier, but Sarah Palin has some freakin’ ‘splainin to do. Calling anyone who agrees a crazy conspiracy theorist doesn’t change that fact.
I have never heard such nonsense! What is all this pregnancy talk? Palin’s age alone would suggest the possiblity of having a down syndrome child. You guys need a hobby or some valium or something. John Edwards took Hillarys votes. Now women don’t want to see any woman in that VP slot. It’s too bad women are so mean to other women. I have seen it plenty of times. I don’t think it is a surprise to anyone. Women will kick the teeth out of a woman climbing the ladder to sucess. Men are much kinder spirits.
Previously I said there was a second Charles Hartley who had signed up into worked at Mr Sub and left a picture. The age reported on this charles hartley does not line up with arcxix age of the other account. The only coincidence seems to be in name and use of a account. I now think its more clear that the two charles hartley’s at are NOT both the same person.
How do you know it was the left that said that about Bristol Palin? If we are the so-called elites, don’t you think we are smart enough to know that Bristol looks pregnant, so how could she have growing baby bump if the baby is already five months old? I think that would undermine our intelligence. Maybe this allegation came from the same group of intellects that said Obama was a Muslim, or better yet maybe it was the same rocket scientists that said Palin has foreign policy experience because she lives so close to Russia. Now, those are the people that I might think are responsible for this crazy baby conspiracy.
Furthermore, as I recall Obama and Biden (the elites on the elitist media) asked the U.S. to respect the Palin’s privacy and back off. Maybe Americans should question authority a little more and watch the news with a grain of salt, and stop feeding into these fictional outrageous stories. As a solution, I suggest watching an unbiased news source, maybe try the BBC. Then and only then will you really see how petty and ridiculous the United States really looks to the rest of the world.
The November election is simple, if your are happy with the current state of the United States, then go ahead and vote for the same administration that is responsible for it!