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Urbi et Obamii. The City and Obama.

heheheh. That’s a frigging sly op ed.

Hussein O’s economic plan will be a disaster but his ‘I will stand with Islam’ statement will kill more people. His proposed changes to homeland security will result in hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. and among them will be as many or more (cowardly) democrats as republicans, unless his proposed SS force operates just like Hitlers and rounds up the opposition for extermination. Say it can’t happen here and sit back and watch it happen.The man is a total loon and as dangerous as a cocked gun in the hands of a child.

An interesting contradiction of Obama’s…

He couldn’t visit the troops at Landstuhl because it was part of his campaign trip. His trip visiting Iraq and Afghanistan was made as a “sitting Senator”, but his trip to Europe was paid out of campaign funds. I wonder why he’s never heard of “reimbursement”?
And then…
He declared in his speech to the Germans that he came “not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen of the US…a citizen of the world”…

What citizen gets world trips paid for out of campaign funds? So…isn’t there a problem if he uses campaign funds – which he said he was using when he turned down the opportunity to go to Landstuhl – but he isn’t speaking as a candidate? What funds paid for the Rock concert bands, and the free brats and bier???

his trip cost us over 9 million in tax money for all his secret service people to go to europe so he could be a citizen of the world. what a waste of my money