This would make his dad proud. The New York Times does a piece on how much of a wuss Obama is and they think they are doing him a favor. Sometimes you have to get on your knees and be thankful that the Left says stuff for which the Right would be crucified, and then the Right gets to beat them over the head with it and thank them for the pull quotes.
From a New York Times Op-Ed, via the inimitable Moe Lane at RedState, 2008 is the election of the Girlie-Man v. John Wayne.
For months, our political punditry foresaw one, and only one, prospective gender contest looming in the general election: between the first serious female presidential candidate and the Republican male “warrior.” But those who were dreading a plebiscite on sexual politics shouldn’t celebrate just yet. Hillary Clinton may be out of the race, but a Barack Obama versus John McCain match-up still has the makings of an epic American gender showdown.
The reason is a gender ethic that has guided American politics since the age of Andrew Jackson. The sentiment was succinctly expressed in a massive marble statue that stood on the steps of the United States Capitol from 1853 to 1958. Named “The Rescue,” but more commonly known as “Daniel Boone Protects His Family,” the monument featured a gigantic white pioneer in a buckskin coat holding a nearly naked Indian in a death’s grip, while off to the side a frail white woman crouched over her infant.
The question asked by this American Sphinx to all who dared enter the halls of leadership was, “Are you man enough?” This year, Senator Obama has notably refused to give the traditional answer.
Obama apparently comes up lacking as the hero in this tale. Geez, what was their first clue? How about a foreign policy where we “talk” to enemies that would destroy us rather than taking them on. The Times is not exactly bolstering his macho credentials with stuff like this.
Senator Obama, for his part, will not be cast as the avenging hero in “The Rescue” any time soon — and not because of the color of his skin or his lack of military experience. He doesn’t seem to want the role. You don’t see him crouching in a duck blind or posing in camouflage duds or engaging in anything more gladiatorial than a game of pick-up basketball. If Mr. Obama’s candidacy seeks to move beyond race, it also moves beyond gender. A 20-minute campaign Web documentary showcased a President Obama who would exude “a real sensitivity” and “empathy” and provide a world safe for the American mother’s son. Mr. Obama is surrounded in the video by pacifist — not security — moms.
Pacifist? Is that what we’re looking for? But the Times is on a roll. And when they are rolling over their own guy, you’ve got to get out of the way. Here’s the money quote.
“In many ways, he really will be the first woman president,” Megan Beyer of Virginia, a charter member of Women for Obama, told reporters. An op-ed essay in The New York Post headlined “Bam: Our 1st Woman Prez?” came to a similar conclusion, if a tad more snidely: “Those shots of Barack and Michelle sitting with Oprah on stools had the feel of a smart, all-women talk panel.”
The First Woman President. Nice. I’m thinking The Times will be getting a call from Obama’s Anti-Smear Squad, for calling their guy a cupcake. Hmmm, if they don’t call, does that make it true?
And apparently those mean, homophobic Republicans are not the only ones who don’t like effeminate male presidents. The lefties in the MSM are joining in too.
News media blatherers and bloggers are taking up the theme. On MSNBC, Tucker Carlson called Mr. Obama “kind of a wuss”; Joe Scarborough, the morning TV talk show host, dubbed Mr. Obama’s bowling style “prissy” and declared, “Americans want their president, if it’s a man, to be a real man”; and Don Imus, the radio host, never one to be outdone in the sexual slur department, dubbed Mr. Obama a “sissy boy.”
According to the New York Times, maybe they are right.
Obama’s a fag!
Idiocracy was really more a documentary than a comedy / sci-fi movie.
All he has to do is challenge McCain to a pull up contest…
Gratuitous insult of a former POW.
How classy.
Are you going to make fun of his teeth next?
Oh, I thought we were being tasteless. I forgot about the double standard. My apologies.
I like this analogy of Obama being a Post Turtle:
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.
The old rancher said, ‘Well, ya know, Obama is a post turtle’. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a ‘post turtle’ was. The old rancher said, ”When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.”
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain. ”You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there.”
Hey! I thought Edwards was supposed to be the first woman president! I didn’t realize the Dems had _3_ of them vying for first place!
Actually, there’s no double standard at all.
You’re the only one who chose to insult a former POW based on disabilities he suffers from 5 1/2 years of torture.
You may be OK with that sort of behavior, but I am not.
In the same vein, perhaps you’d like to make fun of Bob Dole’s arm or Max Cleland’s damaged body sometime.
Nice one Fit Fit
Real classy
Well fit fit, at least McCain doesn’t have to sit to pee.
In the Obama household there’s never an argument over leaving the lid up, unlike every other household that has a MAN in it. I bet he even paints his toenails.
Do your boys hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie ’em in a knot?
Can you tie ’em in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
Like a continental soldier?
Do your boys hang low?
ah hell faester, that is funny. i about lost my peanuts. love the post turtle story also. makes you laugh, he is a post turtle. its funny when women are even likening him to a female, could be he is michelle’s %itch?
Yes someone sent me that joke a week pr so ago. It is pretty good. My dad does send me some good ones
If ideas and agendas were what counted in masculinity or femininity, then yes Oshammessiah is not only girlie, he’s a woss, and thats a fact Jack, or in his case Jane.
I love the Post Turtle story…so apropos!!
All I can say about Obama’s sexual orientation is…I can’t say because I don’t know what it is. Hmmm…shouldn’t that by now be something I definitely know regarding the Democratic front-runner for POTUS?
Whoopee!! We’re back in third grade. Have fun kids, I am going to sit at the grown up table, before I start hearing about “four eyes” and “fattie, fattie, two by four”
You’re so dignified Dave Noble.
I’m glad you’re here with us.
By the way, why don’t you go over to the Haditha thread and comment on the Marine whose charges were dismissed yesterday.
That makes what…seven of eight now?
Guess it may be still too early to think that they are all innocent though.
I didn’t need to go to your thread, Aye Chi, I heard it on the MSM.
I put my trust in the military justice system. I await the decision on SSgt Wuterich.
BTW, do you know what they called FDR in prep school? “Rosie Roosevelt the Lily of the Valley.”
His distant cousin, Alice Roosevelt, called him “Miss Nancy.”
Be well.
Your trip down memory lane regarding FDR, while touching, is misdirected don’t you think?
I haven’t said anything regarding Obie’s manliness, or lack thereof.
Perhaps you should send in a letter to the NYT.
It’s no surprise that Obama would raise taxes as President, because he’s repeatedly voted for higher taxes in the Senate:
Obama Voted At Least 94 Times For Higher Taxes In The U.S. Senate. (RNC Research)
*To date, Obama has voted for a tax increase approximately once EVERY FIVE DAYS Congress Has Been In Session. (RNC Research; The Library Of Congress Website,, Accessed 6/8/08) –emphasis mine–
Obama Voted At Least 12 Times For Higher Income Taxes. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Marriage Penalty Relief At Least Twice. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Extending The Expanded Child Tax Credit. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted At Least 3 Times Against Repealing The 1993 Income Tax Increase On Social Security Benefits. (RNC Research)
Obama Has Voted At Least 5 Times Against Providing Relief From The Alternative Minimum Tax. (RNC Research)
Obama Has Voted At Least 7 Times Against Tax Incentives Benefiting Small Business. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Capital Gains Tax Cuts At Least 9 Times. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Tax Cuts On Dividend Income At Least 9 Times. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted In Favor Of The Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget, Which Would Raise Tax Rates For Americans Earning As Little As $31,850:
Obama Voted Twice In Favor Of The Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85, Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea)
“Under both Democratic plans, tax rates would increase by 3 percentage points for each of the 25 percent, 28 percent and 33 percent brackets. At present, the 25 percent bracket begins at $31,850 for individuals and $63,700 for married couples. The 35 percent bracket on incomes over $349,700 would jump to 39.6 percent.” (Andrew Taylor, “Presidential Hopefuls To Vote On Budget,” The Associated Press, 3/13/08)
NOTE: Obama’s vote for the Democrats’ Budget is at odds with his rhetoric on the campaign trail, where he claims he’ll provide tax relief for working Americans. Obama: “I’ll give a tax cut to working people …” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Rally, Denver, CO, 1/30/08)
Muslims barred from picture at Obama event
Something different for everyone, unless you wear a headscarf.
At a previous Michelle Obama event, staffers/volunteers said “Get me more white people, we need more white people” as they orchestrated seating arrangements into an aesthetically pleasing formation.
Anyone starting to see a pattern develop here?
“Explain Away” application will begin in 3, 2, 1 …….
No excuses, but an apology.
More tasteless McCain bashing if you dare.
The thing I find most revealing about this incident Fit fit is that two “volunteers”, working independent of one another, in two totally separate and unique instances both made the same decision.
That makes me believe that they were following instructions.
I wonder what would have happened if two people on McCain’s “volunteer” staff had done the same thing.
As for the McCain bashing, I will limit my criticism of him to his policies. Accusations such as what is detailed in the video you linked have no merit because they simply cannot be proven.
I can’t bash him on his policies, they keep changing to fast for me to keep up…
Umm and Obama has kept the same policies from one day to the next. How many versions of what he is going to do in Iraq have you heard. I count at leat 5 there may be more, I could have missed a few.
And what exactly are some of his policies. I really never heard anything other than “hope and change” Please tell us waht he will do about Social Security, except tax the hell out of us??? What about gas prices, oh I forgot he likes the gas prices high, so probably nothing like Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Merry bunch of Democrats.
Obama is an empty suit tha twill say everything that is fed him by his handlers. if you ask him a question that he does not have a cue card for, he is a deer in the headlights and can not explain anything
[Obama is an empty suit tha twill say everything that is fed him by his handlers. if you ask him a question that he does not have a cue card for, he is a deer in the headlights and can not explain anything]
Aha!! Now I know the reason I keep referring to him as “Obambi”! Makes total sense now.