Ding Dong . . . A Day for Republicans to Celebrate [Reader Post]

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Let’s not forget to stop and smell the roses. We endured 8 years of Bill Clinton’s lying, philandering, lip-biting, and getting away with it. He sullied the Office of the Presidency (and the office of the president), and made us have to explain to our children what it means for the president to have oral sex; with a 21 year old employee; who is not his wife.

Hillary is also a lying power-monger who will (and may yet) do anything to get elected. From Travelgate to the missing Rose Law Firm billing records, she is cut from the same ragged cloth as her husband. Earlier in the primaries, before Reverend Wright made his sparkling debut, many of us would have preferred Obama over Hillary, just to drive a stake through the heart of the Clinton dynasty once and for all. The idea was to let him do what George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole could not, and we’ll deal with him after that.

But earlier in the primaries, lest we forget, she was the Inevitable Nominee. It was her experience. It was her electibility. She was the heir to the last two-term Democrat President since FDR. Everyone thought we would have to relive and re-litigate the 1990s.

But Barack slew the Dragon. In that, Republicans must rejoice. This is not to say she is gone forever. She could try a third party run. She could work behind the scenes to defeat Obama, prove to the Democrat Party they made a mistake, and run again in 2012. But she will not be the nominee and here’s to that.

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I would have celebrated if she had been knocked out early by Obama. But the celebration would have been short as Obama would then have avoided the necessary inspection which Hillary’s candidacy provided and we’d have an even more uphill climb to defeat him.

And Hillary will be make. Had she been defeated soundly that wouldn’t be the case.

nicely writen

I wouldn’t celebrate until you’re sure she’s not on the ticket… I know I wouldn’t want to have my heartbeat standing directly between her and the Presidency.

yeah, i hope she goes third party, it will be fun to watch her drag so many dems away from the flock.

I think that it maybe too early to count her out. She maybe “suspending” her campaign,but I would put nothing past the Clintons in their quest for the White House again. But is is nice to see the Wicked Witch of the West put down a notch or 2

The Republicans are cooked if she is on the ticket, but I think the mouthy teenage bride of the nominee would like to tear Hillary’s eyes out more than Bill’s. Ain’t gonna happen.

McCain could really stir things up by nominating Gov. Sarah Palin (http://patriotroom.com/?p=169), and grab him some of that girl vote.

That “suspension” is an interesting status. She can retain her delegates, not spend cash campaigning, still fund raise to “pay off debts” (she says), and look like she’s “doing the right thing” for the DNC.

Personally, I think it’s a back door exit that allows the supers to choose a still active HRC candidacy at convention time just in case BHO’s golden crown turns to thorns because of the ever surfacing dirt.

And, as I’ve mentioned before, McCain, Obama or Hillary will end up my POTUS. Not thrilled with any of the above, but prefer Hillary over Obama on the DNC side.

I have to second Mata on that one, I’d rather be facing off against Hillary in November than BHO. His politics and associations make me a lot more nervous than hers. If she makes a third party bid out of it, I’ll be dancing in the street.
Personally, I suspect she goes fof the sabotage play against BHO (with knowledge that McCain is in it only for one term), than takes her next POTUS shot in 2012, able to say “see, if you hadn’t chosen BHO back in 2008, we wouldn’t have had to ‘endure’ four more years of Republican administration.” The fact that she won’t be BHO’s VP nominee gives her all the venom she needs to justify undermining BHO’s candidacy. Mutual threats like BHO sure do make for strange bedfellows…
P.S.: I’ve been gone on vacation (which was truly enjoyable), but now it’s back to the fray!

She’ll work behind, around, and under the scenes to make sure Obamassiah is not elected.