Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst: A Plea From Tom Burnett Sr.


My son Tom confronted a terrible moment of truth. Faced with a plot against our nation, he and the other heroes of Flight 93 fought back, and at the cost of their lives, foiled that plot to destroy the White House or the Capitol. Now it is time for the rest of us to face our moment of truth. Flight 93 has been re-hijacked, and I am requesting that if you can, you go down to the public meeting of the Memorial Project at Somerset Courthouse Saturday, sign up to comment at the end, and demand that a proper investigation be conducted.

THIS was no accident:


The Memorial Project held an open design competition in time of war, inviting the entire world to enter. Guess who joined in? That group of trees that sits roughly in the position of the star on an Islamic flag is the crash site. Who do YOU think is being memorialized here?

A second Islamic feature that I also protested when I served on the Stage II jury is the minaret-like Tower of Voices, formed in the shape of a crescent, with its top cut at an angle so that its crescent arms reach up into the sky.


Upturned crescents are a standard mosque adornment in many Muslim countries.

Every iota of this original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the so-called “redesign.” That is why Congressman Tancredo asked the Park Service this autumn to scrap the existing design entirely. Instead of getting rid of the giant crescent as Tancredo demanded back in 2005, architect Paul Murdoch only disguised it with a few surrounding trees.

Also remaining are those damned 44 glass blocks on the flight path. (There were forty passengers and crew and four Islamic terrorists on Flight 93.) The Memorial Project acknowledges the 40 blocks inscribed with the names of my son and the other heroes, and they acknowledge the three inscribed with the 9/11 date, but they pretend not to know about this one: the huge glass block that dedicates the entire site.

44th block close up

When this 44th glass block is pointed out, Project Partners say that it can’t be counted with the other blocks because it is not the same size. What? Because the capstone to the terrorist memorializing block count is magnificent, that is supposed to make it okay?

For every Islamic or terrorist memorializing feature of the crescent design, the Park Service has another equally phony excuse. Please read the exposé below of the Park Service’s fraudulent investigation, and please come to the meeting on Saturday to demand state and Congressional investigations into the Flight 93 memorial.

Tom Burnett Sr.
February 2008

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Non-locals who want to help, please contact your senators and representatives!

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Here is another example. It’s coming close to too late. We are like the frogs in the cooking pot, who finally realize that it’s getting hot. Too little too late??

Why do you hate Muslims so much?


We do not hate, you have the monopoly on that and you execute it with a fanatical religious zeal. However, the entire 1400 year history of Islam is one of conquest, subjegation, and extermination of non-islamics. It waned when their empire crumbled after WWI, but has risen again around the world. How many times do they have to say “convert, be subjegated, or die” and then act on it will it take for you to open your eyes?

Or are leftists not permitted to see the truth and live in reality (but instead live in Hollywierd fantasty land as you seem to)? I suggest you learn Arabic. Start with the word “Dhimmi” and then learn a new favorite, “Taqqiya” which is what you practice here daily.

Re: “We do not hate, you have the monopoly on that and you execute it with a fanatical religious zeal.”

Can you show a single quote where I have said I hated anyone? If not then you are a liar.

On the other hand, there is not one “Conservative “single post on this site about any Democratic candidate for president that does not absolutely drip venom and hate.

Back to the topic at hand. The concept that the Pennsylvania memorial is some sort of “secret Islamic symbol” is abaolutely laughable. For one thing the crescent and star symbol is an Arab, not Muslim symbol. Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation in the world, does not have any such symbol on its flag.

On the other hand, the state flag of South Carolina DOES have a crescent and star on it. Do you perhaps believe that South Carolina is some sort of secret Muslim enclave in the United Sates?

Oh, you want a LIST now?????

You arrogance is only bested by your projectionism and hatred. But then we conservatives want to torture children according to you so anything said about us which we consider hate, you, in your elite status as a progressive, are above. Sorry, reality bites you again. You want hate, look left.

But then you are used to calling everyone who sees through your leftist propaganda a liar, it is your only defense.

And MAYBE you should study Islam a little more. I gave you links before to the USMA website and many others. These sites disprove your views.

Why do WE hate muslims is a dumbass liberal question. A better one would be WHY DO THEY HATE. The answer is: because their “cult” demands it.

Re: “Why do WE hate muslims is a dumbass liberal question. A better one would be WHY DO THEY HATE. The answer is: because their “cult” demands it.”

ALL of them?

Yes Steve-all Islamic Holy Warriors belong to a death cult that favors a martyr’s death over life. That is a death cult. Not all Muslims are Islamic Holy Warriors (jihadis), but all jihadis belong to the same form of death cult as Branch Davidians, or Jim Jone’s People’s Temple.

re:”On the other hand, there is not one “Conservative “single post on this site about any Democratic candidate for president that does not absolutely drip venom and hate.”
Really, I thought for sure I wrote an entire piece that called for unity and centered on Barack Obama, and then some leftnutjob troll started stereotyping anyone who disagreed with him a “conservative” and used the term as though it were an insult. Need a link?

Re: “I thought for sure I wrote an entire piece that called for unity and centered on Barack Obama”

I read the thread “Obama – The Great Unifier?”It was a hate-filled piece. But then, by Conservative standards is was “positive” to the extent that it did not accuse him of being an active agent of Satan. So I guess you would consider it “Positive”.

Re: “Oh, you want a LIST now????? ”
And it has to have me saying that I hate someone, anyone. (Hint: Check out anything I have said about Chris Mathews. That is about as close as I get).

The only muslims I ever hear about or see in any form of media are the head chopping, stoning of women, killing of daughters/wives, rampaging in the street, destroying of lives kind. So I guess I do hate all of “them”. I also hate illegal aliens. Go ahead and call me intolerant/racist/bigot, WTF ever. If hating those who actively work to undermine and destroy my country makes me “racist”, so be it, I’m a racist. And on another note, the bombers in Baghdad today, which killed over 60 people, were two down syndrome (retarded) women who the “muslim terrorists” tied explosives too and then detonated from a remote. Isn’t “islam” grand.

“I read the thread “Obama – The Great Unifier?”It was a hate-filled piece. But then, by Conservative standards is was “positive” to the extent that it did not accuse him of being an active agent of Satan. So I guess you would consider it “Positive”.”

Too bad that’s not the post he was talking about you ignorant toad. You really are so stupid you can’t even be called a half-wit.

Theresa, shame on you.

You need some sensitivity training so that you can show more understanding and sympathy to their cause and their techniques.


Please forgive me. I was unintentionally channelling Steve there for a minute.

I’ve regained control of myself now.


All you have is hate and you are too blind to see it. First it was Christians daring to vote, then the “evils” of conservatism, and mixed in everywhere is your pathetic projectionism. You do serve a good purpose: An example of why politically, the left must be opposed, and a study in paranoid, delusion hate.

Re: “The only muslims I ever hear about or see in any form of media are the head chopping, stoning of women, killing of daughters/wives, rampaging in the street, destroying of lives kind. So I guess I do hate all of “them”. ”

Go somewhere other than Rush Limbaugh, FoxNews, NewsMax or Ann coulter for everything you know and you might see something other than the Republican Party line then.

Re: “Hate”

Every post directed at me, without exception, includes a person insult, directed at me personally. My posts merely refer to the standard Republican party line, and how Conservatives are required to toe it.

I would say that those here posting against me should go back and examine their own posts and ask themselves who is really seething with personal hatred. If a Conservative here is capable of expressing a single thought, with an accompaning line of personal invective, then that person may feel justified in excoriating me.

You are projecting again, please seek mental help and anger management.

Considering Theresa is former USAF, I am sure she has probably had more than one rotation in Islamic nations (can you match that?). Therefore, like me, she has had first hand experience with these cultures. Steve, I suggest you start doing some research. If you wish, I can direct you to dozens of sources, like Jihad Watch, who scan world wide news sources showing the menace of jihadists and militant Islam.

It is not our fault your democratic party wants to be dhimmis. And your insane taqqiya is useless. You keep siting, with you usual bile and blind dismissal, all these conservative site, yet push leftist trash on us.

Only ONE, count them, ONE time have I used FNC for a source (Gaza Wall breach article) where I compared them along side CNN and foreign news sources to create a mosaic picture of the event. But THAT does not matter to you. And use of sources on this website is not within your power to control. I, and the others who post here on Curt’s site, will use whatever sources we wish. This is not the “Philadelphia Steve Death to Conservatism and up with socialist tripe” blog. If you wish to practice censorship in denying the use of websites to suite the reality your leftist master have set for you, please register for your own blog.

“Every post directed at me, without exception, includes a person insult, directed at me personally.”

Awww… Poor widdle Stevie got his feewings hurt!

Here’s some advice for you Steve:

Man up. Grow a pair. Get some backbone.

Be an adult. Or at least attempt to be.

Come on up out of Mommy’s basement and take a look around the real world.

This is a site of grown ups and if you want to be taken seriously you need to at least attempt to behave like one.

No one here has the time nor the patience for your childish whining.

If you wanna play the game, then get in the game. Answer the hard questions that are posed to you instead of pretending that you never saw them.

If you don’t feel qualified to play with the grownups then I you could always go to Nickelodeon.com. I hear that they have some great things there for you.

I have no problem with adult behavior. Recall that I am not the one who feels compelled to accompany my every post with a string of childish name calling.

Not always Steve and projectionism, “all conservatives (Insert Stevism)”, and “you want to torture children” is beyond childish name calling. We could get into your attacks on Christians in you first posts and much more if you wished. The asinine torture comment was insulting to the extreme as I am an Army Officer and NO ONE in ANY unit I have been in from Platoon to Corps has ever done ANYTHING like you accuse them of wanting to do.

I tried exchanging “leftist” for “conservative and throwing them back at you to display how irrational those statements sounded, but it went right past you. I am sorry you cannot look in a mirror and see yourself rant on. I am sorry your hate and ignorance of conservatives (something about your family relations.. we know, you stated it before) blinds you and lets you swallow the filth from the left.

Re: “The asinine torture comment was insulting to the extreme as I am an Army Officer and NO ONE in ANY unit I have been in from Platoon to Corps has ever done ANYTHING like you accuse them of wanting to do.”

I believe you.

However your friends on this board are screaming “tear out their finger nails!” and “peel their skin off!”, using scenarios not based on reality, but instead on fictional shows such as “24” do not appear to be as reticent. And it is my opinion that many of them are setting up an environment where fictional scenarios (just like in the movies) are taken as reality and conditions are created where such forms of torture can receive the “wink and nod” that would allow this to happen. (VP Dan Quayle thought “Red Dawn” was real).

Besides, as a military officer you are subject to the military code of conduct. A lot of the torture is performed by non-military government agents (such as CIA), and even government contractors, who are (or were) apparently subject to virtually no laws at all.

Do you actually believe that people living in the Middle East, or other areas make that fine bureaucratic distinction that we are making here? They see America doing these things and that is all.

Relatedly, I have stated in other forums that the people who humiliated those prisoners in Abu Graibe did more to advance the cause of Osama bin Laden than any “leftist traitor” you choose to excoriate here ever did. The fact that they were punished did nothing to ameliorate the international damage, particularly with the Alberto Gonzalez memos justifying torture. And that harm will take a generation to repair.

All we need is some hired gun of the US State Department, having watched the latest episode of “24” and personally convinced that this particular ten year old girl “knows” where the bomb is and start torturing her to “get” the information, and videos of it to get out.

Al Qaeda would actually have to start turning recruits away for lack of space.

And it is Conservative equivocation about the use of torture, using works of fiction as their justification, who are making that scenario possible. And, while you are very ready to go after me when I say simply, “torture is wrong, no matter what” as some sort of weak simpleton, you are not willing to hold your friends to anything approaching a similar standard.

However your friends on this board are screaming “tear out their finger nails!” and “peel their skin off!”, using scenarios not based on reality, but instead on fictional shows such as “24″ do not appear to be as reticent.

I just read through the entire thread and did not see anyone screaming to tear out the fingernails of terrorists.

And it is Conservative equivocation about the use of torture, using works of fiction as their justification, who are making that scenario possible.

Sorry, The Liberty Tower is not an act of fiction. You may wish it away but the fact remains due to our use of waterboarding that tower is still standing.

The “mechanism” claimed, so far as I could determine from my searches, for foiling the plot was evesdropping, not torture. And George W. Bush could not even get the name of the building right when he was talking about it.


Thats some argument, someone gets the name wrong of the tower and you throw it out.



Even more then the library tower:

KSM also says he was planning attacks on American military vessels in the Straights of Hormuz, Gibraltar and the Port of Singapore, along with a plan to bomb and destroy the Panama Canal.


You may have missed it, but on other threads I have opined that posters on the conservative side should lay off of talk like that.

I will contend that, after being in Iraq, the terrorists could have cared less about Abu Griab as could the Islamic world. We gave the prison back to the Iraqis and the AQI and Maadi prisoners demanded to go with our people instead of dealing with the Iraqi guards. That part did not make much news, but it spoke volumes.

I will also contend, to my dying breath, that you are wrong about who caused damage to the war effort. I personally witnessed it in Iraq and have related that story here.

You seem to watch a lot of TV and Hollywood movies and then project that conservatives base our reality on these. You could not be farther from the truth. We do not think all villains are white capitalists (or capitalists in general) who own big corporations and seek to dominate the world. Hollywood movies are fiction. You project that fiction as to what conservatives believe and have never once, to my knowledge, asked us. I rarely watch TV, preferring other forms of entertainment like reading.

Maybe it again has something to do with the arguments you get into with your family as you mentioned before. We are not them. Please stop projecting your views of them onto us and stop projecting on conservatives in general.