The Re-Writing Of History By Hillary


I won’t go into the political correctness tone of the interview Hillary had with Tim Russert today, I covered the whole Obama “if you talk negative about me I will call you racist” story here, and Bryan does a good job here.

What I am going to write about is the amazing twisting and turning done by Hillary during that same interview in which she has the balls to say that the Iraqi’s listen to every word out of her mouth and THAT is the reason for the success of the Surge:

MR. RUSSERT: If General Petraeus says, “Senator, in September you called the surge the suspension of belief. It has worked, and you know it’s worked”–let me finish–“you can see on the ground. I’m saying to you, Senator, or president-elect Clinton, don’t destroy Iraq. It’s working, the surge is working. Keep troops there just a few more months to get this reconciliation complete.”

SEN. CLINTON: Tim, I’m going to go back to what the whole point of the surge was, and the testimony that we heard last fall. The point of the surge was to push the Iraqi government to make these tough choices. Now, if we put in 30,000 of our finest young men and women, who are going to go after the bad guys and quell violence in certain parts of Iraq, there’s no doubt that can be done. The partnerships that have been created by the tribal sheiks in Anbar province and elsewhere gave us an extra advantage. But that doesn’t in any way undermine the basic reality. The point of the surge was to quickly move the Iraqi government and Iraqi people. That is only now beginning to happen, and I believe in large measure because the Iraqi government, they watch us, they listen to us. I know very well that they follow everything that I say. And my commitment to begin withdrawing our troops in January of 2009 is a big factor, as it is with Senator Obama, Senator Edwards, those of us on the Democratic side. It is a big factor in pushing the Iraqi government to finally do what they should have been doing all along.

There’s no doubt that can be done? Oh really?

Hillary in July of 2007:

But look at what decisions he’s making. He’s taking troops away from Afghanistan, where I think we need to be putting more troops, and sending them to Iraq on a mission that I think has a very limited, if any, chance for success.

Gotta love that re-writing of history. She had doubts, in fact she didn’t believe it would work. But now it’s a different story. The blatant dishonesty in her (and Obama’s) attempts to take credit for the Surge is disgusting.

But par for the course from the Democrats.

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Hi Curt

Nice that you are picking upon some of th nonsense that comes from the other candidates.

What i don’t understand is why you buy into all the smearing of Ron Paul that is floating around.

Ron Paul is neither associated with white supremacists nor is he a racist in any other way.
He has taken full responsibility for his failure to monitor what was published in his newsletter in the 80’s and 90’s and the discussion about him supposedly being the author of some of this stuff can only be led by people who don’t know Ron Paul at all.

Please do some background check on the information you find somewhere else before you copy it because the allegations against Ron Paul are simply ridiculous.

They are only repeated again and again because the media can not find anything real to criticize about Ron Paul

” The blatant dishonesty in her (and Obama’s) attempts to take credit for the Surge is disgusting. But par for the course from the Democrats.”

Such is the face of American success.

Look, for America to succeed in Iraq, for victory to be viable, it has to be an AMERICAN victory-not a Democrat or Republican one. Democrats have pushed for defeat, and if there is to be success, their encouragement of defeat has to be replaced by an encouragement of success, and the only way to do that is to let them claim some of the accolades. It’s false, it’s sick, it’s completely hypocritical, it’s total spin, and yes, it’s disgusting…., but that’s the way it is. For America to succeed, ALL of America must be able to share in the success.

We all know the truth.

This is a Ron Paul Free Zone….

SCOTT: your assertion is loony…understandable but Loony.

The ONLY reason Hillary is trying to take credit is politically motivated, plain and simple and when a turd is painted a different color, the fact remains that a turd is still a turd.

Ron Paul is a fraud.

Wait until she hears that Chrissie Mathews told the truth about her. The only reason she’s in congress is because Slick was shagging everything wearing a skirt and the females took pity on her.

Or, maybe she wants a turn at the skirted interns?

why does white insecurity and historical conscious always use race as a pretense to ignore reality. Hill and bill paying Mr. Johnson will backfire on them not to mention the issues remain the econonmy and iraq .the new efforts and focus on surge and money will not work . sunni or latter

“SCOTT: your assertion is loony…understandable but Loony.The ONLY reason Hillary is trying to take credit is politically motivated, plain and simple and when a turd is painted a different color, the fact remains that a turd is still a turd.”

I totally and completely agree, but if it wasn’t politically expedient to claim credit, she’d still be supporting the enemy’s objective like she did when it was politically expedient to do that (still is for many on the left).

Czarinas’ “turn around needs to be explained…by her.

The fight brewing b5etween THE Hillary and Obama Camps is due to 40+ years of Identity Politics.

Who will win? The Race Camp or the Sexist Camp?

I’m buying the popcorn…

“Czarinas’ “turn around needs to be explained…by her.The fight brewing b5etween THE Hillary and Obama Camps is due to 40+ years of Identity Politics.Who will win? The Race Camp or the Sexist Camp?I’m buying the popcorn…”

Buddy, I am RIGHT on that same page-maybe even a few para ahead since I’m stockin beer already.

ROFLMAO!! It will be a hoot to watch. They ALWAYS bring this crap down on themselves and somehow, someway, they will blame GWB for it.

I think we could make one helluva drinking game outta the DNC convention. Every time someone says, “This Administration” you have to take a drink.

I just love when they do that-deflect the subject to Bush bash and then go on as though they’ve made point. Really, it’s classic salesmanship. You walk into a dealership, the guy asks you what it’s gonna take to get you into the car (checks the polls). Then he promises mileage it’ll never get (an energy policy that will never be funded or adopted). He tells you the car’s a special category that will reduce your insurance (just as a politician tells you if they’re elected they’ll fix medicare, social security, etc). Then he goes for the style (politicians rant about change, or a New Direction). And if you start to balk at buying…they rag on your old car and tell you what an improvement the new Chevy Cobalt is over your old Cavalier.

We could do the same for the GOP convention…invoke the name of Ronaldus Maximus and we get to shoot them with red paint balls.

The ONLY two that are even in close proximity with RWR id Fred and Duncan.

I think ya got something there.

This particular election cycle is driving me more battier than I am already…they are ALL on my last nerve…

I felt better about things when Jihadis were trying to blow me up for crying out loud than I do with the current crop of frauds ripping at each other for the Top Dog.