Diggers A Bit Upset With The Media Coverage of Iraq


Some of us do our part to highlight the great work done by our troops over in Iraq that is almost always overlooked by the MSM.  Now even the few Diggers over in Iraq are a bit upset at the biased coverage by their own media:

AN Australian army officer serving in Iraq says Diggers are disappointed with the media coverage of their positive work in the troubled nation.

Major James Kerr said he and the rest of the 550 Australian soldiers in Overwatch Battlegroup West III had completed 34 projects since May, including rebuilding schools and orphanages, and training Iraqi police on how to handle militias.

The group, based at the Tallil air base, had also provided irrigation systems and pedestrian bridges to help the Iraqi people.

“The boys get disappointed with what they see in the media. There’s no focus on what we’re achieving here, it’s more of a focus on the political side and it’s really upsetting for them,” said Maj Kerr, a 33-year-old from Sydney.

“They’re out on the ground speaking to local Iraqis, training local Iraqis and helping them improve their skills so in time – and we don’t know when – those guys will be able to take over and sort things out in Iraq.

“If you spend your whole time in Iraq and then all you read in the paper is something a politician said about Iraq, it makes it really hard for the guys.

I find it disgusting that the outstanding humanitarian work being carried out by the coalition is just overlooked and ignored by a media that is only out to push their political agenda. 

On another note, this gives me an excuse to put up Beccy Cole’s video once more:

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