London Terror Suspect Met British MP

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The disgrace of Britian has done it again apparently.  George Galloway met many times with one of the London terror suspects:

TERROR suspect Waheed Zaman met controversial MP George Galloway many times, his sister said last night.

Safeena, 24, said of her 23-year-old brother: "He saw it as his duty to stand up for his community and that's what led him to know George Galloway. He has a lot of respect for him and has met him many times."

A spokesman for MP Galloway, left, said: "Waheed Zaman is not a name that George is familiar with. He is not known to him on a personal level."

You think anything will come of this?  Not a damn thing.  If nothing happened to him when he was found to be on Saddam's bribery list, this won't do it either.

Just yesterday this man compared the relationship between Bush and Blair to Clinton and Monica….classy:

Interviewer: "There is identity or harmony – and some even say subordinate relations – between the American and British policies, in a way that sometimes seems detrimental to British interests, or even to the popularity of the British prime minister. Could you explain this, at least from your perspective?"

George Galloway: "Well, it's the same kind of relationship that Ms. Lewinsky had with the former U.S. president. It's dishonorable, disreputable, unequal, and humiliating for a once great country to be the tail of the American dog, when the head of the dog is as crazy as Bush is. It's very degrading for us. Our foreign ministry knows this very well. Our ambassadors in the Arab countries know this very well. They tell Mr. Blair, though not loud enough, not courageously enough, but he's not listening to them, because he has this special relationship with George W. Bush, which is not only degrading but is placing our people in danger. Our interests are being sacrificed as a result, and the name of our country is being dragged through the mud everywhere in the world. We are now the third most hated country on the earth, after the United States and Israel. This is not a place that most British people want to be."

[…]"I'm very sorry that so far we have not been able to remove this prime minister, who has committed so many crimes. I'm very sorry that so many people in the Arab world have had to suffer as a result of this special relationship between Tony Blair and George W. Bush."

[…]"Two of the Arab world's beautiful daughters, Jerusalem and Baghdad, are in the hands of these foreigners, these occupiers, and nothing can be done by the Arab rulers, because they are in bed, fornicating with the foreigners, who are occupying and using these beautiful Arab daughters as they will."

What a wackjob.