Joe Biden and Howard Stern have a lot in common

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Recently Joe Biden sat for interview with Howard Stern during which he said that he would debate Donald Trump, which no doubt had Biden’s handlers going verklempt:

Political commentators joked that Biden’s staff is panicking after the gaffe-prone president said he would be “happy” to debate Trump during an interview with Howard Stern Friday.

“I don’t know if you’re going to debate your opponent,” Stern said.

The president replied, “I am, somewhere, I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.”

Biden’s comments represent a shift from past remarks about possibly debating Trump. Last month, he told reporters it would depend “on his behavior.”

While at first glance Biden joining Stern seems kind of strange, but on reflection it makes sense. They have a lot in common.

Joe Biden has a history of abusing little girls. His own daughter wrote about Biden sexually molesting her in inappropriate showers.

“Was I molested,” the author writes. “I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age . . . I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”

Howard Stern is Biden’s brother from a different mother. On X Western Lensman reminded us of that.

In 1999, Stern joked about the Columbine shoot*ng, wondering why “good looking” girls weren’t s*xually assaulted by the k*llers before committing suicide.

Stern says if that had been him, he would’ve done so.

Stern also repeatedly s*xualized the underage Olsen twins.

“This is Howard Stern’s fantasy.”

“I was counting down to their 18th birthday so we could have s*x with them.”

“I don’t really want to have s*x with them anymore.”

Then here’s this gem from the thread


Also from the thread

Stern also said he hoped Trump supporters would “drop dead.”

Yes, Biden and Stern have a lot in common.

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Two ends of the same turd. I used to respect Stern for his over-the-top style until he fired his producer because he cracked a joke about his wife. Seems he can dish it out but can’t take it. Gutless. So, no real wonder he would support Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

Biden and Stern Tweedle Dum and Tweetle Dee just who is Dee and Who is Dumb?!

I’m so old I remember when Stern used to be cool. I’m fortunate enough to have come of age in the NY market during the golden age of Stern

Darlin’ Stern was never cool or golden. It was always about the sponsors.