Let Tookie Die

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Ben Johnson writes about the Tookie Williams pending execution and his “supposed” redemption, even tho he has yet to admit the crimes were his nor apologize about these heinous acts:

[…]Cemency was not Williams? first option: escape was. Within weeks of his capture, he devised a plan; he would have two accomplices meet the van that transported the quartet from prison to the courthouse. They would kill the two deputies on board, and Williams would kill the one prisoner who could act as a witness against him in the Owens murder. The survivors would then dynamite the van, so authorities would not immediately know who escaped. Williams went on to plot subsequent escapes, assault prison guards, and order gangland murders from behind bars. His violence and intransigence got him six years in solitary confinement.

After the escape plans fizzled, he exploited California?s leftist judicial establishment to the fullest, but the evidence against him was so overwhelming even the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals could not overturn his conviction.

In the last 11 years, Tookie got smart and embarked on a massive PR campaign to portray himself as a ?redeemed? former gang member, writing children?s books against the gang mentality. In the process, he became the Left?s latest noble savage. Nearly 20 years after being sentenced to murder, Tookie got to meet Winnie Mandela, Louis Farrakhan, and other VIPs; last Monday, Jesse Jackson and Bianca Jagger dropped by the cellblock. Williams was nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. (The committee rejected him, either because he did not sufficiently criticize U.S. foreign policy or because he had not killed enough people to qualify.)

[…]Despite his alleged turnaround, prison officials state Williams is still involved with the Crips, directing action from his jail cell for the past eleven years. San Quentin spokesman Vernell Crittendon notes Tookie still maintains an ?unusually large bank account,? being mailed checks 50 or 100 times larger than those other inmates (like Scott Peterson) receive. Not only has he never admitted guilt in the murder ? much less expressed any remorse ? and continues to consort with Crips in prison.

And he?s never helped the one force that could effectively stop the Crips: the Los Angeles Police Department. Tookie Williams has revealed nothing about the personnel, practices, or operational structure of the gang he co-founded. In his writings, he boasts he ?underwent many years of soul-searching and re-education, without ?debriefing? (another word for ?snitching?).? Snitching, he says, would ?rip my dignity out of my chest? ? an unfortunate image for a man who shot (at least) four people through the torso at close range.

Tookie?s good example failed to rub off on those closest to him. The California penal system seems to be holding a Williams family reunion. His son, Stanley ?Little Tookie? Williams Jr., serves alongside him in San Quentin, convicted on a 16-year sentence for second-degree murder of a 20-year-old woman. Another son, registered sex offender Lafayette Jones, is now wanted by Fontana, California, police for allegedly molesting an ex-girlfriend?s 13-year-old daughter at gunpoint, holding the child captive for six hours on the afternoon of on November 13.

Allowing Tookie Williams to receive the death sentence 24 years after it was imposed by a jury of his peers is not an outrage; the outrage is that thousands of Americans were conned into lavishing sympathy on this murderer instead of his victims and their families, that a street thug who?s learned to manipulate the Left enjoys glowing press coverage, a positive biopic, warm personal relations with Hollywood?s elite, and an honored position in the Crips. (And the New York Times probably considers even this cruel and unusual punishment.)

Opponents of the death penalty say a death sentence will keep Tookie from completing ?all the good work? he began in prison. This is part of the exchange when one commits certain heinous crimes: he forfeits the right even to do good works ? just as he denied his four victims the right to write children?s books, design socially constructive grade school curricula, or encourage people to ?reduce, reuse, and recycle.? His good works ? if there are any ? will be continued by good people, the kind who don?t end up on death row for carrying out repeated executions.

[…]I?m not a father confessor, but I?m fairly certain of this moral arithmetic: Writing children?s books is not an appropriate penance for killing an entire family in as bloody a way as possible, dedicating his entire life to a ruthless pursuit of violence, and founding an organization that has trapped generations of inner city youths into the same destructive cycle. Whether Tookie Williams has achieved ?redemption? is not a concern of the state ? as the idolatrous, secular Left would have it (?immanentizing the eschaton? as William F. Buckley Jr. called it) ? it is a matter to be decided when Stanley Williams Sr. stands before a Higher Authority. Which meeting should arranged with all speed.

Just last night Snoop Dogg, Jamie Foxx and Alfre Woodard read from some of these childrens books to some kids from the L.A. area. Tookie joined them via speaker phone. Talk about the lefty PR spin machine at full tilt:

Actor Jamie Foxx and rapper Snoop Dogg will read to school students as part of “a day of action” urging California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to spare the life of a condemned prisoner, organizers said.

Foxx and Dogg, born Calvin Broadus, will be among those taking turns reading from books authored by inmate Stanley “Tookie” Williams, a convicted killer whose execution is set for December 13.

The Los Angeles read-in will be among anti-execution events taking place in more than a dozen California cities.

Then Jamie Foxx, whose birthday is approaching asked for a present:

“The only birthday present I want from the governor is clemency for Stan ‘Tookie’ Williams,” Foxx said in a written statement.

Williams is to die by lethal injection in San Quentin Prison on San Francisco Bay on Foxx’s birthday.

“Tookie Williams is a special guy,” Dogg said in a written statement.

Amazing isn’t it? The lives of these 4 innocent people, along with their families, mean nothing to Jamie Foxx on his birthday. All he wishes for is that the person who murdered these 4 is spared. Pathetic.

A point I have made in the past bears repeating. If Tookie had been white, had formed a KKK type gang, and murdered 4 blacks do you really believe these idiots in hollywood would be out in force trying to save him? The hypocrisy is breathtaking.


Die Tookie Die
Fry Tookie Fry
If Tookie Had Been White
Tookie Must Die
Buh Bye Tookie
Crips Founder Loses Again

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I had a party the night Tookie was put to sleep. Although I do disagree with our current death penalty, because it doesn’t do the correct justice. The correct justice in this case would be to watch Tookie get shotgunned to death as this seems to be the method approved by the Liberals and Black Racists in California society. The more I have read about Tookie the more I hate this guy, he is pure evil like George Bush.
One thing that can be said about the death penalty “It does stop repeat offenders”

Hi Curt me again I won’t be on here anymore but get back to the comment Jonathan made want to see what you have to say. Tookie is no Saint indeed I like your thoughtfulness Jonathan. He didn’t play a race card either.

I hope the victims family have peace now even though their son, and brother, sister, cousin, mom, dad, brother isn’t never coming back. I also wonder what they would think of the crazy people who list on this sight. I really do give my sympathy.
Enlighten me :bye_tb:

It amazes me to see police officers support murder. Do I think Tookie is a saint? Of course not. But look at the statistics: States where the death penalty is legal have higher murder rates. 122 people on death row have been found innocent since 1973. The law should not be the final say – especially when it has been wrong 122 times (that we know of). Murder is murder – state sanctioned or gang war related, it all ends in death. And besides, we spend more money to kill then to keep alive, and a life in San Quentin is hell.

This guy is no saint and totally deserves to die for what a jury of his peers convicted him for. He is a creature of evil and has dothing to change that over the last 24 years. Chaos, deathand destruction follow in his wake. Do they need volunteers to pull the switch? May be you an I could do it, Curt. I know it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.