The AP has another article in their continuing media blitz to save a murderer. It’s the same ole crapola they have been printing for years but what piqued my interest in posting about it was the quote from Jamie Foxx:
“If Stan Tookie Williams had been born in Connecticut in the same type of situation, and was a white man, he would have been running a company,” Foxx told the AP when the film aired last year on FX. “But, born a black man who has the capability of having brute strength and the capability of being smart in the ways of the world, he’s going to get into what he gets into.”
Let’s see, If Tookie had been a white boy brought up in the Aryan Brotherhood or the KKK and murdered 4 black’s, but wrote a bunch of childrens books in prision do you think these celebrities would be out protesting? Hell no. They would all want to pull the switch. But because he is black and just killed a few asians they are all out in force. The hypocrisy of the left is mind boggling.
The same article has some quotes deep into the article from the victims family:
Lora Owens, stepmother of victim Albert Owens, opposes clemency and resents the celebrity involvement.
“I think most of them are abusing their popularity and their access to the media,” she said. “It’s an agenda. If they looked at the facts, then they’d realize Williams has not done anything to deserve clemency.”
[…]Such celebrity campaigns rankle victim advocates. Nancy Ruhe, executive director of the National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children, argues that they glamorize a man like Williams and confer unwarranted role-model status.
“He becomes someone to look up to,” Ruhe said. “There are so many people in our country you can look up to, but most certainly it should not be someone who has murdered several people.”
Lets look at the facts of this case, Tookie robbed a 7-11 and while robbing the place he ordered a 25 year old clerk into another room. While the kid begged for his life he shot him twice with a 12 gauge. A few days later he broke into a motel, shot a 53 year old women twice with a shotgun, shot her husband twice in the chest with the 12 gauge and then showed some restraint and only put one shot into the daughters head.
Add in the fact that he founded a organization that has terrorized complete neighborhoods to this day and you get a feel for this man. He deserves to die a much more horrible death then being put to sleep.
If Arnold commutes this scumbags sentence then he is done. But I have a feeling he will commute it unfortunately, and while 4 people who would have contributed way more to this society lie in their graves he will be alive and kicking.
See author page
:guns_tb:you think he was that kind of person…….well he wasn’t he was a man of peace learn more about him not only what you hear its called research
Oh come on Dante, please do a bit more research before you post such drivel. Manson was sentenced to die. But instead your liberal democratic friends outlawed the death penalty in 72 and his sentence was commuted to life. He was never granted clemency.
Tookie didn’t help no one but himself. He was a pathetic killer who should have died a more painful death then the one he received. It’s sad you look up to this man, sad.
I know this blog is old, but I wanted to respond anyway. The clemency for tookie was not to set him free, it was to still let him die in prison. I think he has helped some kid somewhere. The crimes he died for was 4 murders. But at the same time, Charles Manson was convicted of more than that, and was granted clemency, and will still be a burden on society for quite a while still.. That is the reason why I ask, where is the Justice. He is being jailed about 15 miles away from where I live.
About DNA evidence in Tookie’s case. Did you NOT know that there was a boot print found at the scene of the 7- 11 murder? I t was never matched to Tookie. There were finger prints at both crime scenes and on the weapon that were never matched to Tookie. I never said that DNA evidence is the only way to convict someone, but scientifically it identifies someone when there is doubt in the case and it is a ground breaker. If it were not, then why are cases being reopened for reexamination. They are called Cold Cases and that is a real legal term for unsolved cases. In any Cold Case the tool that is most often the ground breaker in the case is preserved DNA evidence and new findings surrounding that evidence. It enables the investegators to finally find the real killer. I am an advocate for justice, I just don’t want thee wrong person behind bars. What in the hell is wrong with that? In that St. Louis prison study the three men that were exonnorated those were innocent people that spent time behind bars. You talk about that as if it’s no big deal. What about those three innocent men. Like Harold Wilson they have to walk around proving their innocence because now they have to face predjudices because of spending time in prison. You act as if DNA does nothing for the case. In the example that you gave WHAT WAS THE ONE THING MENTIONED THAT SET THESE THREE MEN FREE? DNA evidence my friend. DNA evidence is not subjected to predjudices and biases. It either places you at the scene and can prove that you committed the crime or it will show that you’re innocent. You know the problem is, people in the justice system don’t want the extra work of knowing that someone is innocent ant then having to turn around and find the real killer. Those three men that were released in St. Louis, were the real killers ever found, probably not. If they were great. That means three murderers are off the street. If they were not found, then that poses a problem.
also Tara you have a lil’ good comments
You’re right; there was no evidence against him. I posted the content of the case agasint Tookie Williams above so no facts can be disputed. You’ll also notice in my first post I did not state what race I was. It is by assumption that most think I’m ‘White.’ Stereotyping is a form of racism. I don’t believe Curt is a racist, and I applaud him for the courage to speak his mind. If you look at the “race” war in this country, or any country, you’ll see there are two sides.
If I commit a crime, I seriously doubt that a jury is going to share my same religious values or skin color. It would be fool hearted to and unfair if every person on the jury was a representation of myself. It’s a jury of my peers, a jury of Americans. What they do share with me is the fact that we are human and have been instilled with the values of this great nation.
Even if the jury was bias, if the evidence against Williams had been flawed, then a higher court would have heard his appeals. There is no proof that Tookie was innocent. The point being is that if somebody of “white” decent says that this is a race issue, they are automatically labeled a racist.
Send the poor ‘Black’ man to jail and kill him. If he had been ‘White’ this never would have happened. When you pull facts that prove that it does happen to ‘Whites’ you get the argument, “Well he couldn’t help it. He was poor and didn’t have a choice.”
When that point is disputed and disproven, then you say… “Well, it’s slavery.” Which is so off base and pointless I’m not even going to touch it again. It’s apparent that history is not above racism and people only read what they want to read.
Nobody has said that the “Black” people should forget about slavery. Nor more than the Jewish people should forget about the tragedy of WWII, or the Cherokee should forget about the Trail of Tears, or the Japanese Americans should forget about the segregation camps after Pearl Harbor or the Natives of Latin American should forget about the Spanish invasion….
It is by forgetting history that we repeat it. However, you cannot point your finger at historical fiction and back a cause. This should not be about race! It should be about the four HUMAN lives that his man took. I think the bluntest shame in this whole situation was how racist it had become.
First of all Curt and Simone the issues regarding the Civil War and slavery are interesting. Some white folk have a lot of nerve telling Black American to just get over slavery. It happened a long time ago. I bet you would never tell a European Jew that. I would even bet that you would never tell a Boxer Revolution survivor from China that. All of the above issues were at hand during the civil war. Obviously Lincoln secondarily stated publically that if slavery would unify the confedaracy and the Union, then the he would allow for slavery to continue. This continued allowance for slavery had restrictions of course because Lincoln originally was for the complete abolition of slavery. Don’t just study the parts of history that only appeal to the point that you are trying to make. See along with that statement were conditions that would be in place. For instance Slavery could not be forced upon Blacks and at any time if a slave desired education and freedom, then morally Lincoln felt it should be granted. Curt you mention that Tookie was convicted for these crimes by a jury of his peers. One balck juror does not suffice in this case. We know that three other balck jurors were removed from the trial. Comparitively in many trials concerning white folk a jury of all black people would never go over well with the defense. Legally the attempt is to rule out any form of cultural and racial bias of the case. It is amazing that some make the point that witnesses quote Tookie of bragging about these murders, but they’re not credible witnesses. They all seemed to have something to gain in the form of reduced charges. That my friend would never go over in a fair trial today. Another thing, if there is any speculation of bias or racism on behalf of any of the attorneys, then it is possible for that person to be removed from the case. That is not the case in Seventies, early eighties and decades before. With all of the doubt surrounding the evidence in Tookie’s case it needed to be reexamined. Case in point there is a recent case like this involving the execution of another African American male inmate. After executing this “brohta” they reexamined the case and DID find evidence that would have completely exonorated him of all charges. Now that man is dead and the real killer is out there still doing what the hell he does best. There are so many cases like these. Things like this that happen not only unfair, but shows the disvalue of life in general. Because in the just mentioned case the family of the victim were relieved when who they thought was the killer was executed. But how do you think they feel now knowing that they advocated the death of a completly innocent man and that the true killer of their loved on is still out there free to do what he wants. Comforting Eh!!!
This is to Curt, the idiot who thinks the civil war was about slavery. The civil war was because the south wanted to become their own nation. Lincoln said himself that if he could keep the union together by not freeing the slaves he would. KNOW YOUR HISTORY MORON! I am suprised how some white people can get so far knowing so little. Tookie Willaims is a murderer and I do believe he should be executed, but unfortunately blacks who have dealt with oppresion and idiots like you view a Tookie clemency as a victory. A murderer avoiding death does not make me feel better for the white people like Curt that I deal with every day. He is right about one thing, stop complaining, work hard, or one day you will end up like him, a man who has nothing better to do than post ignorent blogs on the internet all day. Do you have a job Curt?
nor black or white
heck if all my appeals were exhausted heck I will be writing childrens books and Holy books too to save my hide.
but only at the end he chickens out like a PUNK, WILLING TO KILL BUT NOT HELD REPONSIBLE.
Curt I do speak English. Also there is a such thing as sarcasm. Thats why you are still on here arguing that a man should die, argue that when you have someone in your own family who is doing wrong because I know your family isn’t full of saints and if your urging for someone to die i don’t think you are one either. And I did not put all whites in a category either, I said certain and if it does not say that well then I apologize again but I will not apologize for my comments. look at your hatred and post that to all the other crazy people talking about ways to kill this man. Did you miss the part about when I said
Just as you said there was whitemen put on execution was everybody on this site as emotional to see them die ?? HMM let me check the writings …… NO
See you are taking my writing out of context and I do not appreciate that. Especially when you outlined my quotes. I did not say blacks commit more crimes then whites
Read my dear friend Read.
and if you can’t understand the way I type read slower. Because I do not waste my whole day on these sites perfecting my postings like some.
Also curt you will have your opinion at the end of the day and so will I. Read, I said the other guy who left the postings, Read, i also said killing someone is wrong killing is wrong regardless, I also never said he was great. Please don’t ever try to switch my words around.
With the liberia thing you do know a lot about the movements and that is good. I hope you go on to enlighten more people.
sincerly, openminded
P.S you should keeep one too!
If Tookie were white do you think Jamie Foxx and Snoop Dumbass would be rallying. Just playing the race card, as always. When Tookie is rightfully put to death they will all rise up against “the man”. because it was the man who put the gun in his hand and made him kill innocent people. FUCK TOOKIE-FUCK JAMIE FOXX-FUCK KANYE WEST.We as a society need to realize that we do not owe any particular sect of the population anything. Quit demanding a fucking handout, go to work and quit bitching; it has not really got you too far as of now. If that makes me racist oh well.
What I dont understand is why the judical system alows deathrow inmates to be housed so long. That F****R should have been executed 20 yrs ago!!!!! Oh yeah, dont you think the world is tired of hearing:
“Its because Im black”, “If it would have been a white man” ect. It’s 2005 get over it!
The blood lust of so many which inevitably surges in the last few days before an execution is nearly as sickening and depraved to me as the original crime.
It’s hard to see Jesus in the sentiments behind these above comments. They really speak volumes as microcosms of how pro-death our culture has become.
The Only good Tookie is a Dead Tookie.
Die Tookie!
Tookie deserves no less than he gave his four victims…
The world will be a better place w/out Stanley Williams in it.
Well at least I have a life!!
Yes he changed and became a advocate of peace but what he did remained. The pain remained.
Before you start defending him, ask yourself this : how would you feel if three members of YOUR family got killed like that ?