The IRS & Benghazi….What Did Obama Know And When Did He Know It?

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in …

Obama ‘The Peaceful’ To Keep Gitmo Open

Drones over sovereign countries killing innocents Going to war without Congressional approval. Assassinating American citizens. And now Gitmo to remain open for business. The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel …

Valerie Plame is still alive [Reader Post]

The thing is, Valerie Plame is still alive. She has written a book, enjoyed endless TV appearances and even had a movie made about her.

Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are dead. No movies, no TV appearances, no books.

Tyrone Woods was calling for help. Someone ordered that help to “stand down.”

And the press could not care less why.

Obama’s ego is writing checks cashed with the souls of men [Reader Post]

This vainglorious administration is so self-absorbed that it refuses to keep secrets if it can in any way benefit politically from them regardless of the cost. Obama is so bent on preening he seems not to have any concern at all for those who actually make the sacrifices. First Joe Biden outs SEAL Team 6 as those who participated in the Bin Laden raid and then Leon Panetta outed the doctor who helped provide intelligence for the raid. That was catastrophic for the doctor.

Al-Qaeda Infiltrator’s Cover Blown…But Where Is The Media Hysteria?

Do you recall a time, a few years back, when the media wouldn’t shut up about a supposed outing of a agent? Yup, the left and the media were pissed.

I bet you could just imagine the firestorm of coverage that would result if instead of a former Secretary of State leaking a name it was our President….right?

Targeted Assassinations Of American Citizens…The Left’s Hypocrisy

As I wrote about in a earlier post, the hypocrisy of the left in regards to Obama’s policy of allowing assassinations of United States citizens is quite telling.

Take for example this speech given by our Attorney General in 2004: